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英语 ‎(满分100分)‎ I【单句填空】(每小题1.5分)‎ 1. Cycling is of great ________ (benefit) to our health and the environment.‎ 2. He has never been ________ (absence) from school this term.‎ 3. Please accept my sincere ________ (congratulate) on your marriage.‎ 4. The library in the city is ________ (access) to people at weekends.‎ 5. People are ________ (annoy) by what the driver did to the little girl.‎ 6. He is so ________ (ambition) that he wants to play at the highest level.‎ 7. The young ________ (assist) often assists us in preparing tools for experiments.‎ 8. Without his ________ (encourage) to me, I would have been defeated in the game.‎ 9. I feel the wine is not ________ (suit) for drinking.‎ 10. On the long journey, Peter proved to be a most interesting ________ (company).‎ 11. He has trouble ________ (get) through washing the dishes.‎ 12. We made a suggestion that the windows ________ (paint).‎ 13. He collected a lot of coins, ________ (include) several gold ones.‎ 14. He had his clock ________ (repair) the day before yesterday. ‎ 15. She is deaf, but refuses to let her________(ability) prevent her from doing what she wants to do.‎ 16. My mother doesn’t like me wearing short skirts to church — she doesn’t think they’re ________ (suit).‎ 17. My grandpa didn’t like going to the city because it was always so ________ (noise).‎ 18. A stay in the country will be ________ (benefit) to his health.‎ 19. My father did all the cooking in my mother’s ________ (absent).‎ 20. He’s getting old and his ________ (hear) isn’t very good.‎ II【短语填空】(每小题1分)‎ be beneficial to, adapt oneself to, cut out, as well as, meet with,in other words ,rather than, at a time, out of breath , sit around ‎ 1. This plan seems to ______________ their ideas.‎ 2. To have a better understanding of oneself ______________ building confidence. ‎ 3. ‎______________ going to movies, I spend a lot of time reading.‎ 4. What should I do if I haven’t ______________ college life for a whole year?‎ 5. ‎______________ all the sentences which is irrelevant (无关)to thetopic.‎ 6. I was ______________ after running for the bus.‎ 7. We’re taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______________ in a personal one. ‎ 8. Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard, ______________, you failed.‎ 1. She ______________ all day and watched me clean the house.‎ 2. ‎“One ______________, please.” said the chairman of the meeting.‎ III【语法练习】(每小题1分)‎ 1. Volunteering gives you a chance ________ (change) lives, including your own. ‎ 2. Before I went away to college, my mother reminded me ________ (write) her a letter at least once a week.‎ 3. The main aim of the course is ________ (improve) your writing.‎ 4. He was known ________ (work) for the International Olympic Committee before he retired.‎ 5. It would be impossible ________ (gather) this information without using computers.‎ 6. The teacher opened the window ________ (let) some fresh air in.‎ 7. We can’t afford ________ (buy) such an expensive car.‎ 8. Bob doesn’t look sick at all. He seems ________ (recover) completely.‎ 9. I happened ________ (stand) in the doorway when he rushed in. ‎ 10. It’s silly of Mary ________ (give) up her job when she needs the money.‎ IV【单句改错】(每小题1分)‎ 1. In another words, there are not many people like me.‎ 2. In addition, sometime I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture 3. Sometimes, too, I was too weak go to school so my education suffered.‎ 4. My life is a lot easy at high school because my fellow students have accepted me.‎ 5. As well as going to the movies and football match with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.‎ 6. Thank you for read my story.‎ 7. Discuss the problems that people with walk difficulties might have in a cinema.‎ 8. On particular I wonder if you have considered the following things.‎ 9. Every time when I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.‎ 10. For disabled customers it would be more convenience to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.‎ V【完形填空】(每小题2分)‎ ‎ My Perfect Imperfect Life A few years ago, I was standing at the barre (扶手杠) waiting for my adult ballet class when I heard a voice behind me. “So, do you have this perfect life?”‎ My first reaction was to 11 who was being asked such an odd question. Then I remembered there were only two of us in the room. When I turned 12 , the other woman was looking straight at me.‎ I had no idea how to answer it. Was she 13 ? Who has a perfect life? Sure, occasionally I did find the perfect dress or the perfect pair of shoes, 14 never would I use that word to describe anything about me or my life. I felt a twinge of guilt for somehow giving her that 15 .‎ She watched me. I finally 16 to whisper a quick “No”.‎ By then, the teacher had entered the room and turned on the music to start class. With a sigh of 17 , I moved my feet into the best position. But as soon as my knees bent for our first pose, I realized my 18 had been disturbed. This woman’s words wouldn’t 19 echoing in my thoughts.‎ I wanted to know how she came up with her very mistaken 20 . If she knew anything about my life, she never would have had the 21 to ask me that question.‎ I did my best to do our floor exercises in front of the mirror. For a few moments, I didn’t see the usual 22 of my older self attempting to use a beautiful art form to 23 my gracefulness. I only saw the little girl whose father died when she was two, the child who walked home from elementary school every day to an empty house, who learned to sew her own clothes to 24 money.‎ Perfect. My life had been far from it.‎ When those memories 25 , I was left with a vision of the woman I had become, the woman 26 by all those things I considered imperfect. I now saw the woman who had learned to be self-reliant, who 27 her family and her friends, who didn’t take life for granted. Was that the “perfect” this woman had detected?‎ I still don’t know, but I no longer feel 28 or feel like I must keep track of all the difficult times to prove my life isn’t 29 . If ever again asked whether my life is perfect, I would have a different 30 . Because now I see that, despite all its imperfection, it is.‎ ‎11. A. notice B. understand C. wonder D. expect ‎12. A. up B. away C. over D. around ‎13. A. fair B. serious C. anxious D. wise ‎14. A. but B. or C. for D. and ‎15. A. intention B. instruction C. impression D. information ‎16. A. learned B. managed C. agreed D. planned ‎17. A. sadness B. surprise C. pleasure D. relief ‎18. A. concentration B. patience C. confidence D. effort ‎19. A. escape B. keep C. stop D. stand ‎20. A. idea B. advice C. reason D. theory ‎21. A. right B. urge C. excuse D. honor ‎22. A. reflection B. preference C. appearance D. expression ‎23. A. experience B. describe C. replace D. improve ‎24. A. collect B. earn C. spend D. save ‎25. A. faded B. failed C. floated D. flashed ‎26. A. buried B. shaped C. watched D. followed ‎27. A. changed B. welcomed C. valued D. protected ‎28. A. worried B. guilty C. cautious D. desperate ‎29. A. comfortable B. ordinary C. perfect D. meaningful ‎30. A. solution B. message C. approach D. answer Part I 知识清单 III【拓展词汇】‎ ‎1. disability disabled disable ‎2. ambition ambitious ‎3. dictation dictate ‎4. noisy noise ‎5. suitable suit ‎6. beneficial benefit ‎7. absence absent ‎8. annoy annoyed annoyance ‎9. encouragement encourage ‎10. assistance assist assistant ‎11. congratulate congratulation ‎12. graduation graduate ‎13. access accessible ‎14. approval approve IV【重点短语】‎ ‎1. break a record ‎2. in other words ‎3. adapt to sth.‎ ‎4. cut out ‎5. out of breath ‎6. all in all ‎7. sit around ‎8. as well as ‎9. in many ways ‎10. make fun of ‎11. think about ‎12. in particular ‎13. meet with one’s approval ‎14. entrance and exit ‎15. achieve one’s ambition ‎16. be ambitious for ‎17. be ambitious to do sth.‎ ‎18. for the benefit of ‎19. adapt…for…‎ ‎20. adapt…from…‎ ‎21. be/get annoyed with sb. at/ about sth.‎ ‎22. 一次 ‎23. 曾经 ‎24. 绝不 ‎25. 立刻,马上 ‎26. 屏息 ‎27. 喘口气 ‎28. 深呼吸 ‎29. 守信 ‎30. 与某人谈话 Part II 巩固提升 I【单句填空】‎ ‎1. benefit ‎2. absent ‎3. congratulations ‎4. accessible ‎5. annoyed ‎6. ambitious ‎7. assistant ‎8. encouragement ‎9. suitable ‎10. companion ‎11. (in) getting ‎12. (should)be painted ‎13. including ‎14. repaired ‎15. disability ‎16. suitable ‎ ‎17. noisy ‎ ‎18. beneficial ‎ ‎19. absence ‎ ‎20. hearing II【短语填空】‎ ‎1. meet with ‎2. is beneficial to ‎3. As well as ‎4. adapted myself to ‎5. Cut out ‎6. out of breath ‎7. rather than ‎8. in other words ‎9. sat around ‎10. at a time III【语法练习】‎ 1. to change ‎ 2. to write ‎ 3. to improve ‎ 4. to have worked 5. to gather ‎ 1. to let ‎ 2. to buy ‎ 3. to have recovered ‎ 4. to be standing ‎ 5. to give IV【单句改错】‎ ‎1. another改为other ‎2. sometime改为sometimes ‎3. go前插入to ‎4. easy改为easier ‎5. match 改为matches ‎6. read改为reading ‎7. walk改为walking ‎8. On改为In ‎9. 删去when ‎10. convenience改为convenient ‎ V【完形填空】‎ ‎11. C ‎12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C ‎16. B ‎17. D ‎18. A ‎19. C ‎20. A ‎21. B ‎22. A 23. D 24. D 25. A ‎26. B ‎27. C ‎28. B ‎29. C ‎30. D

