2021高考英语一轮复习Unit3Ahealthylife课时作业 人教版选修6

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2021高考英语一轮复习Unit3Ahealthylife课时作业 人教版选修6

‎ Unit 3 A healthy life Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎[2020·安徽重点中学盟校模拟]One of the easiest ways to stop the spread of disease is to simply wash your hands. Twenty seconds of handwashing with soap and water can reduce illnesses and save lives. But, many people, especially children, do not have good handwashing habits. One problem is that children do not wash their hands often enough or long enough. Children may think that it is a tiresome thing to do.‎ To help handle this problem, two businesswomen from India created a product to turn handwashing into a fun activity. Amanat Anand and Shubham Issar created a tool called SoaPen, aimed at teaching kids good handwashing habits and encouraging kids to wash their hands with soap appropriately and regularly.‎ ‎“It's such a simple habit to do, but the fact is that people aren't doing it, and it's resulting in actual deaths — which is shocking. So, we decided to come up with a fun method,” said Issar.‎ As the name suggests, SoaPen is a pen made out of soap. The children draw on their hands with the soap pen and then wash the drawing off. If they don't spend enough time washing it off, the colors remain on the children's hands. Issar said it makes sure that children take enough time to wash their hands. This may be especially helpful in a classroom. Often a teacher does not have the time to make each child wash his hands properly.‎ Kids actually wash their hands for the proper amount of time because they're drawing on their hands. To obliterate the drawing, they actually wash their hands instead of just going under water and, you know, a onesecond wash and off.‎ Good news is that the school children in Mumbai, India, will soon most likely wash their hands after handling a pet. Issar and Anand stated that SoaPen to be created everywhere will help promote good habits through handwashing in the city across the globe.‎ ‎1.Why does SoaPen come into existence?‎ A.To cure kids of some kinds of diseases.‎ B.To teach kids the importance of soap.‎ C.To help kids wash their hands correctly.‎ - 8 -‎ D.To make money from children consumers.‎ ‎2.Which of the following does Issar agree with?‎ A.Handwashing is anything but little.‎ B.SoaPen is designed for classrooms.‎ C.Some teachers ignore kids' health in school.‎ D.Kids don't know the right way of handwashing.‎ ‎3.What does “obliterate” underlined in paragraph 5 mean?‎ A.Show.         B.Reserve.‎ C.Learn. D.Remove.‎ ‎4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?‎ A.SoaPen has become popular worldwide.‎ B.The inventors think SoaPen has a bright future.‎ C.SoaPen has been applied in Mumbai schools.‎ D.Kids' health should be paid more attention to.‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎[2020·湖北八校高三联考]In the super fast paced world we live in, happiness may not come as easily as we wish. Here are some tips to make us live happily.‎ Don't avoid or ignore negativity.‎ ‎__1__ This can include people in your life who may be bringing you down, a hostile workplace environment or even a personal stressor that you haven't conquered quite yet. You are in control of your environment and if these negative situations keep making an appearance, it's up to you to handle them.‎ Take care of yourself and your needs.‎ In order to live a powerful and meaningful life, you must love yourself. Take care of your actions and how you live each day, and this will be reflected in your thoughts and emotional state of mind. __2__‎ Mend what's broken or get rid of it.‎ Determining what is worth your time and effort and what can be challenging. If situations are beyond repair, it's time to let go. Are there relationships or friendships that remain damaged but you know are worth the time? __3__ Do what you can to find love in situations where it may have be absent in the past.‎ ‎__4__‎ Giving our time, energy, love and sometimes money is what life is about. __5__ My mom taught me a quote she learned in Mexico that stuck with me forever, “donde - 8 -‎ ‎ come uno, comen dos. (where one can eat, two can eat.)” It moves me every time I say it out loud. At the end of the day, no matter what you have you are likely in a position to give something small to someone else who needs it. Don't hesitate.‎ A.Give back.‎ B.Be positive.‎ C.Fix them and find peace.‎ D.Do more of what makes you happy.‎ E.Love yourself fully in order to love others fully.‎ F.Everything we put out into the world comes back to us.‎ G.In order to conquer and overcome, it must be acknowledged.‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 ‎[2020·昆明质量检测]My least favorite part was participating in sport meets, for I loved running by myself. When faced with running against fellow athletes, I was __1__. I had butterflies in my stomach and the sudden urge to go to the nearest __2__. This year, __3__, I was encouraged to join in a running competition by my coach.‎ The 800meter event was approaching, meaning that I would __4__ soon. I breathed deeply and tried to __5__ my worries. I walked over to some of the __6__ who would run with me and started to __7__ with them. We were all loosening up and getting ready to run as __8__ as possible.‎ I stepped up to the line for the event. The starter raised his starting gun and __9__. About twentyfive runners __10__. With these runners around me, I __11__ my coach's words, “You may be small, but you have __12__ power.” So, I kept up with athletes twice my __13__. I picked up the runner in seventh place and based my steps on him, making it a little bit faster. One by one, I __14__ to make it to the top four, bursting around the lap.‎ It was the last lap before the final straightaway. I __15__ I had the possibility to win. So I widened my steps, speeding up my __16__. I caught up with the runner in first place and we ran side by side down the last 100 meters — I __17__ him by a hair at the finishing line.‎ My coach gave me a __18__ hug as I headed back to see him. He was __19__ because I had shortened my original __20__ by twelve seconds at least.‎ ‎1.A.shocked B.nervous C.comfortable D.brave ‎2.A.stadium B.hospital - 8 -‎ C.bathroom D.station ‎3.A.however B.instead C.otherwise D.moreover ‎4.A.delay B.fail C.escape D.compete ‎5.A.ignore B.increase C.form D.imagine ‎6.A.reporters B.judges C.runners D.coaches ‎7.A.watch out B.turn back C.get away D.warm up ‎8.A.smoothly B.rapidly C.calmly D.patiently ‎9.A.returned B.withdrew C.screamed D.fired ‎10.A.took off B.set down C.looked on D.went about ‎11.A.challenged B.recalled C.forgot D.adapted ‎12.A.exact B.great C.practical D.suitable ‎13.A.pressure B.salary C.size D.age ‎14.A.offered B.pretended C.regretted D.managed ‎15.A.claimed B.heard C.supposed D.remembered ‎16.A.speech B.mind C.fight D.pace ‎17.A.beat B.pushed C.dragged D.followed ‎18.A.soft B.cautious C.firm D.slight ‎19.A.excited B.disappointed - 8 -‎ C.relaxed D.depressed ‎20.A.distance B.time C.lap D.step Ⅳ.书面表达 ‎[2020·合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测]假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter正在你们学校参加为期两周的交流活动。请你给他写封邮件邀请他一起去郊游,欣赏中国的美丽乡村。内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间和地点;‎ ‎2.特色乡村文化体验(如赏美景、看演出、品美食等)。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 课时作业(二十八)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 体裁:说明文 题材:健康生活 主题:洗手产品 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了SoaPen。SoaPen是一款画笔样式的液态洗手产品,孩子们可用它在手上涂抹然后洗手,如果他们没有花足够的时间洗手,颜色会留在他们的手上,这会让洗手充满乐趣。‎ ‎1.C 考查细节理解。依据第一段的“One problem is that children do not wash their hands often enough or long enough”可知,问题是孩子们洗手的频率不够或洗手的时间不够长;再联系第二段的“aimed at teaching kids good handwashing habits and encouraging kids to wash their hands with soap appropriately and regularly”可知,发明SoaPen的目的在于让孩子们养成良好的洗手习惯,由此可知选项C正确。‎ - 8 -‎ ‎2.A 考查细节理解。依据第三段Issar的话“It's such a simple habit to do, but the fact is that people aren't doing it. and it's resulting in actual deaths”可知,有些人因为没有养成良好的洗手习惯而死亡,由此可知,洗手习惯对我们的健康是至关重要的,故选A项。‎ ‎3.D 考查词义猜测。依据该段的“Kids actually wash their hands for the proper amount of time because they're drawing on their hands”可知,孩子们需要用足够的时间去洗手才能洗掉SoaPen的图案,由画线词后的内容可知,为了消除SoaPen留在手上的痕迹,孩子们不再只是匆匆洗手了。由此可知,画线词与remove意思相近,故选D项。‎ ‎4.B 考查推理判断。依据该段的“Issar and Anand stated that SoaPen to be created everywhere will help ... across the globe”可知,发明者表示SoaPen将在世界各地生产,这也会促进在全球推广好的洗手习惯,她们对SoaPen的未来有信心,由此可知选项B正确。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 体裁:说明文 题材:健康生活 主题:如何快乐地生活 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了几个快乐生活的建议。‎ ‎1.G 根据小标题Don't avoid or ignore negativity.并结合该段内容可推知,必须先承认消极性才能战胜克服它。故选G项。‎ ‎2.E 根据该段中的“you must love yourself”以及“Take care of your actions and how you live each day”可推知,E项“为了充分地爱别人,要完全地爱自己”符合语境,故选E项。‎ ‎3.C 根据小标题Mend what's broken or get rid of it.以及空前一句可知,修复那些值得你花时间的关系或友谊,故选C项。‎ ‎4.A 根据文章结构以及空处所在位置可知,空处为段落小标题,该段主要是讲去付出。故选A项。‎ ‎5.F 根据空前一句可知,生活就是付出我们的时间、精力、爱,有时是金钱,由此可推知,空处应是讲有付出就会有回报。故选F项。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:参加跑步比赛 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者以前喜欢一个人跑步,最不爱参加运动会,但是今年作者努力尝试,参加了跑步比赛。‎ ‎【高频词回顾】 meet n.运动会 worry n.令人担忧的事 straightaway n.直道 original adj.原来的,最初的 ‎1.B 根据上文中的“for I loved running by myself”以及空后的“I had butterflies in my stomach”可知,当作者与运动员同伴赛跑时,作者很紧张。‎ ‎2.C 根据该句中的“I had butterflies in my - 8 -‎ ‎ stomach”并结合选项和常识可推知,作者和其他人一起跑步很紧张,会突然急切地想去最近的洗手间。‎ ‎3.A 空处所在句表示今年教练鼓励作者去参加跑步比赛,与上文内容形成转折,所以用however“然而”。‎ ‎4.D 根据空前的“The 800meter event was approaching”可知,作者很快将参加比赛。‎ ‎5.A 根据语境可知,作者深呼吸并试图忽略自己的担忧。‎ ‎6.C 根据语境和空后的“who would run with me”可知,作者走向一些将和他一起跑步的跑步者,开始和他们一起热身(warm up)。‎ ‎7.D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎8.B 根据空前的“We were all ... to run”并结合常识可知,我们都准备好尽可能快地奔跑。‎ ‎9.D 根据语境可知,发令员举起发令枪,开枪(示意起跑)。‎ ‎10.A 根据上文可知,发令员开枪示意起跑,大约25名赛跑者出发。‎ ‎11.B 根据语境可知,被这些赛跑者包围,作者想起了教练的话。‎ ‎12.B 根据空前的“You may be small”“but”并结合语境可知,此处表示你或许弱小,但你拥有巨大的力量。‎ ‎13.C 根据语境并结合选项可知,作者与两倍于自己体格的运动员齐头并进。‎ ‎14.D 根据空后的“make it to the top four”可知,作者设法跑进了前四。‎ ‎15.C 根据上文中的“the last lap”可知,作者认为自己有获胜的可能。‎ ‎16.D 根据空前的“So I widened my steps”可知,作者跨大步子,加快了速度。‎ ‎17.A 根据语境可知,作者追上了第一名,并和他肩并肩跑完了最后的100米,在终点线以微弱的优势赢了他。‎ ‎18.C 根据上文内容可知,作者在赛跑中取得了第一名,当他回头看教练时,教练给了作者一个坚实的拥抱。‎ ‎19.A 根据语境可知,教练很兴奋,因为作者比自己原先的(跑步)时间(time)至少缩短了l2秒。‎ ‎20.B 参见上题解析。‎ Ⅳ.书面表达 ‎【范文赏读】‎ Dear Peter,‎ ‎①Knowing you will stay in China for two weeks during the exchange program with our school, I'm very delighted to invite you to go outing to enjoy the splendid scenery of the countryside around.‎ Let's meet at the gate of our school at 9:00 am on Sunday. Then we are ready - 8 -‎ ‎ to go by bus. ②Imagine how exciting it is when you arrive at the destination with unique culture waiting for you to explore, such as wonderful views, special shows, delicious food and so on.‎ Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎【一句多译】 ①表达方式一:When I know that you will stay in China for two weeks during the exchange program with our school, I'm more than glad to invite you to go outing to enjoy the splendid scenery of the countryside around.‎ 表达方式二:Since there are two weeks for you to stay in China due to the exchange program with our school, I'm very pleased to invite you to go outing to enjoy the splendid scenery of the countryside around.‎ ‎②表达方式一: When you know there are a variety of great things waiting for you to experience, such as wonderful views, special shows, delicious food, to name but a few, you are sure to be more than excited.‎ 表达方式二:With a variety of great things waiting for you to experience, such as wonderful views, special shows, delicious food, to name but a few, you are sure to be more than excited.‎ - 8 -‎

