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江苏省常州市2006年中考英语试题     第I卷(四部分,共6 4分) 一、听力(共24小题;每小题1分。满分24分) A)根据你所听到的句子选出相应的答语。每句读一遍。 1.   A.  It doesn't matter.        B.  You're welcome.              C.  Take care! 2.   A.  Bye-bye.                 B.  No problem.              C.  That's OK. 3.   A.  Good luck!                 B.  Enjoy yourself.                C.  Congratulations! 4.   A.  Next, please.              B.  I've no idea.               C.  Yes,please. B)听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读一遍。 5.   What is the boy going to do? A.  Go to the cinema.       B.  Watch TV.                C.  Go to bed. 6.   What time will they meet? A.  At 6 :00.              B.  At 7 :  00.              C.  At 7 :30. 7.   What does the woman mean? A.   She's busy.                 B.  She's free.             C.  She's happy. 8.   When are the speakers probably talking? A.    In the morning.         B.  In the afternoon.          C.  In the evening. 9.   Who are the speakers? A.   A teacher and a student. B.   A parent and a teacher. C.   Mother and her son. 10.   How does the man feel? A.  Lucky.             B.  Proud.              C.  Nervous. 11.   What does the woman like? A.  Reading.              B.  Playing volleyball.           C.  Listening to music. 12.   How many rooms are mentioned? A.  3.               B.  4.                 C.  5. 13.   Where are the two speakers? A.  In the park.               B.  On the red bus.               C.  At the bus station. 14.   Why does the woman want to move to a new house? A.   Because she wants to live in a quiet place. B.   Because the house she lives in is expensive. C.   Because she has to drop her shoes on the floor every night. ‎ ‎ C)听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。     听第1段材料,回答第15~17题。    15.   What does Mary's father do? A.  A worker.                  B.  A doctor.           C.  A farmer. 16.   How many cows does Mary's father have? A.  Over 45.              B.  Less than 45.             C.  Only 45. 17.   What can we buy from Mary's father? A.   Oranges and apples. B.   Apples and pears. C.   Apples and bananas. 听第2段材料,回答第18~20题。 18.  What is the man's favorite sport? A.  Table tennis.             B.  Tennis.                  C.  Football. 19.  Whom will the man play with next Sunday? A.  His brother.              B.  His team members.        C.  The woman. 20.  What can we learn about the woman's brother? A.  He is a good player. B:  He is interested in table tennis.  C.  He often plays with the man. 听第3段材料,回答第2 1~24题。 21.  What will the little car be like in the future? A.   It will be much bigger than a today's one. B.   It will be almost as big as a today's one.   C.   It will be much smaller than a today's one. 22.  What is true about the little car in the future? A.   It will cause more pollution. B.   It will go much faster. C.   It will be much cheaper. 23.  Why will it be safer to drive the little car? A.   Because it will go slower. B.   Because it will be better made. C.   Because it will need less gas. 24.   How far can the little car go when it is filled up with gas (汽油)? A.  450 kilometres.         B.  550 kilometres.               C.  650 kilometres. 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)     从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ‎ ‎25.   Not only his parents but also his grandfather_________to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A.  has gone       B.  has been          C.  have gone           D.  have been 26.  —Oh, dear! The meeting will begin in 20 minutes.   I'm afraid I'll miss it. —             !  I can drive you there in my car. A.  Good idea    B.  Have a try          C.  Hurry up            D.  Don't worry 27.  —Could you tell me when the train_________? — At 8 :  30, in ten minutes. A.  will leave     B.  would leave        C.  has left               D.  had left 28.   She is very polite to her teachers.    She will say hello to them_________she meets them. A.  whenever     B.  whatever            C.  however              D.  whoever 29.   Some drivers drive__________fast thajt they make people_________are trying to cross the street afraid. A.  such;that     B.  even; which         C.  so;who               D.  too;whom 30.  Don't forget to_________your school things when you have finished your home­work. A.  put off          B.  put up           C.  put down            D.  put away 31.  —Must I return the books before Wednesday? —No.  You_________return them next week. A.  mustn't         B.  needn't             C.  can                D.  can't 32. I_________about it so I didn't go to the hospital to see her. A.  am not told             B.   wasn't told C.  don't tell            D.   didn't tell 33.  —Have you finished decorating the Christmas tree? —It's_________finished, but there's still something to improve. A.  sooner or later            B.  more or less C.  no longer                 D.  a moment later 34.   —Mum, may I have some cakes? —Sorry, there's_________left in the box.   I'll go and buy some for you tonight. A.   nothing       B.   no one             C.   no            D.   none ‎ 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分).     阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3 5~44各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 There once lived a famous hunter in the mountain village. One night someone saw a tiger come into the village and steal two sheep away.  The next night the tiger came again.  The villagers were so 35 that they asked the hunter to catch it so that they could have a     36     life. The hunter thought hard after hearing the news.    He     37      why the tiger came at night but only stole the sheep.    The following night he      38      about outside the village.    Suddenly he saw the tiger coming.   Then he followed it     39    To his surprise, he found the tiger running away just like a man.   Then everything was    40 to him. On the fourth night, the hunter took some money with him and 41 himself behind a big tree.  As soon as the "tiger" came near, the hunter jumped out, caught the "tiger" and said, "Don't be afraid.  I won't 42 you.  Please take off your tiger  skin (兽皮).  I know you are poor.  But you mustn't steal 43 from others.  Here is the money for you to buy some food and clothes for your family.  I hope you will work     44      and make a living.  " With tears (眼泪) in his eyes, the poor man thanked the kind hunter and went away. 35.   A.  excited       B. surprised      C. frightened   D. amazed 36.   A.  safe          B. dangerous    C. difficult      D. comfortable 37.   A.  worried       B. wondered      C. understood  D.  realized 38.   A.  walked        B. thought       C. learnt       D.  talked 39.   A.  politely       B. usually        C. luckily      D. quietly 40.   A.  possible      B. over        C.  clear         D. important 41.   A.  threw      . B. hid         C.  enjoyed       D. helped 42.   A.  believe      B. meet        C.  hurt          D. save 43.   A.  something    B. nothing       C.   everything  D. anything 44.   A.  sooner       B. earlier        C.   longer    D. harder 四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)     阅读下面短文,然后从45~5 4各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 A The word "jaywalk" was first used in the 1910s in the city of Boston‎, ‎USA.  People used the word "jay" to mean a silly(傻的) person or someone who didn't know about the city ways.  At that time, buses, cars and traffic signals (信号) were all something new.  Only people in big cities knew about them, so people used the word to talk about the newcomers to the city.  They might look silly because they were not familiar (熟悉) with these nerw things. Today, in the United States and Canada, jaywalking is against traffic laws.  If you jaywalk, you get a warning or a fine (罚款). But in some other countries, jaywalking is often seen in so many places that it is thought harmless, and police only catch jaywalkers when they are crossing the road too dangerously.  For example, in Britain, jaywalking is OK, and children are taught how to cross the roads safely in schools. In ‎Singapore ‎, you can never jaywalk.  You get a fine of 500 Singapore dollars, about 285 US dollars, and even three months in prison (监狱) if you jaywalk for the first time.  You get a $ 2,000 fine or six months in prison if you jaywalk for the second time! 45.   What's the main idea of the first paragraph? A.   What newcomers in cities looked like. B.   How people in cities treated newcomers. C.    How the word "jaywalk" came into use. D.    Why so few people knew about the city ways. 46.  What does the word "them" in the first paragraph refer to(指代)? A.   Buses, cars and traffic signals. B.   Big cities. C.   People who knew the word "jay". D.   Newcomers. 47.  Which country punishes (处罚) the jaywalkers most seriously? A.  The United States.             B.  Britain. C.  Singapore.             D.  Canada. B Is everyone in the world clever, cool and happy except me? These are questions that students often ask themselves.  And these are natural questions to ask since most "role models (榜样)" for them:  sportsmen, pop stars and actors, are as thin as noodles. But it isn't possible for everyone to be thin.  People all have different bodies and personalities (个性).  As a young person, your body is going through a lot of changes very quickly.  Girls especially are putting on more body fat and as their bodies change, so does their self-image ( 自我形象).  Many girls think they are fat when they really aren't.  Sometimes they think that eating. less will make them thinner and more beautiful.   But eating less can be dangerous. Karen Carpenter, a very thin US singer who had sung the famous song "Yesterday once more",died fr‎6m anorexia(厌食症).  She was just a bag of bones but still thought she was fat. When it comes to self-image, what you "feel" is more important than what you "see".  Your body is your own;your shape and size are your own.  And there are some things that you just can't change, like your height (身高) , so accept yourself for the person that you are.  Think of the good things about yourself:  your kindness and humor.  Think of the good things you've done and the times you've made your friends laugh.   This is the person that others see, and this is the person that others know. 48.   By mentioning the example of Karen Carpenter, the writer mainly tells- us NOT to A.    believe in pop stars B.    eat less to be thin like her C.    care about our self-image D.    become famous singers 49.   According to the text, young girls who are getting fat should_________.‎ ‎ A.    get worried about that B.    think more of their role models C.    treat their body changes correctly D.    go and see a doctor as soon as possible 50.        According to the writer, what should we think about most to build up our self-image? A.   The body.           B.   The shape. C.   The height.          D.   Good personalities. C Once there was a successful businessman.  Although he was rich, he had never told his son about his business at all. Until one day, when he was badly ill, he called his son to his bed.  He took out an empty cup, and asked his son,"Is it empty?""Of course, Dad.  " His son answered surprisingly.  Then he put some stones into the cup.  "Is it full now?""Yes!""No!" Then he took out some small stones and piled (堆) them on the big stones. "Is it full now?"he asked the same question once more.  "Yes!" his son didn't know what would happen next.  Then he took out some sand and poured them into the cup.  The sand filled the space among the stones.   "Now, do you think it is full?" he asked again.    His son said, "Yes, Dad, this time it should be full.   " "Really?" he smiled.  He took out a bottle of water and poured it into the cup.  He asked, "Is it full?" His son didn't answer and looked at his old father in surprise.  Then the father took a chopstick (筷子) and inserted it into the mixture (混合物) in the cup.  Later he took out all the mixture with the chopstick.  He said to his son, "My boy, this time it is once more empty.  Remember whenever you finish a project, never say 'yes'.  You should try to find any possible way to make your project better.  Then you will succeed.    " The father died before long, but his words were kept in the son's mind.    After some years; his son became an even more successful businessman. 51.   Why did the father call his son to his bed? A.   To teach him how to play a game. B.   To give him a good lesson. C.   To leave him a lot of money. D.   To offer him an ordinary cup. 52.   Which of the following is true according to the story? A.   The old father was worried about his health. B.   Playing the game made the project better. C.   The father knew the way of educating children. D.   Both the father and his son were the richest.‎ ‎ 53.   What does the word "inserted" in the fourth paragraph mean? A.插入    B.搅拌       C.倾倒    D.抛入 54.   What can we learn from the story? A.   Two heads are better than one. B.   Action speaks louder than words. C.   Never leave today's work for tomorrow. D.   Keep improving and make the project better.‎ 第Ⅱ卷(共4 6分) 五、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分) A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空格填一词。把答案写在下面对应的横线上。 55.   He was still_________(wake) when I got back home. 56.   In autumn, the_________(leaf) on the trees change colour and they look beautiful. 57.   Why did she crash the dishes            (angry) onto the ground? 58.   Please take this medicine_________(two) a day. 59.   This is one of the_________(bad) games I've ever watched. B)根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句空格处写出各单词的正确形式,每空格填一词。把答案写在下面对应的横线上。 60.   You may write to him at this e-mail_________(地址). 61.   If the temperature drops_________(低于)‎0℃‎ , water freezes. 62.   Tom, can you swim_________(穿过) this river? 63.   The day before yesterday he came back and_________(度过) the weekend with his parents. 64.   As the trip was pleasant, they didn't feel_________(疲劳) at all. 55. _________    56. _________    57. _________    58. _________    59. _________ 60. _________    61. _________    62. _________    63. _________    64. _________ 六、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) 65.   Your homework must_________(check) carefully before you hand it in. 66.   Bad luck! We            (have) a picnic when it rained heavily. 67.   Armstrong_________(step) onto the moon on July 20th, 1969. 68.   Most of the students work hard_________(get) high marks in exams. 69.   So far China            (send) three people into space successfully. 70.   I didn't disturb my father as I found him busy_________(search) the Internet. 七、短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分)     根据短文内容及所给首字母填写所缺单词。把答案写在下面对应的横线上。 Should you play video games or not? That's always a hot topic (话题). Video games aren't a w 71 of time.  They are almost like going to the computer school.  But they are more fun than that.  People will learn all k 72 of things to get games working on their computers. Games get your brain (脑子) to work faster.  When you play games, you have to work out w 73 to do in a very short time.  Your brain, eyes and hands must work q 74 It makes you free from school work and helps you e 75 yourself and relax. But wait, you'd better not take that as an e     76    to play games all day.   If you sit for a long time in the same way, your hands, back and eyes will get h   77 Children shouldn't sit at a computer for ‎ more than 30 minutes w     78   a rest. Now you will be a 79 to answer the question of w 80 to "play the game or not".  Whatever your answer, remember not to let it affect (影响) your study or play harmful games.    Rest your eyes and body often. 71.  w________ 72.  k_________ 3.  w_________   74.  q_________ 75.  e_________ 76. e_________  77.  h_________    78.  w_________ 79.  a________ 80.  w_________ 八、根据所给中文完成句子翻译(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 8 1.这箱子太重,他搬不动。 The box is__________________________________________________________________. 82.这座桥是去年建成的吗? ____________________________________________________________________last year? 83.老师要求我们保持教室整洁。 The teacher tells us_________________________________________________________. 84.她不知道妈妈为什么生她的气。 She didn't know_____________________________________________________________. 8 5.游泳没有登山有趣,是吗? ________________________________________________________________________,is it? 九、书面表达(共1题;满分15分)     假如你参加了你校举办的英语歌咏比赛(English singing cmpetition),请用英语写一篇80词左右的日记,日记应包括以下内容: 1.比赛时间地点; 2.具体情况:(1)每班参赛歌曲两首;每班20个左右学生参加演出;       (2)我班的一首歌曲We are the world荣获一等奖…… 3.感受:学英文歌曲很有趣……   要求:1.句子通顺、语言表达准确,适当增加细节使内容连贯;     2.文中不得使用真实的人名、校名;     3.日记的格式已为你写好,不计入总词数。 June 8,2006,Thursday                               Fine 答案 1. A    2.  A    3.  C    4.  C    5. B    6.  C 7.  A    8.  A    9.  B    10.  B    11.  B    12.  B 13.  C    14.  A     15.  C     16.  A     17.  B 18.  A    19.  C    20.  B    21.  C    22.  C    23.  A    24.  A 25.  B    26.  D    27.  A     28.  A    29.  C    30.  D    31.  C 32.  B    33.  B    34.  D    35.  C    36.  A    37.  B    38.  A 39.  D    40.  C    41.  B    42.  C    43.  D    44.  D    45.  C 46.  A    47.  C    48.  B    49.  C    50.  D    51.  B    52.  C 53.  A    54.  D 55.  awake    56.   leaves    57.  angrily    58.  twice 59.  worst    60.  address    61.  below    62.  across 63.  spent    64.  tired    65.  be checked    66.   were having 67.  stepped    68.  to get    69.   has sent   ‎ ‎ 70.  searching 71.  waste    72.   kinds    73.   what    74.  quickly 75.  enjoy    76.  excuse    77.  hurt    78.  without 79.  able    80.    whether 81.   The box is too heavy for him to move.   / This box is so heavy that he can't move it. 82.   Was the bridge built last year? 83.   The teacher tells us to keep the/our classroom tidy and clean. 84.   She didn't know why her mother was/got angry with her. 85.   Swimming  is   not  as/so   interesting  as   climbing mountains, is it? One possible version June 8,2006 ,Thursday               Fine This afternoon our school held an English singing competition on the playground.  Each class sang two songs.  About twenty students in every class took part in the competition.  Our performance was successful.  We sang the song We are the world.    It was the most popular song in the competition.   So our class won the first prize.    All of us felt proud of it. I find it is interesting to learn English songs.  I hope I can take part in more activities like this to improve my spoken English.‎

