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Unit 3 Amazing people 课时练1 2篇阅读+1篇完形 阅读理解 A ‎(2020·巢湖重点中学联考)Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly where she’s been during her worldwide vacation in a special way.‎ The traveler, who was born with a bone disease, had her right leg amputated(截肢) at the age of four. Although the amputation caused setbacks for Gallagher early on, she now sees it as nothing short of inspiration for living her best life.‎ To spread that message, Gallagher has taken to social media, where she shares photos of her travels across the globe, but instead of simply using a geotag, she writes her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.‎ Now she has been taking pictures across the Continent, which show her cycling over the canal in Amsterdam relaxing on a wall overlooking the city of Barcelona, posing with a waffle in Brussels, taking spectacular pictures in Athens and enjoying a river cruise in Budapest, all with the wellknown locations written on her artificial leg.‎ ‎“I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden thought to get a chalkboard,” Gallagher said. “My mum and grandmother weren’t too keen on the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”‎ Gallagher said people often stare when she’s writing on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she receives only positive feedback. “My leg hasn’t stopped me from doing anything I’ve wanted to do,” she said. “I don’t know if it’s my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but regardless, I’ve been able to keep up with my peers and lead a pretty great life.”‎ Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the way of your 14‎ ‎ dreams. And if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。Devon Gallagher在四岁时因患骨科疾病右腿被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求。她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照片发到社交媒体。她的故事告诉人们:不要让任何东西阻碍你追求梦想。‎ ‎1.What message did Gallagher want to spread in her special way?‎ A.She enjoys her travelling across the globe.‎ B.She suffers little from her leg amputation.‎ C.She looks on her misfortune as another form of blessing.‎ D.She has exactly fallen in love with posting photos online.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Although the amputation caused setbacks for Gallagher early on, she now sees it as nothing short of inspiration for living her best life.”可知,虽然截肢在早期给Gallagher带来了挫折,但她现在认为这是对她过最好的生活的激励;并结合第三段可知,她想要传达的信息是她要将自己的不幸看作是另一种形式的幸运,故C项正确。‎ ‎2.What does the underlined word “which” in Paragraph 4 refer to?‎ A.The Continent. B.The pictures.‎ C.The leg. D.The locations.‎ B 解析:代词指代题。根据第四段第一句中的“Now she has been taking pictures across the Continent, which show her cycling over the canal in Amsterdam”可知,现在,她正在欧洲大陆各地拍摄照片,照片中她骑着自行车穿过阿姆斯特丹的运河。分析该句结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为pictures, which指代先行词,在从句中作主语,故B项正确。‎ ‎3.Gallagher can best be described as ________.‎ A.helpful and ambitious B.friendly and generous C.determined and creative D.independent and sensible C 解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,Devon Gallagher在四岁时因患骨科疾病右腿被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求;她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照片发到社交媒体。据此可推知,Devon Gallagher既有毅力又有创造力,‎ 14‎ 故C项正确。‎ ‎4.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?‎ A.Never Too Late to Share B.A Special Artificial Leg C.An Outstanding Photographer D.Gallagher’s Summer Holidays B 解析:标题归纳题。根据文章尾句“And if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.”并结合全文其他内容可知,文章主要讲述了Devon Gallagher虽然被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求,她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照片发到社交媒体。故B项最适合作文章标题。‎ B ‎(2020·合肥第二次质检)‎ In today’s society, language plays a key role in defining gender(性别) by vocabulary, and also the nonverbal(非语言的) vocabulary. Each one of these different types of ways of communicating is obviously different between men and women.‎ Many different studies show that men tend to talk much more than women. It has also been proven that women tend to speak faster than men. This is due to the fact that women tend to be interrupted more often than men are, and also have the ability to speak more clearly, precisely, and more quickly than men. In one study it was found that women spoke for an average of three minutes describing a painting, as opposed to the thirteenminute average it took men to describe it.‎ Men and women also tend to have a very different nonverbal way of communicating, which can also make it very hard for one another to understand what the opposite sex is trying to say. Men’s body language is much more reserved when they are talking to women. Men tend not to make as much eye contact and they generally stay farther away from women when talking to them. Men avoid other people’s body space while ‎ 14‎ talking, and they also tend to sit back when talking. All of these have given off the impression of disinterest or boredom. Women are by far better listeners and much more enjoyable to talk with and they tend to raise more topics for conversation.‎ Women also make it clearer whether or not the conversation is going somewhere or just stuck in neutral. After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would it be if we all spoke the same “language”? The little games men and women play with each other while conversing would be lost. The question everyone asks himself or herself after talking with someone of the opposite sex, “I wonder if there’s something there?” would no longer exist.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文,主要介绍了男性和女性因性别差异而导致在沟通方式上也有所不同的现象。‎ ‎5.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.The differences between men’s and women’s languages.‎ B.The different speed of men’s and women’s speech.‎ C.The ability of men’s and women’s spoken language.‎ D.The nonverbal vocabulary of men and women.‎ B 解析:代词指代题。由This承接第二段中的“It has also been proven that women tend to speak faster than men.”可知,此处的This指代女性比男性说话快的现象,故选B。‎ ‎6.In what way do men and women differ according to the third paragraph?‎ A.Speed of understanding.‎ B.Understanding of speech roles.‎ C.Politeness of communication.‎ D.Application of body language.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的整体内容,尤其是该段第二句“Men’s body language is much more reserved when they are talking to women.”可推知,本段主要讲的是男性和女性在非语言表达方式上的不同,即肢体语言使用上的差异,故选D。‎ ‎7.What is the author’s attitude to the differences between men’s and women’s communication?‎ 14‎ A.Cautious. B.Favorable.‎ C.Ambiguous. D.Skeptical.‎ B 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段第二句和第三句“After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would it be if we all spoke the same ‘language’? The little games men and women play with each other while conversing would be lost.”可推知,作者对男性和女性在沟通的差异性上持赞成态度,故选B。cautious“谨慎的”;favorable“赞成的”;ambiguous“模棱两可的”;skeptical“怀疑的”。‎ ‎8.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Women, Born Excellent Talkers B.Men’s and Women’s Social Roles C.Vocabulary and Communication D.Opposite Gender, Different Language D 解析:标题归纳题。根据第一段的话题导入,并结合全文的整体内容可推知,本文主要讲的是男性和女性因性别差异而导致在沟通方式上也有所不同,故选D。‎ 完形填空 ‎(2020·贵阳普通高中监测)The happy new mother asked eagerly to see her baby. However, when she looked at his tiny face, she was __1__. The baby had been born without __2__.‎ Fortunately, time __3__ that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his ruined appearance. He grew up, __4__ if there were not his misfortune. As a favorite with his classmates, he might have been class president, __5__ the misfortune. He developed a talent for literature and music. His parents __6__hoped that he had a perfect life.‎ One day, his father spoke with the doctor, “Could __7__ be done?” “I believe I could __8__ a pair of outer ears __9__ they could be accessible.” The doctor decided. Therefore the __10__ began for a person who would make such a sacrifice.‎ Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You’re going to the __11__, son. We have someone who will __12__ the ears you need. But the identity 14‎ ‎ of the donor is a secret.”‎ The operation was a brilliant __13__, and a new person turned up. His talents blossomed into genius. Later, he married and entered the Diplomatic Service. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do __14__ for him or her.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not __15__...not yet.”‎ The secret was __16__ for years, but the day did come. He stood with his father beside his mother’s casket(棺材). Slowly, __17__, the father reached out his hand and raised the thick, reddishbrown __18__ to find that the mother had no outer ears.‎ ‎“Mother said she was __19__ she never had her hair cut,” his father whispered, “and nobody ever thought Mother less __20__, did they?”‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一位母亲给有生理缺陷的儿子捐献外耳的感人故事。‎ ‎1.A.angry B.embarrassed C.shocked D.curious C 解析:根据下文中的“Fortunately, time ______ that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his ruined appearance.”可推知,这个婴儿出生时没有耳朵(ears),初为人母的幸福的妈妈看到有缺陷的孩子时很震惊(shocked)。‎ ‎2.A.eyes B.feet C.fingers D.ears D 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎3.A.proved B.lasted C.flew D.ignored A 解析:根据该句中的“Fortunately”可推知,时间证明(proved)这个容貌有缺陷的婴儿听力是完好的,故选A。‎ ‎4.A.tall B.handsome C.short D.badlooking B 解析:根据上文中的“his ruined appearance”,并结合空后的“if there were not his misfortune”可推知,孩子要不是容貌上的缺陷应该是很帅气的(handsome),故选B。‎ 14‎ ‎5.A.with B.in spite of C.for D.but for D 解析:与上文中的“if there were not his misfortune”呼应可推知,此处表示惋惜,故选D。but for “要不是”。‎ ‎6.A.still B.hardly C.almost D.ever A 解析:根据上文可知,容貌上有缺陷的孩子很有才华,也为同学们所喜欢,在文学和音乐方面很有天赋,但是他的父母还是(still)希望他有一个完美的人生,故选A。‎ ‎7.A.somebody B.everything C.nobody D.nothing D 解析:根据上文中的“His parents ______hoped that he had a perfect life.”可推知,此处表示他的父亲问医生难道就没有补救方法了吗?故选D。‎ ‎8.A.operate B.destroy C.transplant D.repair C 解析:根据上文并结合语境可知,男孩的父亲询问医生有没有补救方法,医生决定给他移植(transplant)一对耳朵。与下文中的“The operation was a brilliant ______, and a new person turned up.”呼应,故选C。‎ ‎9.A.if B.while C.although D.since A 解析:根据语境可推知,此处表示如果有可用的耳朵,医生可以给男孩移植一对耳朵,故选A。‎ ‎10.A.experiment B.search C.analysis D.operation B 解析:根据语境可推知,他们开始寻找能够捐献耳朵的人。故选B。‎ ‎11.A.school B.library C.hospital D.bedroom C 解析:根据下文中的“But the identity of the donor is a secret.”可推知,耳朵捐献(donate)者找到了,父亲告诉儿子可以去医院(hospital)进行移植手术了。‎ ‎12.A.donate B.repair C.make D.sell 14‎ A 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎13.A.failure B.success C.honor D.damage B 解析:根据空前的“brilliant”以及空后的“a new person turned up”可推知,手术非常成功。‎ ‎14.A.harm B.enough C.bad D.good B 解析:根据上文男孩问父亲的话可推知,男孩觉得自己为对方做得不够(enough),故选B。‎ ‎15.A.signed B.realized C.understood D.allowed D 解析:根据上文中的“But the identity of the donor is a secret.”可知,捐献人的身份是保密的;并结合下文可推知,男孩并不被允许知道是谁捐献的耳朵,故选D。‎ ‎16.A.changed B.discussed C.spread D.kept D 解析:根据该句中的“but”,并结合下文可推知,捐献者的身份多年来一直保密,但最终揭晓的这一天到来了。‎ ‎17.A.carelessly B.gently C.excitedly D.gradually B 解析:与“Slowly”呼应,并结合上文中的“his mother’s casket(棺材)”可推知,他的父亲慢慢地、轻轻地伸出手,故选B。‎ ‎18.A.skirt B.hand C.hair D.quilt C 解析:根据空后的“find that the mother had no outer ears”,并结合下文中的“Mother said she was ______ she never had her hair cut”可推知,男孩的父亲伸手去把男孩母亲的头发(hair)拢起来。‎ ‎19.A.depressed B.worried C.glad D.regretful C 解析:根据语境可推知,母亲乐意(glad)为儿子牺牲,甘愿不剪头发,故选C。‎ ‎20.A.beautiful B.ugly 14‎ C.respectable D.fashionable A 解析:根据语境可推知,此处表示没有人说男孩的母亲不漂亮,故选A。‎ 课时练2 1篇阅读+1篇七选五+1篇改错+1篇书面表达 阅读理解 ‎(2020·成都高三摸底)As evolution tends to remove waste, how come we evolved such large, energyconsuming brains? The dominant hypothesis(假设) suggests that tough social interactions are the driving force. But our new study done in an unusual way shows that human brain expansion is likely driven by ecology(生态).‎ Scientists have tested the ecological and social hypotheses before. The common approach is to look at many species and investigate whether large brains are associated with specific problems. For example, do primates or other animals with large brains have a diet that is challenging to find but nutritionally rewarding? This would indicate an ecological origin. Or do they live in large groups where they face lots of social problems?‎ While many studies have found such associations, there is a problem. It cannot tell whether large brains evolved to solve the difficult problems or whether they evolved for other reasons and then enabled their bearers to deal with the hard problems.‎ To find out the causes of brain expansion, we recreated the scenarios(可能出现的情况) of the two hypotheses using a mathematical model. We found that a combination of ecological and social challenges do produce the brain size we see in humans. But it was ecological challenges that expanded brains. In contrast to the dominant view and our own expectation, we found that social challenges contributed by decreasing brain size. But you need both factors to get the brain size we see today—if there were no social challenges our brains would have been even larger but likely poorly suited to social life. Bigger isn’t necessarily better.‎ 14‎ But many animals face hard ecological problems. Why don’t they all have large brains? We found that ecological problems only lead to humansized brains when individuals can keep learning hard skills as they grow. So our results and those of others’ suggest that hard ecology and the accumulation of cultural knowledge could act together to produce a humansized brain.‎ Will the human brain expand further? The complexity of the systems involved makes it impossible to say much with certainty at present.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。科学研究发现,人类大脑的大小是由生态环境和文化知识积累的共同作用决定的;大脑并非越大越好,如果大脑过大,则人类将无法适应社交活动。‎ ‎1.In most people’s view, what makes human evolve large brains?‎ A.Social challenges.‎ B.Social and ecological challenges.‎ C.Ecological challenges.‎ D.Competition with other large animals.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The dominant hypothesis(假设)suggests that tough social interactions are the driving force.”并结合第一段内容可知,大部分人认为棘手的社交活动是人类大脑进化的动力,故A项正确。‎ ‎2.What’s the problem of the common approach?‎ A.Its model is not reliable enough.‎ B.It doesn’t tell the cause and effect clearly.‎ C.Its hypothesis cannot be proved effectively.‎ D.It doesn’t find brain size is connected with problems.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“It cannot tell whether large brains evolved to solve the difficult problems or whether they evolved for other reasons and then enabled their bearers to deal with the hard problems.”可知,传统的研究方法无法解释清楚大脑进化的原因和影响,故B项正确。‎ ‎3.Why don’t many animals have large brains?‎ A.They don’t learn from each other.‎ B.They don’t face hard ecological problems.‎ 14‎ C.They don’t need to cooperate with each other.‎ D.They don’t keep learning tough skills as they grow.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段第二、三句“Why don’t they all have large brains? We found that ecological problems only lead to humansized brains when individuals can keep learning hard skills as they grow.”可知,只有当个体在成长过程中不断学习艰难的技能时,生态环境才会影响人类特定大小的大脑。据此可推知,动物在成长过程中并没有持续学习艰难的技能,所以动物没有大的大脑,故D项正确。‎ ‎4.Which of the following do the researchers find most surprising?‎ A.Animals don’t have large brains.‎ B.Social challenges decrease brain size.‎ C.Ecological challenges increase brain size.‎ D.It’s unclear whether human brains will expand further.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“In contrast to the dominant view and our own expectation, we found that social challenges contributed by decreasing brain size.”可知,与主流观点及我们自己的预期相反,我们发现社会挑战导致大脑变小。据此可知,社会挑战导致大脑变小是令人惊讶的发现,故B项正确。‎ 七选五 ‎(2020·昆明摸底调研)‎ How to Be a Good Listener to Your Family Communication is important for strong family relationships. 1.________ Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.‎ Listen actively. When listening to a family member, do not let your mind wander to other things. It’s important to make your family member feel heard and valued. Put your phone away and give them your full attention. Never think about other things when someone is talking. 2.________‎ Repeat what has been said. Briefly summarizing what the speaker has said can go a long way towards effective communication. Everyone wants to feel valued and heard, so repeating a family member’s point can show you were listening. 3.________ It can really allow you and your family to communicate better as well.‎ ‎4.________ Interrupting can put breaks on effective conversation. Always allow ‎ 14‎ a few seconds of silence after someone finishes talking before offering your response. This allows you to make sure the speaker has finished talking. Do not talk over someone either. No matter how curious you feel about a subject, do not start talking until the other person has finished.‎ Avoid hurrying the speaker. 5.________ Do not break in before the speaker is finished just to hurry the speaker along. Never say things like “Can you get to the point?” This will make it seem like you’re not interested in the conversation.‎ A.Do not interrupt.‎ B.Never rush the person into talking.‎ C.Instead, focus on what’s being said.‎ D.People tend to pause when they speak.‎ E.It can help you make sure you understood the speaker.‎ F.When someone finishes talking, ask questions if necessary.‎ G.However, if you don’t truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文介绍了四个改善家庭成员间关系的倾听技巧。‎ ‎1.G 解析:空前一句突出交流对巩固家庭成员之间关系的重要性,空后一句是说使用倾听技巧可以帮助你更好地交流以及建立更密切的联系,故G项“然而,如果你不能真正地倾听他人,交流就会变得困难”从反面进一步强调倾听的重要性。‎ ‎2.C 解析:本段围绕“Listen actively.”展开,根据本段的内容及空前一句“当别人讲话时不要去想其他的事情”可知,C项“而要关注对方正在说的内容”符合语境。‎ ‎3.E 解析:本段紧扣“Repeat what has been said.”进行论证,空处与前一句构成递进关系,E选项中的“It”指代前一句中的“repeating a family member’s point”。‎ ‎4.A 解析:空处为段首句,根据段落特征可知,本句应为祈使句且为本段的主题句。空后一句讨论打断别人会中断有效的交流,由此可推知段首句应为不要打断(他人说话)。故A项符合语境。‎ ‎5.B 解析:本段主题是“避免催促说话人”。空处谈论的内容应与首句相关,B项中的“rush”与空前的“hurrying”同义,表示“催促”。故选B项。‎ 短文改错 14‎ ‎(2020·合肥第二次质检)Our school sports meeting finally came to end last Friday. Tiring but cheerful, we made it a success. I can say it’s the best one I have ever been taken part in. The opening ceremony was a feast for the eyes. To begin with, the headmaster makes a speech. Then came various performance, including singing, dancing and Kung Fu. Besides, some students dressed up as dolls, and that they wanted to show was confident and talent. When the teachers’ shows began, the audience went crazily. As a class photographer, I took pictures of such many brilliant moments, which, with doubt, meant a lot to all of us.‎ 答案:‎ Our school sports meeting finally came to end last Friday. but cheerful, we made it a success. I can say it’s the best one I have ever taken part in. The opening ceremony was a feast for the eyes. To begin with, the headmaster a speech. Then came various , including singing, dancing and Kung Fu. Besides, some students dressed up as dolls, and they wanted to show was and talent. When the teachers’ shows began, the audience went . As a class photographer, I took pictures of many brilliant moments, which, doubt, meant a lot to all of us.‎ 书面表达 ‎(2020·江淮十校联考)假如你是李华,你班本周日将举行植树活动,请给你班外教Jenny发一封邮件,邀请她参加。内容包括:‎ ‎1.活动安排;‎ ‎2.注意事项;‎ ‎3.盼望回复参与意向。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Jenny,‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 14‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua One possible version:‎ Dear_Jenny,‎ I’m very glad to invite you to participate in the treeplanting activity this Sunday, which is organized by our class.‎ On that day, we’ll gather at the school gate at 9 o’clock in the morning and take a bus to get to the destination—the hill three miles from our school.‎ On arrival, we’ll be divided into several groups to take part in different tasks, including carrying trees, planting trees, watering trees and so on. I believe it will be an unforgettable experience if we keep safety in mind.‎ I would really appreciate it if you could write back to me and tell me your decision!‎ Yours,‎ Li_Hua 14‎

