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2019 届二轮复习语法专题 P5 Verb I Do the exercises individually, and then check your answers with your partners. Now check your answers 1-3 goes, smells, raised, rise 4-9 去掉 was , read 前加 had , harmful 前加 be , face——faced , can 后加 be ,去掉 to What is a verb? A verb is a word which describes the action in a sentence. 动词的学习目标: 1. 动词的基本形式 2. 系动词 3. 及物动词和不及物动词 4. 助动词 5. 情态动词 考点题例 1: 1. How ______ this word pronounced? 2. He often ______ (go) to the English corner.  3. They enjoy __________ (plant) flowers and _________(grow) vegetables. 4. I wasn’t able to hide my eagerness when I ______ (ask), “What do you wish me to do now?” (2015 湖南 )   planting asked is growing goes 动词有五种基本形式: 原形 第三人称单数形式 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 work write have do works worked worked working writes wrote written writing has had had having does did done doing 考点梳理 1: 第三人称单数形式的构成: 1. 一般情况下直接在动词后 加 -s ; 2. 以 o, s, c, sh, ch 结尾 的动词, 后面加 -es ; 3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾 的动词, 改 y 为 i ,再加 -es 。 说明:不规则变化的有 have —— has , be —— is 等。 第三人称单数 过去式和过去分词的变化规则: 1. 大部分动词在原形的词尾 加 -ed ; 2. 词尾为“ 辅音字母 +y ” 结尾 的,将 y 变成 i ,再加 -ed ; 3. 重读闭音节且词尾只有一个辅音字母的, 要 双写 该辅音字母,再加 -ed 。 原形 过去式 过去分词 walk walked walked cry cried cried pat patted patted 过去式和过去分词 Tips 1. 词尾为“ 元音字母 +y ” 者,直接在 y 后加 -ed ; 2. 两个音节的词,重音在第二个音节,词尾为单辅音字母时,要 双写 该辅音字母, 加 -ed ; 3. 以 r 结尾 的重读闭音节词,要 双写 该辅音字母 r ,再 加 -ed ; 4. 词尾为 c ,而发音为 /k/ 时,则加字母 k ,再 加 -ed 。 原形 过去式 过去分词 play played played control controlled controlled prefer preferred preferred picnic picnicked picnicked 现在分词的变化形式: 1. 一般情况下,直接 加 -ing ; 2. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾 的动词, 去掉 e ,再加 -ing ; 3. 重度闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,这个辅音字母须 双写 ,然后再 加 -ing 。 现在分词 1. Why _______ (do) teaching as a career appeal to many people? 2. I ______ (play) with a monkey yesterday. I ___ (put) my jacket on it. It ____(run) away! 3. Bob likes ________(sing) English songs. 举一反三 does played put ran singing 考点题例 2: 1. I, not you , _____ in the wrong. Not I but he _____been invited . A. were ; have  B. were ; has C. was; has  D. was ; have 2. Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what _____ nice. A. looks B. smells C. feels D. tastes 3. The traffic lights _____ green and I pulled away. A. came B. grew C. got D. went 考点梳理 2: 系动词 ,亦称连系动词 ( Link Verb ) ,是用来帮助说明主语的动词。它本身有词义,但 不能单独用作谓语 ,其后必须跟表语,构成系表结构 说明主语的状况、性质、特征 等情况。 常见类型归纳 : be 动词 ( am , is , are ) , 感官动词 ( feel , look , smell , sound , taste , seem ) , " 变得 " 词 ( get , become , turn , grow ) , " 保持 " ( keep , stay ) 。 系动词 系动词的主要分类 : 1) 状态系动词 用来表示主语状态,只有 be 一词。 He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。 2) 持续系动词 用来表示主语 继续或保持一种状况或态度 ,主要有 keep , rest , remain , stay , lay , stand , He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。 This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。 3) 表像系动词 用来表示“ 看起来像 ”这一概念,主要有 seem , appear , look 。 He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。 4) 感官系动词 感官系动词主要有 feel , smell , sound , taste 。 This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。 This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。 5) 变化系动词 表示主语变成什么样 , 有 : become , turn , get , grow She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。 6) 终止系动词 表示主语已终止动作,主要有 prove , turn out , 表达“ 证实 ”,“ 变成 ”之。 The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。 His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。 (turn out 表终止性结果 ) 举一反三 1. Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to ________ a good researcher . A. make B. turn C. get D. grow 2. Emergency line operators must always _____ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay 考点题例 3: 1. If you want to sell your product you must _______ it. A advertise B. advertise for C. advertise on D. advertise to 容易误选 B, advertise sth 为 …… 登广告,登广告宣传。 advertise for sth (sb) 登广告征求或寻找某物或某人。 2. No matter how much you’ve learned and how high a standard of education you have had, you must _____ the people heart and soul. A. serve B. serve for C. serve to D. serve on 容易误选 B, 即字对字地翻译汉语的“全心全意为人民服务”, 将其中的“为”译为 for 。 及物动词 (vt.) 后必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语),并且可 直接跟宾语 。 不及物动词 (vi.) 后面不可直接接宾语,一般要 加介词后再接宾语 。 He reached Paris the day before yesterday. He lives in London . 及物动词,不及物动词 考点梳理 3: Some verbs can be followed by a “ verb-ing ” form or “ to do sth .”, but with some differences in meanings or usage. 易混点 regret to do: 抱歉要做某事 regret doing: 后悔做了某事 eg. I regret to tell you that you are fired. 我抱歉地告诉你你被解雇了。 I regret telling him the truth. 我后悔告诉他真相。 forget to do: 忘记去做某事 forget doing: 忘记做了某事 eg. He forgot to close the door when he left. 他离开时忘了关门了。 I will never forget winning my first gold medal. 我永远忘不了我第一次获得金牌的情况。 remember to do: 记得要做某事 remember doing: 记得曾经做过的事 eg. Remember to post the letter for me on your way to work, OK? 在你上班的路上记得帮我把信寄了,好吗? I remember seeing this man somewhere. 我记得在哪儿见过这个人。 mean to do: 打算做某事 mean doing: 意味着做某事 eg. I mean to come earlier today. 我今天打算早点来。 Missing this train means waiting for another hour. 错过这列火车意味着又要等一个小时 。 try to do: 努力做某事 try doing: 尝试做某事 eg. She tried to finish the work as quickly as she could. 她努力地要尽快完成这项工作。 I tried doing the exercise in a different way. 我尝试用另一种方法解题。 stop to do: 停下来做某事 stop doing: 停止做某事 eg. The workers stopped to have a rest. 工人们停下来休息。 The workers stopped working and took a rest. 工人们停止了手中的活,休息一下。 举一反三 1. I ______ you yesterday, but you weren’t in. A. rang B. rang to C. rang with D. rang to ring 可以用作 及物动词 ,表示“给某人打电话”, 故其后不用介词。 2.Neither of her parents wanted her to ______ her cousin. A. marry B. marry to C. marry with D. marry for 3. How can I _____ you, Mr.Green? A. contact B. contact with C. contact to D. contact for marry 可用作 及物动词 或 不及物动词 ,用作及物动词时它的意思“与某人结婚”,而不仅仅是“结婚”,也就是说,后接宾语时,无需用介词 to , with 等,即 marry sb 。 contact 为 及物动词 ,表示“与 …… 联系”, 其后不接介词。 考点题例 4: 1. If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ a football match. A. have B. will have C. has D. shall has 2. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work. A. don’t/had B. didn’t/have C. didn’t/had D. don’t/have 3. ______ you think he ______ back by dinner time? A. Do/have come B. Did/will have come C. Does/will come D. Do/will have come 4. “______ you give me a room for the night?” I asked on arriving at the hotel. A. Should B. Can C. Might D. May 5. He was a good runner so he ______ escape from the police. A. might B. succeeded to C. would D. was able to 助动词 考点梳理 4: Auxiliary verbs Auxiliary verbs are used in forming tenses , moods , and voices of other verbs. Verbs used for this purpose include be, do, have and modals . 助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用: 表示时态 He is singing. 表示语态 He was sent to England. 构成疑问句 Do you like college life? 与否定词 not 合用,构成否定句。 I don’t like him. (5) 加强语气。 Do come to the party tomorrow evening. Conclusion about auxiliary verbs: 助动词的失分点 I. do, does, did( 单句改错 ) ①(2015· 浙江高考书面表达 )Without hesitation, I decided to follow them and we did had lots of fun that day. __________________ ②What you always have for breakfast? _____________ ③She doesn't her homework in the morning but in the evening. ______________ ④Not until the man blocked her way she notice him. ______________ [ 易错提醒 ] 助动词 do/does/did 主要帮助构成疑问句、否定句及部分倒装。助动词 do/does/did 后只能跟 动词原形 , 助动词不能用作实义动词。 had——have you 前加 do doesn’t 后加 do way 后加 did II. be, being, been( 单句改错 ) ①All the invitation must sent out today. ______________ ②Great changes have been taken place in my hometown since the reform and opening. ______________ ③Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are run out. We must act immediately before there's none left. ____________________________________ [ 易错提醒 ] 助动词 be/being/been 主要帮助 构成进行时、完成进行时和各种被动语态 。需注意 be 虽然没有实际意义 , 但却是结构中不可缺少的。 must 后加 be 去掉 been are being run out of / run →running III. have, has, had( 单句改错 ) ①My father has always go to work by bike since then. ______________ ②It has raining every day this month. ______________ ③I met him often since I moved here. ______________ ④When we got there the football match already started. _______________________ [ 易错提醒 ] 助动词 have/has/had 主要是帮助 构成完成时态和完成进行时态 。需注意其构成形式 have/has/had done 和 have/has/had been doing 。 already 前加 had go——gone has 后加 been met 前加 have 举一反三 单句改错 ( 短文改错中的常考点 ) 1.She had taught us English when I attended training courses two years ago. _____________ 2.This experience has been shown that traveling by train actually is the safest way of making journeys. _____________ 3.The school-leavers are called on to give away their being used books to the students in the lower grades. _____________ 4.Only if do you obey the rules can you prevent your eyesight becoming short-sighted. _____________ 去掉 do 去掉 had 去掉 been 去掉 being 考点题例 5: 1. I love the weekend, because I _______ get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. It was really annoying; I _________ get access to the data bank you had recommended. 3. —Can’t you stay a little longer? —It’s getting late. I really ______ go now. My daughter is home alone. needn’t couldn’t must 情态动词 情态动词表示说话人的某种感情或语气,对某一动作或状态的某种态度。表示 “ 需要、可以、必须、应当 ” 等。 考点梳理 5: Note 2 Note 1 functions of Modal verbs ability certainty permission obligation make requests make suggestions make offers give advice 能力 职责 确定 许可 提出 要求 给出 建议 提供 帮助 提出 忠告 表示推测 —— 情态动词的重要用法 情态动词 对将来 对现在 对过去 肯定的推测 可能的推测 + V. 常见 must be + V. / + be doing + have done + V. must may/might + V. / + be doing + have done 可以用 not 表示“可能不” 否定的推测 疑问的推测 can’t/ couldn’t can/could + V. / + be doing + V. + have done + V. + V. / + be doing + have done 表示能力 : can, could, be able to be able to 能用于各种时态。 can / could 只能表示现在或过去的能力。 was / were able to 设法做成某事 相当于 managed to do sth. succeeded in doing sth. 表示能力、许可的情态动词的用法。 表示许可 : may / might, can / could might, could 比较委婉 , 一般多用于疑 问句。 can, may 表达的语言比较随便。 在以 could, might 表示征询对方意见 或表示请求时,回答应相应使用 can, may 。 情态动词 shall, will 的多种意义 : shall / will + 动词原形 : shall 可表示必须、命令、警告或征询意见。 will 可 表示意愿、常出现的动作 , 在疑问 句中表示请求和建议 。 均可表示将来。过去时为 should, would 。 表示否定的情态动词的用法 : mustn’t 不准 ; 禁止 needn’t 没必要 ( = don’t have to ) can’t 不能 ; 不可能 may not 不可以 ; 可能不 shouldn’t 不应该 ( = ought not to ) 部分情态动词的否定式是情态动词中的考点之一。 注意 : must not 的意思是不许可,不应该或者禁止。 needn’t 意思是不需要。 如: We mustn’t waste our time. --- May I take this magazine out? --- No, you mustn’t . You needn’t practice basketball five times a week. must 用于一般疑问句的时候,肯定回答应该用 yes, please 或者 I’m afraid so, 其否定回答应该用 needn’t 或者 don’t have to 。 不同的“肯定”程度可按下列层次排列: He is at home. ( 事实 ) He must be at home. (非常肯定的推断) He ought to be at home. (很可能) He could be at home. (很可能) He may be at home. (仅仅可能而已) He might be at home. (或许 , 非常不确定) He couldn’t be at home. (很可能不在家) He can’t be at home. (一定不在家) He isn't at home. (事实) 情态动词短语的使用 : would like to do … would rather do … would rather + 从句 would prefer to do ... had better do ... 用于虚拟语气的情态动词 : should might could would needn’t ought to 举一反三 1. It was so noisy that we _________ hear ourselves speak.(2015 浙江 ) 2. I’ve ordered some pizza, so we ________ worry about cooking when we get home tired.(2014 重庆 ) 3. It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, ________ bring me food.(2014 江苏 ) couldn’t needn’t should I. Choose the right answers. 1. His words on my improper behavior are strongly _______ at my memory. A. impressed B. established C. fixed D. stricken 2. –Ow! I’ve burnt myself! —How did you do that? —I ________ a hot pot. A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held 3. “Time is running out, ______?” A. hadn’t we better got start B. hadn’t we better get start C. hadn’t we better get started D. hadn’t we better not started 4. —Tom graduated from college at a very young age. —He ______ have been an outstanding student.” A. must B. could C. should D. might 5.Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend, _____ you like to have dinner with us tonight? A. will B. won’t C. wouldn’t D. do 6.He was afraid what he had done ______ a disastrous effect on his career. A. might have B. could be C. have been D. shall be II. Fill in the blanks. 1. Her hobby is ____________________ (sing and dance). 2. “Hongbao” _______ (seem) to be on everyone’s lips these days. 3. Are you good at _________ (fish)? 4. The river ________ so polluted that it actually caught fire and burned. 5. But Jane knew from the past experience that her choice of ties hardly ever ________ (please) her father. singing and dancing seems fishing pleased was III. Correction. 1. We needn't bought so much food now that Suzie won't be with us for dinner. ___________ 2. You couldn't have saw him just now. He has been abroad for nearly a month. __________ 3. You should come to the meeting. What was the reason for your absence ? _____________ 4. You could done it better, but you didn't try your best. ________________ done 前加 have bought 前加 have saw→seen come 前加 have 5. For years I have interested in engineering. ____________ 6. He pretended to reading when his mother came in. _____________ 7. The meeting room cleaned by Mary every day. _________________ cleaned 前加 is interested 前加 been reading 前加 be IV. Complete the sentences. 1. 我们应该采取措施与污染作斗争。 We___________________________ to fight against pollution. 2. 在我们的学习中 , 压力是不可避免的。 In our studies, pressure _______________ . 3. 毫无疑问我会取得好的成绩。 There is no doubt that I ________________. will get good grades should take some measures cannot be avoided 4. 昨晚一定下雨了 , 因为路很泥泞。 It _________________last night, for the ground is quite muddy. 5. 你本不必打车来这里的 , 因为这里离我家很近。 You _________________ a taxi here, for it was near my home. 6. 我惊奇地发现在乡村已经发生了巨大的变化。 I was surprised to see that ___________________________ in the countryside. needn’t have taken must have rained great changes had taken place 7. 我们应该尽我们所能防止环境受到污染。 We must try our best to prevent the environment from _____________. 8. 人们筹集了大量的钱送到遭受水灾的难民手中。 Large quantities of money _________________ to be sent to the refugees in the flooded area. have been collected being polluted Thank you.

