初中英语九年级全册Unit9Ilikemusicth单元同步作文指导课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit9Ilikemusicth单元同步作文指导课件 人教新目标版

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 第六课时 Section B (3a3b)—单元同步作文指导 本单元以“谈论个人及他人的喜好”为话题而展开,具体谈论了喜爱的音 乐及其缘由。在生活中可供我们讨论的话题有很多,除音乐外,如喜爱的 书籍、电影、老师、运动等。写这类作文首先要确定时态,多用一般现在 时;其次写清楚自己的喜好,并说明自己喜爱的理由,同时也可谈谈自己 的看法和感想。 ①My favorite kind of music/movie is… ②I like…because… ③It was…by… ④When I listen to/watch it,I feel… ⑤I think you should listen to/watch it because… ⑥I like/prefer…that/which… ⑦I dislike…because… ⑧I'm sure that you will love/like… 假设你是李华。你看到某本英语杂志上正在就“My Favorite Music”向读者 征稿。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇文章,向该杂志投稿。 要点提示:1.我最喜欢流行音乐; 2.喜欢励志的流行歌曲,振奋人心; 3.最喜欢听范玮琪的《最初的梦想》; 4.这首歌充满正能量,非常动听。 注意:1.语言通顺流畅,可适当发挥; 2.词数:80~100。 思路点拨: 范文欣赏: My Favorite Music I like to listen to music in my spare time.Among various kinds of music,I like pop music best because it is always exciting and helps me relax.When I listen to pop music,I always can't help singing along.I like listening to inspirational songs,which teach me how to live my life in a right way.Every time I feel upset or tired,pop music will cheer me up. The song I like best is The Original Dream by Fan Weiqi.This song inspires me to pursue my dream and never give up.This is a song full of positive energy and great power,and I think it is very pleasant to hear. I think listening to pop music is very beneficial to us.We should learn something positive from it. 假如你们班上周五举行了主题为“电影与我”的讨论会,每位同学都讲述 了自己与电影的故事。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文。(原创题) 要求:1.语句通顺,语法正确,可适当发挥; 2.80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 One possible version: There was a discussion with the topic “Movies and I” in our class last Friday.Each student talked about their own stories.Now let me tell you mine. I really like watching movies,but I watch different kinds of movies when I have different feelings.If I am happy,I will choose documentaries,because they are educational. When I'm sad,I'd like to watch movies that can make me laugh,such as comedies and cartoons.Of course,after watching them,I always feel better. I have a great movie which is both educational and funny to share with you.That is Dying to Survive.If you want to know what it is about,just watch it.I'm sure you will enjoy it.

