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外研版三年级英语上册期末考试测试卷 听力部分(60 分) 一、 听音选单词或短语,将序号写在题前的括号里(10’) ( )1、A. long jump B.high jump ( ) 2、A.uncle B. umbrella ( )3、A.get out B.go out ( )4、A.fly B.cry ( )5、A.class B. grass ( )6、A. visit B. which ( )7、A.have got B. has got ( )8、A.water B.want ( )9、A.cold B. cough ( )10、A. these B. those 二、听录音,用数字为下列图片重新排序(10’) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听音判断你所听到的句子与图片内容是否相符,相符的打“√”, 不相符打“×”(10’) 1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) 四、听音选择你所听到的句子(10’) ( )1、A.I’m going to Hainan. B.I’m going to Hong Kong. ( )2、A. I’m going to do the long jump. B. I’m going to do the high jump. ( )3、A.I can see a bird. It can fly. B.I can see a bird.It can’t fly. ( )4、A. These ducks are very naughty. B. Those ducks are very naughty. ( )5、A.Can I have a drink,please? B.Can I have a cake,please? 五、听音连线(10’) 六、看图听录音,按你听到的先后顺序给下列句子重新排序(10’) ( )This is Daming’s football. ( )Sam has got a new T-shirt. ( )This is Amy’s pencil. ( )Mrs Smart has got a new cap. ( )Lingling has got new shoes 笔试部分(40 分) 七、根据语境,填入所缺单词(10’) 1.Let’s________ (做)a _______(蛋糕) 2.What are________?(那些) They’re dragon________(舟) 3. _________(人们)row on this ______(湖) 4. You______(不能)jump_______.(远) 5.I _____________(有)a new football. 6.He____________(有)a new shirt. 八、选择(10’) ( )1、What are you going go do? I’m going to______in the sea. A.swim B.swims C.swimming ( )2、I’m ging to _____a doctor. A. is B. am C.be ( )3、Can you play football? Yes,________. A.I can’t B.I can C.you can ( )4、I _______ jump far. A. am not B.can’t C.isn’t ( )5、Can I have an ice cream,please? No,__________. A.you can’t B.I can’t C.you can ( )6、Li Jie_______a new dress. A.have got B.has got C.got ( )7、Do you use chopsticks in the UK? No,______ A.we do B.we don’t C.you do ( )8、We are______a cake for you. A.make B.makeing C.making ( )9、This is_______ red pen. A.Sam B.Sam’s C.Sam i ( )10、What are you _____? I’m______the flowers. A.doing,watering B.doing,water C.do,water 九、连词成句(5’) 1、 Amy the high jump is going to do . 2、headache you got a Have ? 十、读一读,连一连(10’) 1、Have you got a test today? A、I’m watching TV. 2、What are you doing? B、Yes,I have. 3、What are you going to do? C、I’m going to play football. 4、Can you run fast? D、Yes, you can. 5、Can I have an ice cream,please? E、No,I can’t. 十一、看图选词填空,补全对话(5’) We’re going go have a party at Chinese New Year. Lingling can sing well.So she is going to_________. Amy likes dancing.She is going to____________. Daming and Sam ______going to __________together. They are going to_______happy. A.are B.be C.sing D.dance E.say a poem

