pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Part B 第4课时教学课件

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pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Part B 第4课时教学课件

Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 5 Whose dog is it? PEP·五年级下册 Lead-in Do you like the dogs? Do you want to play with them? What is it? It’s a dog. Its name is Fido. He is sleeping in the living room. He is drinking in the kitchen. He is sitting in the bedroom. Let’s try Listen and tick. Where is the dog? √ 听力原文: Sam: Chen Jie: Sam: Chen Jie: Sam: Chen Jie: Chen Jie, where is Fido? He’s in the living room. What is he doing? He’s sleeping. Again?! Oh, I want to play with him. You can play with him later. Let’s talk Who are they? They are Sam and Chen Jie. Let’s talk What are they talking about? They are talking about Chen Jie’s dog. Listen and answer Q1:Is Fido drinking water? Q2:What is Sam going to do with Fido? Watch and answer Q1: Is Fido drinking water? No, he isn’t. He’s eating in the kitchen. Q2: What is Sam going to do with Fido? He’s going to take Fido to the park. Sam: Chen Jie: Sam: Chen Jie: (Sam is at Chen Jie’s home.) Where is Fido now? He’s in the kitchen. Is he drinking water? No, he isn’t. He’s eating. 在厨房 Read and act Sam: Chen Jie: Sam: Fido: Can I play with him now? Yes. Can you take him to the park? Of course! Fido, come here! Woof, woof! play with sb. 和某人一起玩耍 带他去公园 低吠声 Look and say. Is the dog eating? No, he isn’t. He is ... For example Is the dog eating? No, he isn’t. He is drinking.Is the dog … Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He’s … Can you guess? What is it? It’s a ... Is it ...? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. Let’s chant Eating, eating, the dog is eating. Sleeping, sleeping, the cat is sleeping. Swimming, swimming, the duck is swimming. Singing, singing, the bird is singing. Drinking, drinking, the elephant is drinking. Unit 5 Whose dog is it? —Is he drinking water? —Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. He’s eating.

