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八上英语月考考点(外研版) Module 1 How to learn English 一、短语归纳 1. look up,查找 2. make a mistake 犯错误 3. talk about 谈论,讨论 4. speak English 讲英语 5. write down 写下,记下 6. next to 在…旁边 7.listen to the radio 听广播 8. be good for 对……有好处 9. write to 给……写信 10. a little 有点 11. agree with sb. 同意某人 12. talk to 跟……交谈 13. send….. to … 把……(发)送给某人 14. ask for 请求(给予)15. watch films 看电影 16. be from 来自 17. smile at 冲…… 微笑 18. go to bed 去睡觉 19. get up 起床 20. think about 考虑 21. make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 22. take sb. around. 带某人参观 23. a few 几个,一些 24. invite sb. to 邀请某人到….. 25. be good at 擅长 26. for example 例如 二. 重点知识:1.pair n. (相关的)两个人,一对,一双,一副 a pair of gloves 一副手套 two pairs of trousers 两条裤子 a pair of socks 一双袜子 e.g.A pair of teenage boys are watching a football game. 两个青少年正在看足球赛。 2.correct (1)v. 改正,纠正 e.g.The teacher returned to her room to correct exercise books. 老师回到房间 去改练习本。 Correct the spelling. 纠正拼写。 (2)adj. 正确的;恰当的 e.g.correct pronunciation 正确 发音 Do you have the correct time? 你的表走得准吗? 3.advice (1)n.意思是“意见,建议”,为不可数名词,可用 some,much,a piece of, pieces of 等修 饰,不能说 an advice 或 many/a few advices。 (2)表示“有关„„的建议”时,用介词 on,接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的不定式。 e.g.Let’s ask for his advice on what to do next. 我们去征求一下他的意见下一步该怎么办。 常见搭配: take/follow one’s advice 接受某人的建议 ask for advice 征求意见 accept/refuse one’s advice 接受(拒绝)某人的建议 offer advice to sb. 拓展: advise vt.建议, 常见搭配:advise sb. to do sth. advise that sb. (should) do sth. e.g.My teacher advises me to leave now. 老师建议我现在就离开。 We advise measures(should)be taken to stop pollution at once. 我们建议立即采取措施以阻止污染。 4.We should always speak English in class. 我们应该总是在课堂上说英语。 should 是情态动词,意思是“应该”。通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务。 should/shouldn’t do sth. e.g.He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。 You should help your mother with the housework. 你们应该帮 妈妈做家务。 5.Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们一起尽可能地说英语。 (1)try e.g.They are trying to study English well. 他们正努力学好英语。 I am trying doing it in this way. 我正试着用 这种方法做。 We should try/do our best to help the people in trouble. 我们应该尽最大努力帮助困境中的人 们。 (2)as … as possible 译为“尽量”、 “尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于 as...as possible/one can。 e.g.You should rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。 I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。 6.Each time you will learn something new. I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. 每次你将会学习一些新东西。我也建议你和朋友们谈论电影或歌曲。 time 的用法: (1)time 侧重指 “时间”这一概念,或说明“时间”的量,time 用作不可数名 词,前面可 much, little, a lot of, plenty of 等 修饰。 e.g.This saves time and allows farmers to grow an extra crop in each season. 这节省了时间,使农民能 够在每个季节中多种点庄稼。 (2)当作“次数;倍数”讲时,time 是可数名词。 e.g.I have been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。 (3)time 构成的短语: at a time 一次,每一次, at one time 曾经,一度 at times /from time to time 有时,偶尔 all the time 总是,一直 in time 及时, on time 准时 (4)time 构成的句型: ① It’s time for sb. to do sth./It’s (high) time sb. did sth. 该是某人干„„的时间了。 e.g.It’s time for children to go to bed. 是小孩睡觉的时候了。 It’s high time that we started. 我们该出发了。 ② each time (每次) next time , (下次) the first/last time , (第一次/最后一次„„ 的时候)等词 组引导的时间状语从句。 e.g.The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. 我上次到中国时,游览了上 海。 7.I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room. 我建议你一天 把四个或者五个单词写在纸上并且放在你的房间里。 suggest,做动词,表示“建议,提议”的意思,对 应的名词是 suggestion。suggest 的用法: e.g.She suggested an early start. 她建议早一点出发。 I suggested his / him giving up the foolish idea. 我建议 他放弃那愚蠢的念头。 She suggested that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. 她建议班会不 要在星期六举行。 注意:当 suggest 表示“暗示,表明”的意思,它后面接宾语从句,谓语用真实 的 时态,而不用“should+动词原形”。 e.g.他脸上的表情表明他很开心。 (×)The expression on his face suggested that he should be very happy. (√)The expression on his face suggested that he was very happy 游 览了上海。 8.提建议的几种表达方法 句型 意思 举例 You should/shouldn’t.... 你应该/不应该…… You shouldn’t copy others’ homework. How/What about...? ……怎么样? What about going for a picnic? Why don’t you/Why not...? 为什么不……? Why not ask the teacher for help? Don’t forget.... 别忘了…… Don’t forget to read an English story. Try to.... 努力…… Try to remember ten words a day. Try not to.... 尽量不要…… Try not to look up the words in a dictionary while reading. Shall we...? 我们……好吗? Shall we go to see Mr. Black? Let’s 让我们……吧。 Let’s listen to music and films in English. You’d better (not).... 你最好(不要)…… You’d better not play with fire. Tt’s a good idea to do … 做…是个好主意 It’s a good idea to read English loudly,too. Module 2 My home town and my country 1.It is on the River Cam and has a population of about 120,000. 它(剑桥)位于康河河畔,人口约为 12 万。 population n. 意思是“人口,居民”,它是一个集体名词,它的用法有时较为特 殊, 所以很容易用错。 ① population 常与定冠词 the 连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形 式。 e.g.The world’s population is increasing faster and faster. 全世界的人口增长得越来越快。 ② 当主语是表示“人口的百分之几、几分之几”时,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g.About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民 ③ 有时 population 可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。 e.g.China has a population of about 1.3 billion. =There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China. 中国大约有十三亿人口。 ④表示人口的 “多” “少” 或 ,不用 “much” “little” 或 ,而要用 “large” “small” 或 。 e.g.India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 Singapore has a small -population. 新加坡人口少。 ⑤ 询问某国、 某地有多少人口时, “How much...?” 而用 不用 , “How large...?” 。 在问具体 人口时用“What...?”。 e.g.—What is the population of Canada? = How large is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? —The population of Canada is about 29 million. 加拿大的人口大约有二千九百万。 2.It has a population of about seven and a half million, so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge. 它(伦敦) 大约有 750 万人口,所以比剑桥更大更繁忙。 (1)million 是数词,意思是“百万”。它的用法如下: ① 当与具体数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且也不后接介词 of。 e.g.three million people 三百万人 He was prepared to pay two million. 他愿意支付 200 万。 但是,后面的名词有了 the, these, those 等特指限定词 修饰时,或其后的接的是 us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。 e.g.About three million of them have left there. 他们当中约有三百万人离开了那儿。 ②当不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要用复数,而且要 后接介词 of,然后才 能接名词。 e.g.A careless mistake cost the company millions of pounds. 一个粗心的错误使公司蒙受数百镑 的损失。 拓展:与 million 有相同用法的数词还有:hundred(百), thousand(千), billion (十亿)。 形容词的比较级的规则变化及用法。 (1)比较级规则变化: 一般直接加-er long tall longer taller;不 发音的 e 结尾时加-r late later large larger;单音节词和少数双音节词 辅音字母加 y 结尾时把 y 变 i, 再加-er happy easy easier happier ;重读闭音节结尾并且只有一个辅音字 母时, 双写最后的辅音字母, 再加-er big hot bigger hotter (2)形容词比较级用法 ① 表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级, 最明显的提示词是 than, 其结构为 “A„ +比较级+than+B”。 e.g.Li Lei’s room is bigger than mine. 李雷的房间比我的大。 This mooncake is nicer than that one. 这块月饼比那块好吃。 ② 有表示程度的副词 a little,a bit,a few,a lot,much,even, still,far,rather, any 等修饰时,用形容词比较级。 e.g.I feel even worse now. 我现在觉得更难受了。 It is much colder today than before. 今天比以前冷得多。 ③比较级前面可以加上表示具体数量差别的结构, 表示具体“大多少”,“小多少”,“长多少”,“短多少”等。 e.g.I am two years older than he. 我比他大两 岁。 This building is 20 meters higher than that one. 这栋楼房比那栋高 20 米。 ④表示“两者之间最„„一 个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级”结构。 e.g.Mary is the taller of the twins. Mary 是双胞胎中的高个 子。 ⑤表示“越来越„„”,用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词时 用“more and more+形容词原级”。 e.g.It’s getting warmer and warmer in spring. 春天天气变得越来越暖和。 Our home town is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的家乡越来越漂亮了 Module 3 Sports 本节课进一步学习形容词和副词的比较级的规则变化和不规则变化 (1)规则变化: 多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加 more 在原级前加 less 原级 careful beautiful important useful 比较级 more careful more beautiful less important less useful (2)不规则变化: 原级 good/well(身体好的) many/much bad/ill little far old 比较级 better more worse less farther(较远) further(进一步) older elder(较年长的) (3) 形容词和副词比较级用法 ① 表示两者进行比较时用比较级,最明显的提示词是 than,其结构为“A„+ 比较级+than+B”。 e.g.The sun is bigger than the moon. 太阳比月亮更大。 This painting is nicer than that one. 这幅绘画比那幅更漂亮。 ② 有表示程度的副词 a little,a bit,a few, a lot,much,even,still,far,rather, any 等修饰时,用比较级。 e.g.I feel even better now. 我现在觉得 好多了。 It is much cooler today than before. 今天比以前凉爽得多。 ③ 比较级前面可以加上表示具体数 量差别的结构,表示具体“大多少”,“小多 少”,“长多少”,“短多少”等。 e.g.This house is 10 meters higher than that one. 这栋楼房比那栋高 10 米。 ④ 表示“两者之间最„„一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较 级”结构。 e.g.Mary is the fatter of the twins. Mary 是双胞胎中较胖的。 ⑤ 表示“越来越„„”,用比较级 重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词时用“more and more+形容词原级”。 e.g.It’ s getting warmer and warmer in spring. 春天天气变得越来越暖和。 Our city is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的城市越来越漂亮了。 ⑥ 表示“越„„就越„„”时,用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构。 e.g.The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙越高兴。 Module 4 Planes, ships and trains (1) 规则变化: 一般直接加-est 原级 long tall 最高级 longest tallest biggest hottest; 不发音的 e 结尾时加-st late large latest largest 单音节词和少数双 辅音字母加 y 结尾音节词 时把 y 变 i, 再加-est easy happy easiest happiest 重读闭音节结尾并且只有一个辅音字母时, 双写最后的辅音字母,再加-est big hot 多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加 most 在原级前加 least careful beautiful important useful most careful most beautiful least important least useful (2)不规则变化: 原级 good/well(身体好的) many/much bad/ill little far 最高级 best most worst least farthest(更远的) furthest(最大程度) oldest eldest(较年长的) (3)形容词最高比较级用法 ① 表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前必须加定冠词 the,句 末常跟一个 in/of 短语来表示范围。(of 表示同范围,in 表示不同范围) e.g.He is the strongest of the three boys. 在三个男孩子中,他是最强壮的。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 ② 表示在三者或三者以上的人或物进行选择时, “Which/Who is+the+最高级, 用 A,B or C?”结构。 e.g.Which city is the most beautiful, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? 哪个城市最漂亮,北京,上海还是福州? ③ 表示“最…的…之一”时,用“one of the+形容词最高级”结构,该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。 e.g.Zhou Jielun is one of the most popular singers. 周杰伦是最受欢迎的歌星之一。 ④ 形容词最高级前面可 以加序数词,表示“第几最„„”。 e.g.The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China. 长江是中国第 一大长河。 ⑤ 形容词最高级前面可以有物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格等修饰,但此时不能再用定 冠词 the。 e.g.This is our last lesson today. 这是我们今天的最后一节课。 ⑥ 形容词比较级结构可以表示 最高级含义。 e.g.Li Lei is the tallest student in his class. 李雷是班上最高的学生。 =Li Lei is taller than any other student in his class.李雷比班上其他任何一个学生都高。 =Li Lei is taller than the other students in his class. 李雷比班上其他所有的学生都高。 =Li Lei is taller than anyone else in his class. 李雷比班上其他任何 人都高。 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse 1.offer (1)做动词,意思是“提供;提议;提出”。常用的搭配: ① offer sth. e.g.Many people willingly offered their blood. 很多人自愿献血。 ② offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 把某物给予某人 e.g.The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus. =The young man offered his own seat to the old man on the bus. 那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位 让给了那位老人。 ③ offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 e.g.She offered to lend me her bike. 她提出将自行车借给我。 (2)做名词,表示愿做某事或给予某物(后接 of/to do sth) 。 e.g.Thank you for your kind offer of helping me. = Thank you for your kind offer to help me. 谢谢你提供的帮助。 2.Show show 做及物动词,意为“展示;显示;给„„看”,show 后可接双宾语。 ① show sb. sth.或 show sth. to sb. e.g.Show me your pen, please. =Show your pen to me, please. 请让我看一 下你的钢笔。 Show your tickets, please. 请出示车票。给某人看或者展示某物 注意:在“show+间接宾语+直接宾语”结构中,若直接宾语为指物的代词 it 或 them 时,只能用“show it(them) to sb.”结构。 你有一支钢笔,请给我看看。 You have a new pen, please show it to me. √ You have a new pen, please show me it. × ②意为 “带领” 常构成短语 show sb. to, 意为 , “带某人去„„” show sb. around, ; 意为“带某人 参观”。 e.g.Please show me to your school. 请带我到你们学校去。 Uncle Wang is going to show us around his farm. 王叔叔将带领我们参观他的农场. ③ show+ that 从句 看出或者显示说明„„ e.g.Your homework shows that you are careful. 从你的作业上可 以看出你很认真。 此外,show 还可用作名词,意为“展览;陈列;演出”,常构成短语 on show, 意 为“陈列,展览” 。 e.g.There is going to be a picture show in our school. 我们学校将举办一次画展。 His pictures are on show now. 他的画现在正在展览。 3.If you like the Beijing Opera, traditional music or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse. 如果你 喜欢京剧、传统音乐和魔术表演,你可以在这家茶馆里欣赏到它们。 (1) 这个句子是一个由 if 引导的条件状语从句。 是连词, if 意思是 “如果; 若” 。 主句是 you can enjoy them at the teahouse,从句是 you like the Beijing opera, traditional music or magic shows。 思考: 如何使用 if 条件状语从句呢? ① 在句中做条件状语的从句是条件状语从句,可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。 常见的 if 条件状语 从句表示在某条件下,某事很可能发生。紧跟在 if 后面的句子是从句。 e.g.If you ask him,he will help you. 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If you fail in the exam,you will let him down. 如果你考试不及格, 你会让他失望的。 ② 另外,if 从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。 从 句多用一般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过去的一 种假设。 e.g.If I were you,I would invite him to the party. 如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。 学习小窍门: if 条件句不一般,几个要点记心间; 条 件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。 条件句表可能,主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。 ③ if:当“是否”讲时,引导宾语从句。 e.g.I don’t know if he will be free tomorrow. 我不知道他明天是 否有空。 注意:if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句使用的是一般将来时,或含有情态动 词的句子或 祈使句,从句通常用一般现在时。 e.g.If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. 如果明天下雨的话, 我们将不去动物园。 If he comes, let me know. 如果他来,让我知道。 (从句用一般现在时,主句是祈使 句) 4.难点知识讲解:动词不定式(I) (1)动词不定式的含义 生活中我们常遇到“我努力去理解”、“决定 留下来”等表达方式,其中连续出现了两个动词,这种情况下英语应该如何表达呢?首先请看下面的例 句: We decided to stay for a cup of tea. 我们决定留下来喝杯茶。 I tried to understand the words. 我努力理 解这些话。 I want to go to the teahouse. 我想去茶馆。 这三个句子中使用了 decide to do sth.,want to do sth.,try to do sth.的表达方 式,即行为动词后的动词都采用了“to+动词原形”的结构。我们把这种结构 称为动词不定式。其否定形式是“not to do”。 (2)动词不定式作宾语的用法 动词不定式置于谓语动词之后,作动词的宾语,表明意图、希望或决定的内 容。 在英语中,并不是 所有两个动词连用时都采用“动词+不定式”的形式,一 般说来,用不定式时,所表示的多为将来的行 为。但是在具体使用中同学们还要 注意记忆,因为动词不同,其后动词形式的要求也就不同。 常见的 后面接“to 十动词原形”作宾语的动词有:plan, decide, hope, want, agree, offer, try, like, love 等。 口诀(接 不定式作宾语的动词) 想要学习 早打算( want learn plan) 快准备 有希望( prepare hope wish expect) 同意否 供选择(agree offer choose) 决定了 已答应(decide determine promise) 尽力去 着手做(manage undertake) 别拒绝 别假装(refuse pretend) 失败不是属于你(fail) e.g.Tom refused to lend me his pen. 汤 姆拒绝把他的钢笔借给我。 We hope to get there before dark. 我们希望在天黑之前到达那儿。 The girl decided to do it herself. 这个女孩决定自己做。 注意:某些及物动词可用-ing 也可用动词不定式作宾语, 但意义不同的有:forget,stop.remember,try Module 6 Animals in danger 1.形容词变成副词的规律。 一般在形容词的词尾加-ly 可以变成副词。 例如: quick—quickly, slow— slowly, loud—loudly, sudden—suddenly 等。 2.特殊情况: 构成方法 例子 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把 y 改为 i 再加-ly。 happy—happily, angry—angrily 有些以-ble 或-le 结尾的形容词,去掉 e 加-y。 possible—possibly terrible—terribly 少数以 e 结尾的形容词,要去掉 e 再加-ly。 true—truly polite—politely 但绝大多数以 e 结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。 wide—widely 以-l 结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加-y。 careful—carefully useful—usefully,除 非是以-ll 结尾的才在词尾只加-y。 full—fully 温 馨 提 示 : 副 词 修 饰 行 为 动 词 这 一 点 。 如 : He is very ________(careful). He does everything ________(carefully) 第一句中是作表语,用形容词 careful;第二句中修饰行为动词 does 用副词 carefully。 3.常考的形容词和副词-辨析有:hard 努力——hardly 几乎不;late 迟的,晚的—— lately 近来;deep 深 ——deeply 深深地;near 靠近——nearly 差不多;wide 宽 ——widely 广泛地;high 高的——highly 高 度地;close 靠近的——closely 密 切地; free 免费的——freely 自由地。 典例剖析: Tom studies ________ but his sister ________ studies. A.hard,hard C.hard,hardly:B.hardly,hardly D.hardly,hard 此题第一个陷阱是 hard 和 hardly 的区别,通常我们会认为 hard 的副词是 hardly,事实上 hard 既是 adj.又是 adv.,而 hardly 是另外一个 adv.,中文是“几乎不…”。 hard 作为 adv.时,通常在修饰的动词 之后,而 hardly 通常在动词之前,译这句中文“Tom 学习努力,而他的妹妹则几乎不学习。”同根副词 意义有别的。 4.-ing 形容词和-ed 形容词的区别。 -ing 形容词-ed 形容词 例句 interested 感兴趣的 interesting 有趣的 I have an interesting book.He is interested in science. We are all interested in the interesting story. 令人兴奋的 excited 感到兴奋的 Have you heard of the exciting news? We are excited about the traveling. Titanic is a moving film. moving 令人感动的 moved 受感动的 We are moved by Hong Zhanhui deeply -ed 形容词表示主动意义,人对事物的感受,主语一般是人,常用于 “sb.+-ed 形容词+介 词”结构 -ing 形容词多指表示被动意义,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰事物。 5.复习动词不定式 (1)不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,或省略 to 用动词原形。在句中使 用时不能作谓语,但可 以和自己的宾语或状语构成不定式短语。 e.g.The mother wants her to read English every day. 母亲要她的儿 子每天读英语。 My mother asked me not to read in bed. 我的母亲要求我不要躺在床上看书。 (2)不定 式的句法作用: 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的作用,它可以作宾语、宾补和状语。 ① 作宾语 e.g.He wants to go out with her. 他想和她一起出去。(want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”) 注意: a. 一些谓语动词后只能用 不定式作宾语,常见的这类词是表示命令、打算或希 望,如:would like, want, wish, hope, decide, plan, expect 等。 e.g.Would you like to see a film this evening? 你今晚想去看电影吗? b. 在 find, think 后跟 不定式作宾语时,常用 it 代替,而将真正的宾语放在句末。 e.g.I find it easy to read English every day. 我 发现每天读英语很简单。 ② 作宾语补足语:动词不定式作宾补时,它与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。 e.g.Lucy asked him to turn down the radio. 露丝要他关小收音机。(他关小收音机) 注意: 动词不定式在使役动词 make, let 和感官动词 see, watch, hear, feel 等词后作 宾补时, 常省去不定式符号 to。 better, would rather 后的不定式也不带 to, had help 后的不定式可带 to,也可不带 to。 e.g.Her mother makes her do homework every evening. 她 母亲要她每天晚上都写作业。 Let’s see the dolphins. 我们去看海豚吧。 I hear her sing every day. 我听见 她每天都唱歌。 You’d better do homework first.你最好先做作业。 但 make, see, hear 等词在被动语态中, 其后的不定式要带 to。 e.g.She was heard to speak English. 有人听到她说英语。 ③ 作目的状语,表示某一动作或状态的目的,常常翻译成“为了„„”。它可 置于句首或者句末。 为了 使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面 加 in order to 或 so as to。 e.g.Mrs. Wang went to Shanghai to see her daughter. 王女士去上海看望她的女儿。 To arrive in time, we’ll start early. 为了及时到 达,我们将早出发。 We should work hard in order to pass the exam. =We should work hard so as to pass the exam. 我们应该努力学习以便我们能通过考试。 注意:不定式的否定形式是在不定式前加 not。 e.g.They told us not to play basketball too long. 他们告诉我们不要打太长时间的篮球。 You’d better not go to bed late. 你最好不要睡觉太晚。 M7 A famous story 1. a girl called Alice. 此处 called 为过去分词,修饰 girl,放在名词之后。相当于 named. 2.fall down 跌倒,掉下 fall into 落入……中 fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 跟不上,落在……后面 fall off 从……上掉下来 fall ill 生病 fall back 退回 Eg:She fell down and hurt her leg yesterday. Leaves fall off the trees in fall. They felt tired and fell asleep quickly. 3. It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone. in a tree on a tree (外来物或人)在树上 (树上本身有的东 西:apple 等)在树上 Eg:There is a bird in the tree. There are a lot of apples on the tree. smile at sb 对 sb 微笑 Eg:Lucy is very kind and always smiles at others. 4.“到达”的表达: arrive in+大地点 at+小地点 get to +地点 (get hometherehere) reach +地点 5. have a tea party 举办茶会 6. To see if you remember the story. To see 为不定式,在此处作目的状语,表示“为了看看” If 引导 的是一个宾语从句,表示“是否”,不充当任何成分,与 whether 可 以互换 7. have nothing to do 没什么事可做 nothingsomething to eatdrink nothing 作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数 8. once or twice=from time to time 偶尔 Eg:Once or twice he goes to school on foot. once 一次 twice 两次 三次及以上:数词+times three times six times 9. what……for?=why……?为什么? ;……有什么用? Eg:(1) ---What are you sitting on the eggs for? ---I’m sitting on them to hatch the chicks. 2) ---Why are you late again? ---Because there is an accident on the road. 10. nothing strange 没什么奇怪的事 形容词 strange 作后置定语,修饰不定代词 nothing。在英语中,当 形容修饰 不定代词 somethinganythingu005cnothingeverything 等时,形容词必须放在不定代词 后面, 作后置定语。 Eg:I have something important to do. There is something strange appeared in the sky. 11. hear sb do sth 听到 sb 做 sth(此处是省略 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语, 类似的有 makelethavehelp sb do sth 等) hear sb doing sth 听到 sb 正在做 sth Eg:I heard her play the piano in the next room just now. I hear someone singing in the room. .take sth out of sp rushjump out of sp 13. 把 sth 从 sp 掏出 从 sp 冲跳出去 across 表示动作是在物体的表面进行,如过河,过桥,过马路。 through 表示动作是在物体的内部空间 进行,如穿过森林、门、隧道,光 线射入等 Eg:Be careful to look both ways before you go across the road. The driver must slow down when they drive through the tunnel. 14. too……to…… 太……而不能…… Eg:He is too young to carry the heavy bag. 拓展: (1) too……to……可以和 so……that……互换 Eg:She is too young to go to school. =She is so young that she can’t go to school. (2) too……to……可以和 not……enough to……互换(not 后的形容词与 too 后的形容词是相反的) Eg: She is too young to go to school. =She is not old enough to go to school. 15. land on 落到……上;着陆 Eg:The plane will land on the island in five minutes. 16. 宾语从句: (1) 定义:在主从复合句中,充当宾语成分的从句就叫做宾语从句。 (2) 位置:常在及物动词或介词之后。 (3) 引导词: that 无意义,不充当任何成分,常可以省略; ifwhether 表示“是否”,不充当任何 成分,两者可以互换,但有 or not 时只能用 whether; whowhatwherewhenwhy 等表示“谁”、“什 么”、“哪里”、“何时”、“为 什么”,分别可以充当主语、宾语、地点状语、时间状语和原因状语, 不可 以省略。 4) 语序:陈述句语序,即 “主语+谓语” (5) 时态: 当主句为现在或将来时态时,宾语从句可以使用任何时态; 当主句为过去时态时,宾 语从句可以使用过去的某种时态(一般过去 时,过去进行时等); 当主句为过去时态时,宾语从句表 示一种客观真理、事实时,用一 般现在时。 Eg:I know (that) you met him yesterday. He asked if I would come. I don’t understand what you say. He said there were no classes yesterday afternoon. The teacher said that light travels faster than sound. M8 Accidents 1. on the phone 通过电话通话(on 表示“通过”) 2. look pale 看起来很苍白 此处 look 作为半系动词,后跟 adj. 常见的半系动词有 tastesmellsoundfeel. Eg:The music sounds good. The food tastes delicious. The sofa feels comfortable. 3. listen 听(强调听的过程,后接宾语时需加 to,即 listen to……) hear 听到(强调听到的结果,后接 do 或 doing) Eg:We should listen to the teachers carefully. I hear someone singing in the next room. (我听到有人正在 隔壁房间唱歌) I hear someone sing in the next room. (我听到有人在隔壁房间唱歌) 4.appear(v.) 出现 → appearance(n.) disappear(v.) 消失 Eg:He suddenly disappeared in front of us. 5. hit 撞击;打 Eg:The bus hits the bridge. He hits me on the head. 此外,hit 还可以作名词,表示“轰动 一时的成功” Eg:His song made a hit. 6. be glad to do sth 很高兴去做 sth Eg:I am glad to see you again. 7. in time 及时 on time 准时,按时 Eg:I hope you can come back in time. Please hand in your homework on time. 8. fall off=fall down from 从……摔下来你 fall in love with sb 爱上某人 9. the risk of ……的风险 fall asleep 入睡 fall into 掉入 fall behind 落在……后面 side by side 肩并肩 pay attention to 注意……(to 是一个介词,后接名词或 doing Eg:We should pay more attention to developing economy. 10. sometimes 有时 some times 几次;几倍 sometime (将来或过去)某个时候 Eg:He sometimes sends me an e-mail. some time 一段时间 Remember it some times, or you will forget it. Let’s have a party sometime next week. I will stay with you for some time. 11. try to do sth 试图去做某事 事 have a try 试一试 Eg:The little boy tries to go across the road by himself. We should try our best to save the animals in danger. Do you have a try? 12. pick up 捡起,拾起(代词只能放中间,名词放在中间或后面均可) pick sb up (开车)接某人 pick sth up 学 会某事 try one’s best to do sth 尽某人全力去做某 Eg:After school, his father drives his car to pick him up everyday. Mike picked up a few words of Chinese last summer. 13. call sb call up=ring up 打电话给 sb call on 拜访 sb Eg:Call me up tomorrow. I called on my grandparents yesterday. 14. take photos 照相 hide up 包庇(坏人) hide out 躲藏 15. hide—hid—hidden 隐藏 hide sth from sb 瞒着某人某事 Eg:---Why did the policeman catch the man just now? ---He hid up the murderer. She hid her brother’s death from her parents. 16. throw—threw—thrown 扔;抛 throw about 到处乱扔 throw away 抛弃 throw at 向……扔去 Eg:Don’t throw about the waste paper. The naughty boy throws at the dog a stone. 17. As he was lying there in great pain,Henry suddenly remember the photo. lie 此处为不及物动词,意为“躺”。其过去式、过去分词分 别为 lay,lain;现在分词为 lying。 He was lying on the bed. lie 的其他用法: ①不及物动词,意为“说谎”。过去式、过去分词均为 lied;现 在分词为 lying。lie to sb 向 sb 撒谎 Eg: Don’t lie to me. ②不及物动词,意为“位于”。此时其过去式、过去分词分别为 lay,lain -;现在分 词为 lying。 Shandong lies in the east of China. 山东位于中国东部。 18. hurry up hurry to do sth in a hurry 19. as 当……时=whenwhile; as……as 与……一样 not asso……as 与……不一样 as……as possible 尽可能=as……as sb cancould as soon as 一……就 Eg:He is as tall as me. We should study as hard as possible. I will call you as soon as I get home. 20. send sth to sb=send sb sth show sth to stb=show sb sth 21. use A to do B 用 A 去做 B → A be used to do B getbe used to doing 习惯于做 sth A 被用来做 B used to do sth 过去常常做 sth Eg:We can use the bamboo to make a basket. He isgets used to getting up early. He used to get up early. 22. on one’s way to 在 sb 去……路上 in this way 用这种方法 get in the way 妨碍 in a way 在某种程度 by the way 顺便问下 take off (飞机)起飞;脱下(衣服) make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事 语法全解: when 和 while 都表示主从句的动作或状态同时发生,但二者意义不尽相同。 1. when 引导的从句可表示时间点,也可表示时间段,从句的位于动词既可以是 延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词;while 引导的从句通常表示时间段,从句 中宜用延续性动词作谓 语。 They arrived while we were watching TV. 2. 含有 when 引导的时间状语的主从复合句,如果主句用过去进行时,从句应该 用一般过去式, 表示 一个动作正在进行的时候另一个动作发生,强调后一动作发 生的突然性。 We were watching TV when suddenly the lights went off. 3. 当主从句的动作都是延续的或同时发生,主从句都用过去进行时的时候,从 句多用 while 引导。 They were reading while we were writing . 4. 如果表示从句的动作在主句的动作“之前”或“之后”发生时,多用 when,不用 while。 此外,when 还含有“at the moment “的意思,此时引导的句子不能放在句首,也 不能用 while 来替换 主谓一致判 断法 主谓一致是指在一个英语句子中,主语和谓语在人称和数上要保持一致,这种一 致性体现在联系 动词 be 和助动词 do, have 的人称和数上,以及实义动词的第三 人称单数上 1. 2. 3. 不可数名词作主语 时,谓语动词用单数形式 动名词或动词不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 Either…or… : neither… nor…: not only…but also…: 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与邻近的名词或代词在人称和数上 保持一致。 4. 在 here : there 开头的倒装句中,谓语动词与后面的珠玉在数上保持一致。 M9 Population 1. The population of China is about 1.37billion. The population of sp is……. 表示 sp 有多少人。 此外用 sp has a population of……也可以表示 sp 有多少人。 形容人口(population)的多少用 big/ large 或 small 当 population 作主语时,谓 语动词用单数 ●询问某地有多少人口有两种表达方法: 1.What’s the population of … 2. How large is the population of … 注意:询问某地有多少人口时不用 how many 和 how much hundredthousandmillionbillion 等前有数字, 用单数形式 three hundred hundredthousandmillionbillion 等后有 of,用复数形式 thousands of 2. noise (n.) 噪音 noisy(adj.) 吵闹的 make noise 发出噪音 voice 指嗓音(人说话或唱歌) sound 指一切声音 3. prepare 准备 prepare for 为……做准备 prepare to do sth 准备去做某事. Eg:They are preparing for the New Year. We prepare to go fishing next weekend. 4. report 报告;报道 make a report 做报告 reporter 记者,通讯员 notes 名词复数形式 “笔记 随笔” make notes 记笔记 5. such as for example 例如,比如 too much+不可数名词 too many+可数名词 Eg: I like fruit, such as apples, bananas. I have too much homework to do today. That dress is much too long for me. There are too many people in the shop on Sunday. 6. increase by+倍数百分数 to+具体增长后的数字 增加了…… 增加到…… much too+adj. 太…… Eg:The number of teachers increased by twice. The population of the town increased to 50000. 7. be born in+年份地点 of+家庭 I was born in 1985. He was born of a rich family. 8. one fifth 五分之一 分数的表达法:分子在前,用基数词;分母在后,用序数词。当分子大于 1 时, 分母需要用复数.如:two thirds 9. hang on a minute. 稍等 10. quiet (adj.) 安静的;宁静的 quite ( adv.)相当,十分 quietly(adv.) 安静地 Eg:Please keep quiet, my father is sleeping now. She is quite beautiful in that red coat. 11. close to=next to 靠近,挨着 Eg:His house is close to a supermarket. 12. move to 移到 Eg:More and more people move to the big cities these years. 13. It be +adj. to do sth one of + 可数名词复数 14. local 当地的 ……之一(谓语动词用单数) close down 关闭 Eg:The local government should do something to solve the water pollution. This shop closed down last year. 15. It takes sb st to do sth sb spend(s) stsm on sth (in) doing sth sth cost(s) sb sm sb pay sth for sm 16. public services 公共服务 in public 在公共场合 17. in fact 事实上 a public telephone 公用电话 the public 公众 all over the world 全世界 face to face 面 对面地 make a face 做鬼脸 18. face danger 面对危险 as a result 结果是;因此 19. die from 由于……而死(死于外因,如事故等) die of 因……而死(死于内因,如疾病等) Eg:He died from an accident. A lot of people died of cancers 20. leave 离开(某地) ① leave for+目的地 前往(目的地) 启程去某地 I’ll leave for Shanghai next week. ② leave 还有“忘了带,留下”之意 I left my book at home . 21. 辨析: job 与 work job (cn) 指具体的职业或零工 work(un)指人们日常生活和工作中从事的体 力或脑力劳动 【Grammer】: 冠词: 是限定的一种词,不能单独使用,常用于修饰名词。 冠词有三种形式: 不定冠词(a/an), 定冠词(the)和零冠词(/)。 ● 1.不定冠词的用法 不定冠词用来修饰可数名词单数,指人或物种的某一个或某一类,但不具体说明 是 何人何物。 不定冠词的常见用法有: ①表示“一个”的概念。 Population is a big problem for cities . I watch TV once a week . ②表示“每一“的概念,相当于 every 。 ③首次提到的某人或某物,不定冠词起介绍作用。 A student wants to ask you some questions ④某些固定 短语中,要用不定冠词。 have a good time ● 2.定冠词的用法 ①指前文中提到过的人或物。 I have a dog . The dog is black . ● ②特指某人或某物。 The girl with long hair is my younger sister . ● ③指说话双方都知道的人或物 I had to write the same report last term . ● ④用于专有名词前。 the Great Wall the Pacific Ocean the moon have a look have a rest ⑤用于世界上独一无二的事物前。 the sun ⑥用于姓氏复数形式之前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇二人”。 the Smiths ⑦用于形容词最高级前。 the biggest city ⑧用于序数词前。the first boy ⑨用于西洋乐器名词前。 play the piano ⑩某些形容词前加定冠词 the ,表示一类人或物 。the young the old ⑾用于某些固定短语中 : in the morning ●3.零冠词的用法 ①在球类活动,学科名词前以及节日,月份,星期前不用冠词。 Tom can play volleyball . ②名词前已有指示代词, 物主代词,不定代词或数词等作定语时名词前不用冠词 There are many books in her schoolbag. ③在某些固定短语或习惯用语中不用冠词 by bus 『注意』: 在某些短语中,名词前用冠词和不用冠词的 意义有所不同。 in hospital class 数字 : 分为基数词和序数词。本模块中,我们重点学习数字的读法。在英语中, 每三位数字为一个单 位,按照百,十,个位向下读。而进位的读法则为 thousand, million , billion 向上递增。 数次的常见用法: ①分数表达法 在英语中,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子是 1 时,分母用原 形;当分子 大于 1 时,分母用复数形式。 1/3 : one thirds ②百分数的表达 百分数用 percent 表示,符号为% 如: 5% 读作 five present . M10 The weather 1.关于天气的单词: 名词 cloud rain snow sun wind fog 形容词 cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy foggy 2/3 : two thirds in the hospital at table at the table in class in the have breakfast at home at night the day after tomorrow 2.Are you coming with us? 这是一个用现在进行时表示将来的句子,在英语中,如 gocomearriveleave 等 可以用现在进行时表示按计划或安排将来发生的动作。 Eg:My father is arriving in England tomorrow. 3.Are you joking? joke n. 笑话;玩笑 v. 开玩笑 Eg:It is impolite to play a joke on the old. 4. minus 减去 play a joke on sb make a joke ofabout ab 零下(温度) Eg:Two minus one is one. The temperature is minus 3 degrees. 5.although 尽管;虽然(although 与 but 不能连用) Eg:It isn’t warm today, although the sun is shining. 6. what’s the weather like (in sp)? Eg:---What is the weather like in Jinhua today? ---It is cold today. 询问天气 还可以用 how is the weather (in sp)? weather 是不可数名词,不可以用 aan 修饰 7.as well 也;还(放句末) too 也(放句末) also 也,而且(放句中) 8. neither……nor…… 既不……也不……(两者都不) either……or…… 或者……或者……(两者之一) 这两个短语在判断主谓一致时遵循就近原则。 Eg:Either he or I clean the blackboard. 9. probably 可能,或许 10. come on 的用法: “快点” 催促别人快走或快做 “来吧” 用来鼓励,劝说别人 “加油” 用于比 赛场合 Come on, it is getting dark. Come on, Lucy. Don’t be shy. Come on, Class Six. 可能性大→小: probably →perhaps→ maybe 11. better get going.= had better g now. 最好现在就走 had better do sth 最好做 sth Eg:It’s late now, we had better hurry up. 12. bring sth to sp 把 sth 带到 sp 来 take sth to sp 把 sth 带到 sp 去 Eg:Don’t forget to bring your homework to me tomorrow. Please take these books to the library for me. 13. get cooler, turn gold 此处 getturn 都表示“变得” 另外 becomegogrow 也可以表示“变得” Eg:The winter is coming, it gets colder and colder. 14. take photo of 拍……照片 all year round 全年 和……相比较 15. compared to = compared with Eg:I compared my computer towith hers. 16. from time to time 时常,偶尔 in time 及时 at the same time 同时 on time 按时 have a good time 玩得开心 ……以后 17. 时间+later=after +时间 Eg:Two years later he left our school=He left our school after two years. 18. join 加入(党、军队、组织等) join in 参加(小规模的活动,如游戏等) Eg:When did you join the Party? Come and join in the match. 19. the best time to do sth 做 sth 的最好时间 the first time to do sth 第一次做 sth Eg:The best time to visit Harbin is in winter. The first time to visit Harbin is in 2012. GRAMMER: 情态动词本身有一定的词义, 为谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为 或事物 的态度和看法,认为有可能,应该或有必要等。情态动词无人称和数的变 化,其后接的动词需用原形, 否定式是在情态动词后加上 not. 一.当我们想表达可能发生某事以及某人可能做某事时,可以用 may/might. You may /might be right . He may/might tell his wife . May 与 might 没有太大区别,形式上 might 是 may 的过去式,但在表示将来的 可能情况时,might 表示的可能性比 may 表示的可能性还要小。 They may come tomorrow . There might be some rain tomorrow morning. 二. ①possible 表示可能性 形容词 possible 表示可能性,常用句型有: It is possible to do sth . It is possible that … EG: Is it possible to finish the work today ? It is possible that it’ll be snowy tomorrow. ② probably 和 possible 都表示可能性 Probably 和 possible 都表示可能性。 Probably 表示“很可能” , 它所表示的可能 性比 possibly 大。 常用句型有: 主语 + will + probably/possibly +v. +… EG: It’ll probably be sunny and hot. Mr. Wang will possibly agree. Module 11 Way of life 1. a chess set 一副国际象棋 2.video gam。电子游戏 3. do some cleaning 打扫卫生 4. bad luck 倒霉 5. the Spring Festival 春节 6. get married 结婚 7. for example 例如 8. for the first time 首次;初次 9. shake hands 握手 10. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 11. light meal 便餐;便饭 12. be different from 与……不同 13. each other 互相 14. on time 准时;按时 15. look up 查寻 16. at the age of 在……岁时 17. clean up 打扫干 净 18. wash up 洗刷;饭后洗餐具 19. stay out 待在户外;不回家 20. can't wait to 迫不及待 21. make mistakes 犯错;出错 重点语法: 1. here is your gift. 这是你的礼物 这是一句由 here 引导的倒装句, here+谓语+主语, 即 此外 there 也 有这样的用法。 Eg:There comes the bus. 注意:只有当主语是普通名词时才能够用倒装句,如果是代词 则不能。 Eg:Here you are. 2. what a surprise! 真惊讶啊! to one’s surprise 令 sb 惊奇的是 此句是感叹句,用来表达赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情,同样用 how 也可引导感 叹句。结构如下: what +(aan)+adj.+n.(+主语+谓语)! how +adj.adv. (+主语+谓语)! Eg:How beautiful the girl is! What a beautiful girl she is! 3. you needn’t wait. 你不必等了。 need 在这里用作情态动词,表示“需要” ,常用于否定句、疑问句 及 must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答,其后用动词原形。(needn’t=don’t have to) Eg:You needn’t come to school this afternoon. ---Must I finish my homework today? ---No, you needn’t. 【拓展】 need 作实义动 词时, 其后可接 to do, 也可接 doing, 表示 “需要做 sth” ? 当句子主语是人时,用 need to do sth Eg:I need to take some exercise every morning. ? 当句子主语是物时,用 need doing sth Eg:Our classroom needs cleaning everyday. 4. difference(n.) 不同之处,区别→different(adj.)不同的 pay attention to doing sth 5. accept (主动)接受 receive 收到,得到 Eg:She received a present, but she didn’t accept it. 6. do some cleaning 打扫卫生(这是一个由 do+some+doing 构成的短语) Eg:You should help your mother do some cleaning after school. 【拓展】do some washingcookingshoppingsewing 7. had better (not) do sth 最好(不) 做 sth be different from Eg:We had better take an umbrella. You’d better not go out in the evening. 8. experience(n.) 经历(可数名词)经验、体验(不可数名词) 9. enjoy doing sth something interesting enjoy oneself=have a goodnice time 有趣的事(当 adj.碰到不定代词 时,应把 adj.放在后面) Eg:Mike enjoys watching football matches. Can you tell something different between the two pictures? 10. get to know 了解,认识 Eg:Do you get to know my friend Bill? 11. not„„but„„不是„„而是„„(but 表示转折) Eg:She wants to buys not a skirt, but a dress. 【拓展】not only„„but (also)„„(表示递进) Eg:He can speak not Chinese but also English. 12. traditional(adj.) 传统的 → tradition(n.) 传统 take away 拿走(代词只能放在中间,名词放中间和后面均可) 13. stop v. 停止 n. 停靠站 stop to do sth bus stop stop doing sth turn v. 转(弯);变得 n. 顺序 turn left turn green It is your turn. 在„„岁时 stay up 熬夜 14. at a age of =when sb is„„years old. 15. stay out 不回家;待在外面 stay at home back-to-front 前后颠倒,穿反了 Eg:Yesterday he stayed out after 12 o’clock. It’s rainy day, let’s stay at home. We’d better not stay up, it is bad for our health. He put his sweater on back-to-front. Module 12 Help 1.broken glas、碎玻璃 2. first aid 急救 3. medical help 医疗救助 4. at the bottom of 在……底部 5. in pain 处在疼痛中 6. first of all 首先 7. find out 查明 8. lift up 抬起;提起 9. make sure 确保;确认 10. cover…… with…… 11. stay away from 远离 12. in an earthquake 在地震中 13. in short 总之 14. jump out of 从…… 跳出 15. above all 首要的是 16. lie down 躺下 17. in trouble 在困境中,有麻烦 18. because of 由于 19. on ones way 在路上 20. run out of 从……跑出来 重点知识点: 1. furniture(n.) 家具(不可数名词) glass 玻璃(不可数名词) 玻璃杯(可数名词) a piece of furniture There is some glass on the ground. There are two glasses on the desk. 用……盖上 2. stairs 楼梯 →go upstairs downstairs 上楼 下楼 3. aid(n.) 帮助、救助 in aid of 以帮助„„ first aid 急救 with the aid of=with the help of 在„„帮助下 Eg:The man is badly ill, he needs first aid. We raise money in aid of the poor. With the aid of a stick, the old man can walk by himself. 4. at the bottom of 在„„底部 in pain(in great pain) 很疼 in dangerin peace Eg:There is a lot of sand at the bottom of the river. 5. first of all 首先 above allfirstly 6.sb 怎么了? what’s wrong with sb?=what’s the matter with sb? Eg:First of all, you should turn on the computer. ---What’ s wrong with him? ---He has a cold. 6. have troubleproblem (in) doing sth get into trouble 陷入麻烦 做 sth 有困难 处于困境中 be introuble Eg:I have trouble in learning English. 7. make sb do sth +adj. make sure 确保 7.Lift n. v. 电梯 举起 lift up 举起、 提起(代词只能放中间, 名词放中间与后面均可) be harmful to sbsth do harm to sbsth 对 sth 有害 8. harmful(adj.) →harm(n.) Eg:Smoking is harmful to health. It does harm to our environment. 9. cover „„with„„ 用„„盖上„„ cover 书皮、封面 covered with 被„„所覆盖 Eg:Cover the table with a cloth. The ground was covered with snow. 10. such„„that„„ so„„that„„ 如此„„以致于„„ such+aan+adj.+ 可数名词单数+that such+adj.+ 可 数 名 词 复 数 +that such+adj.+ 不 可 数 名 词 +that so+adj.adv.+that so+adj.adv.+可数名词单数+that Eg:He is such a clever boy that we like him. He is so clever a boy that we all like him. He is so young that she can’t go to school. 11. It is +adj. +to do sth It is +adj. for sb +to do sth of sb +to do sth Eg:It is different (for us) to learn English well. It is kind of you to help me. 12. warn sb aboutof sth 提醒 sb 注意 sth;警告 sb.sth. warn sb to do sth 警告 sb 去做 sth warn sb against doing sth=warn sb not to do sth 警告 sb 不要去做 sth Eg:He warned me about the thief. Our parents warn us not to play on the street. The doctor warns him against smoking. 13. jump out of rush out of 远离„„ keep clear of 避开„„ stay away from„„=move away from„„ keep calm 保持冷静 calm down 安静;淡定 14. be careful of sth 小心 sth doing sth be careful to do sth 小心去做 sth Eg:Be careful of driving. He is careful to open the door. 15. in short 总之;简而言之 for short 简称(放句末) in short of 缺少 be short for 是„„的缩写 Eg:In short, he is a kind boy. Telephone is called phone for short. TV is short for television. 16. be proud of sth doing sth Eg:Mike’s parents are proud of him. Jack is proud of being so successful. take pride in 以„„为骄傲

