pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第3课时课件

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pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第3课时课件

PEP·六年级下册 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk Read the words and phrases as soon as possible when they are showed one by one. If you see a bomb, don’t read anything, just say “boom”. Game time 2 2 rode a horse went went camping went camping saw a film went fishing hurt rode a bike rode a horse read a book hurt my foot rode Try to remember what you see! Shanghai GuilinBeijing What’s missing? Try to remember what you see! By plane By train By car By ship What’s missing? By plane By ship watched TV Try to remember what you see! rode a bike cleaned the room washed clothes went boating watched TV rode a bike cleaned the room washed clothes went boating What’s missing? watched TV washed clothes went boating Try to remember what you see! Sarah Amy Wu Yifan OliverRobin SarahAmy Wu Yifan OliverRobin Who’s missing? Amy Wu Yifan Let's try Wu Yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school. Listen and circle. 1. What are they talking about? A. School. B. Holidays. 2. Who did Sarah buy gifts for? A. Amy and John. B. Wu Yifan and Amy. Amy: Sarah: Wu: Sarah: Amy and Wu: Hi, Sarah. How was your winter holiday? Good! I went to Hangzhou. Who did you go with? My parents. We went to see the West Lake. I bought some gifts. This is for you, Yifan. This is for you, Amy. Wow! Thanks. It was good. My parents went there with me. 听力原文: Sarah V Tuesday Friday 10th 18:30 78 147 49 关注 粉丝 微博 went to see the West Lake bought some gifts for my friends Sarah’s blog about her winter holiday. Try to finish the mind map. The person Sarah’s winter holiday Hangzhou went to see the West Lake bought some gifts her parents Where? How? It was good. What? Who What about Amy’s holiday? Amy V Wednesday February 11th 19:30 78 199 50 关注 粉丝 微博 Watch and answer the questions. Amy’s holiday 1.Where did Amy go? 2.Who did Amy go with? 3.How did she go there? 4.How was the beach? 5.What did she do? 1. Where did Amy go? She went to Sanya. 2. Who did Amy go with? 3. How did she go there? 中国地图 She went there with her family. She went there by plane. 4. How was the beach? It was beautiful. 5. What did she do? She took lots of pictures and she also went swimming. Amy’s winter holiday Where? Who? How did she go there? What? How was the beach? Try to finish the mind map. Sanya her family took lots of pictures went swimming It was beautiful. by plane Where did you go over the winter holiday? My family and I went to Sanya. Really? Did you like it? Yes, it was so warm. Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sarah: Amy: Wu Yifan: Amy: Sarah: Amy: Read after the tape then act it out. Wu Yifan: Amy: Sarah: Amy: How was the beach? What did you do there? It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Sure. Let’s talk A: Where did she go? B: She went to… A: How did she go there? B: She went… A: What did she do there? B: She… Ask and answer How did you go there? Who did you go with? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Where did you go last winter/summer holiday? Report Let me tell you about my winter holiday. I went to … with … over my winter holiday. … is far from here. So I went there by … The … was beautiful. I …,…,and also … I had a good time over the winter holiday. I liked it very much. My friend… went to … with … He went there by … The …was beautiful. He…,…, and also … He had a good time over the winter holiday. Blackboard design —She took lots of pictures. —She went swimming. —Where did she go? —She went to Sanya. Unit 3 Where did you go? —How was the ...? —It was ... —Who did she go with? —She went there with her family. Amy’s winter holiday —What did she do? —How did she go there? —By plane.

