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阅读理解训练(37)‎ Passage 1‎ Many of the most damaging types of weather begin quickly, strike suddenly, and disappear rapidly, destroying small areas while leaving neighboring areas untouched.Such event as a tornado(龙卷风)struck the northeastern part of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987.Total damages from the tornado went beyond $250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm. ‎ Traditional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short-lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to study carefully the slight atmospheric changes that come before these storms. In most nations, for example, weather-balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at places separated by hundreds of miles. With such limited data, traditional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large areas than they do forecasting specific local events. ‎ Until recently, the observation intensive method needed for exact, very short-range forecasts, or “Nowcasts,” was not possible. The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was extremely high, and the difficulties concerned in rapidly collecting and processing the weather data from such a network were hard to overcome. ‎ Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems. Radar(雷达) systems and satellites are all able to make detailed, nearly continuous observation over large areas at a lower cost. Communications satellites can send out data around the world cheaply and immediately, and modern computers can quickly collect and analyze this large amount of weather information.‎ Meteorologists(气象学者)and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment able to change weather data into words and graphic displays(图解)that forecasters can understand easily and quickly. As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, nowcasting is becoming a reality.‎ ‎1.Why can’t traditional computer models predict short-lived local storms? ‎ A.The weather data people collect are often wrong. ‎ B.Detailed weather data in some small areas are not available.‎ C.The computers are not advanced enough to predict them. D.The computers are not used to forecast specific local events.‎ ‎2.The word “Nowcast” in Paragraph 3 means ________. ‎ A.a network to collect storm data B.a way of collecting weather data C.a more advanced system of weather observation ‎ D.a forecast which can predict weather in the small area ‎3.What can make “Nowcasts” a reality according to the passage? ‎ A.Scientific and technological advances. B.Advanced computer programs.‎ C.Computer scientists. D.Meteorologists. ‎ ‎4.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.The advantages of “Nowcasts”. B.A tornado in Edmonton, AlbertA. C.The difficulty in predicting tornado. D.A great development in weather forecast.‎ 答案 BDAD Passage 2‎ Around the age of 40, honest people may already admit to noticing changes in their mental abilities. This is the beginning of a gradual decline that in all too many of us will end with full-blown dementia(痴呆).‎ However, a few drugs that might do the job, known as “cognitive enhancement(认知增强)”, are already on the market, and a few dozen others are on the way. Perhaps the best-known is modafinil. Licensed to treat narcolepsy(嗜眠症), the condition that causes people to suddenly fall asleep, it has notable effects in healthy people too. Modafinil can keep a person awake and his or her attention fixed for 90 hours straight, with none of anxiety, nervousness and bad concentration. In fact, with the help of modafinil, people who can hardly go to sleep can perform even better than their well-rested, un-medicated(未服药的) selves.‎ It’s an open secret that many, perhaps most, prescriptions for modafinil are written not for people who suffer from narcolepsy, but for those who simply want to stay awake. Similarly, many people are using Ritalin not because they suffer from attention problem or any other disorder, but because they want superior concentration during exams or heavy-duty activities. ‎ Some drugs have also been specially designed to improve memory. Many of these seem to work, and without any major side effects. So why aren’t we all on cognitive enhancers already? ‎ ‎“We need to be careful what we wish for,” says Daniele Piomelli at the University of California at Irvine. Repairing and improving memory may have unwanted effects, he warns. “Eventually we may end up remembering things we don’t want to.”‎ ‎5. According to the message, we can learn that originally modafinil is a drug designed for _____.‎ A. for both healthy and unhealthy people B. the treatment of dementia C. people who can hardly go to sleep D. those suffering from falling asleep suddenly ‎6. The passage mainly talks about _____.‎ A. dementia—a threat to the old people B. modafinil—a nice drug for dementia C. relevant drugs to a better brain D. cognitive enhancement ‎7. The underlined sentences in paragraph two wants to tell us that _____.‎ A. without modafinil people suffering from sleep problems cannot rest well B. people lacking sleep can work better than they are in a healthy state if taking modafinil C. modafinil has greater effects on healthy people if they take it D. with modafinil people suffering from narcolepsy can fall asleep easily ‎8. What’s the writer’s attitude to the drugs mentioned in the passage?‎ A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Objective. D. Doubtful.‎ 答案 DCBC Passage 3‎ The more television that a three-year-old watches, the more likely he or she is to behave aggressively, according to a U.S. study.‎ Just having the TV on in the background, even if the child wasn’t watching it, was also linked to aggressive behavior although the relationship wasn’t as strong, said the researchers.‎ ‎“Parents should be smart about TV use,” researcher Jennifer Manganello from the University at Albany, State University of New York, told Reuters Health. “They should limit the time that children use TV, pay attention to the content of TV programs, and consider how TV is used throughout the home.”‎ The study looked at 3,128 women from 20 U.S.‎ cities who had a child between 1998 and 2000. While there was some diversity of education among the study participants, one-third hadn’t graduated from high school.‎ Two-thirds of the mothers said their three-year-old watched more than two hours of TV a day, and the average viewing time for children was around three hours. On average, the TV was on for about five additional hours on a typical day.‎ After accounting for factors known to be associated with aggressive behavior, such as living in a violent neighborhood or having a mother who suffers from depression, TV watching and household TV time were both still significantly associated with aggressive behavior, such as hitting others, having angry moods, being disobedient, and screaming a lot.‎ The American Academy of Pediatrics(小儿科)recommends no TV at all for children two and younger, and two hours a day or less for older kids, lead researcher Jennifer Manganello and her team from the Tulane University School of Public Health noted in their report.‎ ‎9. According to Jennifer, parents should do the following EXCEPT __________.‎ ‎ A. limit the time that children use TV ‎ ‎ B. never allow the children to watch TV C. pay attention to the content of TV programs ‎ D. consider how TV is used throughout the home ‎10. Among the study participants about _________ hadn’t graduated from high school.‎ ‎ A. 1040 B. ‎2080 ‎ C. 1430 D. 2800‎ ‎11. The underlined word “diversity” in the fourth paragraph most probably means _____.‎ ‎ A. majority B. policy C. variety D. popularity ‎12. It can be inferred from the passage that parents ____________.‎ ‎ A. are recommended to suffer from depression ‎ B. are encouraged to live in a violent neighborhood ‎ C. are supposed to teach their kids to hit other kids ‎ D. are advised to spend more time with their kids ‎13. What would be the best title of the passage?‎ ‎ A. Watching TV makes kids’ life colorful ‎ B. TV exposure likely to make children aggressive ‎ C. How kids can behave appropriately by watching TV ‎ D. How kids can get rid of bad habits from an early age 答案 BACDB Passage 4‎ ‎ Dog owners now have a little help understanding their furry friends. A new device(装置) called Bow-Lingual “translates” dog barks into English, Korean or Japanese. Bow-Lingual Japanese inventors spent much time and money analyzing dog barks. They found that dog noises can be broken down into six different emotions: happiness, sadness, frustration, anger, assertion and desire.‎ ‎ Part of the Bow-Lingual device hangs on the dog’s collar. The other part is a handle-held unit for the owner. When the dog barks, the unit displays translated phrases.‎ Some people have scoffed at Bow-Lingual. “Who would pay $120 to read a dog’s mind?” they ask.‎ ‎ But those who have purchased(购买) Bow-Lingual praise the device. Pet owner Keiko Egawa, of Japan, says it helps her sympathize(同情) with her dog Harry. “Before we go to the park, he always says he wants to play,” says Egawa, “and after a walk, he always says he is hungry.”‎ ‎ Bow-Lingual is not yet available(可用的) in Chinese. So you’d better keep studying Studio Classroom, or soon your dog may know more English than you do!‎ ‎14. This passage is mainly talking about _____.‎ ‎ A. Bow-Lingual’s inventors B. dog barks and their different emotions ‎ C. talking dogs D. a little help for dog owners ‎15. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A. Dog owners now can understand their dogs better.‎ B. Bow-Lingual enables dogs to talk in English, Korean or Japanese.‎ C. People who have used Bow-Lingual say it helps them better understand their dogs.‎ D. More and more Chinese dog owners would keep studying Studio Classroom in order to know more English than their dogs.‎ ‎16. What does “scoffed at” mean in the fourth paragraph?‎ ‎ A. Shouted at. B. Questioned about. C. Laughed at. D. Doubted about.‎ ‎17. The writer of this passage is most likely to be _____.‎ ‎ A. a reporter B. a dog owner ‎ C. an advertiser D. an expert on dog barks 答案 DCCA Passage 5‎ ‎ To make an estimate means to guess the number of things in a group or guess a measurement of ‎ some kind. It sometimes means to make a calculation about the future which is based not on exact data(数据) but on past experience. This kind of estimate has some basis, but it generally has to be changed and corrected later.‎ ‎ When you estimate a number, a temperature, or a weight, you do not count things one by one or use a measuring tool. You look at a group of things without counting them and try to get a rough, general idea of their number, or you try to weigh something in your hand instead of on a balance. You feel hot and say “My temperature must be 38 degrees” or you look at a room and say that you estimate its area as 10+8 feet.‎ ‎ But in many situations in ordinary life we do not have time to measure things and must depend on estimates. Drivers do not have time to measure the distance between their own car and a car which is coming near. They must guess it; the guess or estimate will be based on their past experience. Experienced cooks do not trouble to measure the amount of salt they put into the soup or sugar they mix with flour.‎ ‎ Suppose a man comes into the house and says, “There are two inches of snow on the road.” His statement is only an estimate, but we believe it because we think that it is roughly correct. We put our boots on before we go into the snow.‎ ‎ For practical purposes in some situations it is safe to make an estimate, but in other situations it is obviously dangerous. If it is your job to weigh drugs or make airplanes, do not depend on guessing but use an accurate(精确的) instrument.‎ ‎18. The writer suggests that in our daily life an estimate is _____.‎ A. usually corrected by further data ‎ B. often checked by instruments ‎ C. not accepted by others ‎ D. often made according to one’s past experience ‎19. According to the passage, measuring instruments are not always used in measuring things in everyday life because _____.‎ ‎ A. people generally do not carry them along ‎ B. it is more reliable to guess than to measure ‎ C. they are not always ready when you need them D. people are busy and a general idea of things is enough ‎20. We can know from the person’s statement on snow that _____.‎ A. he wants to inform people that it’s snowing heavily ‎ B. it is necessary to depend on estimates ‎ C. his estimate is quite exact ‎ D. it is likely that he has measured the level of the snow ‎21. The writer thinks that depending on estimates _____.‎ ‎ A. may save us both time and money B. may bring us a sense of safety ‎ C. does not always keep us out of danger D. is practical but dangerous 答案 DDAC Passage 6‎ ‎ “Regardless of social class, race and age, men say they hate to shop,” says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. “Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they’ll say, ‘Well, that’s not shopping. That’s research.’ “‎ ‎ In other words, what men and women call “buying things” and how they approach that task are different.‎ ‎ Women will wander through several 1,000-aquare-meter stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the perfect digital camcorder(摄录像一体机). Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a special task or a game to be won.‎ ‎ “Men are frequently shopping to win,” says Ann, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. “They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best one, the latest one and if they do that it makes them happy.” When women shop, “They’re doing it in away that they want everybody to be very happy,” says Ann. “They’re kind of shopping for love.”‎ ‎ Teenage girls learn to shop from their moms and older sisters, but they also learn to shop by examining articles in magazines like Seventeen,” City University Zukin says. “And although men’s magazines such as GQ and Esquire have long had shopping articles, it’s TV that has the eye of young male shoppers,” say Ann and Zukin.‎ ‎ “Television shows are used by young men in the same way Seventeen magazine or Lucky is used by girls,” says Zukin, “to help make clothing and toiletry(化妆品) choices.”‎ ‎ “Of course, there are men who love to shop and are proud of it,” Loyola’s Ann says. And that is important no matter whether you buy a car or a frying pan. All men love to buy but don’t want to get cheated. Ann adds, “There actually are men who are interested, for example, in cooking or shopping or chinaware or things around the home-----they become kind of girl magnets. Women like it.”‎ ‎22. From the first paragraph we can find that _____.‎ ‎ A. men are all dishonest B. men are all book-lovers ‎ C. men hate to shop actually D. men like to shop in fact ‎3. Compared to women, men usually treat shopping _____.‎ ‎ A. honestly B. seriously C. frequently D. foolishly ‎24. A. As is shown in this passage, teenage girls go shopping _____.‎ ‎ A. only with their moms B. only with their sisters ‎ C. often following magazines D. often following TV shows ‎25. The underlined work “magnets” in the last paragraph means _____.‎ ‎ A. magazines that attract young women ‎ B. persons that have a powerfulattraction C. tools that can help housewives much ‎ D. vegetables that make women beautiful 答案 DBCB Passage 7‎ Dealing with School Pressure College can be a very demanding time for students.These tips can help keep college stress at a minimum before it becomes too hard to handle.‎ Get organized.By becoming more organized, you can reduce your stress level drastically(彻底地)Make a daily schedule of all your activities.Another way to become more organized is by getting your supplies and desk in order.Label folders(文件夹) for each class and arrange your notes and assignment by topic or date so you can easily find information.‎ Don't procrastinate.Putting off doing your schoolwork will only make you more stressed.If you get an assignment that is due in a month, and you don't have any other assignment to finish, go ahead and begin working on it.‎ Exercise.Performing some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week will considerably lower your stress level.Taking the time to exercise will help get your mind off the chaos and stress in your life.‎ Get plenty of sleep and eat healthily.You need between seven to eight hours of sleep per night in order to rest your mind and body so they can perform well during the day.Eating well-balanced meals will provide your with enough energy to accomplish your daily activities.‎ Adopt a positive attitude.If you are always negative, then stress will overwhelm you.By looking at things in a positive light, you will not only reduce your stress, but you will also feel better about yourself.‎ Realize that it's okay to say "no".If you already have a full schedule, don't attempt to add anything else to it.If your friends want you to go out at the last minute but doing so would conflict with your schedule, don't feel bad about turning them down.They will understand.They have been stressed before too.‎ ‎26.According to the tips, your life will be if you study without a proper schedule.‎ ‎ A.organized B.in disorder ‎ ‎ C.free D.busy ‎27.Which is NOT TRL'E according to the tips?‎ ‎ A.The more you sleep, the less stressed you will feel.‎ ‎ B.A balanced diet will make you energetic.‎ ‎ C.Regular exercise will help you feel relaxed.‎ ‎ D.Everything in a mess will increase one's stress.‎ ‎28.What does the underlined word " procrastinate" mean?‎ ‎ A.ahead of time. B.delay. ‎ ‎ C.give up. D.make up.‎ ‎29.If your good friend invites you to do something while you are busy.what should you do so as not to increase stress?‎ ‎ A.You should accept the invitation. B.You had better say "no".‎ ‎ C.You should keep silent. D.You should feel bad.‎ 答案 BABB Passage 8‎ ANTARCTIC FISH Have you ever wondered how some fish can live in icy cold waters without freezing? Scientists have made recent discoveries that help explain how the Antarctic cod (南极鳕鱼) is able to live in the freezing waters off the coast of Antarctica.‎ The key word is ice.‎ That describes the ocean around the edges of Antarctica. Far from land, a giant shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf, mud and pieces of ice provide a home to a world of algae (藻) and tiny animals. In that icy world there also lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod.‎ For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work, and research has been slow in solving the problem. Now it seems we have an answer.‎ Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish with hook and line. Scientists studied the fish’s blood and measured its freezing point, the temperature at which ice crystals (晶体) just begin to form. ‎ The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of 28.6 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and many ice crystals floating in it. The blood did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to 28.3 degrees F . That small difference is enough that the fish can live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture.‎ The scientists’ next research job was clear: Find out what kind of stuff in the fish’s blood kept it from freezing. Their research led to some really mysterious stuff made up of a protein (蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish. When this stuff was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze character and a lowered freezing point.‎ ‎30. Why have scientists waited so long to study the Antarctic cod?‎ A. Not enough scientists have been curious about the fish. ‎ B. Algae and tiny animals hide in the ocean floor.‎ C. The reason for the delay remains a secret. ‎ D. It is not easy to work in the Antarctic.‎ ‎31. What is the main purpose of paragraph 3?‎ A. To describe the setting and the main topic of the article.‎ B. To catch the interest of the reader with simple, direct language.‎ C. To define important terms that will be used throughout the article.‎ D. To introduce the main characters and describe a problem that will be explored.‎ ‎32. What keeps the Antarctic cod’s blood from freezing?‎ A. A protein in its blood. B. The layer of fat in its body.‎ C. A salt mixture in its blood. D. Ice crystals around its body.‎ ‎33. What is the main purpose of this article?‎ A. To persuade readers to support scientific study of the Antarctic fish.‎ B. To entertain readers with a funny story about an unusual fish.‎ C. To explain how the Antarctic cod can live in freezing waters.‎ D. To describe what it is like to live in a freezing cold ocean.‎ 答案 DAAC Passage 9‎ ‎ Every year in the first week of English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless homework requires it. They find the writing process painful and difficult. ‎ How awful it is to be able to speak in a language. But not to write in it, especially with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in an enormous mansion and never leaving one small room. When I meet students who think they can’t write, I know, as a teacher my duty is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency and accuracy while providing the opportunity in any writing activity to enhance(增强)the moral and emotional development of my students.‎ One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day.‎ Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice daily. I often see a rise in student confidence and performance after only a few weeks of journal writing.‎ Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole students. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future academic, political, and emotional lives. They build skills so that some say they might write a great novel, a piece of sorely needed legislation(法规), or the perfect love letter. That they write in their journals every day puts them a step closer to fluency, eloquence(雄辩)and command of the language.‎ ‎34.What is the purpose of the passage?‎ ‎ A.To encourage students to keep a journal every day.‎ ‎ B.To analyze students’ problems in learning languages.‎ ‎ C.To stress the importance of writing in language learning.‎ ‎ D.To introduce an effective way of improving students’ writing.‎ ‎35.The underlined phrase “an enormous mansion” in Paragraph 2 refers to students’ .‎ ‎ A.writing opportunity B.large house C.large vocabulary D.emotional life ‎36.In the author’s view, what can students benefit from the journal writing?‎ ‎ A.It is beneficial to students’ future career. B.It can make students more emotional.‎ ‎ C.It is helpful to students’ homework. D.It can enlarge students’ vocabulary.‎ 答案 DCA Passage 10‎ Winter’s short days are more than cold.For many people, winter depression, the most common type of Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD), is as much a part of the reason as hats and scarves(围巾).‎ Winter serious SAD sufferers may need medical treatment.Those feeling a little blue can help themselves by sticking to a healthy lifestyle.Here are some tips:‎ Pace yourself.Don’t expect to do everything you normally can.Set a realistic schedule.Don’t listen to negative thinking, like blaming yourself or expecting to fail.‎ Get involved in activities that make you feel good or feel like you’ve achieved something.For example, play table tennis or badminton.‎ If you are feeling depressed, you may feel like staying away from friends.Yet this is a time when a friend’s support can be helpful.Call them regularly.Remember, the more we put off calling or visiting a friend, the harder it is to rebuild a friendship.‎ Think clearly about what’s wrong or right.Instead of giving in to vague feelings of sadness, look at your problems objectively.Break down problems into specific issues that you can work on.‎ Regular exercise helps to prevent and ease depression.‎ Eat well.Studies show that a healthy diet can help to maintain(keep) a healthy body and mind.The vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients found in a balanced diet may help our bodies to produce feel-good hormones(荷尔蒙).Foods containing chemicals to help produce feel-good hormones include bananas, turkey, nuts and seeds.Eat at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables every day.‎ P.S.Symptoms(症状) of SAD:‎ No interests or pleasure in things you used to enjoy Increased need for sleep A change in eating habits, especially an appetite for sweet or starchy(含淀粉的) foods ‎ Weight gain A heavy feeling in the arms or legs A drop in energy level ‎ Difficulty in concentrating ‎ Overly emotional ‎ Avoidance of friends and social situations Frequent feelings of guilt Long-term feelings of hopelessness, and physical problems, such as headaches ‎37.The writer of the passage agrees that ______.‎ A.the cold in winter makes us suffer from SAD ‎ B.hats and scarves are as important as SAD ‎ C.everyone of us meets SAD in winter ‎ D.we are blue mainly because of short days in winter ‎38.It can be inferred that ______.‎ ‎ A.a more darkness will make us sad ‎ ‎ B.we should wear hats and scarves in winter ‎ ‎ C.a healthy lifestyle prevents us from serious SAD ‎ D.staying away from friends makes us depressed ‎39.When we pace ourselves, we ______.‎ ‎ A.don’t do anything we can B.make a practical plan ‎ C.expect to succeed in nothing D.think something of guilt ‎40.The passage includes the following EXCEPT _____.‎ ‎ A.the earlier we meet friends, the easier it is to rebuild a friendship ‎ B.if we give up to unclear feelings of sadness, we’ll be caught in the SAD ‎ C.playing table tennis helps us achieve whatever we want ‎ D.feel-good hormones from a balanced diet can help keep a healthy body 答案 DCBC Passage 11‎ From the coldest arctic ice to the hottest deserts you will find mammals living and thriving(兴旺). There seems to be no climate that they can’t adapt to , however changeable it may be. Why can mammals adapt to so many different habitats? There is a good reason for this – mammals have the ability to keep their body at a constant temperature whatever the weather. They are “warm-blooded”‎ Mammals achieve this by chemically “burning” their food as fuel inside their bodies. This is kept under tight control by a region of the brain that acts like a thermostat(恒温器), and this makes sure that the mammal’s body temperature stays about the same.‎ A constant body temperature is a great advantage for mammals because all the chemical processes that go on inside a living body are likely to happen more slowly at low temperatures and faster at higher temperatures. Mammals can regulate their temperature at the best condition for all these processes, allowing them to be active at very cold or very hot periods and to keep up tiring activity for a long time. Animals such as lizards(蜥蜴)rely on moving in and out of the warm sunlight to regulate their body temperature. They slow down when they can’t warm up and may die if they can’t get away from heat. They also tend to overheat quickly when they are active as their muscles produce warmth.‎ Using food energy to keep body temperature constant is expensive, and since mammals need to be efficient at keeping to warmth they create inside themselves, they often have fur and a cover of fat under their skin to prevent heat from escaping. To help lose heat when they are too hot, they have sweat glands(汗腺)that take the heat away from the skin through evaporating(蒸发)‎ water. This means, though, that they need to drink more than other animals. ‎ ‎41.Mammals can adapt to so many habitats because .‎ ‎ A.the climate is unchangeable ‎ B.they can regulate their body temperature ‎ C.they are “warm-blooded” ‎ D.their muscles produce warmth ‎42.When mammals keep their body at a constant temperature, .‎ ‎ A.the chemical processes happen more slowly in their bodies ‎ B.the chemical processes happen faster in their bodies ‎ C.they will use less fuel inside their bodies ‎ D.they can live an active life ‎43.We can infer from the last paragraph that mammals .‎ ‎ A.need to drink more than other animals ‎ B.have different ways of keeping their body temperature ‎ C.often have fur and fat to prevent heat from escaping ‎ D.have sweat glands that take the heat away from the skin ‎44.The writer answers the question raised in the first paragraph with .‎ ‎ A.stories and explanation B.examples and conclusion ‎ C.evidence and argument D.explanation and comparison 答案 CDBD Passage 12‎ Do you want to live forever? By the year 2050, you might actually get your wish--if you are willing to leave your biological body and live in silicon circuits. But long before then, perhaps as early as 2010, some measures will begin offering a semblance of immortality(虚拟的永生).‎ Researchers are confident that technology will soon be able to track every waking moment of your life. Whatever you see and hear, all that you say and write, can be recorded, analyzed and added to your personal chronicles (履历). By the year 2030, it may be possible to catch your nervous systems electrical activities, which would also keep you thoughts and emotions. Researchers at the laboratories of British Telecommunications have given the name of this idea as Soul Catcher.‎ Small electronic equipment will make preparations for Soul Catcher. it would use a wearable supercomputer, perhaps in a wristwatch, with wireless links to micro sensors under your scalp(头皮) and in the nerves that carry all five sensory signals. So wearing a video camera would no longer be required.‎ At first, the Soul Catcher' s companion system—the Soul Reader—might have trouble copying your thoughts in complete details. Even in 2030, we may still be struggling to understand how the brain is working inside, so reading your thoughts and understanding your emotions might not be possible. But these signals could be kept for the day when they can be ‎ transferred to silicon circuits to revitalize minds everlasting entities (实体). Researchers can only wonder what it will be like to wake up one day and find yourself alive inside a machine.‎ For people who choose not to live in silicon, semblance of immortality would not be as useless as they thought. People would know their lives would not be forgotten, but would be kept a record of the human race forever. And future generations would have a much fuller understanding of the past. History would not be controlled by just the rich and powerful, Hollywood stars, and a few thinkers in the upper society.‎ ‎45. The main idea of this passage is that .‎ A. human beings long for living forever B. there are many difficulties in making the Soul Catcher C. people can live forever as technology develops D. the invention of Soul Catcher has great significance ‎ ‎46. According to this passage, a Soul Catcher will be .‎ A. a new machine on which research measures have already made B. a new invention in order to catch and keep human's thoughts C. made by British scientists to offer something that looks like living forever D. made of silicon circuits which can catch people's nervous activity ‎47. We can infer from the passage that semblance of immortality is .‎ A. to be a reality sooner or later B. far from certain C. just an idea that couldn’t t be realized at all D. a fading hope ‎48. The meaning of the underlined word "rejuvenate" in the fourth paragraph is close to ‎ A. make dead B. make famous C. make known D. make active 答案 CBAD Passage 13‎ Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it? Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind. How can you use this to increase your brain power? Start writing.‎ By putting thoughts into words, you are telling yourself the logic behind what you think, feel, or only partly understand. Often, explaining a thought is the process of understanding. In other words, you increase your brain power by exercising your “explain power”.‎ Another benefit of writing is that it helps you remember. Many, if not most, highly productive people are always taking notes. You can try keeping it all in your head, but if you keep a journal of your ideas, the next time you’re working on a big project, you’ll probably have more success. ‎ Want to understand a topic? Write a book about it. That’s an extreme example, but if you are learning something new, write a letter to a friend about it, and you will understand it better. Want to invent something? Write an explanation of the problem—why you want to solve it, and why it is worth solving, and you’re half-way there.‎ Writers don’t always write because they clearly understand something beforehand. Often, they write about something because they want to understand it. You can do the same. Writing will help bring you to an understanding. Give it a try.‎ ‎49.According to the passage, writing can help you a lot EXCEPT______.‎ A.to increase your brain power.‎ B.to improve the ability to remember.‎ C.to develop your interest in study.‎ D.to strengthen the understanding of a topic.‎ ‎50.The underlined sentence “you’re half-way there” in the fourth paragraph means that______.‎ A.you are already successful B.there’s a long way for you to go to reach your goal.‎ C.you are left wondering what to do D.you have been on the way to success ‎51.What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A.A Way on How to Write.‎ B.A More Powerful Mind Through Writing.‎ C.Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing.‎ D.How to Start Your Writing.‎ ‎52.Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ A.Writing can cure people of their brain disease.‎ B.People who can keep all thoughts in mind are more likely to succeed.‎ C.Writing a book about one topic is the only way to understand it.‎ D.The more you write, the more logical you will be.‎ 答案 CDBD Passage 14‎ ‎ Animals and the places where they live are getting pushed aside as households(家庭) decrease in size and increase in number.‎ Smaller numbers of people per household on average use more energy and goods per person. Greater numbers of households require more natural resources for construction. The possible result of the double problems may be that there are not enough natural resources to meet consumers’ demand without endangering habitats important to biodiversity.‎ Personal freedom and social choice may come at a huge environmental cost. Direct costs include visible damage to animal habitats and plant life. Indirect costs include the release of more greenhouse gases.‎ The effects of such“personal freedom and social choice” have already surfaced in southwest China’s Wolong Nature Reserve. In Wolong they found that a reduced average household size was directly tied to an increase in homes, and thus an increase in the amount of firewood used for ‎ cooking and heating. The rise in wood fuel use has led to the disappearance of forests and to the loss of habitats for giant pandas.‎ Curious about whether other parts of the world were experiencing a similar situation, they enlisted a team of researchers including Stanford’s Paul Ehrlich, well-known for his population studies, to find out the household dynamics in 141 countries-between 1985 and 2000. Their study proved that the Wolong problem is part of a global trend.‎ In the 76 countries considered biodiversity “hot spots”, such as the United Stated, Brazil, Australia and Kenya, the number of households grew yearly by 3.1%, while the population increased just 1.8%. Meanwhile, the number of people per home dropped from 4.7 to 4.0. The decrease in household size has resulted in 155 million additional households in hot-spot countries, almost always limiting biodiversity.‎ In the 65 non-hot-spot countries-those without high-density areas of animals and plant species-similar results were found, though to a lesser degree. Even in countries experiencing population decrease, such as New Zealand, the number of households still increased because of a reduction in household size.‎ ‎53. What is mainly discussed in the passage?‎ A. Reduction in household size and increase in household numbers is a danger to nature.‎ B. Reduced household size leads to an increase in household numbers.‎ C. Modern homes consume more natural resources.‎ D. How to meet consumers’ demand without endangering animals and their habitats.‎ ‎54. It can be learned from the passage that China’s Wolong Nature Reserve______.‎ A. is a place where giant pandas and their habitats are not affected.‎ B. is a place where animals and their habitats are seriously damaged.‎ C. sets a good example of protecting animals.‎ D. is facing the same threat as many other parts of the world.‎ ‎55. Which of the following is best supported by the last two paragraphs?‎ A. The threat to nature from reduction in household size is a worldwide problem.‎ B. Biodiversity is better kept in countries with smaller populations.‎ C. Biodiversity better kept in hot-spot countries doesn’t face threat.‎ D. Both hot-spot countries and non-hot-spot countries face threat of the same percentage.‎ ‎56. Which of the following can best describe the feeling of the author?‎ A. Disappointed B. Hopeful C. Worried D. Angry 答案 ADAC Passage 15‎ Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad众多方面的of services, including labor, ‎ professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define “price”, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. ‎ ‎57.According to the first paragraph, what makes up the price system of the US?‎ ‎ A. Labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility有益 services.‎ B. A complex network composed of the prices of all the products bough and sold in the economy and also those of a myriad of services.‎ C. Any particular product or service.‎ ‎ D. To depend on “how resources are to be used”.‎ ‎58. How many factors are there to define “Price”?‎ ‎ A. more than 7 B. more than ‎8 C. more than 9 D. more than 10‎ ‎59. Which statement is true according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. Price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product.‎ ‎ B. Price is the money value of a product.‎ ‎ C. Price is not only an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service but the amount and quality of the product and other factors. ‎ ‎ D. Price is the asked-for amount of money.‎ ‎60. What’s the best title of the passage?‎ ‎ A. How Resources are to be Used. B. The Price System ‎ C. The Factors of “Price” D. The Definition of “Price”‎ 答案 BDCD

