专题01 名词和冠词(命题猜想)-2018年高考英语命题猜想与仿真押题

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专题01 名词和冠词(命题猜想)-2018年高考英语命题猜想与仿真押题

‎【考向解读】 ‎ 单项填空题对名词的考查主要包括名词的辨析、单复数、名 词的固定搭配、名词的格、名词在特殊语境中的应用、名词 的熟词生义以及名词与冠词搭配使用的情况等。冠词多考查 冠词的基本用法。掌握名词和冠词的用法显得尤为重要。 ‎ ‎【命题热点突破一】 名词的数 ‎ 例1.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned down several ________ (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.‎ ‎【举一反三】(2017新课标卷Ⅱ·语法填空)In 1863the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible 61 (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work.‎ ‎【答案】crowds ‎【解析】此处表示复数概念,crowd前没有冠词,且它是可数名词,故填crowds.‎ ‎【举一反三】(2017新课标卷Ⅲ·语法填空)She has turned down several 67 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.‎ ‎【答案】invitations ‎ ‎【解析】考查名词单复数。several修饰可数名词复数形式,故填invitations。 ‎ ‎【变式探究】(2016·全国新课标卷I·语法填空)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top 1 (attract)... The nursery team switches him every few 2 (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, (the) other is with mum — she never suspects.‎ ‎1.【答案】attraction ‎【解析】考查名词。 形容词top后面跟名词形式。‎ ‎2.【答案】days ‎【解析】考查名词复数。few修饰复数名词。‎ ‎【命题热点突破二】 名词词义辨析 ‎ 例2. —Can you tell us your for happiness and a long life?‎ ‎—Living every day to the full, definitely.‎ A. recipe B. record C. range D. receipt ‎【答案】A 名词词义辨析主要考查考生对基本词汇的掌握程度和名词在具体语境中的运用。常见考查形式有:异义词辨析、同义词辨析和近义词辨析。在做题时,先弄清题中每个名词的意义 及用法,然后根据语境选择符合句意的名词。 ‎ 常考的几组名词辨析有: ‎ ‎1.cause,reason,excuse ‎ ‎2.award,reward,prize ‎ ‎3.sight,view,scene,scenery ‎4.anger,rudeness,regret,panic ‎ ‎5.condition,situation,state,position ‎ ‎6.reputation,influence,impression,attention ‎ ‎7.expectation,reputation,contribution,civilization ‎ ‎8.accommodation,occupation,adaptation,appreciation ‎ ‎【易错提醒】在高考词义辨析题中,有一种“熟词生义”题型,即题目中所填的词是考生所熟悉的,但所考查的含义却是不常见的。这就要求考生在掌握单词基本词义的基础上,善于结合不同的语境去体会、感悟单词的含义。‎ ‎【变式探究】It is important to pay your electricity bill on time , as late payments may affect your ______.‎ A. condition B. income C. credit D. status ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】句意:准时付电费很重要,因为付晚了会影响你的信用。Condition条件;income收入;credit学分,信用(卡)。根据句意故选C。‎ ‎【考点】考查名词辨析。‎ ‎【命题热点突破三】名词的搭配 ‎ 例3. Some schools will have to make ________ in agreement with the national soccer reform. ‎ A.judgments ‎ B.adjustments ‎ C.comments ‎ D.achievements ‎ 答案:B 高考考查名词构成的固定搭配主要有两类:“介词+名词”‎ 和“动词+名词”。常考的名词短语: ‎ ‎(1)out of one’s reach 在某人够不到的地方 ‎ beyond recognition 无法辨认 ‎ in great demand 需求量很大 ‎ in progress 在进行中 ‎ out of question 不成问题;无疑 ‎ of great value(=very valuable) 非常有价值的 ‎ ‎(2)have/gain access to 可以获得 ‎ gain/have an advantage over 胜过,优于 take advantage of 利用,趁……之机 ‎ pay attention to 注意 ‎ make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理 ‎ find fault with 挑……的错;吹毛求疵 ‎ keep pace with 与……同步 ‎ put an end to 结束…… ‎ take notice of 注意到 ‎ take...into account 考虑…… ‎ catch sight of 看见 ‎ have a good reputation 有个好名声 ‎ make a difference 有影响;有关系 ‎ ‎【变式探究】When he was running after his brother,the boy lost his ________ and had a bad fall. ‎ A.balance B.chance ‎ C.memory D.Place ‎【易错警示】下列固定搭配中名词用复数形式:make preparations for为……做准备,take pains to do尽力,刻苦,make(both) ends meet使收支相抵,take turns to do轮流,be in high spirits兴致勃勃,make repairs修理,burst into tears放声大哭,in all directions向四面八方。‎ ‎【命题热点突破四】抽象名词具体化 例4、Being able to afford ________drink would be ________comfort in those tough times. ‎ A.the;the B.a;a ‎ C.a;不填 D.不填;a ‎ 解析:不可数名词可以和不定冠词连用,表示名词的具体化.句中的a drink表示“一杯饮料”,后面的a comfort表示“慰 藉者,安慰的事”。句意:在那些难熬的时光中,能买得起 一杯饮料是一个莫大的安慰。 ‎ 答案:B 抽象名词是表示状态、品质、情感等的名词,通常不与不定冠词连用。但是,当这些抽象名词表示具体概念时,前面可加不定冠词,用来表示具体的人或物。常译为“一次……的事;一个……的人;一种……东西”。 ‎ ‎【变式探究】‎ Life for________disabled in Uganda is difficult,but for children it can be ________ ‎ shock that can never be overcome. ‎ A.a;the B.不填;a ‎ C.a;不填 D.the;a ‎ 解析:句意:生活对于乌干达的残疾人来说是困难的,但对于孩子们来说,生活可能就是永远无法克服的一种震惊。第一空后是形容词,the + 形容词表示一类人,the disabled残疾人;第二空属于抽象名词具体化,“一种震惊”。‎ 答案:D ‎ ‎【命题热点突破五】不定冠词的用法 ‎ 例5、(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)They live far from the school,and it takes them about ________ hour and a half to go to work every day.‎ ‎【解析】考查冠词。后面的单词hour以元音音素开头。故用不定冠词an。此处也可用one表示“一个”。‎ ‎【答案】an/one ‎【变式探究】(2017·新课标1卷语法填空)As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.‎ ‎【答案】a ‎ ‎【解析】考查冠词。固定短语as a result表示“结果”。句意:结果,人们将吃更多的食物去弥补损失的东西。故填a。‎ ‎【变式探究】(2017新课标3卷语法填空)But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term resting (rest). Instead, she is earning £6500 a day as 62 model in New York.‎ ‎【答案】a ‎【解析】考查冠词。model是可数名词,前面没有限定词,而此处泛指 "一个",故填a。‎ ‎【2016·浙江】2.______prize for the winner of the competition is ______two-week holiday in Paris.‎ A. The ; 不填 B. A ; 不填 C. A ; the D. The ; a ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:这个比赛获胜者的奖品是一个巴黎的两个星期的假期。第一空填the,是特指“获胜者的奖品”,用定冠词,第二空是泛指“一个两周的假期”,用不定冠词a。故选A。‎ ‎1.泛指某一类人或物中的任何一个。 ‎ The “Chinese Dream” is a dream to improve people’s well ‎-being and a dream of harmony,peace and development. ‎ ‎“中国梦”是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平与发展 的梦。 ‎ ‎2.用于单数可数名词前,表示数量“一”;在某些物质名词或抽象名词前加a,an表示“一份,一阵,一场,一类”等。 ‎ ‎—Would you like something to drink? ‎ ‎——你想喝点什么? ‎ ‎—I would like a coffee and two beers. ‎ ‎——我想喝一杯咖啡和两瓶啤酒。 ‎ ‎3.用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。 ‎ He missed the gold in the high jump,but will get a second chance in the long jump.‎ 他在跳高比赛中错失了金牌,但是 在跳远比赛中他还有机会。 ‎ ‎4.用在专有名词前表示“某一个”,相当于a certain;用 于“a+most+形容词+名词”结构,意为“非常,很”。 Dan Brown,the author of The Da Vinci Code,is a most famous writer. 丹·布朗,《达·芬奇密码》的作者,是一位很著名的作家。 ‎ ‎5.有些不可数名词如knowledge,collection,understanding等后面加of...时,前面需用不定冠词a/an。构成:have a (good) knowledge of...“精通……”;have a (clear/good)understanding of...“(清楚地/很好地)了 解……”。 Social practice is an opportunity for students to gain a better ‎ understanding of how society operates. 社会实践是让学生来更好地了解社会运作的一个机会。 ‎ ‎【变式探究】‎ France is a main destination for U.S.travelers,________second only to the United Kingdom,‎ according to________Commerce Department report. ‎ A.不填;a B.不填;the ‎ C.a;a D.the;the ‎ ‎【命题热点突破六】定冠词的用法 ‎ 例6.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)Around me in picture are the things that were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments.‎ ‎【解析】考查冠词或限定词。根据语境可知这张照片是上文提到的照片,是特指。‎ ‎【答案】在picture前加the或this ‎【变式探究】I just heard ______ bank where Dora works was robbed by ________ gunman wearing a mask. ‎ A.the;/ ‎ B.a;/ ‎ C.the;a ‎ D.a;the ‎ 解析:考查冠词的基本用法。句意:我刚刚听说多拉工作 的那家银行被一名持枪蒙面人抢劫了。第一个空有定语 从句 修饰限定,很显然是特指多拉工作的那家银行,可排除B、D两项;第二个空后的gunman是可数名词单数,可数名词单数前一般需要加适当的冠词或其他限定词,可排除A项。 其实 第二个空如果用定冠词也是说得通的,意思则变为“那个持 枪蒙面人”。 ‎ 答案:C ‎1.表示“特指”。上文已经提到的人或物,再次提到时在其前加the。也可指上文未提到,但谈话双方都知道的人或物。 ‎ ‎—Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? ‎ ‎——你昨天玩得开心吗? ‎ ‎—Yes,as you know,the party went on in a pleasant atmosphere. ‎ ‎——是的,正如你所知,晚会是在愉快的气氛中进行的。 ‎ ‎2.用于序数词和形容词或副词最高级以及形容词only,very,same等之前。 ‎ Yang Liwei is the first man who has been into space in China.在中国杨利伟是第一个登上太空的人。 ‎ ‎【易错警示】‎ ‎(1)only,very,same,main 等形容词修饰名词时,前面也用定冠词the。‎ This is the only expensive dress I’ve got.这是我唯一一件贵的连衣裙。‎ ‎(2)a与most连用,位于形容词前时,most是表示程度的副词,意为“非常”;the与most连用,位于形容词或副词前时,most是最高级的标志,意为“最……的”。‎ Historical experience can serve as a most important source of information.历史经验能充当一种非常重要的信息来源。‎ ‎【变式探究】‎ The Jurassic Park is________Steven Spielberg movie in which________hero fights bravely and ‎ protects his friends and family from dinosaurs. ‎ A.不填;the B.a;the ‎ C.不填;a D.the;a ‎ 解析:句意:《侏罗纪公园》是一部由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的电影,在这部电影中主角勇敢地斗争并保护他的朋友 和家人不受恐龙的威胁。第一空是泛指,用a;第二空是强调该影片的主角,应特指,填the。 ‎ 答案:B ‎【命题热点突破七】零冠词的用法 ‎ 例7、India attained ________independence in 1947,after________ long struggle. ‎ A.不填;a B.the;a ‎ C.an;不填 D.an;the ‎ ‎1.表示泛指的不可数名词(物质名词、抽象名词)、专有名词(不含普通名词)或可数名词复数前不加冠词。单数可数 名 词前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等限制时,前也不加冠词。 ‎ ‎2.季节、月份、星期、节假日、一日三餐前一般不加冠词.但是如果名词前面有修饰语或特指某一季节、月份等,要用 冠词。 ‎ The spring of 2014 was a terrible spring because many people ‎ died because of terrorists. ‎ 因为许多人死于恐怖分子,2014年的春天是个可怕的春天。 ‎ ‎3.表示独一无二的头衔、职务名词作表语、同位语或宾语补 足语时,一般不加冠词。 ‎ David,monitor of our class,is always ready to help others. ‎ 戴维,我们班的班长,总是乐于助人。 ‎ ‎4.as,though引导的让步状语从句中的表语(单数可数名词)置于句首时不加冠词。 ‎ Child as/though he is,he plays the violin perfectly. ‎ 尽管是个孩子,但他小提琴拉得很好。 ‎ ‎5.系动词turn后的作表语的单数可数名词前不加冠词。 ‎ Lu Xun was a doctor before he turned writer/became a writer.鲁迅在成为作家前是名医生。 ‎ ‎【变式探究】‎ In Germany,________successful project,which roughly translates as “adopt a grandparent”,has been running with_______great success. ‎ A.a;a B.a;不填 ‎ C.the;a D.不填;the 解析:第一个空是泛指修饰名词project;第二个空后的名词success是抽象名词。‎ 答案:B ‎ ‎【高考真题解读】‎ ‎1.(2017·新课标1卷语法填空)As 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.‎ ‎【答案】a ‎ ‎【解析】考查冠词。固定短语as a result表示“结果”。句意:结果,人们将吃更多的食物去弥补损失的东西。故填a。‎ ‎2.(2017新课标3卷语法填空)But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term resting (rest). Instead, she is earning £6500 a day as 62 model in New York.‎ ‎【答案】a ‎【解析】考查冠词。model是可数名词,前面没有限定词,而此处泛指 "一个",故填a。‎ ‎3.(2017新课标卷Ⅱ·语法填空)In 1863the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible 61 (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work.‎ ‎【答案】crowds ‎【解析】此处表示复数概念,crowd前没有冠词,且它是可数名词,故填crowds.‎ ‎4.(2017新课标卷Ⅲ·语法填空)She has turned down several 67 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.‎ ‎【答案】invitations ‎ ‎【解析】考查名词单复数。several修饰可数名词复数形式,故填invitations。‎ ‎5.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Besides,they often get some useful informations from the Internet. ____________‎ ‎【解析】考查名词的用法。information为不可数名词,没有复数形式。‎ ‎【答案】 informations→information ‎6.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turn left!” ____________‎ ‎7.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible ________ (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work.‎ ‎【解析】crowd为可数名词,并且其前没有限定词,所以此处应用其复数形式crowds。‎ ‎【答案】crowds ‎8.(2017·浙江卷)Last October,while tending her garden in Mora,Sweden,Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small ________(carrot) and was about to throw them away.‎ ‎【解析】空格前的a handful of(几个,一把)和下文的复数代词them均提示此空应填入名词的复数形式carrots。‎ ‎【答案】carrots ‎9.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)This development was only possible with the ____________ (introduce) of electricpowered engines and lifts.‎ ‎【解析】考查词性转换。空格前是the,后面应该是名词。故填名词introduction。‎ ‎【答案】introduction ‎1.(2016·新课标Ⅰ,61)But for tourists like me,pandas are its top ________(attract).‎ ‎【答案】attraction ‎ ‎【解析】句意:但是对于像我一样的游客来说,大熊猫是最大的吸引。形容词top“头等的;最重要的”后面跟名词形式。‎ ‎2.(2016·新课标Ⅰ,69)The nursery team switches him every few ________(day)with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed...‎ ‎【答案】days ‎ ‎【解析】句意:护理团队每隔几天就把他和他的妹妹互换一下,这样当他们中的一个在被人工喂养的时候……。every few days“每隔几天”。‎ ‎3.(2016·新课标Ⅱ,42)Then,handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a real sense of ________(achieve).‎ ‎【答案】achievement ‎ ‎【解析】句意:然后,首先处理最重要的任务,那么你会感到真正意义上的成就。介词of后应用名词作宾语。‎ ‎4.(2016·新课标Ⅱ,46)Recent ________(study)show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly.‎ ‎【答案】studies ‎ ‎5.(2016·新课标Ⅲ,68)Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius,who lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C.,influenced the ________ (develop)of chopsticks.‎ ‎【答案】development ‎ ‎【解析】句意:一些人认为大约生活于公元前551年到479年间的中国伟大学者孔子影响了筷子的发展。根据空格前面的the可知,所填词应用名词形式。‎ ‎6.(2016·四川,65)Any smell might attract natural ________(enemy)that would try to eat the little panda.‎ ‎【答案】enemies ‎ ‎7.(2016·浙江,4)It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late ________(pay)may affect your credit.‎ ‎【答案】payments ‎ ‎【解析】句意:准时付电费很重要,因为支付晚了会影响你的信用。前面有形容词late修饰,此处应用名词形式,payment可用作可数名词,所以用复数形式。‎ ‎8.(2016·浙江,8)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our _______ _(different)unite,rather than divide us.‎ ‎【答案】differences ‎ ‎【解析】句意:当我们学会“求同存异”,而不是“分崩离析”的时候,我们就能获得很多。物主代词our后面接名词,这里是指“我们的差异”,所以用复数形式。‎ ‎9.(2016·新课标Ⅰ,70)The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed,________ other is with mum—she never suspects.‎ ‎【答案】the ‎ ‎【解析】句意:护理团队每隔几天就把他和他的妹妹互换一下,这样当他们中的一个在被人工喂养的时候,另一个是和妈妈在一起的——她从不怀疑。one...the other...“一个……另一个……”。‎ ‎10.(2016·新课标Ⅱ,48)Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for ________‎ ‎ while,exercising,or doing something you enjoy.‎ ‎【答案】a ‎ ‎【解析】句意:你可以先出去一会儿,通过锻炼或做些你喜欢的事情来让你的身体和大脑得到休息。for a while意为“一会儿”。‎ ‎11.(2016·浙江,2)________prize for the winner of the competition is ________ twoweek holiday in Paris.‎ ‎【答案】The;a ‎ ‎【解析】句意:这个比赛获胜者的奖品是一个为期两周的在巴黎度假的机会。第一空特指“获胜者的奖品”,用定冠词the;第二空泛指“一个为期两周的假期”,用不定冠词a。‎ ‎1.(2015·江苏,32)Some schools will have to make (adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.‎ 解析 句意:为了与国家足球改革相一致,一些学校将做出调整。固定表达 make adjustments 做出调整。‎ 答案 adjustments ‎2.(2015·江苏,35)—Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.‎ ‎— I'd like to, but I'm afraid she won't be happy with my (apologize).‎ 解析 句意:——去和你的妈妈说对不起,Dave.——我想,但我怕妈妈不会接受我的道歉。作介词with的宾语和my的修饰语要用名词形式。‎ 答案 apology/apologies ‎3.(2015·浙江,15)One of the most effective ways to reduce (stressful) is to ‎ talk about feelings with someone you trust.‎ ‎4.(2015·湖北,21)When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his ‎ ‎ (balanced) and had a bad fall.‎ 解析 句意:追赶哥哥时,小男孩失去了平衡,重重摔了一跤。作动词lose的宾语要用名词形式。lose ‎ his balance失去平衡,失去均衡。‎ 答案 balance ‎5.(2015·安徽,30)There is no need to tell me your answer now.Give it some (think) and then let me know.‎ 解析 句意:现在没有必要告诉我你的答案。思考一下,然后让我知道。 some后应跟名词,thought想法。‎ 答案 thought ‎ ‎6.(2014·天津,8)Life is like ocean:Only strong-willed can reach the other shore.‎ 解析 考查冠词。句意:生活就像一个大洋,只有那些意志坚强者才能到达彼岸。此句中的ocean是可数名词且是第一次出现,故用an;第二个空中the+adj.表示一类人。‎ 答案 an;the ‎7.(2015·江苏,33)—Why didn't you invite John to your birthday party?‎ ‎—Well, you know he's wet blanket.‎ 解析 句意:——为什么你没邀请约翰参加你的生日聚会?——唉,你知道他是一个令人扫兴的人。固定表达a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人或物。‎ 答案 a ‎8.(2015·浙江,2)Jane's grandmother had wanted to write children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in way.‎ 解析 句意:琼的奶奶多年来一直想写一本儿童书籍,但总有这样那样的事情阻碍她不能实现。考查冠词。第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空为固定表达get in the way妨碍,阻碍。‎ 答案 a; the ‎9.(2015·重庆,3)I just heard bank where Dora works was robbed by gunman wearing a mask.‎ ‎4.(2015·陕西,14) more learned a man is, more modest he usually becomes.‎ 解析 句意:一个人的知识越是渊博,他通常就越谦虚。考查固定搭配。the more...the ‎ more...越……越……。‎ 答案 The;the ‎10.(2015·四川,5)Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be ‎ Beethoven.‎ 解析 考查冠词。句意:Brian在创作音乐上极有才华,他很有可能成为一个像贝多芬那样的人才。本题考查不定冠词在人名前,表示:一个像……那样的人。‎ 答案 a

