2017-2018学年福建省永春县第一中学高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版

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2017-2018学年福建省永春县第一中学高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版

‎ 永春一中高二年期中考英语试卷(2018.4)‎ 命题老师:邱巧丽 审题老师:郑东霞 总分150分。考试时间120分钟。‎ 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。‎ 第I卷(三部分,共100分)‎ 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. When did the speakers last see each other?‎ A. Fifteen years ago. B. Five years ago. C. One year ago.‎ ‎2. What does the man wish for the future?‎ A. All his dreams will come true.‎ B. Science will develop much faster.‎ C. He will be able to do his job from home.‎ ‎3. What will the woman do next?‎ A. Bring the man a salad. B. Take away the man’s soda.‎ C. Give the man some cheese.‎ ‎4. What is the relationship between the speakers?‎ A. They are friends. B. They are cousins. C. They are brother and sister.‎ ‎5. What does the woman tell the man to do?‎ A. Prepare for landing. B. Take his headphones out.‎ C. Put his chair back in fifteen minutes.‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What did the man like to do?‎ A. Hike. B. Swim. C. Take photographs.‎ ‎7. What does the woman suggest in the end?‎ A. The man should go more camping.‎ B. Life could be fun without social media.‎ C. Family activities are very important.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. Why was the man worried?‎ A. His mother has been ill. B. He lost his wallet.‎ C. A policeman was in front of the shopping mall.‎ ‎9. What will the man have to do in the end?‎ A. Pay the fine. B. Go to the hospital. C. Repair his car.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. What does the boy want to eat?‎ A. Peanut butter. B. Yoghurt. C. Cookies.‎ ‎11. What does the boy imply about carrot cake?‎ A. It’s low in sugar. B. It contains some healthy ingredients.‎ C. It’s not as delicious as other types of cake.‎ ‎12. How does the boy probably feel in the end?‎ A. Surprised. B. Jealous. C. Angry.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What job is the man interviewing for?‎ A. A job at a school. B. A job at a radio station. C. A job at a TV station.‎ ‎14. What does the man think of sending emails?‎ A. He has done that his whole life. ‎ B. He has no confidence in it.‎ C. He is rather good at it.‎ ‎15. What does the job involve according to the woman?‎ A. A lot of traffic. B. Meeting the fans.‎ C. Getting up early in the morning.‎ ‎16. Who is one of the man’s references?‎ A. Someone he used to teach.‎ B. Someone he used to work with.‎ C. Someone he went to graduate school with.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. When are laundry places usually closed?‎ A. At six o’clock in the morning.‎ B. At eleven o’clock in the morning.‎ C. At seven o’clock at night.‎ ‎18. How many washers might a larger laundry place have?‎ A. 48. B. 24. C. 12.‎ ‎19. According to the talk, what do people often do while waiting in the laundry place?‎ A. Chat with the employee. B. Eat some food.‎ C. Put their clothes out in the sun.‎ ‎20. Who met their husband at a laundry place? ‎ A. The speaker’s sister. B. The speaker’s friend. C. The speaker. ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该选项涂黑。‎ A Here is a collection of some TV series. For this list, we stick to those that have been released in recent years and we choose not to include TV hits like Game of Thrones or Sherlock. ‎ Stranger Things ‎ This US television series is a combination of three genres (类型): the typical college movies where the losers rise up, the science fiction films about crazy scientists who reached their top in the 1980s and the horror movies written in the style of Stephen King. This show, starring Winona Ryder and a group of amazing kids, has managed to ‎ combine these genres so well that it has already acquired a vast army of fans worldwide. ‎ The Pillars of the Earth ‎ It is set in the twelfth century, a time which is considered one of the darkest and most romantic periods in the history of England. Based on the best-selling novel written by Ken Follett, this TV show starring the brilliant Eddie Redmayne is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas of recent years. ‎ Mahabharata This Indian Hindi-language series is liked by many people for being regarded as the simplest and the most fun way to learn about the age-old wisdom of the Indian people. It tells us about the kings and heroes who love, fight and make wise decisions. This drama is about the endless struggle between good and evil. ‎ The Crown ‎ This story about the transformation of the young Princess Elizabeth into the queen shows everything about the British monarchy (君主制). It includes many storylines, each of which could be made into a separate TV show. The series focuses on the age-old themes of family, marriage and politics, and this is probably what makes The Crown win popularity. ‎ ‎21. What do we know about Stranger Things? ‎ A. Stephen King determined its style. ‎ B. It consists of three children stories. ‎ C. Most of its central characters are kids. ‎ D. It’s much more popular than Sherlock. ‎ ‎22. Which aspect of the Pillars of the Earth is stressed in the text? ‎ A. Its background. B. Its staff. C. Its theme song. D. Its plot. ‎ ‎23. Which TV series is more like a biography? ‎ A. Stranger Things. B. The Pillars of the Earth. ‎ C. Mahabharata. D. The Crown. ‎ ‎24. Which of the following do the four TV series share? ‎ A. They are highly thought of by the audience. ‎ B. Their storylines are relatively complex. ‎ C. They mainly discuss universal themes. ‎ D. Their original languages are English.‎ B One day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said:" Yesterday the person who has been hindering (阻碍) your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym."‎ ‎ At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be. ‎ The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone wondered: "Who is this person that was hindering my progress? Well, at least he's no longer here."‎ ‎ One by one the employees got closer to the coffin(棺材) and when they looked inside it they became speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul. ‎ ‎ There was a mirror inside the coffin: Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said. "There is only one person who can set limits to your growth: it is YOU."‎ ‎ You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself. ‎ ‎ Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss changes, and when your company changes. ‎ ‎ Your life changes when you change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.‎ ‎25. The writer's purpose in writing the article is to tell us that __________.‎ A. changing our lives is down to us ‎ B. our work and life are closely connected with others C. the harder we work, the more successful we will become D. we will have a better future if people do not hinder our development ‎26. People were speechless when they looked inside the coffin because __________.‎ A. there was nothing but a mirror inside B. what was inside told a great truth ‎ C. their closest colleague lay inside D. they could see their own souls inside ‎27. Who probably wrote the sign on the front door?‎ A. The company boss. ‎ B. The director in charge of production.‎ C. A worker who liked to make fun of others.‎ D. A worker who wanted to teach others a lesson.‎ ‎28. What can we conclude from the article?‎ A. The employees got angry after the funeral. ‎ B. The employees were happy to hear the death of a competitor.‎ C. The lesson the employees learned would influence them greatly.‎ D. The employees’ lives depended on the attitude of their boss.‎ C A busy brain can mean a hungry body. We often seek food after focused mental activity, like preparing for an exam. Researchers think that hard thinking drains energy from the brain, whose capacity to store fuel is very limited.‎ So the brain, sensing that it may soon require more calories to keep going, apparently stimulates bodily hunger, and even though there has been little in the way of physical movement bodily hunger, we eat. This process may partly account for the weight gain so commonly seen in college students.‎ Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham recently experimented with exercise to counter such inappropriately post - study food consumption.‎ Hunter, an exercise physiologist at U.A.B., notes that tough activity both increases the amount of blood sugar and lactate(乳酸盐)circulating in the blood and increases blood flow to the head. Because the brain uses sugar and lactate as fuel, researchers ‎ wondered if the increased flow of fuel-rich blood during exercise could feed an exhausted brain and reduce the urge to overeat.‎ Thirty—eight college students were invited to U.A.B.’s lab to report what their favorite pizza was. At a later date, the volunteers returned and spent 20 minutes dealing with selections from exams. Next, half the students sat quietly for 15 minutes before being given pizza. The rest of the volunteers spent those 15 minutes running on a treadmill(跑步机).Hunter says, that should stimulate the release of sugar and lactate into the bloodstream. These students were then allowed to have pizza, too. But by and large, they did not overeat. In fact, the non-exercisers, however, consumed about 100 calories more.‎ ‎“The study has limitations, of course. We only looked at lunch.” Hunter says. The researchers don’t know if the runners consumed extra calories at dinner. They also cannot tell whether other types of exercise would have the same effect as running, although Hunter says they suspect that if an activity causes someone to break into a sweat, it should also increase blood sugar and lactate, feeding the brain and weakening hunger’s call.‎ ‎29. According to the passage, ______ may cause many college students to overeat and gain weight.‎ ‎ A. bodily hunger caused by physical growth ‎ ‎ B. numerous physical movements or calorie burning ‎ C. failure to resist the temptation of delicious food ‎ D. a lot of energy-consuming mental activities ‎30. The underlined word “counter” is closest in meaning to _____.‎ A. prevent B. maximize ‎ C. balance D. stimulate ‎31. Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ ‎ A. Mental activities can make people feel hungry.‎ ‎ B. Sugar and lactate can help energize and restore people’s brain.‎ ‎ C. It’s uncertain what types of exercise can effectively feed the brain.‎ ‎ D. Physical exercise can make people refreshed and stay hungry.‎ ‎32. What can we learn from the passage?‎ ‎ A. Running is more beneficial than walking.‎ B. Sweating in exercise can make people hungrier.‎ C. The amount of blood sugar and lactate can affect people’s appetite.‎ D. When the brain feels exhausted, people tend to do exercise for relaxation.‎ D Integrity is the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right. The concept of integrity has played a key role in moral philosophy throughout history and is promoted in all societies because of its importance to social relations. Individual integrity is vital to society, one that enables people to make use of their capacity for critical reflection, does not force people to take up particular roles and does not encourage individuals to betray each other. Besides, societies can be favorable to the development of individual integrity.‎ Individual integrity can lift up the spirits of the entire society. It can shape the lives of people living in a particular society, the lives of all fellow people and, in its broadest sense, even the destiny(命运) of a nation. By contrast, if those living in the society are corrupt(道德败坏的), it could have bad effects, destroying the healthy morality of the society.‎ On the other hand, a society can be favorable to the development of individual integrity. Society expects and requires integrity. A society consisting of people of integrity, and people who never compromise on their principles, could have a positive mark on the personal development of its members. Being a part of such a morally lively community could serve as a basis for absorbing traits of good character. This could be of a distinct advantage to any individuals in the society.‎ However, some social structures are of the wrong sort for some individuals to pursue integrity. If that is the case, we have to ask questions about the moral nature of society first before raising questions about individual integrity. Questions about integrity may turn out to be about what kind of society it is, rather than about the relationship between individual interests and characteristics of a society. The pursuit of adequate individual integrity often depends, not so much on understanding who one is ‎ and what one believes and is committed to, but rather understanding what one’s society is and imagining what it could be.‎ ‎33.Individual integrity has been valued in society because ______.‎ A. it helps develop philosophy B. it is the basis of critical thinking C. it is important to social relations D. it ensures people’s particular roles ‎34.The writer believes that ______.‎ A. the nature of society is decided by economic development B. the pursuit of individual integrity changes with time C. individual integrity depends on what one believes D. social structures guide the formation of individual integrity ‎35.What is the best title of this passage?‎ A. The impact of integrity ‎ B. Integrity and social structures C. Individual integrity and society ‎ D. The characteristics of individual integrity 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Getting Older No one really knows how and why people change as they get older. Also, on theory sufficiently explains all the changes of the aging process. Aging is a complex process that varies in how it affects different people and organs.36_____.‎ At a certain point in our lives, our body systems will begin to weaken. 37._____. It may become more difficult for us to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this change that leads us toward the end of our lives.‎ ‎38._____. A good diet plays an important role. The amount and the type of exercise we get are another two factors. 39._____ But scientists studying the aging problem want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by studying the aging medical science, they may be able to make the length of life longer.‎ ‎40._____ Many consider the later part of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may become less, but often we get better understanding of the world and ourselves.‎ What we consider the old age now may only be middle—aged some day soon. With so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life length may one day be measured in centuries, rather than in years! ‎ A. Our living condition are yet another.‎ B. Many factors decide our health.‎ C. Our strength may become weaker.‎ D. As for diet, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.‎ E. There is nothing to be afraid of as the old age comes.‎ F. Symptoms include lack of energy, slow reactions, insomnia and poor memory.‎ G. In fact, even in one person, different organ systems “age” at different rates.‎ 第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ True achievement ‎ During high school, I remember reading about Junior Achievement (JA) programs and thinking, “I could 41.______do that”. Economics seemed too complex for me, but our curriculum 42.______ us to take it. So I began my journey. Now, I can 43.______and say, “Wow, I did do that.”‎ JA programs help kids around the world 44.______ a successful future. Each program is 45.______by a community volunteer who helps students connect what they are learning in school with their future in the workforce. Hands-on activities bring the 46.______world to the classroom. ‎ We named our company GloboCorp, and described our logo as the seeing eye of business, always 47.______for illegal business practices. When our teacher mentioned the district 48.______, I became interested in applying the 49.______principles I had learned.‎ We began weekly practice. Our advisers (also community volunteers) put in long hours 50.______principles and strategies and helping us interpret data. Their 51.______ was what made JA programs unique, and was an immeasurable 52.______. And there was another motivation. We could earn a trip to Disney World.‎ After hard work we 53.______ made it to Disney World. It was a(n) 54.______ way to end my high school career.‎ ‎55.______came from everywhere. At the awards banquet, Mickey Mouse shook our hands and gave us our own sets of mouse ears. Our local newspaper ran articles. And the greatest 56.______was to walk off the plane back home and see a crowd of 57.______ parents who burst into applause.‎ Although this experience will be among my best memories, a quote from the awards banquet is what I will 58.______ most about JA programs. The speaker discussed the difference between success and 59.______. At first, the words seemed interchangeable, but then I 60.______ his point. To make it to Disney World and win was success, but to bond together, have fun, and overcome difficulties as well - now that is a real achievement.‎ ‎41. A. ever B. always C. just D. never ‎42. A. inspired B. required C. allowed D. promised ‎43. A. look back B. look around C. look down D. look over ‎44. A. give up B. worry about C. prepare for D. prefer to ‎45. A. managed B. described C. written D. copied ‎46. A. sad B. real C. wild D. lucky ‎47. A. grateful B. guilty C. watchful D. regretful ‎48. A. concert B. competition C. interview D. celebration ‎49. A. economic B. legal C. political D. scientific ‎50. A. imagining B. recalling C. reciting D. explaining ‎51. A. justice B. choice C. guidance D. argument ‎52. A. loss B. help C. risk D. distance ‎53. A. carefully B. patiently C. suddenly D. finally ‎54. A. fantastic B. easy C. romantic D. discouraging ‎55. A. Information B. Knowledge C. Problems D. Congratulations ‎56. A. change B. damage C. feeling D. dream ‎57. A. proud B. terrified C. funny D. puzzled ‎58. A. expect B. remember C. dislike D. realize ‎59. A. failure B. devotion C. responsibility D. achievement ‎60. A. continued B. destroyed C. understood D. praised 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Dragon Heads-raising Day, 61._____ falls each year on the second day of the second lunar month, is one of the Chinese traditional festivals as the proverb goes: “The dragon is awake, 62._____ (raise) his head." On this day, dragons, a prominent totem(图腾)in Chinese culture, raise 63._____ (they) heads with the sound of thunder. Around this time, the earth 64. ._____ (burst) with life-grass and trees are beginning to shoot up. In ancient China, people 65._____ (pray) the dragon god beside a river or a lake for the precious spring rain to breed their crops.‎ ‎66._____ (tradition), food eaten on this day was renamed after parts of the dragon. For instance, wontons (馄饨)were called "dragons' eyes". The special 67._____ (food) usually eaten on this day include dragons' scales, popcorn and pigs' heads.‎ In Shanxi, people get their hair 68._____ (cut) in a symbolic move to remove the old and embrace the new. In 69._____countryside in Hebei Province, people would fetch water from a well at dawn. It was believed 70._____on this day the well was full of dragon eggs which would bring the collectors good harvest.‎ 第二节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71. The a__________ of the rain caused the plants to die.‎ ‎72. Our plans should be ___________(提交)to the committee for their approval.‎ ‎73. When I began to sing, he laughed, which made me e___________.‎ ‎74.In that school, English is ______(强制性的)for all students, but French and Russian are optional.‎ ‎75. The mother loves the child u________ and it can not be measured at all.‎ ‎76. The newspaper always keeps us __________(了解情况的)of the events taking place in the world.‎ ‎77. Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced _________(一年一次地)‎ ‎78. Our o________ plan was to go to Spain, but it was too expensive, so we gave it up.‎ ‎79. When I was first lady, I was p___________ to represent our country in 82 countries.‎ ‎80. The party will be held in the garden, weather _____________(允许).‎ 第三节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ One Sunday in May, our class went hiking. Early in the morning, we gathered at Chang’an People’s Square in the city center and then head for the South Mountain, which was 8 kilometers far away. Our goal was to climbing to the top, from where we could enjoy a good view. With the temperature rise, it became increasingly hard for us to walk on. It was such an exhausted hike that every one of us was tired of covering the 8 kilometers. However, when we finally reached our ‎ destination, the view took our breathe away. It was very worth walking such a long distance, because we not only got relaxed by enjoying beauty of nature but also learned the truth which our efforts will always pay off in the end.‎ 第四节 书面表达(满分20分)‎ 假定你是李华,你校将举办中华诗词大会 (Chinese Poetry Conference)国际学生专场,请根据下列要点写一封电子邮件,邀请在外校学习的美国朋友Peter参加。‎ 要点: 1.比赛方式:补全诗词、回答问题、根据画猜诗词;‎ ‎2.大赛的目的:‎ ‎3.时间、地点及报名方式。‎ 要求:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I’m glad to tell you that our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry Conference for international students. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Wish you great success in the competition.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎‎ 永春一中高二年期中考英语参考答案(2018.4)‎ 一、听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎ 1—5 BCACA 6—10 CBAAC 11—15 BABCC 16—20 BABBA 二、阅读(共两节,满分40分)‎ ‎21-40:CADA ABAC DADC CDC GCB AE 三、完形(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎41-60:DBACA BCBAD CBDAD CABDC 四、语法填空(共l0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎61.which 62.raising 63.their 64.is burst 65.prayed ‎ ‎66.Traditionally 67.foods 68.cut 69.the 70. that 五、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71.absence 72.submitted 73.embarrassed 74. compulsory 75.unconditionally ‎ ‎76.informed 77.annually 78.original 79.privileged 80.permitting 六、短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ One Sunday in May, our class went hiking. Early in the morning, we gathered at Chang’an ‎ People’s Square in the city center and then head for the South Mountain, which was 8 ‎ ‎ headed kilometers far away. Our goal was to climbing to the top, from where we could enjoy a good ‎ ‎ climb ‎ view. With the temperature rise, it became increasingly hard for us to walk on. It was such ‎ ‎ rising ‎ an exhausted hike that every one of us was tired of covering the 8 kilometers. ‎ However, ‎ ‎ exhausting from when we finally reached our destination, the view took our breathe away. It was very worth ‎ ‎ breath well walking such a long distance, because we not only got relaxed by enjoying ∧beauty of ‎ ‎ the nature but also learned the truth which our efforts will always pay off in the end.‎ ‎ that 七、书面表达(满分20分)‎ Dear Peter,‎ ‎ I’m glad to tell you that our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry Conference for international students. It is aimed to arouse foreign student’s interest in Chinese Culture and popularize Chinese poetry. This is a good chance to show how much you have learned about Chinese Poetry and also a good opportunity to learn more. The competition consists of three sections; that is, reciting the complete poem according to the information given, answering questions about Chinese Poetry and making a right guess of the poem according to the given painting.‎ ‎ As scheduled, the competition will be held at the school lecture hall on October 4th, 2017. If you are interested in and expert at Chinese Poetry, you are welcome to participate. You can sign up for it at our school’s website, www.yudu.cn.‎ Wish you great success in the competition.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎ 附听力材料:‎ Text 1‎ M: You’re all grown up! How old are you now? Fifteen?‎ W: I was fifteen the last time you saw me! I’m twenty now. ‎ M: Really? It seems like just last year that you and your brother came over to visit!‎ Text 2‎ M: Do you think, within a few years, many people could work at home instead of working in offices?‎ W: Yes, of course. Science and technology have developed really fast these past few years. And in the future, I believe almost all our ideas will become reality.‎ M: I’m looking forward to it. ‎ Text 3 ‎ M: Excuse me. I asked for this salad without cheese on it, but this one is covered in it.‎ W: I’m sorry, sir. I’ll take it back and bring you out a new one. Can I get anything else for you?‎ M: Just another soda, please. Thank you.‎ Text 4‎ M: What would you like for your birthday, Sis? ‎ W: I want the iPhone 6S.‎ M: That’s a pretty expensive gift! Do you think Mom and Dad will buy it for you? ‎ W: No, but I’m hoping Aunt Janine will.‎ Text 5‎ W: Sir, you need to bring your chair back to its upright position and close your tray table. We’re touching down in fifteen minutes. ‎ M: Sorry, I didn’t hear the announcement. I had my headphones in.‎ Text 6‎ W: Did you have a nice weekend, Charlie?‎ M: Not really. I went camping with my family.‎ W: That sounds fun!‎ M: It wasn’t. Camping is so boring. I didn’t have any service on my phone, so I couldn’t check Facebook or Twitter the whole weekend!‎ W: That doesn’t sound like a big deal. Didn’t you enjoy hiking or swimming with your family?‎ M: Not really. I enjoyed taking pictures of us fishing, but I couldn’t even post them until we got back on Monday. ‎ W: Hmm... It sounds to me like you need to learn how to enjoy life without sharing every moment on social media. ‎ Text 7‎ W: You look sad, Jason. What’s wrong?‎ M: I got a ticket just now.‎ W: Why? ‎ M: I was driving slowly near the shopping mall when a policeman suddenly appeared from behind and asked me to pull over. I had to stop my car. He told me that I had stopped on the double yellow line while I was waiting for the light.‎ W: Why did you do that? You are not a new driver. ‎ M: I was thinking about my mother. She’s been ill in bed. I was worrying about her, so I didn’t notice where I had stopped. ‎ W: Then what did you say? ‎ M: I said I was wrong, but the policeman wrote me a ticket anyway. That means I lost 425 dollars! ‎ W: Misfortunes often come in pairs. ‎ Text 8‎ W: What did you just put in the basket?‎ M: Some peanut butter.‎ W: That is not a jar of peanut butter.‎ M: Okay, fine. They’re peanut butter cookies. ‎ W: You know we don’t keep cookies in the house.‎ M: Mom, please? ‎ W: I will buy you yoghurt instead. It’s much healthier.‎ M: I don’t like yoghurt. What about some chocolate pudding?‎ W: You can get the low sugar kind.‎ M: That kind doesn’t taste as good. What about some carrot cake? It has carrots in it. ‎ W: Cake also has a lot of sugar.‎ M: This is so unfair! I’m the only kid at school who isn’t allowed to eat food that tastes good.‎ W: Okay, I’ll let you buy one chocolate bar, but that’s it.‎ M: Really? Are you serious? You’re the best, Mom! ‎ Text 9 ‎ W: Thanks for coming in today. Please have a seat. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Why do you think you’re qualified for this job?‎ M: I’ve worked as a music teacher my whole life, mainly with children, and now I’m ready for a change. Because I love music so much, I think working at a radio station would be perfect for me. ‎ W: The duties of this job include answering the phones and sending emails. How are you with both of those things?‎ M: I’m experienced in sending emails, and I’m also fairly confident on the phone. When I was a teenager, I worked at a TV station answering phone calls, so this is probably pretty similar.‎ W: We also have some early mornings here in the studio. Sometimes you’ll have to be here around 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. How do you feel about that?‎ M: I’m an early riser, so that’s easy for me. It also means less traffic, which I’m always a fan of.‎ W: Do you have references I can call?‎ M: Yes, I have a list to give you. Two are people I worked with at my last job, and one is an old graduate school professor of mine.‎ W: Great. Well, I think that’s it. I’ll give you a call back in the next few days to let you know our decision.‎ M: Thank you so much.‎ Text 10 ‎ People who live in cities usually take their dirty clothes to a laundry place called a “laundromat”. These public businesses are usually open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. A smaller laundromat might have a dozen washers and a dozen dryers, while a larger one might have twice that number. Most places do not have any employees there, as there are simple instructions posted near the machines and everything can be done without assistance. Most people bring their own washing soap, but there is often a machine that sells small packages in case you run out or forget yours. During the weekend, it can be hard to find an open machine but it is much easier during the week. Many laundry places have TVs, video games, magazines, or free Wi-Fi. Recently, many laundry places have added cafés or bars. Because people usually spend a few hours doing their laundry, having a drink or a meal is a convenient and fun way to pass the time. Of course, when so many people are washing their clothes close to each other, it is easy to make mistakes. My sister actually met her husband at a laundromat after he put her clothes in his basket by accident! ‎

