2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit2Poems课时跟踪 人教版选修6

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2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit2Poems课时跟踪 人教版选修6

Unit 2 Poems ‎———————————◄课时跟踪·一练而就►———————————‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020届安徽省合肥市高三质检)‎ Panama City, Panama For beach vacations that get you out of town and invite you and your family to dive into culture, consider a trip to Panama City. Here, you will enjoy beaches and city exploring. Book your stay at the Westin Playa Bonita, where you can book a room starting at $‎222 a night. There are various programs, including beach Olympics, stargazing (观星)and Spanish lessons.‎ Jupiter, Florida This place offers you quality time you can spend with your loved ones. Book your stay at Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa, with rates for a family of four starting at $‎207 a night. Here, you can shoot baskets at the basketball courts, take a dip in the pool or teach your children beach yoga.‎ San Diego, California The West Coast is a great spot for cheap beach vacations, so tell your family to pack their bags for a visit to San Diego. A cheap $10 Uber ride from the airport will have you pulling up the Kona Kai Resort & Spa. Here, a family of four can stay in a Deluxe Guest Room starting at $159 per night. Your kids can practice cannonballs at the pool after a visit to the worldfamous San Diego Zoo.‎ Kihei Maui, Hawaii For West Coasters who are growing bored with their backyard, fly to the islands of Hawaii. Stay at the Aston at the Maui Banyan, with a charge of $‎179 a night for a family of four. Here, you'll witness some of the best sunsets of your life while your kids splash (戏水) in the Pacific. And if you're set on cooking a fancy meal, you'll enjoy suites that come with a full kitchen.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了四座适合一家人一起去旅行的城市,及当地可供下榻的酒店。‎ ‎1.Which of the following charges you least a night?‎ A.The Aston at the Maui Banyan.‎ B.The Westin Playa Bonita.‎ C.The Kona Kai Resort & Spa.‎ - 6 -‎ D.Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据San Diego, California部分的“A cheap$10 Uber ride from the airport will have you pulling up the Kona Kai Resort & Spa.Here, a family of four can stay in a Deluxe Guest Room starting at $159 per night.”以及与其他部分的“$222”“$207”和“$179”对比可知,在the Kona Kai Resort & Spa住一晚的开销最低。故选C。‎ ‎2.What can you do at the Aston at the Maui Banyan?‎ A.Admire beautiful sunsets.‎ B.Visit a worldfamous zoo.‎ C.Observe fantastic stars.‎ D.Play some beach sports.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Kihei Maui, Hawaii部分的“Stay at the Aston at the Maui Banyan, with a charge of $‎179 a night for a family of four.Here, you'll witness some of the best sunsets of your life while your kids splash(戏水)in the Pacific.”可知,在the Aston at the Maui Banyan你可以欣赏美丽的日落。故选A。‎ ‎3.What is the common feature of the four destinations?‎ A.They all offer rooms with a full kitchen.‎ B.They are all intended for family trips.‎ C.They all pick up visitors from the airport.‎ D.They all provide bike riding on the beach. ‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“For beach vacations that get you out of town and invite you and your family to dive into culture”,第二段中的“with rates for a family of four starting at $‎207 a night”,第三段中的“so tell your family to pack their bags for a visit to San Diego” 和第四段中的 “with a charge of $‎179 a night for a family of four”可知,这四个目的地的共同点是它们都是为家庭旅游准备的。故选B。‎ B ‎(2020届河北衡水中学高三调研)‎ A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the Smithsonian Institution Archives (档案馆) by the FBI after being stolen twice.‎ ‎“We realized in the mid1970s that it was missing,” says Effie Kapsalis, head of the Smithsonian Institution Archives. “It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern (实习生), from what the FBI is telling us. Word got out that it was missing when someone asked to see the letter for research purposes, and the intern put the - 6 -‎ ‎ letter back. The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it.”‎ Decades passed. Finally, the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.‎ C.. Their art crime team recovered the letter but as unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian's property.‎ The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park. ‎ The letter is in fairly good condition, in spite of being out of the care of trained museum staff for so long. “It was luckily in good shape,” says Kapsalis. “And we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it. It has some glue on it that has colored it slightly, but nothing that will prevent us from using it. After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online. One of our goals is to get items of high research value or interest to the public online.”‎ It would now be difficult for an intern, a visitor or a thief to steal a document like this. “Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s,” says Kapsalis, “and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don't even have access to.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了达尔文的一封亲笔信失而复得,现收藏于美国史密森学会档案馆。20世纪70年代中期,这封信疑似被一位实习生偷走,经过FBI和档案馆工作人员多年的努力,这一珍贵的历史资料又被找了回来。‎ ‎4.What happened to Darwin's letter in the mid1970s?‎ A.It was recovered by the FBI.‎ B.It was stolen more than once.‎ C.It was put in the Archives for research purposes.‎ D.It was purchased by the Smithsonian Institution Archives.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern...and the intern put the letter back. The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it.”可知,达尔文的这封信在20世纪70年代中期被偷了不止一次。故选B项。‎ ‎5.What did the FBI do after the recovery of the letter?‎ A.They proved its authenticity.‎ - 6 -‎ B.They kept it in a special safe.‎ C.They arrested the suspect immediately.‎ D.They pressed criminal charges in vain.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Their art crime team recovered the letter but as unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian's property.”可知,FBI中负责处理艺术品犯罪的小组虽然找回了那封信,但是因为起诉期限已过,所以不能对罪犯提起诉讼,于是,FBI与史密森学会档案馆紧密合作,以确定这封信是真实的,而且是史密森(学会档案馆)的财产。故选A项。‎ ‎6.What is Darwin's letter about?‎ A.The evolution of Yellowstone National Park.‎ B.His cooperation with an American geologist.‎ C.Some geological evidence supporting his theory.‎ D.His acknowledgement of help from a professional.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park.”可知,达尔文写信给费迪南德·范迪维尔·海登博士是为了表示感谢,因为他把后来成为黄石国家公园所处区域的地质研究资料副本送给了达尔文。故选D项。‎ ‎7.What will the Smithsonian Institution Archives do with the letter according to Kapsalis?‎ A.Reserve it for research purposes only.‎ B.Turn it into an object of high interest.‎ C.Keep it a permanent secret.‎ D.Make it available online. ‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online.”可知,当这封信被修复后,会被拍成数字照片,并且人们在网上可以看到它。故选D项。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2020届河南省高三适应性训练)‎ Pay More, and You Get Unexpected Results Give what you can.‎ You clean out your closets (衣橱), right? Maybe you have a few shirts you don't wear anymore or a few children's books you can bear to part with. The thing about ‎ - 6 -‎ giving a little is that when everyone gives a little, suddenly it turns into a lot. 1 ‎ ‎ 2 ‎ In a world where smart phones rule and it's not just possible, but normal, to have entire conversations without ever looking someone in the eye, it can be heartstopping and wonderful to lock eyes with someone smiling. Happiness will spread, and it only takes a couple facial muscles to make it.‎ Use “please” and “thank you”.‎ Not to sound like your grandmother (“Go ahead and clean your hands!”), but the smallest ways to show your gratitude are these little words. 3 Aren't you thankful if someone held the door for you when your hands were full? Tell them!‎ Give when you get.‎ This is not a difficult task. 4 There's a couple ways to pull this off: You can make it yourself (donating an older shirt when you have a new one, etc.), or support companies that are warmhearted dogooders. Just do it!‎ ‎ 5 ‎ Maybe a grandparent is hearing about your adventures or your old friend had a really bad day. Maybe your mom wishes you'd ring her up more often. Get on the line. You remember that your telephone can make calls, right? Get in touch with those people that are dying to hear from you (because someone definitely is). Then ask: How are you doing? What's new? These questions seem simple, but what they mean is endless. ‎ A.Be a part of that lot.‎ B.Smile with eye contact.‎ C.Get in touch. Then listen.‎ D.Whenever you get a little, give a little.‎ E.You can say it out loud. Don't be afraid.‎ F.They take zero effort to say, but the influence is huge.‎ G.When someone has helped you, do something in return.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 如果你有很多不需要的东西,你可以将它们捐赠给需要的人,这样你也会得到回报。‎ ‎1.解析:选A 根据本段的小标题Give what you can.可知,本段主要讲述的是与“给予”有关的内容。由上文“The thing about giving a little is that when everyone gives a little, suddenly it turns into a lot.”可知,空处应同样是说“给予”。故A项“Be a part of that lot. ‎ - 6 -‎ ‎(成为那许多中的一份子)”是正确答案。A项中的lot是解题的关键,它与上文中的lot为原词复现。‎ ‎2.解析:选B 分析文章结构及空处的位置可知,本空应填本段的小标题。通读本段且根据下文“it can be heartstopping and wonderful to lock eyes with someone smiling”可知,本段主要讲述的是“微笑”与“眼神接触”。故B项适合作本段的小标题。‎ ‎3.解析:选F 本空前面表达的是“表达感激之情的最微小的方式就是这些微小的词语”,空后的否定疑问句说明了一个人在得到别人的帮助后的感激之情。故F项“它们是不用你费吹灰之力就能说出来的,但影响是巨大的。”符合此处的语境。‎ ‎4.解析:选D 根据本段小标题Give when you get. (当你得到的时候要给予)可知,下文是关于这个话题的。故D项“每当你得到一点,就要给予一点。”符合此处的语境。‎ ‎5.解析:选C 分析文章结构及空处的位置可知,本空应填本段的小标题。且下文中的“Get in touch with those people that are dying to hear from you. (与那些渴望听到你消息的人联系)”说明本段的主题是“与别人联系”。故选C。‎ - 6 -‎

