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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修3Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note单元学案 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 ‎ 写作词汇 ‎1.     n.(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎ ‎2.    vt.发现;认出 ‎ n.斑点;污点;地点 ‎3.     vi.&vt.认为;说明;总计有 ‎ n.说明;理由;计算;账目 ‎4.    vt.& vi.寻找;探索;寻求 ‎ ‎5.     n.反面;对立面 ‎ adj.相反的;相违的 ‎6.     n.礼貌;举止;方式 ‎ ‎7.    adv. 真正地;确实;实在 ‎ 阅读词汇 ‎1.novel n.&adj.        ‎ ‎2.adventure n.      ‎ ‎3.phrase n.      ‎ ‎4.author n.      ‎ ‎5.wander vi.      ‎ ‎6.businessman n.      ‎ ‎7.stare vi.      ‎ ‎8.fault n.      ‎ ‎9.embassy n.      ‎ ‎10.envelope n.      ‎ ‎11.dessert n.      ‎ ‎12.amount n.      ‎ ‎13.scream vi.& n.      ‎ ‎14.genuine adj.      ‎ ‎15.rag n.      ‎ ‎16.bow vi.& n.      ‎ ‎17.birthplace n.      ‎ ‎18.passage n.      ‎ ‎19.steak n.      ‎ ‎20.barber n.      ‎ 拓展词汇 ‎1.    vt.& vi.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照→     n.许可;允许 ‎ ‎2.     n.耐性;忍耐→    adj.有耐心的 n.病人→    adv. 耐心地 ‎ ‎3.    adj.难以置信的→     v.相信;信任→     n.信念;信仰 ‎ ‎4.    adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→    adv. 无礼地→     n.粗鲁;无礼 ‎ 二、高频短语 ‎1.      抚养;培养;教育;提出 ‎ ‎2.      凝视;盯着看 ‎ ‎3.      是……的原因;解释 ‎ ‎4.      与此相反;正相反 ‎ ‎5.      前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 ‎ ‎6.      偶然;无意中;不小心 ‎ ‎7.      许多;大量 ‎ ‎8.      冒险 ‎ ‎9.      衣衫褴褛 ‎ ‎10.      关于;至于 ‎ ‎11.      发自内心 ‎ 三、经典句型 ‎1.Well, towards nightfall I          (发现我自己被……刮到海上去)a strong wind.  ‎ ‎2.The next morning         (我正感到绝望,就在这时)I was spotted by a ship.  ‎ ‎3.         (事实是)I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.  ‎ ‎4.Well,          (众所周知)Americans like to eat a lot.  ‎ ‎5.You must come          (在任何您想来的时候)and have          (任何您想吃的东西). ‎ 基础知识运用篇 一、语境词汇运用 ‎(一)词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的形式变化)‎ ‎1.It is not your     (过错) that his bike is lost, so don’t blame yourself. ‎ ‎2.You should     (寻求) advice from your lawyer on this matter. ‎ ‎3.What is    (无礼的), and what is polite are different in different cultures. ‎ ‎4.I am interested in western culture,and love reading English   (小说). ‎ ‎5.It’s very important to keep in mind as many English words and     (短语) as possible. ‎ ‎6.Oliver Twist is a realistic novel of the British     (作家) Charles Dickens. ‎ ‎7.After lunch, my father and I     (漫步) around the path enjoying the spring sun. ‎ ‎8.When we send a letter or a postcard, we have to put stamps on the     (信封) or on the card. ‎ ‎9.A friend in need is a friend     (真正地). ‎ ‎10.I got caught in the traffic jam,so I missed the first     (场)of the play. ‎ ‎11.—What are you       (凝视)? ‎ ‎—A flying object in the sky.‎ ‎12.Come on,          (冒险). You may lose, but it’s worth trying. ‎ ‎13.As he was a boy, his parents left him and he          (抚养)by his grandfather. ‎ ‎14.He likes summer, but       (关于;至于)me, I like winter much better. ‎ ‎15.A lot of famous scientists made some amazing discoveries       (偶然)while they were actually looking for something else. ‎ ‎16.He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris.          (与此相反), he had a wonderful time. ‎ ‎17.I need             (许多;大量)money to buy that expensive apartment. ‎ ‎18.He could not       (解释)his absence from school, so the teacher phoned his parents. ‎ ‎(二)单句填空 ‎1.I must offer him an apology for my     (rude) last night. ‎ ‎2.Although the    was out of    , the nurse was still    with her work and did it    .(patience) ‎ ‎3.Although I have much    in him, I don’t    this story. He is always telling us     things. (unbelievable) ‎ ‎4.Even though they have gained     to attend the meeting, they are not     to take pictures.(permit) ‎ 二、经典句型仿写 ‎1.当我上高中后,我发现老师们都很有耐心,也很体贴。(find+宾语+宾语补足语)‎ When I went to high school, I          .  ‎ ‎2.上星期一,我们刚上完语文课,这时老师突然滑倒了。(had just done...when...)‎ Last Monday,we           the teacher suddenly slipped and fell.  ‎ ‎3.事实是那些英语掌握得好的学生并不能很好地表达自己。(that引导的表语从句)‎ ‎         the students who have a good command of English cannot express themselves very well.  ‎ ‎4.良好的习惯是成功的开始,这是大家都知道的。(it作形式主语)‎ ‎          a good habit is the beginning of success.  ‎ ‎5.无论身在何处,他都会帮助任何需要帮助的人。(疑问词+ever)‎ ‎         ,he will help whoever needs help.  ‎ 答案精解精析 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 写作词汇 ‎1.scene 2.spot 3.account 4.seek 5.contrary 6.manner 7.indeed 阅读词汇 ‎1.小说;长篇故事;新奇的;异常的 2.奇遇;冒险 3.短语;词组;惯用语 4.著者;作家 5.漫游;漫步;漂泊 ‎ ‎6.商人 7.凝视;盯着看 8.过错;缺点;故障 9.大使馆;大使及其官员 10.信封 11.餐后甜点 12.数量 13.尖声叫;尖叫声;喊叫声 14.真的;真诚的 15.破布;碎布 16.鞠躬;弯腰 17.出生地;故乡 18.船费(包括食宿);通道;(一)段 19.(供煎、烤的)肉块;鱼排;牛排 20.理发师 拓展词汇 ‎1.permit;permission 2.patience;patient;patiently ‎3.unbelievable;believe;belief 4.rude;rudely;rudeness 二、高频短语 ‎1.bring up 2.stare at 3.account for 4.on the contrary 5.go ahead ‎6.by accident 7.a large amount of 8.take a chance 9.in rags 10.as for ‎11.from the bottom of one's heart 三、经典句型 ‎1.found myself carried out to sea by 2.I'd just about given myself up for lost when 3.The fact is that 4.it is well-known that 5.whenever you want;whatever you like 基础知识运用篇 一、语境词汇运用 ‎(一)词汇拼写 ‎1.fault 2.seek 3.rude 4.novels 5.phrases 6.author ‎7.wandered 8.envelope 9.indeed 10.scene 11.staring at ‎12.take a chance 13.was brought up 14.as for 15.by accident 16.On the contrary 17.a large amount of 18.account for ‎(二)单句填空 ‎ ‎1.rudeness 2.patient;patience;patient;patiently ‎3.belief;believe;unbelievable 4.permission;permitted 二、经典句型仿写 ‎1.found the teachers patient and considerate 2.had just finished our Chinese class when 3.The fact is that 4.It's well-known that 5.Wherever he is 单元综合知识能力测试 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A One day Thomas Alva Edison was given a letter by his teacher. His teacher asked him to give it to his mother. Edison thought it was something nice. After he returned home, he proudly gave it to his mother, saying “My teacher let me give this letter to you.”‎ Not knowing what it was, Edison's mother opened it, and then her eyes opened wide. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her son and read out the letter aloud, “Your child is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn't have enough good teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself.”‎ The fact was that Edison liked asking strange questions in class. His teachers thought he was mentally ill. They could no longer stand him and decided to stop him from going to school. However, Edison's mother didn't give up on her son. She taught him at home.‎ Many years after Edison's mother died and he was already one of the greatest inventors, one day he was looking through the old family things. Suddenly he saw a piece of folded paper in the corner of a drawer. He took it and opened it up. It read, “Your son is addled (mentally ill). We won't let him come to school anymore.”‎ Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary, “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child, but, by his hero mother, he becomes the genius of the century.”‎ Having faith in those we love is very important. We should have faith in those around us. Even if others have given up on you, you should have faith in yourself.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要介绍了爱迪生小时候被学校开除,但他妈妈没有责备他,而是用善意的谎言鼓励他,并让他在家接受教育,最终,爱迪生成为一名伟大的发明家的故事。‎ ‎1.How did Edison's mother probably feel when reading the letter?‎ A.Relaxed.         B.Sad.‎ C.Proud. D.Calm.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“... and then her eyes opened wide. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her son and read out the letter aloud ...”及下文内容可知,爱迪生的妈妈读那封信时应该很难过。‎ ‎2.In the teachers' opinion, Edison________.‎ A.wasn't hard to train B.was really a genius C.was too clever to teach D.wasn't a normal child 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The fact was that Edison liked asking strange questions in class. His teachers thought he was mentally ill.”可知,爱迪生的老师们认为他精神不正常。‎ ‎3.What did Edison's mother do after knowing the teachers' decision?‎ A.She asked him to invent things.‎ B.She sent him to another school.‎ C.She let him get educated at home.‎ D.She asked him to study by himself.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“However, Edison's mother didn't give up on her son. She taught him at home.”可知,爱迪生的妈妈并没有放弃他,而是让他在家接受教育。‎ ‎4.The passage is meant to show that ________.‎ A.teachers should love their students B.parents know their children the best C.we should have faith in others and ourselves D.most children can be geniuses if encouraged 解析:选C 主旨大意题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段可知,本文是想告诉我们:要对别人及自己有信心。‎ B Women Nobel Peace Prize laureates (获奖者) are fewer in number than men who have been awarded the Prize, even though it may have been a woman's peace ‎ activism (行动主义) which inspired Alfred Nobel to create the award. In recent decades, the percentage of women among the winners has increased.‎ ‎1.Baroness Bertha von Suttner A friend of Alfred Nobel, Baroness was a leader in the international peace movement in the 1890s, and she received support from Nobel for her Austrian Peace Society. When Nobel died, she bequeathed (遗赠) money for four prizes for scientific achievements, and one for peace. In 1905, she was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.‎ ‎2.Jane Addams Jane Addams, best known as the founder of HullHouse, a settlement house in Chicago, was active in peace efforts during World War Ⅰ with the International Congress of Women. Jane Addams also helped to found the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. She was nominated (提名) numerous times, but the Prize went each time to others until 1931. She was, by that time, in poor health, and could not travel to accept the Prize.‎ ‎3.Mother Teresa Born in Skopje, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in India and focused on serving the dying. She was skilled at publicizing her order's work and thus ‎ financing the expansion of its services. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her work in bringing help to suffering humanity.‎ ‎4.Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt movement in Kenya in 1977, which has planted more than 10 million trees to prevent soil erosion (流失) and provide firewood for cooking fires. Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to be named a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, honored for her contribution to sustainable development and peace.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章向我们介绍了四位女性诺贝尔和平奖得主。‎ ‎5.What can we know from the first paragraph?‎ A.Women contributed less to the world than men.‎ B.Women were not as active as men in keeping the world peace.‎ C.Women won more Nobel Peace Prizes than men in recent decades.‎ D.Women Nobel Peace laureates are still fewer in number than men.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“Women Nobel Peace Prize laureates are fewer in number than men”可知答案为D。‎ ‎6.What can we learn about Jane Addams?‎ A.She set up a settlement house.‎ B.She was a friend of Alfred Nobel's.‎ C.She accepted the Prize in person.‎ D.She made the effort to keep the peace during WWII.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据2.Jane Addams介绍中的内容“... best known as the founder of HullHouse, a settlement house in Chicago”可知答案为A。‎ ‎7.Wangari Maathai was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because of ________.‎ A.her fight for freedom B.the international peace movement C.her contribution to environmental protection D.her work in bringing help to suffering humanity 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据4.Wangari Maathai介绍中内容可知,万加丽·马塔伊为环保事业做出了突出贡献。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 A small mammal lives in the rocky cliffs of Tian Shan, a mountain range in northwest China. But scientists don't know much about this tiny creature known as the Ili pika. __1__‎ In fact, it had been more than 20 years since anyone had seen an Ili pika. But Weidong Li, who first discovered the animal, and a team of volunteers combed the mountains looking for the animals. __2__‎ ‎“They found it hiding behind a rock, and they realized that they had found the pika,” Tatsuya Shin, a Chinese naturalist said.‎ Li was studying diseases in a mountainous region of northwest China when he first discovered the 8inch mammal in 1983. __3__ In 1985, he found two more pikas. When researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences took a closer look at Li's discovery, they confirmed that it was indeed a new species.‎ In the early 1990s, scientists estimated that there were about 2,000 Ili pikas running across mountain cliffs in China. Now there are probably fewer than 1,000. Li thinks that the Ili pika population has decreased by nearly 70 percent since he saw the first one in 1983.‎ ‎“This tiny species could be extinct anytime,” Li said. “__4__”‎ Big changes to the Ili pika habitat are probably contributing to the pikas' lower population. In addition, Ili pikas don't reproduce often, and other animals are eating grass where they live. Changes in local temperatures have driven Ili pikas to higher elevations (海拔) in the mountains.‎ Li and others are encouraging wildlife groups to help protect this creature. Li searches fulltime for Ili pikas. __5__ Li is also working to create a wildlife reserve to help protect Ili pikas.‎ A.It became endangered soon.‎ B.They finally spotted one last summer.‎ C.Lots of animals were discovered in the mountains.‎ D.Li didn't know what it was, and neither did the locals.‎ E.Only three dozen of them have ever been seen by people.‎ F.They don't exist in the sites where they used to be anymore.‎ G.He continues to study the animals and tries to find ways to help them.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。说明了伊犁鼠兔濒临灭绝这一现象。‎ ‎1.选E E项是上文“scientists don't know much about this tiny creature”的原因,并与第二段第一句的“In fact,it had been more than 20 years since anyone had seen an Ili pika.”相呼应。‎ ‎2.选B B项与上文的“combed the mountains looking for the animals”及第三段第一句中的“They found it ...”相呼应。‎ ‎3.选D 由下文的“When researchers ... it was indeed a new species.”可推断,当李于1983年首次发现这种动物时,他和当地人都不知道这是什么动物。‎ ‎4.选F F项与上文的“This tiny species could be extinct anytime”相呼应。‎ ‎5.选G G项与下文的“create a wildlife reserve to help protect Ili pikas”相呼应。‎

