二年级下册英语课件-unit 2 lesson 7 letters a-d∣冀教版 (一起)(共14张ppt)

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二年级下册英语课件-unit 2 lesson 7 letters a-d∣冀教版 (一起)(共14张ppt)

Unit 2 Lesson 7 Letters A-D 大写的 A 像金字塔一样 小写的 a 像颠倒的溜溜球 apple 大写的 B 像斜过来的两座山 小写的 b 像不带钩的数字 6 bananas 大写的 C 像人类的耳朵 小写的 c 也是 carrots 大写的 D 像月饼切一半 小写的 d 像汤勺 d og I see the letter b in book. Me, too. I see the letter d in doll. dolls I see the letter a in art. Art I see the letter _ and _ in cat. Cat I see the letter __ in beef. beef I see the letter _ and _ and _ in dance. dance Answer c a a letter b d a c Write down the new letters on the notebook, each for three times. Homework

