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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修7Unit 3 Under the sea单元学案 核心词汇 ‎1.Hearing the gun,the enemies were horrorstruck and____________(逃跑)in all directions.‎ ‎2.The businessman___________(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money.‎ ‎3.You must be very careful to cut meat with this____________(锋利的)knife.‎ ‎4.She sat____________(思考)on how much had changed since she’d bought the farm.‎ ‎5.One of the firemen went back in and____________(拖)my husband out through the flames.‎ ‎6.A man in a(n)____________(整洁的)grey suit sat on the other side of the bar.‎ ‎7.Generally speaking,if you want to shoot the ____________(目标),you must aim at it a little bit higher because of the effect of gravity on the arrow.‎ ‎8.I ____________remember the picture he drew last week whose colors were____________.(vivid)‎ ‎9.用witness的适当形式填空 ‎(1)The two ____________to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.‎ ‎(2)The crash was ____________by millions of viewers who were watching the race on TV.‎ ‎1.fled 2.abandoned 3.sharp 4.reflecting 5.dragged,6.neat 7.target 8.vividly;vivid 9.(1)witnesses,(2)witnessed 高频短语 ‎1.________________ 优于;在……前面 ‎2.________________ 瞄准 ‎3.________________ 在此期间;与此同时 ‎4.________________ 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 ‎5.________________ 对……知道、明白;意识到 ……‎ ‎6.________________ 上下翻转 ‎7.________________ 吓死了 ‎8.________________ 举起,抬起;支撑;阻挡, 使延误 ‎9.________________ 即将;将要 ‎10.________________ 靠近 ‎1.ahead of 2.aim at 3.in the meantime 4.help(...)out 5.be/become aware of  6.upside down 7.(be) scared to death 8.hold up 9.be about to do 10.get close to 重点句式 ‎1.____________the killer whales,or “killers ”as they were then ‎ called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.‎ 那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。‎ ‎2.This was the call that announced there_____________be a whale hunt.‎ 这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。‎ ‎3.As we drew closer,I could see a whale_____________a pack of about six other killers.‎ 靠近一看,原来是一头大鲸受到大约六条虎鲸的攻击。‎ ‎4.________such extraordinary beauty,I think every cell in my body woke up.‎ 看到这样奇特的美景,我全身的每个细胞都苏醒了。‎ ‎5.There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to—an eel with its strong sharp teeth,__________________,watching for a tasty fish(or my tasty toe!);and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips.‎ 还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们——一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可作美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我美味的脚趾伸过去!);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中,等待着有什么东西游过来,游到它宽厚的绿嘴唇中去。‎ ‎1.It was a time when 2.was about to 3.being attacked by 4.Seeing 5.with only its head showing from a hole 知识详解 ‎1 .witness n. 目击者;证人;证据 ‎ ‎ vt. 当场见到;目击 I thought,at the time,that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.‎ 当时我认为这只是个故事,但之后我亲眼目睹了好多次。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①One witness to the accident said that the driver appeared to be drunk.‎ 事故的一位目击者说司机看上去好像喝醉了。 ‎ ‎②His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.‎ 他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。‎ ‎③He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.‎ 他证明看到那个人进了房间。‎ ‎④Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them.‎ 警方呼吁凡是目击这一事件的人与他们联系。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎1.很多人被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面吓呆了。‎ Many people were shocked by the violent scenes ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:they had witnessed ‎2 .flee(fled,fled) vi.& vt. 逃走,逃避;消失,消散 ‎ “And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea,”George ‎ told me,pointing towards the hunt.‎ ‎“而其他那些(虎鲸)则阻止它潜水或逃跑,”乔治一边指着捕猎的情景一边告诉我。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①He fled to London after an argument with his family.‎ 他与家人争吵以后离家去了伦敦。‎ ‎②He was caught trying to flee the country.‎ 他试图逃离该国时被抓住。‎ ‎③Why does he always flee any kind of responsibility?‎ 他为什么总是逃避任何责任?‎ ‎④His hopes fled when he lost the election.‎ 当他落选时,他的希望就破灭了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎2.The thieves have already________the city,so it is difficult for the police to arrest them.‎ A.fled          B.run away C.escaped D.got rid of 解析:选A。表示“逃离某地”时,run away和escape后需加from,get rid of则不合句意。‎ ‎3 .abandon vt. 遗弃;抛弃;丢弃;放弃;中止;(与oneself连用)使放纵,使听任 n. 放任;放纵 From James’s face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.‎ 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出,他害怕被我们抛弃。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Rescuers abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors of the crash.‎ 援救人员完全放弃了会再找到坠机生还者的希望。‎ ‎②We must urge people who smoke to abandon the habit.‎ 我们必须敦促吸烟的人戒烟。‎ ‎③Hong Zhanhui brought up a girl abandoned by her parents.‎ 洪战辉抚养了一个被父母遗弃的女孩。‎ ‎④The match was abandoned because of bad weather.‎ 比赛因天气恶劣而取消了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎3.那个孩子被他的父母遗弃了,后来有人发现那个被抛弃的孩子在大街上游荡,他已陷入了绝望。‎ The child ________ ________ by his parents.Eventually the ________ boy was found wandering in the street,________ himself to despair.‎ 答案:was abandoned;abandoned;abandoning ‎4 .urge vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策 ‎ “Man overboard!Turn the boat around!”urged George,shouting ‎ loudly.‎ 乔治催促着,大声喊道:“有人落水了!调转船头。”‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①Katy’s family urged her to find another job.‎ 凯蒂的家人催促她去找另一份工作。‎ ‎②The report urged that all children be taught to swim.‎ 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。‎ ‎③He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work.‎ 他向学生们力言努力学习的重要性。‎ ‎④He urged all the students to take part in this activity.‎ 他要求所有学生参加这次活动。‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎4.我极力主张应该立刻采取措施阻止这样的事情再发生。‎ I urged that we________ ________ ________to prevent such things happening again. ‎ 答案:take immediate action ‎ ‎5 .reflect vt. 映射,反射 vi.& vt. 思考 I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic!‎ 我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天!‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①When the sun’s rays hit the earth,a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.‎ 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。 ‎ ‎②Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.‎ 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人们的心声。‎ ‎③Before I decide,I need time to reflect.‎ 在我决定前,我需要时间认真考虑。‎ ‎④After long reflection we decided to buy that house.‎ 经过长时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎5.完成句子 ‎(1)肖恩对祖国的爱在他最近出版的诗歌里反映出来。‎ Sean’s strong love for his country is ________ in his recently published poems.‎ 答案:reflected ‎(2)你应该留出时间反思你的成功和失败。‎ You should set aside some time to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:reflect on your successes and failures ‎6 .help(...)out  帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难;协助;使(某人)脱离困境 What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?‎ 有什么证据能说明老汤姆帮助捕鲸者摆脱险境?‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①When I bought the house,my sister helped me out with a loan.‎ 我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱解了急。‎ ‎②As he is my best friend,when I am in trouble he will certainly help me out. ‎ 因为他是我最好的朋友,当我遇到麻烦时他肯定会帮我。‎ ‎③I can’t help thinking he knows more than he has told us.‎ 我总觉得他没把知道的事情全告诉我们。‎ ‎④She couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.‎ 她不禁琢磨着他在想些什么。‎ ‎⑤He couldn’t help to wash the clothes.‎ 他不能帮忙洗衣服。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎6.My father has often ________ me ________ when I’ve been a bit short of money.‎ A.sent;out       B.driven;off C.helped;out D.pulled;in 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。help sb.out帮助某人摆脱困境。‎ ‎7.The passengers had a chat with the college students______‎ as conductors during the summer vacation.‎ A.help out B.helped out C.to help out D.helping out 解析:选D。本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式作后置定语表示一个将要发生的动作,过去分词表示一个已经发生了的被动的动作,故B、C两项不符合题意。句意:旅客们同那几个在暑假临时帮忙充当列车员的大学生聊天。‎ ‎7 .be/become aware of  对……知道、明白、意识到……‎ The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me—purples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.‎ 我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩——紫色、红色、橘黄、明黄、蓝色和绿色等。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Most people are aware of the dangers of driving after drinking.‎ 大多数人知道酒后开车的危险。‎ ‎②I don’t think people are really aware of just how much it costs. ‎ 我认为人们并不真正明白这要花多少钱。 ‎ ‎③We are not aware(of) what he is longing for.‎ 我们不知道他在渴望什么。‎ ‎④As far as I’m aware,nobody has done anything about it.‎ 据我所知,尚无人对此采取任何措施。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎8.Most parents are not ________ the danger of their babies’eating jelly,which causes most unfortunate incidents to happen.‎ A.well aware to      B.very aware of C.aware that D.well aware of 解析:选D。考查形容词用法。空白处后面不是句子,故排除C项;aware后面接of,故排除A项;另外表示“清醒地,充分地认识到”时,表语形容词aware的修饰语应使用well,不用very。‎ ‎【教材原句】 There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to-an eel with its strong sharp teeth,with_only_its_head_showing_from_a_hole,watching for a tasty fish(or my tasty toe!);and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips.(P24)‎ 还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们——一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可供美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我美味的脚趾伸过去!);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中,等待着有什么东西游过来,游到它宽厚的绿嘴唇中去。‎ ‎【句法分析】 “with复合结构”表示动作或伴随情况,在句中一般作定语或状语。它的构成形式为with+名词+形容词/副词/现在分词/过去分词/动词不定式/介词短语。‎ ‎(1)with+n.+介词短语 ‎①The little girl came to a stream,with red flowers and green grass on both sides.‎ 小女孩来到一条小溪边,小溪的两岸长着红花绿草。‎ ‎②The teacher entered the classroom with a thick dictionary in his hand/under his arm.‎ 老师进了教室,手里拿着一本厚字典/胳膊底下夹着一本厚字典。‎ ‎(2)with+n.+adj.‎ ‎③I like sleeping with all the windows open.‎ 我喜欢开着窗子睡觉。‎ ‎(3)with+n.+to do sth.‎ ‎④With all the clothes to wash,I will be very busy today.‎ 所有的衣服都要洗,今天我将会很忙。‎ ‎(4)with+n.+doing sth.‎ ‎⑤Their teacher is a young girl with long hair covering her shoulders.‎ 他们的老师是一个长发披肩的年轻姑娘。‎ ‎⑥With the boy leading the way,they had no difficulty in finding the house.‎ 有那个男孩领路,他们很容易就找到了那栋房子。‎ ‎(5)with+n.+done ‎⑦With his homework finished,the boy went out to play.‎ 做完作业后,那男孩出去玩了。‎ ‎(6)with+n.+adv.‎ ‎⑧With her mother away,the little girl felt lonely.‎ 由于妈妈离开了,小女孩感到孤独。‎ ‎9.You have no idea how she finished the relay race________her foot wounded ‎ so much.‎ A.for          B.when C.with D.while 解析:选C。句意:你根本无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。这里是一个“with+n./pron.+done/adj.”的复合结构。要注意her foot wounded so much 不是一个完整句子,所以不能用连词when,while,for 引导,选B项可以这样改 when her foot was wounded so much。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ 作文指导 提纲类作文 ‎【体裁导航】‎ 提纲类写作也是情景作文的一种,是通过给出段落提纲或者给出关键词语、短语等提示的一种“引领”性的写作。‎ 无论是英语的段落主旨句、提纲提示,还是汉语的词组或短语等引导写作思路,进行习作时,毕竟减少了审题环节,也不用谋篇布局、重组语序,所以,在写作练习的初级阶段,这种习作形式尤其受到师生的欢迎。‎ 做这类写作题要特别注意以下三点:‎ ‎1.要按照所提供的“纲”的思路而写;‎ ‎2.要考虑提供的各“点”之间该用什么样的连接词、连接句,以及上下句之间的关系;‎ ‎3.看有无题目要求,有无词数限制,有无逻辑悖理现象(观点不要悖理或前后矛盾)。‎ 总之,能做到循“纲”蹈“句”、“纲举目张”,此类写作便能顺利完成。‎ ‎【写作要领】‎ 一、审题 ‎1.体裁:题目中已明确给出可以写记叙文也可以写议论文。‎ ‎2.时态和人称:如果写记叙文,应是结合过去发生的事件来说明怎样有一个好的心情,所以应用过去时态和第一人称。如果写议论文,则应该用现在时态和第三人称。‎ 二、谋篇 ‎1.记叙文的篇章结构应为:‎ Para.1:描述过去发生的一件令人心情不好的事情以及由此产生的不良情绪。‎ Para.2:讲述如何从坏心情转至好心情的。‎ ‎2.议论文的篇章结构为:‎ Para.1:提出问题:好心情的重要性。‎ Para.2:分析问题:产生坏心情的原因。‎ Para.3:解决问题:调整心情的方法。‎ 三、注意事项 提纲作文虽然给出了写作的要点,但要点非常简略,因而还需要对要点进行丰富和拓展。‎ ‎【范文点评】‎ Turning a bad mood into a good one ‎①At the end of the last semester,I got a C in the English examination.②When I knew the result,I couldn’t hold back my tears.③‎ My mood was terrible and I thought the world was coming to an end.④I feared to see my English teacher and I thought my classmates would laught at me.⑤My parents weren’t satisfied with me and maybe they would scold me.⑥So I even wanted to leave my school and family.‎ ‎⑦But after a while,I found I was wrong for I came to realize “Failure is the mother of success”.⑧What I should do was to find the reason why I got so bad a result.⑨And I thought this was a lesson to me and it helped me to find my shortcomings.⑩Maybe it could help me to improve my English.⑪So my bad mood turned into a good one.‎ ‎1.文章标题,不要遗漏 本段为造成心情不佳的事件以及造成的影响,具体如下:‎ ‎(1)①言简意赅地点明导致心情不佳的事件。‎ ‎(2)②③为具体心情不佳的表现。‎ ‎(3)④⑤为导致心情不佳的心理原因。‎ ‎(4)⑥为心情不佳造成的影响——想离家(学校)出走。‎ ‎(5)综上所述,整个事件的叙述娓娓道来,语意连贯,步步深入。‎ ‎2.本段为“我的心情是如何由坏变好的”。具体过程如下:‎ 意识到“失败是成功之母”——自我反省——吸取教训——提升英语——心情变好。‎ ‎3.本文作者心情由坏变好的原因就是“自我反思,不放弃,继续努力”。当然也可以借助外力,如老师、父母的教导,书中的某一句话等都可以成为心情变好的原因。‎ ‎【类题尝试】‎ 假如你是李华,你们学校最近开展了创建“平安校园”的活动。你们班为此组织主题班会,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你对如何创建“平安校园”的一些想法。短文应该包括下面的内容:‎ ‎1.安全意识的重要性;‎ ‎2.在运动中要注意安全;‎ ‎3.在校内要注意人身安全;‎ ‎4.同学间发生矛盾时,一定要保持冷静、理智;‎ ‎5.逐步将“平安校园”活动转化为全体师生的实际行动。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;‎ ‎2.词数:120左右;‎ ‎3.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:校园安全safety at school My dear classmates,‎ There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life.Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ My_dear_classmates,‎ There_is_no_denying_that_safety_plays_an_important_part_in_our_daily_life.Recently_our_school_has_carried_out_a_program_aimed_at_making_our_campus_a_safe_place_to_stay_on.‎ I consider this as indeed a good practice,which will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life,whether when we stay at school or outside it.When we are doing sports,we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt.‎ Furthermore,when we get into trouble with our classmates,we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting,which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.‎ As far as I’m concerned,I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind.Besides,we are supposed to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment.‎ Thanks.‎ 高考试题链接 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D国个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A History Fair Competition Understanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation. ‎ History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. Thornton fiddle School History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting,engaging,and fun!‎ This Year’s Theme All participants must address how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for Americans throughout history. To many people,technology means computers,hand-held devices,or vehicles that travel to distant planets. However,technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in countless ways. ‎ Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories:‎ ‎•Performance ‎•Documentary(纪实作品)‎ ‎•Essay Writing Category Requirements Performance: A dramatic presentation of the topic no more than 10 minutes long. If special clothes are used,they should truly represent a given period. ‎ Documentary: A visual presentation(such as a video,slide show,or computer project)no more than 10 minutes long. A desktop ‎ computer,screen,projector,and loudspeakers will be available. Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday,March 23. ‎ Essay Writing: An academic paper of 2,000 to 2,500 words. No illustrations(图解)are allowed. Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included. ‎ Important Dates January 5 Submit a topic proposal to your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear. ‎ February 5 Submit a first draft of your essay,performance script(剧本),or documentary highlights. ‎ February 19 A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions. Students then have an opportunity to improve their products. ‎ March 9 Submit a final draft of your essay. ‎ March 15 Performance and documentary committee preview March 24 Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition ‎7:00A. M-9:00A. M Participants signing in at the gym ‎10:00A. M. -6:00PM. Competition and judges’ review ‎7:00P.M. Awards ceremony and picnic ‎36. According to Paragraph 1,what is the major goal of understanding history?‎ A. To preserve national traditions. ‎ B. To prepare for a history competition. ‎ C. To better know the present and future. ‎ D. To further explore historical mysteries. ‎ ‎37. What is the theme of this year’s competition?‎ A. Technology advances science. ‎ B. Science interacts with technology. ‎ C. Science has made the study of history easy. ‎ D. Technology has improved the life of Americans. ‎ ‎38. Among the items provided by the school for a visual presentation are__________.‎ A. special clothes and a screen B. a desktop computer and a CD C. a projector and special clothes D. a desktop computer and loudspeakers ‎39. What would a participant have to do with an essay of 1,500 words to meet the category requirement?‎ A. Include more information in the essay. ‎ B. Remove the references. ‎ C. Provide a cover for the essay. ‎ D. Explain the details with illustrations. ‎ ‎40. What will the committee of teachers do on February 19?‎ A. Preview performances and documentaries. ‎ B. Make comments on the materials. ‎ C. Improve the participant’s first draft. ‎ D. Collect a second proposal from the participant. ‎ B I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books. There was not one night that I don’t remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside. I was extremely inspired by the elegant way the words sounded. ‎ I always wanted to know what my mom was reading. Hearing mom say," I can’t believe what’s printed in the newspaper this morning," made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew. So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading. ‎ This is how everyone learned to read. We would start off with sentences, then paragraphs, and then stories. It seemed an unending journey, but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors. When mom said," The C-A-N-D-Y is hidden on the top shelf," I knew where the candy was. My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything. I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed. ‎ Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make A’s on my tests. Occasionally, I would read a novel that was assigned, but I didn’t enjoy this type of reading. I liked facts, things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument. ‎ Yet, now that I’m growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself needing a way to escape. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone. I don’t have to write down what happened or what technique the author was using when he or she wrote this. I just read to relax.‎ We’re taught to read because it’s necessary for much of human understanding. Reading is a vital part of my life. Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning. And I’ve found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless. ‎ ‎41. Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of mom’s hands?‎ A. She wanted mom to read the news to her.‎ B. She was anxious to know what had happened.‎ C. She couldn’t wait to tear the newspaper apart.‎ D. She couldn’t help but stop mom from reading.‎ ‎42. According to Paragraph 3,the author’s reading of road signs indicates___________‎ A. her unique way to locate herself B. her eagerness to develop her reading ability C. her effort to remind mom to obey traffic rules D. her growing desire to know the world around her.‎ ‎43. What was the author’s view on factual reading?‎ A. It would help her update test-taking skills. ‎ B. It would allow much room for free thinking. ‎ C. It would provide true and objective information. ‎ D. It would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life.‎ ‎44. The author takes novel reading as a way to___________.‎ A. explore a fantasy land B. develop a passion for leaning C. learn about the adult community D. get away from a confusing world ‎45. What could be the best title for the passage?‎ A. The Magic of Reading B. The Pleasure of Reading C. Growing Up with Reading D. Reading Makes a Full Man C How does an ecosystem(生态系统)work?What makes the populations of different species the way they are?Why are there so many flies and so few wolves?To find an answer,scientists have built mathematical models of food webs,noting who eats whom and how much each one eats. ‎ With such models,scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs. Most food webs,for instance,consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. When a predator(掠食动物)always eats huge numbers of a single prey(猎物),the two species are strongly linked;when a predator lives on various species,they are weakly linked. Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term. If a predator can eat several species,it can survive the extinction(灭绝)of one of them. And if a predator can move on to another species that is easier to find when a prey species becomes rare,the switch allows the original prey to recover. The weak links may thus keep species from driving one another to extinction. ‎ Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs may be unstable,where small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems. In the 1960s,scientists proposed that predators at the top of a food web had a surprising amount of control over the size of populations of other species---including species they did not directly attack. ‎ And unplanned human activities have proved the idea of top-down control by top predators to be true. In the ocean,we fished for top predators such as cod on an industrial scale,while on land,we killed off large predators such as wolves. These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance. ‎ Scientists have built an early-warning system based on mathematical ‎ models. Ideally,the system would tell us when to adapt human activities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline. Prevention is key,scientists says because once ecosystems pass their tipping point(临界点),it is remarkably difficult for them to return. ‎ ‎46. What have scientists discovered with the help of mathematical models of food webs?‎ A. The living habits of species in food webs.‎ B. The rules governing food webs of the ecosystems.‎ C. The approaches to studying the species in the ecosystems.‎ D. The differences between weak and strong links in food webs.‎ ‎47. A strong link is found between two species when a predator______‎ A. has a wide food choice B. can easily find new prey C. sticks to one prey species D. can quickly move to another place ‎48. What will happen if the populations of top predators in a food web greatly decline?‎ A. The prey species they directly attack will die out. ‎ B. The species they indirectly attack will turn into top predators. ‎ C. The living environment of other species will remain unchanged. ‎ D. The populations of other species will experience unexpected changes. ‎ ‎49. What conclusion can be drawn from the examples in Paragraph 4?‎ A. Uncontrolled human activities greatly upset ecosystems. ‎ B. Rapid economic development threatens animal habitats. ‎ C. Species of commercial value dominate other species. ‎ D. Industrial activities help keep food webs stable. ‎ ‎50. How does an early-warning system help us maintain the ecological balance?‎ A. By getting illegal practices under control. ‎ B. By stopping us from killing large predators. ‎ C. By bringing the broken-down ecosystems back to normal. ‎ D. By signaling the urgent need for taking preventive action. ‎ D Would you BET on the future of this man?He is 53 years old. Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune. A war injury has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison. Driven by heaven-knows-what motives,he determines to write a book. ‎ The book turns out to be one that has appealed to the world for more than 350 years. That former prisoner was Cervantes,and the book was Don Quixote(《堂吉诃德》). And the story poses an interesting question: why do some people discover new vitality and creativity to the end of their days,while others go to seed long before?‎ We’ve all known people who run out of steam before they reach life’s ‎ halfway mark. I’m not talking about those who fail to get to the top. We can’t all get there. I’m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years. ‎ Most of us,in fact,progressively narrow the variety of our lives. We succeed in our field of specialization and then become trapped in it. Nothing surprises us. We lose our sense of wonder. But,if we are willing to lean,the opportunities are everywhere. ‎ The things we learn in maturity seldom involve information and skills. We learn to bear with the things we can’t change. We learn to avoid self-pity. We learn that however much we try to please,some people are never going to love us-an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing. ‎ With high motivation and enthusiasm,we can keep on learning. Then we will know how important it is to have meaning in our life. However,we can achieve meaning only if we have made a commitment to something larger than our own little egos(自我),whether to loved ones,to fellow humans,to work,or to some moral concept. ‎ Many of us equate(视……等同于)“commitment” with such “caring” occupations as teaching and nursing. But doing any ordinary job as well as one can is in itself an admirable commitment. People who work toward such excellence whether they are driving a truck,or running a store-make the world better just by being the kind of people they are. They’ve learned life’s most valuable lesson. ‎ ‎51. The passage starts with the story of Cervantes to show that_________. ‎ A. loss of freedom stimulates one’s creativity B. age is not a barrier to achieving one’s goal C. misery inspires a man to fight against his fate D. disability cannot stop a man’s pursuit of success ‎52. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A. End one’s struggle for liberty. ‎ B. Waste one’s energy taking risks.‎ C. Miss the opportunity to succeed. ‎ D. Lose the interest to continue learning. ‎ ‎53. What could be inferred from Paragraph 4?‎ A. Those who dare to try often get themselves trapped. ‎ B. Those who tend to think back can hardly go ahead. ‎ C. Opportunity favors those with a curious mind. ‎ D. Opportunity awaits those with a cautious mind. ‎ ‎54. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 5?‎ A. A tough man can tolerate suffering. ‎ B. A wise man can live without self-pity. ‎ C. A man should try to satisfy people around him. ‎ D. A man should learn suitable ways to deal with life. ‎ ‎55. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?‎ A. To provide guidance on leading a meaningful adult life. ‎ B. To stress the need of shouldering responsibilities at work. ‎ C. To state the importance of generating motivation for learning. ‎ D. To suggest a way of pursuing excellence in our lifelong career.‎ 阅读理解答案(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)‎ A ‎【答案】36. C 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. B ‎【分析】这是一篇应用文。短文介绍了桑顿中学举办的历史展览竞赛的相关信息。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第一段“It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become”可知,历史告诉了今天我们是谁,将来我们要成为谁,它是我们重要的组成部分。所以根据第一段,了解历史的主要目地是更好地了解现在和未来。故C选项正确。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由This Year’s Theme中的“All participants must address how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for American throughout history ”可知,所有的参与者都必须要说明通信或运输技术如何在整个历史过程中如何提高了美国人的生活质量。所以今年竞赛的主题是:技术提高了美国人的生活。故D选项正确。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由Documentary中的“A desktop computer, screen, projector, and loudspeaker will be available”可知,将提供台式电脑、屏幕、投影仪和扬声器。所以学校提供的视觉展示设备包括台式电脑和扩音器。故D选项正确。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 细节理解题。本题采用排除法。由Essay Writing 中的“An academic paper of 2,000 to 2,5000 words ”No illustration are allowed。Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included”可知,要求一份2000至25000字的学术论文。不允许有插图。请不要包括封面。必须包括一份参考文献列表。所以通过排除法,可以看出B,C,D选项都被排除,故一个参与者需要在文章中列入更多的信息才能使一篇1500字的论文满足类别要求。故A选项正确。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由Important Dates中的“February 19 A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions ”可知,2月19日,教师委员会将对材料进行评估并发表意见。所以在2月19日。教师委员会将对材料做出评论。故B选项正确。‎ B ‎【答案】41. B 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. C ‎【分析】本文为夹叙夹议文,作者讲述了自己的读书经历和感悟。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段主题句I always wanted to know what my mom was reading.和Hearing mom say … made me want to grab it out of her hands ‎ and read it myself可知,作者一直想知道妈妈在读什么。作者抢过妈妈读的报纸,因为作者自己迫切想看一看报纸上写的内容,故选B。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything,可以推断出,让妈妈开车开慢一点,他能够读出所有路标,正是作者在阅读方面的进步引起了他的好奇心,想要了解周围的一切,故选D。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make A’s on my test.可知,小学和中学阶段的阅读都是事实性阅读,读书是为了获取知识,考试得A。因此事实性阅读能够提供真实的客观的信息,故选 C。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第五段By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone.( 打开一本小说,我可以摆脱我的负担,进入一个奇妙而神秘的世界,我现在是一个新的角色。在这个世界上,我可以成为任何人。) 可知,阅读小说可以让作者避开复杂的现实而投入到小说中的世界中去,故选D。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据上下文可知,作者以时间顺序回忆了自己的阅读经历和感悟,伴着阅读成长,故选项C符合题意。‎ C ‎【答案】46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. D ‎【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了借助食物网的数学模型,科学家们发现了一些在食物网运营的关键原则。科学家们说;因为一个生态系统越过了它的临界点,它们很难再回来。该系统将告诉我们何时适应人类活动,这些活动正将生态系统推向崩溃,或者甚至允许我们将生态系统从边缘拉回来,预防是关键。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段的With such models, scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs.可知,借助食物网的数学模型,科学家们发现了食物网中的一些关键原则。故选B。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段的When a predator(掠食动物) always eats huge numbers of a single prey(猎物),the two species are strongly linked可知,当捕食者总是吃大量的单一猎物,这两个物种是紧密相连的。故选C。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第二段的In the 1960s, scientists proposed that predators at the top of a food web had, a surprising amount of control over the size of populations of other species they did not directly attack可知,处于食物网顶端的食肉动物对它们没有直接攻击的其他物种的种群数量有着惊人的控制,由此可推断出,如果食物链顶级食肉动物的数量大大下降,其他物种的种群将经历意想不到的变化。故选D。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第四段的Ideally the system would tell us when to adapt human activities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline可知,人类过度的活动会将生态系统推向崩溃,由此可推断出,不受控制的人类活动极大地破坏了生态系统。故选A。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段的Scientists have built an early-warming system based on mathematical models. Ideally the system would tell us when to adapt human activities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline.可知,早期变暖系统发出紧急需要采取预防行动的信号帮助我们维持生态平衡。故选D。‎ D ‎【答案】51. B 52. D 53. C 54. D 55. A ‎【分析】本文属于议论文,讲述要成功,就需要不断的学习,这样的生活才会有意义。‎ ‎【51题详解】‎ 推理判断题。第一段讲述塞万提斯一生不幸,负债累累,因为战争受伤左手残疾,同时还身陷囹圄,在53岁的时候决定写书,最终写出成名作《唐吉柯德》,根据后文可知,所有的困境都没有阻挡他的成功,年龄也是如此,故选B。‎ ‎【52题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。根据第三段I’m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years.故可知,作者谈论的不是那些没有到达巅峰的人,而是谈论那些不再学习成长的人,故可知run out of steam可知,停止学习,故选D。‎ ‎【53题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第四段we lose the sense of wonder. But, if we are willing to learn, the opportunities are everywhere.可知,我们失去了好奇感,但是如果我们愿意学习,机会无处不在,故可知,机会总是留给那些好奇心的人,故选C。‎ ‎【54题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第五段we learn to bear with the things we can’t change. We learn to avoid self-pity. We learn that however much we try to please, some people are never going to love us—an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing.可知,我们学会承受那些无法改变的事情,学会避免自怜,也学会了无论我们怎么去取悦别人,有些人是无法喜欢我们的,这个观点起初让我们苦恼,但是之后会让我们释怀,故可知,本段作者告诉我们要学会使用恰当的方式来对待生活,故选D。‎ ‎【55题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。本文讲述要成功,就需要不断的学习,这样的生活才会有意义,故本文作者的目的是为了指导我们过一个有意义的成年人生活,故选A。‎

