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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 1 Cultural relics Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.To prove that he is innocent,some new ________(evident) is needed. 答案: evidence 2.When the gas tank (煤气罐) ________(explosion),he was just walking by. 答案: exploded 3.At the ________(enter) to the building,many people are waiting there now. 答案: entrance 4.—The worker our manager is always thinking highly of________(save) the little boy. —He is really brave. 答案: saved 5.He told us whether________(have) a picnic was still under discussion. 答案: to have 6.As a________(sail),he usually spends most of the year at sea. 答案: sailor 7.The party is not an important one,so you can just be dressed in ________(formal) clothes. 答案: informal 8.There was always a soft ________(wood) house in my dream when I was a little girl. 答案: wooden 9.He was the only one of the soldiers who________(survive) the war. 答案: survived 10.The________(paint) attracted his attention,which helped him develop an interest in drawing pictures. 答案: painting Ⅱ.阅读理解 A After driving down the main street of Granger,Washington,a traveler might think that it was either the site of the world’s greatest prehistoric (史前的) fossil (化石) discovery,or that the town was built in a dinosaur theme park.But no dinosaur 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 fossils have ever been found in Washington State.Yet all kinds of dinosaurs are in the town. “We just happen to like dinosaurs,” said the city official Alice Koerner.“And all kids happen to love dinosaurs.And when you’re traveling with your family, it’s usually the kids that decide where you go.” Granger’s dinosaurs took years of work and tons of cement (水泥) to make them look real.It’s the kind of great effort that people think well of.The first Granger dinosaur went up in the early 1990s,according to Public Works Director Jack Burns.People liked it,so others followed,all designed and built by Jack and his partners.“That first one was prehistoric,”said Jack.“We used anything we could find around the Ginko Gem Shop,which has a colourful dinosaur standing outside to hold the cement.” Many of the prehistoric big beasts are on the town’s south side.Most are kidfriendly and suitable for climbing.Granger’s DinoinaDay (usually the first Saturday in June) invites the public to take part in dinosaur making. Driving into town shows you more dinosaurs.A large map at the entrance to the town promises to show where every Granger dinosaur is,but_it_is_out_of_date.Jack said,“We have been building more dinosaurs and we try to let people know more about science and art.” 语篇解读 华盛顿的 Granger 镇是个名副其实的“恐龙城”,旅游者一走进该城,就会 见到各种各样的“恐龙”。 1.According to the city official Alice Koerner,the dinosaurs could________. A.help adults know more about science and art B.make Granger wellknown all over the world C.attract more kids to travel there with their parents D.make people believe Granger was home to dinosaurs 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段的 And when you’re traveling with your family, it’s usually the kids that decide where you go 可推断 Alice Koerner 认为这些恐龙 可以吸引小孩和他们的父母前来参观。 答案: C 2.What do we learn about the first dinosaur built by Jack Burns? A.It was well received by people who saw it. B.It took Jack Burns several years to make it look real. C.It was the oldest dinosaur of all time. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 D.It was the model of many following dinosaurs. 解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段的 People liked it...可知 Jack Burns 制作的第一 座恐龙塑像很受欢迎,故选 A。 答案: A 3.Those who take part in Granger’s DinoinaDay________. A.must go to the town’s south side B.have to arrive there on June 1st C.can try making dinosaurs themselves D.must stop their children from climbing dinosaurs 解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段的 invites the public to take part in dinosaur making 可知应选 C。 答案: C 4.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph show? A.There are too many dinosaurs in Granger. B.The map now cannot show where every dinosaur is. C.More kinds of dinosaurs have been made in Granger. D.One can never finish seeing all the dinosaurs in Granger. 解析: 推理判断题。根据末段的 We have been building more dinosaurs 可推断新 的“恐龙”在不断地被制作出来,因此那张大地图并不能显示所有恐龙的准确位置,故显得 过时了,因此选 B。 答案: B B Over the years,many very important guests have visited the White House.Some spend the night,though most stay only for dinner.But last summer,a furry little guest came to the President’s house,and he hasn’t left yet. In August,a fox was found in a garden near the White House tennis courts.He’s since been caught sleeping on the driveway,setting off alarms (警报),and running across the President’s golf course.President Barack Obama once saw him running 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 outside the Oval Office.In October,he even ate some of the vegetables in the First Lady’s garden! “We don’t mind him passing through,but we don’t want him to stay,” says Dale Haney,who leads the team of people who take care of the White House lawn (草 地). The groundskeepers have been trying to catch the fox for months.But foxes are very fast.The fox has so far escaped the groundskeepers who chased him and avoided traps. Another challenge is that the White House is more than just a house:It has a lot of lawns,gardens,and bushes nearby in which a fox can hide,something this fox does well.Few people who work at the White House have even seen him. Haney had a team of eight people look for the fox’s home,where the animal sleeps.They searched through bushes and gardens for 45 minutes every morning.But the fox’s home has stayed hidden,and the groundskeepers have given up. The fox isn’t the first wild animal to hang around the White House grounds.Animals like birds,raccoons (浣熊),and deer have all visited over the years.White House officials have tried to remove (移开) these animals from the White House kindly,without hurting them. Haney’s team hopes to move the fox to a park nearby,along the Potomac River.But they will have to catch him first! 语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章报道了美国白宫出现的一位不受欢迎的客人。 5.What can we learn from the second paragraph? A.President Obama likes the fox very much. B.The fox has caused trouble at the White House. C.The First Lady fed the fox some vegetables. D.The fox was first found on the President’s golf course. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段描述的那只狐狸睡在车道上、弄响警报、横穿总统的 高尔夫球场以及吃掉第一夫人花园里的菜等可知,那只狐狸在白宫制造了麻烦。 答案: B 6.To catch the fox,the groundskeepers used all of the following ways EXCEPT________. A.setting traps B.running after him C.looking for his home D.hitting him with a stick 解析: 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的 without hurting them 可知,草地管理员并 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 没有伤害那只狐狸。 答案: D 7.The fox at the White House is________. A.a big star B.an unwelcome guest C.its first wild animal D.the President’s new pet 解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段的 but we don’t want him to stay 和倒数第二段 的 to remove these animals from the White House Kindly 可知,这只狐狸是不受欢迎的 客人。 答案: B 8.The text is mainly written to________. A.entertain B.report C.educate D.warn 解析: 写作意图题。本文主要报道了美国白宫出现的一位不受欢迎的客人,所以选择 B项。 答案: B Ⅲ.七选五 Sarah Chang is described by other musicians as “the most wonderful,perfect violinist ”they’ve ever heard.__1__ On Sarah’s fourth birthday,her father gave her a violin.By age 5,she was accepted at the famous Juilliard School of Music in New York City.By 8,she was performing as a violin soloist (独奏 者).__2__ She has also recorded many albums. Before Michael Kearney was born,the doctors warned his parents that he might have learning difficulties.__3__ By the time he was 4 months old,Michael could say full sentences like,“What’s for dinner,Mom?” By 10 months,he could read 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 words.Studying at home with his parents,Michael completed four grade levels each year.__4__By 10,he graduated from college with honors.At 11 he went to graduate school. When Alexandra Nechita was 2,her parents gave her some crayons and coloring books.Alexandra was soon working in inks,watercolors,and by the time she was 7,oil paints.At 8,Alexandra had her first art exhibition.__5__They have sold for as much as $80,000.She has been on TV,and a book of her paintings was published (出版). A.By 9,she had her first performance. B.He’s been proving them wrong ever since! C.He couldn’t read words when he was a child. D.Since then,she has performed around the world. E.At 5,he entered high school—and finished in one year. F.Her paintings are often compared to those of Picasso and other great artists. G.What makes this praise especially surprising is her age:She’s only a teenager,and people have been describing her this way for years. 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章介绍了几位小神童的成长历程。 1.解析: 根据上文的 Sarah Chang is described by other musicians as “the most wonderful,perfect violinist”可知,该空应该是对这个赞誉进行解释说明。 答案: G 2.解析: 根据上文的 she was performing as a violin soloist 可知,空格处 Sarah 应该是有更加出色的表现、更宽广的舞台。 答案: D 3.解析: 根据上文的 he might have learning difficulties 及下文的 Michael 在 学习方面的超人表现可知,医生的猜测完全是错误的。 答案: B 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 4.解析: 根据下文的 By 10,he graduated from college with honors 可知,Michael 十岁前就应该高中毕业了。 答案: E 5.解析: 根据下文的 They have sold for as much as $80,000 可知,Alexandra 的画广受好评,得到广大艺术家的欣赏。 答案: F

