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Teaching plan Lesson 26 27‎ Teaching Aims: 1.can say the words about the safe.‎ ‎2.can say the chant well.‎ ‎3.can say the safe rules well.‎ ‎4.can say “Be careful Don’t…”‎ ‎“Use the …It’s safe”‎ ‎“Don’t…It’s dangerous.”‎ Teaching Main Points. 1.words ‎2.The main sentences Difficult Points: can say the sentences about the safe well Teaching Aids: cards, recorder, tape Step : one ‎1.greeting.‎ ‎2.Do you remember the English songs about the safe?‎ ‎3.TPR: say SAFE or DANGBROUS.‎ Step: two Learning new lesson Conversation:‎ T: Now, let’s learn the new picture..‎ ‎(show the picture)‎ What is he doing?‎ What is she doing?‎ Review the words: SAFE and DANGEROUS:‎ Draw the face: If It’s safe, you can draw a circle like a ‎ ‎ If It’s not safe, you can draw a circle like a ?‎ Learn the new words: sidewalk, underpass, footbridge, crosswalk, fence, traffic light, safe, use .cross, stop, cilmb.‎ Step three:‎ Learn the chant:‎ He safe, be safe Use the footbridge, Use the underpass, Use the sidewalk Don’t climb over the fence .It’s dangerous The light is red, please stop.‎ He safe, be safe Listen to the tape Play a game Acting and chant.‎ Step four: Practice the sentences.‎ Be care carefull Don’t cross the street here. It’s dangerous Sorry. I won’t do that again Please use the underpass over there. It’s safe.‎ Oh, yes. Thank you ,Gocdbye.‎ Step five,‎ read and batch let’s play about the safety rules.‎ Step six Let’s write:‎ Don’t _____the fence .It’s ______‎ Please use the crosswalk. It’s ______‎

