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Module 2   The Renaissance 内容索引 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 1. effect n. 效果 ; 作用 【写作金句】   If you always overuse your cell phone, your head as well as your neck will ache, which will have a bad effect on your daily life. 如果你总是过度使用手机 , 你的头和脖子会很疼 , 这对你的日常生活会有坏影响。 【语块必记】 (1)have an effect on. . .    对 …… 有影响 put / bring sth. into effect 实行 , 实施 , 使生效 come/go into effect 开始实施 , 开始生效 take effect 生效 , 起作用 in effect      实际上 ; 有效 side effect 副作用 (2)effective adj. 有效的 (3)affect v. 影响 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect ___ their studies. ②The new regulation in our school will come ____effect from October 1. 完成句子 ③It is his mother who sets a good example for him. It is obvious that parents ______________________________( 对他们的孩子有很深的影响 ).   on into have a deep effect on their children 2. blame n. ( 对错事或坏事应付的 ) 责任 v. 责备 ; 责怪 【语块必记】 (1) blame sb. /sth. for. . .  因为 …… 而责备 …… blame sth. on sb. /sth. 把某事归咎于某人或某物 be to blame for sth. 因 …… 应受指责 (2) take the blame for sth. 为某事承担责任 lay/put blame on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 【误区释疑】 be to blame 只用于主动形式 , 表示被动意义。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①He seemed to be the only person ________(blame)and was removed from his position.   ②From my point of view, it’s parents and students that should take the blame ___their lack of self-independence. ③However, it is actually lack of trust that is ___________( 负责 )the loss of friendship. to blame for to blame for 3. depend on 依赖 , 依靠 ; 取决于 ( 条件、情况 ) 【写作金句】   As a result, some of them gradually get used to depending on others, unable to look after themselves and face any challenges independently. 结果 , 他们中的一些人渐渐地习惯于依靠别人 , 不能照顾自己 , 无法独立地面对任何挑战。 【语块必记】 (1)depend on sb. to do sth.   依靠某人做某事 depend on/upon it that. . . 相信 , 指望 That depends/It all depends. 视情况而定 (2)( 近义词 )rely on; trust 【知识拓展】 rely on/ depend on/ see to 后接 that 宾语从句时 , 要在 that 从句前加形式宾语 it 。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Don’t worry. You can depend on __that he will help you. He is always warm- hearted and dependable. ②But if we depend ___them to buy things, we may suffer great losses in the end. it on 4. on behalf of 代表 …… 【写作金句】   Our class is planning to go for an outing to the Ming Cui Lake National Wetland Park, so I am writing, on behalf of our classmates, to invite you to join us. 我们班计划去鸣翠湖国家湿地公园郊游 , 因此 , 我代表班里的同学写信邀请你参加。 【语块必记】 (1)on/in sb. ’s behalf=on/in behalf of sb.         以某人的名义 ; 为了某人 ; 代表某人 for the behalf of. . . 为了 …… 的利益 ( 好处 ) (2)( 同义 ) represent; stand for 【语境速测】   完成句子 ①I feel greatly honored to give a speech here _________________________ ________( 代表所有的交换生 ).   【单句改错】 ②At this moment, I’m honored to express our sincere thanks to you on the behalf of my classmates. ( ) on behalf of all the exchange students 去掉 the 【备选要点】 1. debt n. 债务 ; 人情债 【语块必记】 pay off one’s debt     还清某人债务 run/get into debt 负债 in sb. ’s debt 欠某人的债 ; 受某人的恩惠 in/out of debt 负债 / 不负债 【语境速测】   单句语法填空 ①New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to £ 15, 000 __debt. ②She cut down her pocket money until her debt ________(pay) off.   in was paid 2. seek v. (sought; sought) 寻找 ; 寻求 【写作金句】   I know that new-built Foreign Language Bookstores are now seeking advice from the public to increase the number of visitors. 我知道新建的外国语书店正向公众寻求如何增加顾客的建议。 【语块必记】 seek to do sth.     试图做某事 seek sb. for advice 寻求某人的建议 seek one’s fortune 寻找致富 ( 发财 ) 的机会 seek for/after 寻求 , 追求 ; 探索 【语境速测】   单句语法填空 ①With increasing study and employment pressure, many students are seeking ___comfort. ②It seeks _______(cope)with the current issues in various fields, which can’t be resolved by a single country.   完成句子 ③As children, we should be more active in reporting what has happened to us and _______________________( 向我们的爸妈寻求帮 助 ) if necessary.   for to cope seek help from our parents 3. motivate v. 激发 , 激励 ; 给 …… 动力 【写作金句】   The activities will be quite beneficial for us to relieve pressure and can motivate us to study more efficiently. 这些活动对于我们减轻压力很有益处 , 并且能激发我们更有效地学习。 【语块必记】 (1)motivate sb. to do sth.  激励某人做某事 (2) motivation n. 积极性 ; 动力 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①As a teacher I’ll be _________(motivate)to keep updating what I have learned through lifelong learning so as to keep pace with young students. ②If there is no interest in learning, there will be no __________(motivate). 完成句子 ③How can I _______________________( 激励我自己坚持 )the exercise schedule? I need your valuable advice.   motivated motivation motivate myself to stick to 4. leave sth. behind 把 …… 抛在后面 ; 遗忘 【写作金句】   On May 1 this year, 54, 000 tourists visited the Great Wall, a World Heritage Site, leaving behind 18. 2 tons of garbage, which aroused public discussion. 今年五月一号 , 54 000 名参观世界遗产地长城的游客留下了 18. 2 吨垃圾 , 这引发了热烈讨论。 【语块必记】 leave out        省略 ; 遗漏 leave for 动身去某地 leave. . . alone 不要打扰 / 碰 …… 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Then, my grade of the final exam makes it plain that I am left ______by the majority of my classmates. ②Even worse, if a student who is left _____can’t control himself, he will do many things not related to studies and make his studies much worse. ③We will gather at the school gate and take No. 2 Bus to leave ___the Zhongshan Park at 8: 30 in the morning. behind alone for 5. Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light.   画家们发现了如何使用透视法和光线 的效果。 【文化金句】   Not only can he teach you how to write with a brush, but also he can introduce you to the charm of Chinese calligraphy. 他不仅能教你如何用毛笔写字 , 而且他会向你介绍中国书法的魅力。 【句型公式】 (1) “ 疑问词 + 不定式”结构在句中可以充当主语、表语、宾语。 (2)“ 疑问词 + 不定式”结构在句中作主语时 , 要注意句子的谓语动词要用单数形式。 (3) 在“疑问词 + 不定式”结构中 , 不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①It would be a great idea because you can learn _____________( 如何管理 ) money and ______________________( 如何交流 ) others effectively.   ②Feeling quite sorry for that, I begin to think about __________( 做什么 ) to help.   how to manage how to communicate with what to do

