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‎2019高考英语昆明二轮练习资料:阅读理解02含解析 ‎(五)‎ A ‎(2017·新课标卷,A)‎ When milk arrived on the doorstep When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5yearold boy, I couldn't take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.‎ Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would pen a note—“Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery”—and place it in the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically (魔术般) appear.‎ All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr.Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldn't freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.‎ There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk, thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete. Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service.‎ Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and planted it on the back porch (门廊). Every so often my son's friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.‎ 本文讲述了自己小时候与送奶人之间的故事。Basille先生不仅是送奶的,而且和他的家人建立了密切的关系。现在大公司开始大量生产奶,到处都有卖奶的,因此不再需要送奶服务,但作者很怀念以前的事情。‎ ‎1.Mr. Basille gave the boy a quarter out of his coin changer ________.‎ A.to show his magical power B.to pay for the delivery C.to satisfy his curiosity D.to please his mother 答案:C。推理判断题。由短文第一段最后两句话可知:“我一直盯着他腰带上的钱包,当Basille注意到这一点时,从里面拿了一枚硬币给了我”。由此可知,是为了满足我的好奇心。‎ ‎2.What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy's house?‎ A.He wanted to have tea there. B.He was a respectable person.‎ C.He was treated as a family member. D.He was fully trusted by the family.‎ 答案:D。推理判断题。由短文第三段可知,我们与送奶人有密切的关系,他有我们家的钥匙,并不时来我们家休息、聊天、讲故事。由此可推断我们一家人非常信任他。‎ ‎3.Why does home milk delivery no longer exist?‎ A.Nobody wants to be a milkman now.‎ B.It has been driven out of the market.‎ C.Its service is getting poor.‎ D.It is forbidden by law.‎ 答案:B。推理判断题。由短文倒数第二段可知,由于大公司生产大量的廉价奶,人们到处都可以买到,不再需要送奶的。由此可知送奶业被挤出的市场。‎ ‎4.Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?‎ A.He missed the good old days. B.He wanted to tell interesting stories.‎ C.He needed it for his milk bottles. D.He planted flowers in it.‎ 答案:A。细节理解题。由短文最后一段可知,旧奶箱使他回想起来童年时代的记忆,因此他把这个旧奶箱带回家。由此可知,他想念过去的美好日子。‎ B ‎(2017·陕西卷,B)‎ Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.‎ Born in September, 1897, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies' two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.‎ Irene entered the University‎ of ‎Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using Xray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.Irene continued the work by developing Xray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium. Her services were recognised in the form of a Military' Medal by the French government.‎ In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.‎ Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed ‎ leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene JoliotCurie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.‎ 本文是一篇人物介绍。介绍居里夫人大女儿Irene Curie的一生。‎ ‎5.Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?‎ A.Because she received a degree in mathematics.‎ B.Because she contributed to saving the wounded.‎ C.Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.‎ D.Because she worked as a helper to her mother.‎ 答案:B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,第一次世界大战开始后,Irene帮助母亲救助伤员,法国政府以军功章的形式表示对她的贡献的认可。所以选择B项。‎ ‎6.Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederic Joliot?‎ A.At the Curie Institute. B.At the University‎ of ‎Paris.‎ C.At a military hospital. D.At the College‎ of ‎Sévigné.‎ 答案:A。推理判断题。文章第四段说:在1918年,Irene在居里夫人研究院成为母亲的助手,1924年12月Frederic Joliot加入了该研究院,Irene教给他该项工作要求的技术,不久他们相爱了并于1926年结婚,由此可推断出C项正确。‎ ‎7.When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?‎ A.In 1932. B.In 1927. ‎ C.In 1897. D.In 1926.‎ 答案:A。细节理解题。第四段最后一句说明:他们第一个孩子于1927年出生,5年后(1932年)第二个孩子出生,所以A项正确。‎ ‎8.In which of the following aspects was Irene Cuire different from her mother?‎ A.Irene worked with radioactivity. B.Irene combined family and career.‎ C.Irene won the Nobel Prize once. D.Irene died from leukemia.‎ 答案:C。推理判断题。纵观全文可知,Irene在“与放射性物质打交道/把家庭与事业相结合/死于leukemia”这三方面与母亲相同,不同的是Irene获得一次诺贝尔奖,母亲两次。‎ C ‎(2017·辽宁卷,C)‎ Many people believe Henry Ford invented the automobile (汽车).But Henry Ford did not start to build his first car until 1896.That was eleven years after two Germans developed the world's first automobile.Many people believe Henry Ford invented the production line that moved a car's parts to the worker,instead of making the worker move to the parts.That is not true,either.Many factory owners used methods of this kind before Ford.What Henry Ford did was to use other people's ideas and make them better.And he made the whole factory a moving production line.‎ In the early days of the automobile,almost every car maker raced his cars.It was the best way of gaining public notice.Henry Ford decided to build a racing car.Ford's most famous race was his first one.It was also the last race in which he drove the car himself.‎ The race was in 1901,at a field near Detroit.All of the most famous cars had entered, but only two were left:the Winton and Ford's.The Winton was famous for its speed.Most people thought the race was over before it began.‎ The Winton took an early lead.But halfway through the race, it began to lose power.Ford started to gain.And near the end of the race, he took the lead.Ford won the race and defeated the Winton.His name appeared in newspapers and he became wellknown all over the United States.Within weeks of the race, Henry Ford formed a new automobile company.In 1903, a doctor in Detroit bought the first car from the company.That_sale was the beginning of Henry Ford's dream.Ford said: “I will build a motor car for the great mass of people.It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for one person to operate and care for.It will be built of the best materials.It will be built by the best men to be employed.And it will be built with the simplest plans that modern engineering can produce.It will be so low in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one.”‎ The Model T was a car of that kind.It only cost $850.It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on.Doctors bought the Model T.So did farmers.Even criminals. They considered it the fastest and surest form of transportation.Americans loved the Model T.They wrote stories and songs about it.Thousands of Model T's were built in the first few years.‎ 本文记叙了亨利福特充分利用别人的想法,生产出了自己的汽车,形成了自己的生产流水线。通过赛车比赛,使公众关注到自己的汽车,然后建立了自己的汽车公司,为所有的普通顾客生产汽车。‎ ‎9.What do we know about Henry Ford from Paragraph 1?‎ A.He made good use of ideas from others.‎ B.He produced the first car in the world.‎ C.He knew how to improve auto parts.‎ D.He invented the production line.‎ 答案:A。细节理解题。根据短文第一段倒数第二句话可知:福特所做的就是利用别人的想法,然后更好地利用。‎ ‎10.Why did Henry Ford take part in the 1901 car race?‎ A.To show off his driving skills. B.To draw public attention.‎ C.To learn about new technology. D.To raise money for his new company.‎ 答案:B。细节理解题。根据短文第二段可知,开始时,每个汽车制造者都开赛车,并且这是引人注意的最好方法。因此他制造自己的赛车,进行比赛,目的是引人注意。‎ ‎11.“That sale” in Paragraph 4 refers to______.‎ A.the selling of Ford cars at reduced prices B.the sale of Model T to the mass of people C.the selling of a car to a Detroit doctor D.the sales target for the Ford Company 答案:C。词义猜测题。由上一句话“In 1903, a doctor in Detroit bought the first car from the company”可知,that sale指代的是医生买车这件事。‎ ‎12.What was Henry Ford's dream according to the text?‎ A.Producing cars for average customers.‎ B.Building racing cars of simple design.‎ C.Designing more car models.‎ D.Starting more companies.‎ 答案:A。细节理解题。由短文倒数第二段及最后一段可知,他造的车价格低,能挣钱的人都能买得起他的车,医生,农民甚至罪犯都买他的车。由此可知他的梦想就是为普通老百姓造车。‎ D ‎(2017·四川卷,D)‎ ‎“Experience may possibly be the best teacher,but it is not a particulary good teacher.” You might think that Winston Churchill or perhaps Mark Twain spoke those words, but they actually come from James March, a professor at Stanford‎ ‎University and a pioneer in the field of organizational decision making. For years March( possibly the wisest philosopher of management) has studied how humans think and act,and he continues to do so in his new book The Ambiguities of Experience.‎ He begins by reminding us of just how firmly we have been sticking to the idea of experiential learning :“Experience is respected;experience is sought;experience is explained.”The problem is that learning from experience involves(涉及) serious complications (复杂化),ones that are part of the nature of experience itself and which March discusses in the body of this book.‎ In one interesting part of the book,for example, he turns a doubtful eye toward the use of stories as the most effective way of experiential learning. In our efforts to make stories interesting, he argues, we lose part of the complicated truth of things. He says“The more accurately(精确地)reality is presented,the less understandable the story,and the more understandable the story,the less realistic it is.”‎ Besides being a broadly knowledgeable researcher, March is also a poet, and his gift shines through in the depth of views he offers and the simple language he uses. Though the book is short, it is demanding:Don't pick it up looking for quick, easy lessons. Rather, be ready to think deeply ‎ about learning from experience in work and life.‎ 多年来,人们强调经验型学习。而一位名叫James Mark的却说:经验可能是最好的老师,却不是一个特别好的老师。通过对于经验型学习,本文介绍了James Mark的关于经验的书。‎ ‎13.According to the text, James March is ________.‎ A.a poet who uses experience in his writing B.a teacher who teaches story writing in university C.a researcher who studies the way humans think and act D.a professor who helps organizations make important decisions 答案:C。细节判断题。从第一个段落中最后一句话里可以找到信息句,即同选项C所说的一致。‎ ‎14.According to James March, experience ________.‎ A.is overvalued B.is easy to explain C.should be actively sought D.should be highly respected 答案:A 推理判断题。从文章的开头以及文中的字里行间“the problem is...” “turn a doubtful eye on...” 以及“think deeply about experience learning”等可以推测出James 对于经验学习持怀疑态度,认为人们太过于重视经验学习这一方式了。‎ ‎15.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?‎ A.Experience makes stories more accurate.‎ B.Stories made interesting fail to fully present the truth.‎ C.The use of stories is the best way of experiential learning.‎ D.Stories are easier to understand when reality is more accurately described.‎ 答案:B。细节判断题。在倒数第二段中,James所说的话中“to make stories more interesting, we lose part of the complicated truth of things”就说明了故事越有趣,就越没有真实感,同选项B所说。‎ ‎16.What's the purpose of this text?‎ A.To introduce a book. B.To describe a researcher.‎ C.To explain experiential learning. D.To discuss organizational decision making.‎ 答案:A。作者意图判断题。纵观全文,作者一直都在围绕着一本书,在阐述关于本书中的内容以及本书作者的观点等,应选A。‎ E ‎(2017·湖北卷,E)‎ Which are you more likely to have with you at any given moment—your cellphone or your wallet? Soon you may be able to throw your wallet away and pay for things with a quick wave of ‎ your smart phone over an electronic scanner.‎ In January,Starbucks announced that customers could start using their phones to buy coffee in 6,800 of its stores.This is the first paybyphone practice in the U.S.,but we're likely to see more wireless payment alternatives as something called near field communication(NFC)gets into America's consumer electronics.Last December,some new smart phones which contain an NFC chip were introduced to the public.‎ Already in use in parts of Asia and Europe,NFC allows shoppers to wave their phones a few inches above a payment terminal—a contactfree system built for speed and convenience.But before NFC becomes widely adopted in the U.S.,a few problems need to be worked out,like who will get to collect the profitable transaction(交易)fees.Although some credit card providers have been experimenting with waveandpay systems that use NFCenabled credit cards,cellphone service providers may try to muscle their way into the pointofsale (POS)market.Three big cellphone service providers have formed a joint venture(合资企业)that will go into operation over the next 15 months.Its goal is“to lead the U.S. payments industry from cards to mobile phone.”‎ The other big NFC issue,apart from how payments will be processed,is security.For instance,what's to stop a thief from digitally pickpocketing you? “We're still not at the point where an attacker can just brush against you in a crowd and steal all the money out of your phone,”says Jimmy Shah,a mobile security researcher,“Users may also be able to set transaction limits,perhaps requiring a password to be entered for larger purchases.”‎ Still uneasy about this digitalwallet business?Keep in mind that if you lose your smart phone,it can be located on a map and remotely disabled.Plus,your phone can be password protected.Your wallet isn't.‎ 随着手机的普遍使用,以及手机功能的提升,如今,用手机付费购物都已经成了现实。 随着第一部能够付费的手机的诞生,以及其配套的科技手段的支撑,付费购物手机很快便成为美国市场上的抢手货。‎ ‎17.What is predicted to happen in the U.S.?‎ A.The expansion of cellphone companies.‎ B.The boom of paybyphone business.‎ C.The disappearance of credit cards.‎ D.The increase of Starbucks sales.‎ 答案:B。推理判断题。从第二个段落的第二句话,随着第一部“用手机付费”的手机的上市,美国人会看到“more wireless payment”,可以推断出:这种手机会迅速火起来,即如同选项B所说的“boom”。‎ ‎18.The NFC technology can be used to________.‎ A.ensure the safety of shoppers B.collect transaction fees easily C.make purchase faster and simpler D.improve the quality of cellphones 答案:C。理解判断题。根据本段中关于NFC的说法“wireless payment alternative”可以断定:这种无限付费方式自然是极其方便的,即:快捷的购物手段。应选项C的说法是对的。‎ ‎19.Three cellphone service providers form a joint venture to________.‎ A. strengthen their relationship ‎ B. get a share in the payments industry C. sell more cellphones ‎ D. test the NFC technology 答案:B。理解判断题。根据第三个段落“may try to muscle their way into the pointofsale market”以及最后一句话“Its goal is...”可以找到本问题的提示,即: 为了打入这个新兴行业的市场,由此可见,选项B的说法与原文的信息句非常吻合。‎ ‎20.According to the passage,what can users do if they lose their smart phones?‎ A. Stop the functioning of their phones. B. Set up a password.‎ C. Get all the money out of their phones. D. Cancel large purchases.‎ 答案:A。细节判断题。从最后一段中的信息词“remotely disabled”可以断定选项A是正确的。‎ ‎(六)‎ A ‎(2017·全国卷,B)‎ For those who study the development of intelligence (智力) in the animal world,selfawareness is an important measurement. An animal that is aware (意识) of itself has a high level of intelligence.‎ ‎ Awareness can be tested by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in the mirror, that is, its own reflected image (反射出的影像). Many animals fail this exercise bitterly, paying very little attention to the reflected image. Only humans,and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins,have been shown to recognize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.‎ Now another animal has joined the club. In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report that an Asian elephant has passed the mirror selfreflection test. ‎ ‎“We thought that elephants were the next important animal,”said Diana Reiss of the Wildlife Conservation Society, an author of the study with Joshua M. Plotnik and Fans B. M. de Waal of Emory‎ ‎University. With their large brains,Reiss said, elephants “seemed like cousins to apes and dolphins.”‎ The researchers tested Happy. Maxine and Patty, three elephants at the Bronx Zoo. They put an 8footsquare mirror on a wall of the animals' play area (out of the sight of zoo visitors) and recorded what happened with cameras, including one built in the mirror.‎ The elephants used their long noses to find what was behind it,and to examine parts of their bodies.‎ Of the three, Happy then passed the test,in which a clear mark was painted on one side of her face. She could tell the mark was there by looking in the mirror, and she used the mirror to touch the mark with her long nose.‎ Diana Reiss said,“We knew elephants were intelligent, but now we can talk about their intelligence in a better way.”‎ 文章通过实验说明能意识到自身形象的动物具有高智商。‎ ‎1. What can mirror tests tell us about animals?‎ A. Whether they have large brains. B. Whether they have selfawareness.‎ C. Whether they enjoy outdoor exercises. D. Whether they enjoy playing with mirrors.‎ 答案:B。细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句话“Awareness can be tested by...”可知B项正确。‎ ‎2. Why does the author mention apes and dolphins in the text?‎ A. They are most familiar to readers.‎ B. They are big favorites with zoo visitors.‎ C. They are included in the study by Reiss.‎ D. They are already known to be intelligent.‎ 答案:D。推理判断题。由第二段最后一句可知人们已经知道apes和dolphins是聪明的。‎ ‎3. What made Happy different from Maxine and Patty?‎ A. She used her nose to search behind the mirror.‎ B. She recognized her own image in the mirror.‎ C. She painted a mark on her own face.‎ D. She found the hidden camera.‎ 答案:B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段可推出Happy能辨别出自己在镜子中的形象。‎ B ‎(2017·山东卷,A)‎ Arthur Miller(19152005)is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Miller's father had moved to the USA from AustriaHungary, drawn like so many others by the“Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.‎ ‎ Miller's most famous play, Death of a Salesman, is a powerful attack on the American system, with its aggressive way of doing business and its insistence on money and social status as indicators of worth. In Willy Loman, the hero of the play, we see a man who has got into trouble with this system. Willy is “burnt out” and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment: if he can't do the work, then he is no good to his employer, the Wagner Company, and he must go. Willy is painfully aware of this, and at a loss as to what to do with his lack of success.‎ ‎ He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end.‎ When it was first staged in 1949, the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews,and it won the Tony Award for Best Play,the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.It was the first play to win all three of these major awards.‎ Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury,Connecticut, on the evening of February 10, 2005, the 56th anniversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway.‎ 本文讲述了亚瑟·米勒,美国著名的剧作家,以及他的著名的戏剧《男售货员之死》,当这部戏剧第一次搬上舞台时,赢得了巨大的成功,获得了三项大奖。‎ ‎4. Why did Arthur Miller' s father move to the USA?‎ A. He suffered from severe hunger in his home country.‎ B. He was attracted by the “Great American Dream”.‎ C. He hoped to make his son a dramatist. ‎ D. His family business failed.‎ 答案:B。细节理解题。根据短文第一段第二句话“Miller's father had moved to the USA from AustriaHungary,drawn like so many others by the ‘Great American Dream’.”可知答案。‎ ‎5.The play Death of a Salesman ________.‎ A. exposes the cruelty of the American business world ‎ B. discusses the ways to get promoted in a company ‎ C. talks about the business career of Arthur Miller ‎ D. focuses on the skills in doing business 答案:A。细节理解题。根据短文第二段第三、四句话可知,Willy Loman已陷入美国社会制度的困境中,他已精疲力尽,在这残酷的商业世界中,他不知道应该怎样做,最后,他选择了自杀。由此可知A项正确。‎ ‎6. What can we learn about Willy Loman?‎ A. He treats his employer badly. ‎ B. He runs the Wagner Company. ‎ C. He is a victim of the American system.‎ D. He is regarded as a hero by his colleagues.‎ 答案:C。推理判断题。由短文第二段可知,Willy Loman在这残酷的商业世界中,根本没有情感可言,但是他又不能对不起他的雇主和公司,他又不知道如何处理自己的失败,只有选择自杀,由此可知他是美国社会制度的牺牲品。‎ ‎7. After it was first staged, Death of a Salesman________.‎ A. achieved huge success B. won the first Tony Award C. was warmly welcomed by salesmen D. was severely attacked by dramatists 答案:A。细节理解题。由短文第三段可知,戏剧Death of a ‎ Salesman第一次搬上舞台,就赢得了三项大奖,故A项正确。‎ ‎8. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Arthur Miller and his family. B. The awards Arthur Miller won.‎ C. The hardship Arthur Miller experienced. D. Arthur Miller and his bestknown play.‎ 答案:D。主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要讲述了亚瑟·米勒及他的名著Death of a Salesman,故D项正确。‎ C ‎(2017·江苏卷,A)‎ We know the famous ones—the Thomas Edisons and the Alexander Graham Bells—but what about the less famous inventors? What about the people who invented the traffic light and the windshield wiper(雨刮器)?Shouldn't we know who they are?‎ Joan McLean thinks so. In fact, McLean, a professor of physics at Mountain‎ ‎University in Range, feels so strongly about this matter that she's developed a course on the topic. In addition to learning “who”invented“what”, however, McLean also likes her students to learn the answers to the“why” and “how” questions. According to McLean,“When students learn the answers to these questions, they are better prepared to recognize opportunities for inventing and more motivated to give inventing a try.”‎ Her students agree. One young man with a patent for an unbreakable umbrella is walking proof of McLean's statement. “If I had not heard the story of the windshield wiper's invention,”said Tommy Lee, a senior physics major,“I never would have dreamed of turning my bad experience during a rainstorm into something so constructive.”Lee is currently negotiating to sell his patent to an umbrella producer.‎ So, just what is the story behind the windshield wiper? Well,Mary Anderson came up with the idea in 1902 after a visit to New York City.The day was cold and stormy, but Anderson still wanted to see the sights,so she jumped aboard a streetcar. Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through the snow covering the windshield,she found herself wondering why there couldn't be a builtin device for cleaning the window. Still wondering about this when she returned home to Birmingham, Alabama, Anderson started drafting out solutions. One of her ideas, a lever(操作杆)on the inside of a vehicle that would control an arm on the outside, became the first windshield wiper.‎ Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. It's hard to imagine driving without Garrett A.Morgan's traffic light. It's equally impossible to picture a world without Katherine J.Blodgett's innovation that makes glass invisible. Can you picture life without clear windows and eyeglasses?‎ 大发明家与重要的发明固然令人振奋,但生活中也离不开小发明,本篇文章鼓励年轻人要善于把握发明的契机。‎ ‎9.By mentioning “traffic light”and “windshield wiper”,the author indicates that countless inventions are________.‎ A. beneficial,because their inventors are famous B. beneficial,though their inventors are less famous C. not useful, because their inventors are less famous D. not useful, though their inventors are famous 答案:B。细节理解题。由文章最后一段,特别是第一句“Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations.”可知信号灯和雨刮器等这些小的发明使我们受益。第一段最后一句“Shouldn't we know who they are?”意思是“难道我们不该知道他们(发明者)是谁吗?”可知发明者不怎么出名。‎ ‎10.Professor Joan McLean's course aims to________.‎ A. add colour and variety to students' campus life B. inform students of the windshield wiper's invention C. carry out the requirements by ‎Mountain‎ ‎University D. prepare students to try their own inventions 答案:D。细节理解题。由第二段内容,特别是最后一句“...‘When students learn the answers to these questions, they are better prepared to recognize opportunities for inventing and more motivated to give inventing a try.’”可知D项最正确。‎ ‎11.Tommy Lee's invention of the unbreakable umbrella was______.‎ A. not eventually accepted by the umbrella producer ‎ B. inspired by the story behind the windshield wiper ‎ C. due to his dream of being caught in a rainstorm D. not related to Professor Joan McLean's lectures 答案:B。细节理解题。由第三段中Tommy Lee的话“If I had not heard the story of the windshield wiper's invention...I never would have dreamed of turning my bad experience during a rainstorm into something so constructive.”可知他的发明是因为受到雨刮器的发明故事的启发。‎ ‎12.Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?‎ A. How to Help Students to Sell Their Inventions to Producers?‎ B. How to Design a Builtin Device for Cleaning the Window?‎ C. Shouldn't We Know Who Invented the Windshield Wiper?‎ D. Shouldn't We Develop Invention Courses in Universities? ‎ 答案:C。主旨大意题。全文讲述一些重要的发明,虽不为人知,却非常有益,借以鼓励年轻人要善于把握发明的契机。其他选项都比较片面。‎ D ‎(2017·辽宁卷,B)‎ About 21,000 young people in 17 American states do not attend classes in school ‎ buildings.Instead,they receive their elementary (初等) and high school education by working at home on computers.The Center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public“cyberschools”,and that is about twice as many as two years ago.‎ The money for students to attend a cyberschool comes from the governments of the states where they live.Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools.They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.‎ Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed.These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools.They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.‎ Whatever the judgment of cyberschools,they are getting more and more popular.For example,a new cyberschool called Commonwealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall.It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.‎ Children get free equipment for their online education.This includes a computer,a printer,books and technical services.Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computers when necessary.‎ Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another.But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time.They were guests of honor at their graduation.‎ 本文讲述了美国很多年轻人不去学校学,而是在家参加网络学习。教育家对网络学校持不同的看法。有些教育家认为很难知道网络学习质量的好坏。有些教育家认为网络学习可按学生自己的速度进行,且不用坐车去上学。不管怎样,网络学习越来越受欢迎。‎ ‎13.What do we know from the text about students of a cyberschool?‎ A.They have to take long bus rides to school.‎ B.They study at home rather than in classrooms.‎ C.They receive money from traditional public schools.‎ D.They do well in traditional school programs.‎ 答案:B。细节理解题。根据短文第一段第一、二句可知,学生不用去学校而是在家里通过电脑学习。‎ ‎14.What is a problem with cyberschools?‎ A.Their equipment costs a lot of money.‎ B.They get little support from the state government.‎ C.It is hard to know students' progress in learning.‎ D.The students find it hard to make friends.‎ 答案:C。细节理解题。根据短文第二段最后一句话可知:很难知道网络学习的好坏。‎ ‎15.Cyberschools are getting popular because______.‎ A.they are less expensive for students B.their students can work at their own speed C.their graduates are more successful in society D.they serve students in a wider age range 答案:B。细节理解题。根据短文第三段第一句话可知,网络学习的好处是学生可按自己的速度进行。‎ ‎16.We can infer that the author of the text is______.‎ A.unprejudiced in his description of cyberschools B.excited about the future of cyberschools C.doubtful about the quality of cyberschools D.disappointed at the development of cyberschools 答案:A。推理判断题。综观全文可知,作者客观地描述了网络学习的优缺点,由此可知作者对网络学校并不含偏见。‎ E ‎(2017·福建卷,D)‎ Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was one of the most private women in the world, yet when she went to work as an editor in the last two decades of her life, she revealed (展现) herself as she did nowhere else.‎ After the death of her second husband,Greek shipping magnate (巨头) Aristotle Onassis lacqueline's close friend and former White House social secretary Letitis Baldrige made a suggestion that she consider a career (职业) in publishing.After consideration,Jacqueline accepted it.Perhaps she hoped to find there some ideas about how to live her own life. She became not less but more interested in reading.For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publisher's editor, first at Viking,then at Doubleday, pursuing(追求)a latelife career longer than her two marriages combined.During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 successfully marketed books.Among the first books were In the Russian Style and Inventive Paris Clothes.She also succeeded in persuading TV hosts Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell to transform their popular television conversation into a book ,The Power of Myth.The book went on to become an international bestseller.She dealt,too with Michael Jackson as he prepared his autobiography(自传),Moonwalk.‎ Jacqueline may have been hired for her name and for her social relations,but she soon proved her worth.Her choices,suggestions and widespread social relations were of benefit both to the publishing firms and to Jacqueline herself.In the books she selected for publication,she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind.Her books are the autobiogaphy she never wrote.Her_role_as_First_Lady,in_the_‎ end,was_overshadowed_by_her_performance_as_an_editor.However,few knew that she had achieved so much.‎ ‎ 本文主要讲述Jacqueline在选择了编辑这一职业后所做出的成就。在这一行业里她的光芒甚至压过了她作为第一夫人的头衔。‎ ‎17.We can learn from the passage that Jacqueline______.‎ A.became fond of reading after working as an editor B.was in charge of publishing 100 books C.promoted her books through social relations D.gained a lot from her career as an editor 答案:D。推理判断题。由文章内容可知,在第二任丈夫去世后 ,朋友推荐Jacqueline考虑在出版业谋一职位,没有想到她在此行业取得了成功,即D项正确。‎ ‎18.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that______.‎ A.Jacqueline ended up as an editor rather than as First Lady B.Jacqueline's life as First Lady was more colorful than as an editor C.Jacqueline was more successful as an editor than as First Lady D.Jacqueline's role as First Lady was more brilliant than as an editor 答案:C。句意理解题。解此题的关键在于正确理解overshadow一词。通读全文可知,Jacqueline作为编辑取得了巨大成功,光芒超过了她第一夫人的头衔,故C项正确。‎ ‎19.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.Jacqueline's two marriages lasted more than 20 years.‎ B.Jacqueline's own publishing firm was set up eventually.‎ C.Jacqueline's views and beliefs were reflected in the books she edited.‎ D.Jacqueline's achievements were widely known.‎ 答案:C。推理判断题。由文章最后一段信息“In her books she selected for publication,she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind.”可知她的一些个人观点在自己编辑的书中有所表露,故C项正确。‎ ‎20.The passage is mainly______.‎ A.an introduction of Jacqueline's life both as First Lady and as an editor B.a brief description of Jacqueline's lifelong experiences C.a brief account of Jacqueline's career as an editor in her last 20 years D.an analysis of Jacqueline's social relations in publishing 答案:C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述Jacqueline作为编辑所取得的成就,故C项正确。‎ ‎************************************************************结束 C8 [2018·浙江卷] ‎ B Below is a selection about some Guinness(吉尼斯) World Records.‎ Top 6 Unusual Guinness World Records ◆Fastest ‎100 m running on all fours The 2017 Guinness World Records Day was, according to GWR,their biggest day of recordbreaking ever, with more than 290,000 people taking part in record attempts in 15 different countries. Kenichi Ito's record attempt was part of this special day. He is just another example of Japanese with “super powers”. His “super power” is to run with great speed on all fours. Kenichi Ito ran ‎100 m on all fours in 18.58 seconds. The Japanese set this record at Setagaya Kuritsu Sogo Undojyo, Tokyo, in 2017.‎ ‎◆Most people inside a soap bubble◆Longest ears on a dog◆Most living generations Did you ever wonder what is the Guinness World Record for most living generations in one family? Seven is the answer.‎ The ultimate authority on recordbreaking mentions on the website that the youngest greatgreatgreatgreat grandparent of this family was Augusta Bung “aged 109 years 97 days, followed by her daughter aged 89, her granddaughter aged 70, her great granddaughter aged 52, her greatgreat granddaughter aged 33 and her greatgreatgreat granddaughter aged 15 on the birth of her greatgreatgreatgreat grandson on January 21, ‎1989”‎.‎ ‎◆Most Tshirts worn at once◆Heaviest pumpkin ‎46.Why is Kenichi Ito described as a man with a “super power”?‎ A.He set a good example to all Japanese.‎ B.He made record attempts in 15 different countries.‎ C.He set a new record for “Fastest ‎100 m running on all fours”.‎ D.He participated in the 2017 Guinness World Records Day activities.‎ ‎47.Jeffries is the name of ________.‎ A.the owner of the dog with the longest ears B.the grandfather of the dog with the longest ears C.the present holder of the record for “Longest ears on a dog”‎ D.the former holder of the record for “Longest ears on a dog”‎ ‎48.How many Tshirts had Krunoslav Budiseli put on before he felt it difficult to go on?‎ ‎                  ‎ A.68. B.120. C.238. D.245.‎ ‎49.According to the given information, which Guinness World Record was most recently set?‎ A.The record for “Most people inside a soap bubble”.‎ B.The record for “Most living generations”.‎ C.The record for “Most Tshirts worn at once”.‎ D.The record for “Heaviest pumpkin”.‎ ‎【要点综述】本文是一篇应用文,主要向读者介绍6个不同寻常的吉尼斯世界纪录的情况。‎ ‎46. C 细节理解题。从第一则纪录中提到的He is just another…super powers…Kenichi Ito ran ‎100 m on all fours…知,Kenichi Ito创造了最新的最快的‎100米“四肢爬”纪录,所以选C项。‎ ‎47. D 细节理解题。从文章第三则纪录中Mr. Jeffries is the previous record holder of this title…可以知道,Mr. Jeffries是前纪录保持者,所以选D项。‎ ‎48. B 细节理解题。从第五则纪录中…The Tshirts weighed ‎68 kg and Budiseli said he began struggling around Tshirt No. 120…可以知道Budiseli在穿了120件T恤后感觉有点困难再穿上T恤了,所以选B项。‎ ‎49. A 推理判断题。从文章的纪录中可以知道,A项是2017年4月4日创造的;B项是‎1989年1月21日创造的;C项是2017年5月22日创造的;D项是2017年10月9日创造的,由此知A项是最近时间创造的,所以选A项。‎ ‎********************************************************结束 C8[2018·四川卷] ‎ E Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted(预测)in reaction to climate change, which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.‎ Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, changing some living patterns, scientists say.‎ Increased carbon dioxide(CO2)in the air from burning coal and oil can have an effect on how plants produce oxygen, while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.‎ ‎“Predicting species’ reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,” said the researchers of several U.S. universities. They said plants had been the key object of study because ‎ their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.‎ The study, published on the Nature website, uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species. It found that some experiments had underestimated(低估) the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.‎ ‎“Across all species, the experiments underpredicted the speed of the advance-for both leafing and flowering-that results from temperature increases,” the study said.‎ The design of future experiments may need to be improved to better predict how plants will react to climate change, it said.‎ Plants are necessary for life on the Earth. They are the base of the food chain, using photosynthesis(光合作用)to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water. They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.‎ Scientists believe the world’s average temperature has risen by about ‎0.8℃‎ since 1900, and nearly ‎0.2℃‎ every ten years since 1979.‎ So far, efforts to cut emissions(排放)of planetwarming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond ‎2℃‎ this century—a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.‎ ‎57. What is the key information the author wants to give in Paragraph 1?‎ A.Plants’ reaction to weather could have damaging effects on ecosystems.‎ B.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists’ expectation.‎ C.Climate change leads to the change of food production patterns.‎ D.Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.‎ ‎58. We can learn from the study published on the Nature website that ________.‎ A.plants’ flowering is 8.5 times faster than leafing B.there are 1,634 plant species on the four continents C.scientists should improve the design of the experiments D.the experiments failed to predict how plants react to climate change ‎59. Scientists pay special attention to the study of plants because________.‎ A.they can prove the climate change clearly B.they are very important in the food chains C.they play a leading role in reducing global warming D.they are growing and flowering much faster than before ‎60. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world’s temperature?‎ A.It has risen nearly ‎0.2℃‎ since 1979.‎ B.Its change will lead to weather extremes.‎ C.It is ‎0.8℃‎ higher in 1979 than that of 1900.‎ D.It needs to be controlled within ‎2℃‎ in this century.‎ ‎【要点综述】本文为科普类文章。文章论述了全球变暖的气候环境会让植物提前开花,进而影响整个食物链及生态系统。‎ ‎57. B 细节理解题。第一段话给读者传达的主要信息存在于主句,而不是which所引导的定语从句上。根据“Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted”可知,作者是要告知读者植物开花的增速超出了科学家的预期。应选B。A为次要信息。‎ ‎58. C 推理判断题。第五段话“It found that some experiments had underestimated(低估)the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.”暗示读者:对于植物所设计的实验应该有所改进,故答案选C。‎ ‎59. B 细节理解题。根据第四段“They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.”可知植物对气候变化的反应对整个食物链和生态系统都至关重要。故答案选B。‎ ‎60. D 推理判断题。从倒数第二段“…has risen by about ‎0.8℃‎ since 1900, and nearly ‎0.2℃‎ every ten years since 1979.”可知A、C项错误;从最后一段表达可知,如果本世纪地球变暖超过‎2℃‎,便会出现weather extremes。暗示我们这个世纪地球温度的上升需要控制在‎2℃‎的范围之内。故答案选D。‎ ‎*********************************************************结束 C8[2018·山东卷] ‎ D For those who are tired of doing the laundry, Samsung has found an answer: a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app(application). ‎ ‎ Strange though it may seem—“my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES)this week—Samsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install(安装)a large number of Internetconnected features in machines in an effort to make them “smart”.‎ ‎ Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it's WiFienabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad. ‎ ‎ The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owner is at work or on the bus. ‎ ‎ Samsung says it's not just something new—the app connection actually has some practical uses. ‎ ‎ “If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to ‎ your phone and restart your dryer for the time when you come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,” said spokesperson Amy Schmidt. ‎ ‎ The company also says that with electricity rates(电价)varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money. ‎ ‎ Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do—enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.‎ ‎72. What can be inferred from the common response of the attendees at the CES?‎ A. The machine will be a big success.‎ B. Their wives like doing the laundry.‎ C. The machine is unrelated to their lift.‎ D. This kind of technology is familiar to them. ‎ ‎73. What can we learn about the new laundry machines?‎ A. They can tell you when your clothes need washing.‎ B. They can be controlled with a smartphone.‎ C. They are difficult to operate.‎ D. They are sold at a low price. ‎ ‎74. We can conclude from Samsung's statements that ________. ‎ A. the app connection makes life easier B. it is better to dry clothes in the morning C. smartphones can shorten the drying time D. we should refresh clothes back at home ‎75. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?‎ A. The laundry should be frequently checked.‎ B. Lazy people like using such machines.‎ C. Good technologies also cause problems.‎ D. Television may help do the laundry. ‎ ‎【要点综述】短文介绍了一种能为人们带来便利的洗衣机,但是也向我们提出了一个令人思考的问题:新科技会让人们越来越懒惰,如何应对这个问题或许值得深思。‎ ‎72. D 推理判断题。由第二段的Strange though it may seem—“my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES) this week看出“尽管看上去有点奇怪,但是这项技术对于人们来说已经很熟悉了”。应选D。‎ ‎73. B 推理判断题。由第四段的“The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control…”看出它是由智能手机控制的,由此可知选择B项。‎ ‎74. A ‎ 推理判断题。根据文中对这一洗衣机装置以及其功能和操作的描述可以看出,它使得人们的生活更加轻松便捷。应选A。‎ ‎75. C 主旨大意题。最后一段的Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do—enable laziness.告诉我们,该项技术能使人们变懒,也就是C项所说的“优良技术也会带来问题”。应选C。‎ ‎*********************************************************结束

