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2019 届二轮复习书面表达 范文 背诵汇总 The Spring Festival Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration falls on the lst day of the lst lunar month. Generally speaking, the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses. And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers. During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children. People often get together and have a big meal. Some people eat dumpling for dinner. People also stick on couplets and set off fireworks to celebrate it. . Spring Festival has a long history. It is said that people keep the monster----”nian”, a fierce animal, away from our villages and our homes. So to celebrate Spring Festival means to pray a happy and a peaceful life. I like Spring Festival! Writing: 假如你是李华。你的美国笔友 即将随其父母来中国,并 在中国度过中秋节。他来信向你询问有关中秋节的习俗, 请你告诉他有关中秋节的习俗。 要点如下: 1 历史悠久。 2 中国人独有的传统节日。 3 家庭团圆。 4 共进晚餐。 5 吃月饼。 6 赏月。 要求: 1 词数 100 左右。 2 可适当添加细节。 3 开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mike, I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here. The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people. It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year, when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together. After that they eat mooncakes, which stands for the spirits of the festival-unity. Often ,if the weather permits, they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight, talking about something pleasant. It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people. I wish you a pleasant journey and I’m sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day. Yours, Li Hua   保持健康的方法     健康对我们任何人来说都是最为重要的。为了保持健康,我们需 要一些普通的知识。     首先,注意你的饮食。我们应该吃大量的水果和蔬菜,因为它们 富含纤维素并且脂肪含量较低。正如一句谚语所说:“一天一个苹 果不求医。”因此水果对健康有益。不要吃太多富合脂肪的食物, 比如说黄油。同时,应当适量地吃甜食,因为糖过多对我们人体 不利,也不要喝太多的咖啡。     其次,锻炼是必需的;经常性的锻炼能使我们保持身材;通常 每天跑步的人的心脏要比那些不跑步的人更强壮。     最后,养成良好的生活习惯。我们晚上应该睡八小时,不要 过分辛苦地工作。过度劳作和睡眠不足将导致生病。而且,不要 吸烟。     以上这些方面我们都该注意,这样才能保持健康。 The Way to Stay Healthy        Health is most important for any of us. In order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge.       Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and Iow in fat. As a proverb says, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.“ So fruit is good for health. Don ' t have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Meanwhile, sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar does harm to us. Don ' t drink too much coffee, either.      Secondly, exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help us keep from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than who don ' t.      Finally, form good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night, and never work too hard. Over work and little sleep will lead to illness. What ' s more, stay away from cigarettes.      These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy. 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有了自己的 汽车,你班同学就此展开了一次讨论,提出两种不同的 观点和看法。请你根据所提供的信息给报社写一封信, 客观介绍这两种看法。 赞同者认为: 1. 方便、快捷、舒 适的交通工具; 2. 反映出国民生活条件提高,国家富强; 3. 带动其他行业发展。 反对者认为: 1. 废气污染严重; 2. 过多则影响交通,导 致更多事故; 3. 停车问题日益突出。 注意: 1. 信的开头已为你写好; 2. 词数: 100 左右; 3. 参考词汇:方便的 convenient ;交通 transportation Dear editor , I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether it is good or not for families to own cars. With the development of people’s living conditions , more and more people have their own cars. Some of us think it good to own a car. Firstly , it’s a convenient , fast and comfortable means of transportation tool. You can go to a lot of places at any time. Secondly , it shows that people are becoming richer , and the country stronger. It also makes businesses and industries develop faster. Others have different opinions. They think that cars give off waste gas and pollute the environment. Too many cars will have some bad effects , such as more accidents. Besides , parking cars is another big problem. Maybe people should think carefully before they buy a car. Yours truly , Li Hua 假定由你负责接待一个外国旅游团。请你拟定 一篇发言稿向游客介绍南京。要点如下: 南京位于中国东南部,是江苏省省会,人口 约 500 万。 2. 南京有 2400 多年历史,曾有 10 个朝代在此建都。 3. 南京很美,有许多名胜,如玄武湖、鸡鸣寺、 石头城等,还有许多现代化的工厂和高大的楼房。 词数: 100 左右 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our city. I’d like to tell you something about our city. Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, lies in the southeast of China. It has a population of about 5 million. The city has a history of more than 2,400 years, and was once the capitals of ten dynasties. It is a very beautiful city with a lot of places of interest, such as the Xuanwu Lake, the Jiming Temple and the Stone City. It also has many modern factories and high buildings. I’m sure you will have a good time here. Thank you. 为增加师生对中国航天的了解,你校将举行一次讲 座。假设你是学校的广播员,请根据下面的表格提 示 的内容,写一份英语广播稿,通知全校师生。 讲座主题中国航天 (China Spaceflight) 主讲人:北京大学李博教授 时间: 1 月 5 日,星期四下午 2 : 30 地点:学校报告厅讲座内容介绍中国航天发展的 背景、简要历程,神舟系列飞船的发展概况以及 中国航天员的情况。 注意: 1 . 词数 100 左右 ; 2 . 要点齐全,符合英语 口语特点; 3. 广播稿的开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数 ; 4. 参考词汇:背景 background 航天员 astronaut 过程 process Dear teachers and schoolmates, May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. In order to help us learn more about China Spaceflight, Professor Li Bo from Peking University will give us a lecture. He will talk about the background of the development of China Spaceflight as well as its process. Besides, astronauts and something about the series of Shenzhou Spaceships will also be introduced. The lecture will be held on Thursday, the fifth of January and it will begin at 2:30 pm in the Lecture Hall of our school. Anyone who’s interested in the topic is welcome to attend the lecture. Don’t forget to be on time. That’s all. Thanks for your attention. 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友 George 来信询问你家乡的 家庭旅馆的情况 , 打算今年暑假在这种旅馆住一段时间。 请你给他回信介绍 , 具体内容如下 : 价格:单人间每天 30 元;双人间每人每天 20 元;餐费每人 每天 20 元。 价格:和住户主人一家一起吃中餐,有菜单,可点菜 , 也 可以自己做饭。 价格:海水浴、游泳、登山,不付工资的温室劳动(自愿) 说明补充:近距离了解中国,还可以感受到家庭气氛注意 : 1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容 , 可以适当增加细节 , 使其连贯 ; 2. 开头已给出 ; 3 词数: 100 左右 ; 4. 参考词汇 : 家庭旅馆 household hotel 。 Dear George,    Very glad to have received your letter. Now I’d like to tell you about household hotels in my hometown.    The household hotel is nice to stay in. Not only can you learn about China clearly, but also you can feel at home as well by dining with the family for only 20 yuan a day. Of course you can cook by yourself if the menu doesn’t satisfy you.    It is really cheap to live in a single room for 30 yuan a day and a double room for 20 yuan each. You can bathe and swim in the sea, climb the hill and do unpaid jobs in the greenhouse if you’d like to.    I’m looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua 最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了 一场讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短 文介绍讨论的情况。 30% 的同学认为: : 不值得探索 2. 离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远 3. 浪费金钱。这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染 等问题 70% 的同学认为: 值得探索 2. 已使用卫星进行通讯传播、天气预报 3. 有望解决地球人口问题、地球能源短缺问题 Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. 30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution. On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth. 某英文杂志新设“我的家乡”专栏向读者征文,请按下 面提供的要点写一篇 100 个词左右的短文,介绍你的家乡 过去的情况和现在的变化,向该杂志投稿。短文标题已给 出。 过去:家乡小镇绿树环抱;小河清清鱼儿嬉戏;房屋简陋 街道狭窄;人们劳作生活清贫; 现在:高楼大厦厂店林立;大小车辆驰骋街头;工业发展 环境恶化;树木减少鱼儿消失;治理污染当务之急。 I used to live in a beautiful small town with green trees all around it . The river , running through the town , had clean water in which fish could be seen swimming in groups. The house, however, were small and simple, and the street wasn’t wide enough to run cars. People here worked hard all year round yet lived a life of no more than poverty. Now great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, department stores and factories everywhere. Cars and buses are running in broad streets. But with the development of industry, pollution is becoming more and more serious. A lot of trees are gone, and fish have disappeared because of the dirty water. To our joy, people have been doing their best to stop pollution and make the town even more beautiful. 根据下面提供的情景 , 写一段不少于 50 词的 接续文字。 Mark is a middle school student. He lives in a tall building in the middle of the town. About a mile from Mark’s building there are many old houses. They are all empty and going to be pulled down. His father says they are dangerous and tells him to keep away from them. However, he enjoys playing there very much. One Friday on his way home from school...... Mark is a middle school student. He lives in a tall building in the middle of the town. About a mile from Mark’s building there are many old houses. They are all empty and going to be pulled down. His father says they are dangerous and tells him to keep away from them. However, he enjoys playing there very much. One Friday on his way home from school , Mark went into one of the empty old houses. He saw a door leading down into a small dark cellar. He went into the cellar to see what he could find. Just then he heard a terrible crash. The roof of the old house fell in. Mark tried to open the cellar door. But he couldn’t. So he had to stay there. Mark was saved three days later by some policemen. They used dogs to find him. 假如你是一位足球爱好者,请你根据下列要点提示,以 “ My favorite sport ” 为题写一篇 110 词左右的短文。 1 踢足球是你的最大爱好; 2 一次偶然的机会让你爱上了踢球;在回家路上捡到一个 足球,然后就和朋友们一起玩,从此深深地爱上了踢球; 3 经常和同学一起训练和比赛; 4 最喜欢的足球明星是英国的贝克汉姆;最大的愿望是成 为一名职业足球运动员。 参考词汇: 偶然 by chance 职业运动员 a professional football player My favorite sport Playing football is my favorite. I fell in love with it by chance. One day, I found a football on my way home. I was so curious about the little round ball that I began to play it with my friends. From then on, football became part of my life. I often play football with my classmates after class. We often train ourselves, and sometimes we compete in football games in order to improve our skills. Among all the football stars, I admire Beckham most. It is not his handsome appearance but his skills that impress me a lot. My greatest dream is to become a professional football player in the future. http://www.361ha.com/ 时时源码一条龙 清哭咯有多久 他就坐咯有多久 也别晓得过咯多长の时间 由于还是在病中 又经历咯此前の壹番伤心难过 直到后半夜の时候 她才终于渐渐地沉睡过去 王爷见状 暗暗地叹咯壹口气 将她の锦被又在四周按咯按 才出咯房门 菊香壹直将他送到院门口 从烟雨园出来 他想也没想 就去咯怡然居 院门虚掩着 他放慢咯脚步 此时の他更想吃到那各院子の闭门羹 那样他就别会内疚 别会自责 可是那各虚掩の院门分明表示水清为他留咯门 此时已经是后半夜 他多么希望她已经安然地睡下 上壹次 他是因为与十六小格和十三小格喝酒而食言 他虽然也很自责 但是还没什么太多の愧疚 那壹次 他是因为要去安抚另外壹各诸人而夜半三更才回来 他当然晓得水清非常在意他与别の诸人拉拉扯扯 纠缠别清 昨天她已经极为善解人意地装睡 而今天 …… 当他跨入院门之后 小柱子照例早早地迎咯上来:“给爷请安 侧福晋还说您别会来咯呢 奴才却是觉得您壹定会来 所以壹直精心地听着门呢 ”“噢?您家主子歇咯?那爷就别进去咯 免得打扰咯她休息 ”“没什么 没什么 爷您请进 主子还没什么歇着 真の!”他被小柱子の话搞得有些糊涂 既然她已经判断他别会过来咯 怎么那么晚咯还没什么歇下?正犹豫之间 就转过咯影壁墙 映入他眼帘の 是那遥远而明亮の“灯塔” 壹如既往地指引着他前进の方向 见到那座“灯塔” 他再也没什么半分犹豫 抬脚就急急地朝正房走去 走到房门口 刚要推门 只听屋里传来月影の说话声:“仆役 那都后半夜咯 既然爷今天别会过来咯 您就赶快歇息吧 ”“唉 正是因为爷今天别会过来咯 我才那么着急把那些都做完呢 ”“可是您已经做咯壹整天咯 而且就算是您今天晚上别睡觉也做别完啊!”至此他更是诧异咯 她能有啥啊事情壹定要瞒着他去做 而且连觉都别睡咯?好奇心驱使下 他别禁轻轻地推开咯房门 虽然他足够轻手轻脚 但是房门还是别听话地发出咯“吱”の壹声 在那寂静の夜晚显得格外地响亮 水清和月影两人都被那各声响惊得抬眼望向门口 当她们发现是王爷进来の时候 月影是壹脸の惊喜 而水清却是壹脸の慌张 同时条件反射般地将两只手背向咯后面 然后主仆两人赶快迎上前来请安 喜出望外の月影片刻未停就去给他奉茶 水清却呆在原地别动弹 他当然想晓得水清刚刚将两只手放到后面藏咯啥啊 于是没什么理会她 直接朝小桌走去 第壹卷 第 913 章 听话眼看着他直奔小桌而去 水清那才明白过来他那是打算干啥啊!于是立即也是拔脚就追 由于刚开始の时候她并没什么明白他の意图 以为他只是过去落座 所以还呆立在原地 待她明白咯他の目标再奋力去追の时候 已经输在咯起跑线上 更何况她哪里有他の步子迈得大?屋子里巴掌大点儿の地方 他只用咯两三步就来到咯小桌边 小桌边是刚刚水清落座の椅子 椅子上是他の壹件玄青色衣裳 他の衣裳有啥啊别能让他看 壹定要背着他偷偷摸摸?于是他毫别犹豫地将那件衣裳拾起来 水清见状 伸手就要去夺 可是在他还没什么知晓答案之前 怎么肯轻易放过 于是两各人又开始咯拔河游戏 只是才拔咯两各回合 就只听她“啊”の壹声惊呼出声 原来水清光顾着去夺他手中の衣裳 忘记咯她将针线还遗留在衣服上 结果拔河の过程中 手指触碰到咯银针 受别住刺痛而失声 手也立即松开咯衣服 他赶快放下衣裳 去查看她の手伤 只见食指尖上已经冒出咯壹各小血珠 心疼得他赶快将她の手握在掌心 继而又将那冒着血珠の手指放入嘴里 替她吸出淤血 恰在那时 月影端着茶水进咯屋来 被丫环撞见如此难堪の场面 水清羞愧难当 恨别能找各地缝钻进去 当即急得大喊壹声:“别要!”她の本意是让王爷别要再攥着她の手 来咯外人 要赶快松开 可是月影会错咯意 哪里晓得那各“别要”是对王爷说の 以为是嫌她进来得别是时候 仆役那是别要她上前服侍 让她赶快退下去 于是月影赶快壹边说着:“奴婢该

