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八年级 ( 上 ) Modules 9 ~ 10 八年级 ( 上 ) Modules 9 ~ 10 ( 训练时间: 60 分钟 分值: 100 分 ) 综合能力提高 一、单项选择 (10 分 ) 1. We are going to have __ ____ __ party on Father's Day. A . a B . an C . the D .不填 【 解析 】 考查冠词的用法。 have a party 为固定搭配 , 意为 “ 举办聚会 ” , 故选 A 。 【 答案 】 A 2. The weather in Shanghai is different from __ ____ __ . A . it in Beijing B . that in Beijing C . that of Beijing D . it of Beijing 【 解析 】 考查指示代词。由句意 “ 上海的天气与北京的天气不同 ” 可知 , 这里前后所指的内容要一致。用 that 指代 the weather 。 【 答案 】 B 3. You talked __ ____ __ today. Have a rest and drink some water. A . too many B . too much C . much too D . too long 【 解析 】 考查副词辨析。句意为 “ 你今天说话太多了。休息一下 , 喝些水。 ” 由句意首先排除 D 项 , too many 后接可数名词复数 , 也排除; much too “ 太;非常 ” , 修饰形容词或副词原级; too much “ 太多 ” , 修饰不可数名词 , 还可作副词 , 作状语 , 故 B 项符合题意。 【 答案 】 B 4. Amy received a present from her parents on her __ ____ __ birthday. A . fifteen B . the fifteen C . fifteenth D . the fifteenth 【 解析 】 考查序数词的用法。句意为 “ Amy 在她十五岁生日时收到了来自她父母的一件礼物。 ” 表示 “ 某人 …… 岁生日 ” 时用序数词 , 序数词前有物主代词时 , 不用定冠词。故选 C 。 【 答案 】 C 5. —How far is it from your home to your school, Mary? —It __ ____ __ ten minutes to get there by bike. A . take B . takes C . cost D . spends 【 解析 】 考查固定结构。 “ It takes +时间段+ to do sth. ” 意为 “ 做某事花费多长时间 ” , 是固定句式。因为主语 it 是第三人称单数 , 且为一般现在时 , 故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 【 答案 】 B 6. He finds __ ____ __ really difficult for him to learn English well in just one year. A . that B . this C . it D . its 【 解析 】 考查 it 作形式宾语的用法。此处 it 用作形式宾语 , 真正的宾语是其后的动词不定式短语。句意为 “ 他发现对他来说仅在一年之内学好英语真的很难 ” 。 【 答案 】 C 7. (2016· 黄冈 ) —The 15th Chinese Bridge — Chinese Proficiency Competition will be held this year! —That's great! __ ____ __ foreign college students are interested in Chinese learning. A . Hundred of B . Thousands C . Hundred D . Thousands of 【 解析 】 考查固定搭配。 thousands of 是固定词组 , 意为 “ 数以千计的;成千上万的 ” 。 【 答案 】 D 8. It's __ ____ __. You should be careful on the road, or you may slip( 滑倒 ) . A . cloudy B . sunny C . windy D . snowy 【 解析 】 考查词义辨析。由 “ 你可能会滑倒 ” 及所给选项可判断天正在下雪 , 而不是多云、晴朗或刮风。故选 D 。 【 答案 】 D 9. If the company fails to make enough money, it will have to __ ____ __ . A . take away B . close down C . break up D . set off 【 解析 】 考查动词短语辨析。 take away “ 带走 ” ; close down “ 停业;倒闭 ” ; break up “ 破碎 , 散开 ” ; set off “ 出发 ” 。句意为 “ 如果这家公司不能够赚足够的钱 , 它将被迫关门停业。 ” 由句意可知选 B 。 【 答案 】 B 10. (2016· 广东 ) —Mum, __ ____ __ I visit the Modern Art Museum next Monday? —I'm afraid you can't. All the museums in this city are closed on Monday. 【 导学号 35490009】 A . would B . need C . should D . may 【 解析 】 考查情态动词的用法。根据语境可知 ,问句问的是 “ 妈妈,我下周一可以去参观现代艺术 博物馆吗? ” 表示请求 ,希望得到肯定回答。 may 符合题意。 【 答案 】 D 1 . A . rainy B . snowy C . sunny D . cloudy 【 解析 】 由常识可知 , 人们一般在晴朗的日子出去做自己喜欢做的事。 【 答案 】 C 2 . A . in B . at C . on D . for 【 解析 】 on holidays 为固定短语 , 意为 “ 在假期中 ” 。 【 答案 】 C 3 . A . enjoy B . enjoyed C . to enjoy D . enjoys 【 解析 】 不定式短语作目的状语。 【 答案 】 C 4 . A . happy B . sad C . angry D . dangerous 【 解析 】 去海滩享受阳光使人们快乐 , 故 happy 符合句意。 【 答案 】 A 5 . A . after B . before C . till D . when 【 解析 】 下雨时他们总是感到忧伤。 when “ 当 …… 时 ” , 引导时间状语从句。 【 答案 】 D 6 . A . yet B . and C . or D . however 【 解析 】 由句意 “ 然而 , 我非常喜欢阳光 , 我也喜欢雨。 ” 可知 , 前后之间是顺承关系 , 故用连词 and 。 【 答案 】 B 7 . A . look out B . look for C . look at D . look after 【 解析 】 look out from the window “ 向窗外看 ” 。 【 答案 】 A 8 . A . don't need B . need C . not need D . didn't need 【 解析 】 由上句 “ 我梦到一个美好的假日 ” 可知 , “ 不需要 ” 做家庭作业。 【 答案 】 A 9 . A . ask B . bring C . take D . make 【 解析 】 and 连接了前后两个结构相似的句子 , 说明两种不同的天气对人们的影响。由后一句可判断此处动词也用 make 。 【 答案 】 D 10 . A . good B . well C . better D . best 【 解析 】 两者比较用比较级 , 故选 C 。 【 答案 】 C 1 . The underlined word “warm” in Passage 1 means “ ____ __” in Chinese. A .使 …… 变 B .使 …… 变暖 C .使 …… 下降 D .使 …… 上升 【 解析 】 由常识和句意 “ 当太阳升起来的时候 , 太阳使得空气变暖 , 温度将会上升。 ” 可知 , warm 在这里用作动词 , 是 “ 使 …… 变暖 ” 的意思 , 故选 B 。 【 答案 】 B 2 . When __ ____ __ , we know it's windy. A . the ground is white B . a poet writes a poem C . the branches are moving D . the air gets cooler 【 解析 】 由 Passage 2 中第三句 “ When it comes , we can see the branches of trees are moving. ” 可知 , 故选 C 。 【 答案 】 C 3 . Which one do you think may be the best title for Passage 3? A . Taking your umbrella B . Ships at sea C . Falling on fields and trees D . The rain 【 解析 】 Passage 3 描写的是雨落在地上、树上、雨伞上以及海上的轮船上 , 所以第三段最好的标题应是 The rain , 故选 D 。 【 答案 】 D 4 . Passage 4 mainly talks about __ ____ __ . A . snow B . rain C . wind D . temperature 【 解析 】 由 Passage 4 中最后一句 “ ...because they can make snowmen ” 可知 , 本段主要谈论的是雪 , 故选 A 。 【 答案 】 A 5 . Why are children happy when it snows? A . Because they can stay at home. B . Because they can make snowmen. C . Because they don't need to go to school. D . Because they feel very cold. 【 解析 】 由 Passage 4 最后一句 “ And children are especially happy , because they can make snowmen. ” 可知 , 下雪的时候孩子们很开心是因为他们可以堆雪人了 , 故选 B 。 【 答案 】 B 城市名称 天气情况 温度 建议 备注 北京 多云 9 ℃ ~ 14 ℃ 哈尔滨 有雨 出门最好带伞 东北部城市 上海 有风 12 ℃ ~ 17 ℃ 东部城市 广州 晴朗 适合旅行 TENSE REVISION 中考时态复习 时态 识记 理解 应用 一般现在时 √ 一般过去时 √ 一般将来时 √ 现在进行时 √ 过去进行时 √ 现在完成时 √ 无锡中考英语时态考纲要求 the simple present tense(一般现在时) What is …? 表示经常性、习惯性的动作; 表示现在的情况或状态; 表示客观事实和普遍真理。 时间状语: always, often, usually, sometimes, once a week, every … When you laugh or smile, your body ________ ( 放松 ). ( 2007 年 无锡中考题) relaxes the simple past tense(一般过去时) What is …? 表示过去发生的动作,存在的状态 或过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为 当那位歌手被问及婚姻问题时,她拒绝回应。 When the singer was asked about her marriage, she ______________ to it. ( 2013 年无锡中考题) refused to reply 时间状语: yesterday, in the past, last..., ...ago, the other day, just now... the simple future tense(一般将来时) What is …? 表示 _____ 发生的动作或存在的状态以及打算、 计划或准备要做的事。 promise,hope等后从句一般使用一般将来时 , If,until等引导的 从句将来时用现在时表示。 时间状语: tomorrow, next..., in + 时间段, Trust me. I _________ (keep) it between you and me, I promise. Talk now. ( 2015年无锡中考题 ) will keep 将要 the present continuous tense(现在进行时) 表示现在或现阶段 ______ 发生或持续的动作或状态。 What is …? 时间状语: now, these days, at present , ..., 含有 look , listen 等词时。 有些动词没有进行时: see, hear, like, want, have( 有 )... 有些动词的进行时表示将要发生的行为: leave, come, go... He _________ (read) a novel these days. is reading 正在 the past continuous tense (过去进行时) 表示 ______ 某一时刻或某一时间段内 ______ 进行的动作。 What is …? I’m sorry that I didn’t answer your phone. I ____________(listen) to music and didn’t hear the ring. 时间状语: then, at that time, this time yesterday those days, 或用另一动作来表示过去的时间。 was listening when you called me 过去 正在 the present perfect tense (现在完成时) 1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的 __________ 。 2. 表示从过去某时开始一直延续到 ______ 的动作或状态 。 时间状语: before, for + 时间段, since,already, just, yet,ever,never,动作发生的次数 , so far, since then, in the past few years What is …? What _____________ (happen) to him? He looks sad today. has happened 影响或结果 现在 -Have you seen Dr. Adams recently? -No. He __________ Hong Kong for an international meeting. He’ll come back tomorrow. ( 2012无锡中考题 ) A. has gone in B. has been in C. has gone to D. has been to (some times) for some time have been to sp. 去过某地(暗示已经返回) have gone to sp. 去了某地(暗示未返回) have been in sp. 去了某地多久 1. —Is the little baby in this photo me, Dad? —It is. And now you ___________ (grow) into a young man. Where does the time go, huh?(2015 年 无锡中考题) 1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的动 作对现在造成的影响或结果。 2. 表示从过去某时开始一直延续 到现在的动作或状态 。 What are the differences…? the present continuous tense the present perfect tense 表示现在或现阶段正在发生或持续的动作或状态 2. Look! The snow ___________ (stop). What about going out to make a snowman. have grown has stopped 1. — I can ’ t believe you ’ ve sold me such a terrible camera. I want my money back. — I ___________(listen), madam. Can you just slow down and tell me what ’ s wrong? ( 2014 年无锡中考题) am listening Why is it? Wuxi Underground Line 1 ____________ (expect) to be in service later this month. is expected Why is it? ( 2014 年 无锡中考题 ) We expect now Wuxi Underground Line 1 will be in service later this month. Cleverness is a gift; kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy - they _________ (give) after all. choices can be hard.(2015 年 无锡中考题) Why is it? are given Mary ___________ (talk) on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away. (2016 年无锡 中考题) Why is it? was talking I’m so sorry that I ________________ (not understand) you, but I do now. (2015年无锡中考题) Why is it? didn't understand Why is it? How noisy they are! They ______________ (discuss) about taking a train trip to Qingdao next week. are discussing Dear Mr Friend, I’m sorry to trouble you. I ____ (have) some problems at school. I find it difficult to work in the evening. I spend plenty of my time listening to music or watching TV instead of doing my homework.I can’t always write down the important things my teacher ______ (say), because I write too slowly. She tells me that I____________(fall) behind my classmates in my studies. I'm not good at writing and I usually hand in my homework late because I won’t do it until the last minute.Yesterday evening when I ___________(do) my homework, I fell asleep. So I often have to find different excuses to let my teacher know why I _____________(not do) the homework. I'm sure I _________(not get) through my final exam in June. I'm now so far behind the other students that I don't know how I can catch up with them. Last week, when my teacher _________(help) me with my homework, she found so many mistakes, which made me more nervous. Could you please give me some good suggestions? Yours, Wu Wei have haven't done won't get helped am falling was doing says Homework: 1.If you are Mr Friend, try to write a letter to Wu Wei with six tenses in it. Revise the concepts of the six tenses and their uses. 2.Revise the concepts of the six tenses and their uses.

