外研版英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 1课件

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外研版英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 1课件

Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. Module 3 外研版 五年级下册 What did you have for breakfast/ lunch? breakfast 早餐,早饭 lunch 午餐,午饭 hamburger fish and chips sandwich 汉堡包 炸鱼加炸薯条 三明治 traditional English dish 传统的 英国(式)的 食品; 菜肴 English lunch fish and chips sandwich hamburger traditional breakfast food 点击骨头,狗狗才会乖乖过来吃噢! Listen and chant. What did Daming/ Sam have for dinner? Bread, meat and a hamburger. Fish, eggs and a hamburger. What did you have for dinner?① Bread, meat and a hamburger. What did you have for dinner? Fish, eggs and a hamburger. Listen, read and act out. Daming got an ______ from ________.email Lingling What’s the email about? Watch the video. What’s the email about? It’s about ______. A. English food B. Chinese food 1 Daming: Look! I’ve got an email from Lingling.② It’s about English food. Fanfan: What does it say? Daming: Yesterday she had an English breakfast. Fanfan: What did she have? Daming: She had eggs and sausages. Fanfan: And what did she have for lunch? Daming: She had sandwiches.③ Fanfan: what did she have for dinner? Daming: She had fish and chips.④ Fanfan: Fish and chips? Daming: Yes. It’s a traditional English dish. Fanfan: Does Lingling like English food? Daming: Yes, she does. She says it’s delicious! 2 Fill in the blanks. Yesterday she had an ________________.English breakfast What did she have? She had _______ and __________. eggs sausages What did she have for _________? She had _____________. lunch sandwiches What did she have for ________? She had _____________. It’s a ____________________. dinner fish and chips traditional English food Listen and say. Fanfan: What did she have for breakfast? Daming: She had eggs and sausages. Fanfan: What did she have for dinner? Daming: She had fish and chips. Ask and answer. B: She had ... A: What did have yesterday? Look and say. What did she have for ________ yesterday? She had _____________________. breakfast an apple, milk and eggs What did he have for ________ yesterday? He had ___________________________. dinner a hamburger and sausages What did they have for ________ yesterday? They had _____________________. lunch noodles and fish Practise. breakfast lunch dinner What did you have for breakfast yesterday? I had noodles. Play roles breakfast lunch dinner What did you have for _____ yesterday? I had _______. Free talk What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? I had... Little reporter (小小记者) Little reporter: What did you have for _____? Student 1: I had... Student 2: I had... breakfast lunch dinnermeals names Do a report: Student 1 had... Student 2 had ... To eat a healthy breakfast, have a filling lunch, and a simple light dinner. 早餐吃好,午餐吃饱,晚餐吃少。

