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靖江外国语学校2015-2016学年度第二学期 八年级英语期中试卷2016.05‎ 第一部分 选择题(共60分)‎ 一、选择题(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎( )1. ---The presidents of China and Russia had ______ interview a short time ago. ‎ ‎--- And it was ______ great success. ‎ ‎ A. an; the B. the; a C. an; a D. the; /‎ ‎( )2. My cousin in the USA always ______ me. Last week, his letter _______ me very much.‎ ‎ A. keeps in touch with; touch B. keeps in touched with; touched ‎ C. keeps in touching with; touching D. keeps in touch with; touched ‎( )3. Unluckily, a big fire ______ in Jingjiang last Friday. Many firemen managed to _______.‎ A. took place; put it off B. was happened; put it out ‎ C. happened; put it out D. has happened; put it away ‎( )4. ---How long _______ they_______?‎ ‎ ---Sorry, I don't know. But I know that Mr Chen is going to _______ a nurse next month.‎ ‎ A. did; marry; marry to B. did; get marry; marry with ‎ C. have; got married; marry D. have; been married; marry ‎( )5. He likes playing tricks on others, but ____, he is a good boy. He is willing to help others.‎ ‎ A. in this way B. in some ways C. in that way D. in a word ‎( )6. ---A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich over night. --- __________.‎ ‎ A. Better safe than sorry B. The early bird catches the worm ‎ C. Every dog has its day D. Actions speak louder than words ‎( )7. We’ll _______ some money by holding a charity show, then _______ it to poor students in the west.‎ ‎ A. raise; donate B.donate; donate C. raise; raise D. donate; raise.‎ ‎( )8. ---With ‎4G mobile phones, people can even see each other as they talk. ‎ ‎---Oh, really? Would you please show us ______, please? ‎ ‎ ---Of course. Can you use it _______ now? ‎ ‎ A. how to use; by yourself B. what to use; by yourself ‎ ‎ C. what to use; on yours own D. how to use it; alone ‎ ‎( )9. A couple of years_______ since they ______ Shanghai. ‎ ‎ A. have passed; arrived at B. passed; reached ‎ ‎ C. has passed; got to D. have passed; reached ‎( )10. ---There was hardly anything left after the earthquake, _______?‎ ‎ ---_______. People had to rebuild their houses.‎ A. wasn’t there; Yes B. was there; No C. wasn’t there; No D. was there; Yes ‎(     )11. ---Can a plane fly ______ the Atlantic Ocean? ‎ ‎ ---Yes, but it needs to go _______ the clouds for hours.       ‎ ‎   A. across; through    B. across; across      ‎ ‎ C. through; across     D. through; through ‎ ‎( )12. It’s helpful ______ him to read English __________.‎ ‎ A. of; every day B. for; everyday C. of; everyday D. for; every day ‎(   )13. --- Who can help me carry the heavy box?‎ ‎ --- I think Ted is ________ to do it. But the door is ________for him to go through. ‎ A. too strong; too narrow B. so strong; narrow enough ‎ C. enough strong; narrow enough D. strong enough; too narrow ‎(    )14. ---Where is your father,  Jack? ‎ ‎         ---He ______ to New York on business. He _______ the airport at five in the morning. ‎ ‎ A. has gone; has left for     B. has been; has left for      ‎ ‎    C. has gone; left for        D. has been; left to ‎ ‎(    )15. --- Would you mind ______ the paper for me?         ---_________. ‎ ‎        A. handing in; My pleasure      B. handing in; With pleasure         ‎ ‎ C. hand in; For pleasure         D. hand in; It’s pleasure 二、完型填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ Cling…Clang…Clank. From inside my flat, I winced (皱起眉头) at the noise my parents were making as they sorted (分类) bottles and cans(罐子) out on the balcony. I called my ‎1 in Chinese, “How many do you have this time?” “Eight hundred and six pieces, that’s $40.30!” she answered. I’d been living in my Los Angeles flat for over four years when my parents came for a six-month visit from China. I’d 2 noticed that the bottles and cans they’d collected on the road were worth 5 cents (美分) each. When their stay with us ended, I felt free, though I was a supporter of environmental ‎ ‎3 in fact.‎ By the time my daughter began school, I was expected to raise money for the school. I felt very stressed(有压力的). How could I work out the problem? 4 , a good idea came across my mind: how about uniting (结合) the two — environmental education and raise money? I joined an organization called LACES. It had 5 1, 600 students, parents and teachers. If my two elderly parents could 6 $‎300 in six months from recycling (回收), why couldn’t we multiply (乘以) that number by at least 800? My team organized a day for students and parents to 7 bottles and cans directly to school. We 8 it the Green for Green program. The first one raised only $145. But we planned more programs. With each one, the numbers started to look 9 : $145… $400 … $481. The more success we had, the more people 10 our team. ‎ Today, LACES teachers keep boxes in their classrooms for bottles and cans. Students collect recyclables and 11 them in boxes. Parents collect at their offices. LACES parents have told me that where they used to see litter, they see 12 . Since the LACES Green for Green program started in 2011, we have raised $15, 500 for the school and recycled about 75, 000 pounds of waste. ‎ I believe that our effort(努力) is 13 by the others in the community, and that the result is multiplied. I used to 14 my parents’ recycling project during their visit here. Now I laugh at myself for getting the benefit (益处) from their clever ideas. They may never 15 anyone beyond(超出) their family. However, their small effort has led to big change, one that inspires (激励) family, friends, children, and even strangers.‎ ‎( )1. A. wife B. father C. daughter D. mother ‎( )2. A. seldom B. often C. usually D. always ‎( )3. A. project B. education C. subject D. plan ‎( )4. A. Quickly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Sadly ‎( )5. A. more than B. less than C. better than D. worse than ‎( )6. A. accept B. find C. receive D. raise ‎( )7. A. take B. bring C. save D. collect ‎( )8. A. told B. spoke C. said D. called ‎( )9. A. brighter B. higher C. stronger D. wider ‎( )10. A. joined B. knew C. loved D. left ‎( )11. A. send B. move C. throw D. store ‎( )12. A. waste B. bottles C. money D. cans ‎( )13. A. expected B. followed C. achieved D. controlled ‎( )14. A. agree with B. argue with(争论) C. laugh at D. cry at ‎( )15. A. influence(影响) B. help C. educate D. consider 三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Different vitamins are found in different foods. Then which food should be eaten to keep us healthy? Let’s look at some important vitamins for the answer.‎ ‎ Vitamin A helps to protect skin(皮肤) from becoming dry. It is also helpful to the eyes. Without vitamin A, you cannot see well in darkness. Vitamin A is found in animal liver(肝脏) and the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other dark-coloured fruit and vegetables have something that body can change into vitamin A.‎ ‎ Vitamin B changes food into energy and helps the heart and nerve system(神经系统) to work smoothly. Without it, we will be weak and will not grow. It is found in grains and other foods like beans, nuts, meat and fish.‎ ‎ Vitamin B helps to produce red blood cells(红血球). It is found in food like eggs, meat, fish, milk and green vegetables.‎ ‎ Vitamin C is needed for strong bone and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels(血管). It also helps wounds(伤口) to cure quickly. The body stores little vitamin C, so we must get it everyday in foods like oranges, tomatoes and cabbage.‎ ‎ Vitamin D increases the level of calcium(钙) in the blood. Calcium is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work normally, as well to build strong bones. Fish liver oil has vitamin D. In some countries, milk producers add vitamin to milk so that it will be good for children.‎ ‎( )1. Without ________, we cannot see well in darkness.‎ A. vitamin A B. vitamin B C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin D ‎( )2. According to the passage, vitamin B can be found in _______.‎ A. fish liver oil B. grains, meat and fish C. milk and vegetables D. animal liver and eggs ‎( )3. From the passage, we know that vitamin C is good for _________.‎ A. the skin B. the heart C. blood vessels D. nerve and muscle ‎( )4. Some milk producers add vitamin D to milk mainly to help children to ________.‎ A. have good eyesight B. produce blood cells C. get enough calcium D. heal wounds quickly ‎( )5. According to the passage above, which of the following is TRUE?‎ A. We can get vitamins form everything. B. We can live healthily with few vitamins.‎ C. Vitamins are not important to our health. ‎ D. Different vitamins help us in different ways.‎ B It’s a scene in many homes around the world: tired-eyed teens wake to the sound of their alarm clock. Another school day begins, and we all wish we could have just one extra hour of sleep.‎ For lucky high school students in England, they’re now going to reset their alarm and get an extra hour of sleep. Instead of starting school at 9 am, students will begin the school day at 10 am.‎ This is part of a huge study by Oxford University. The experiment(实验) will see whether later classes can improve exam results.‎ More than 100 schools across England will join the four-year experiment, which includes tens of thousands of students. It is based on scientific evidence that teenagers are out of step with traditional school hours.‎ ‎“We know that something funny happens when you’re a teenager,” lead sleep researcher Colin Epsie told The Telegraph. “Your parents think it’s because you’re lazy and everything would be OK if you could get to sleep earlier. But science is telling us that teenagers need to sleep more in the mornings.”‎ Another experiment in 2009 saw an improvement of 19 percent in exam scores for major subjects–such as math and science.‎ Teenagers’ sleep cycles, on average, begin two hours after adults. Neuroscientists (神经科学家) say teens have a built-in clock, which makes them more likely to go to sleep around midnight. As well as not feeling fully awake until between 9 am and 10 am. This body clock stays until the age of 19 for females and 21 for males.‎ Schools are places for learning, as well as education laboratories–finding out the best ways to learn and increase knowledge. Yet we’ll have to wait until 2018 to find out these exciting results!‎ ‎( )6. What does the underlined word “reset” mean in Chinese?‎ A. 重新安装 B. 重新组合 C. 重新放置 D. 重新设定 ‎( )7. England high school students usually start school _____.‎ A. at 7 am B. at 8 am C. at 9 am D. at 10 am ‎( )8. Teenagers struggle to get up early because _____.‎ A. they are too lazy B. they stay up late at night C. their sleep cycles are later than adults ‎ D. their body clock won’t start to work until 19 years old ‎( )9. The purpose of the experiment in 2009 was to _____.‎ A. find out whether later classes can improve exam results B. test how students’ body clocks work C. compare teenagers’ and adults’ sleeping patterns D. help teachers to find the best way to teach ‎( )10. The article is focused on the topic that _____.‎ A. teenagers need more sleep than adults ‎ B. students might need more hours’ sleep in the morning C. boys need more sleep in the morning than girls ‎ D. it is important to do more experiments on education C Is your TV connected to the Internet? What about your chair or your fridge? It is possible that they are not. But in the future, most things in your home may be connected, as the so-called "Internet of things" is developing.‎ The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think. It is reported that during his speech earlier this year, Samsung CEO(首席执行官) BK Yoon spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things. He said that five years from now, every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things, whether it's a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner(吸尘器).‎ So, how do household(家用) objects that are part of Internet of things work? Well, think of a usual chair. When connected to the Internet, the chair warms up when it knows that the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold.‎ An Internet-connected camera, like a smart-home camera, could help people feel safer in their homes. It can recognize(识别) people's faces, and even can see when someone passes by in the dark. Then it can send you a message on your smartphone to let you know who's there. If the person is someone you don't know, it can tell you that, too.‎ But according to MIT Technology Review, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security(安全) systems to the Internet, there may be problems. For example, many early connected-home devices(装置) don't have much built-in security, which means they could be hacked(被黑客攻击). In addition, it could be difficult to get these devices to work together because they are made by different companies. To fight this, many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium, which had 45 members by late 2014.‎ So, picture this: you walk in through the front door of your home. The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable after a long day at school. Your favorite music starts playing for you. Do you think that this would be a good thing? It may happen sooner than you think.‎ ‎( )11. The Samsung CEO's speech is mentioned to prove that________.‎ A. the Internet of things will appear in our daily life sooner B. Samsung has produced the Internet of things recently C. Samsung products have been part of the Internet of things D. he spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things ‎( )12. We can infer(推断)from paragraphs 3 and 4 that __________.‎ A. the chair can know whether the user feels cold or not B. a usual chair can warm up when it knows the user comes in C. an Internet-connected camera can be used to take photos in the house D. an Internet-connected camera can be connected to the user's smartphone ‎( )13. According to the passage, it is mentioned that__________.‎ ‎①the temperature inside is neither too high nor too low ‎②your fridge provides the drinks for you ③the chair warms up if you feel cold ‎④your favourite music starts playing ⑤your washing machine starts working A.①②⑤ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①④⑤‎ ‎( )14. What's the problem about the Internet of things?‎ A. Companies which produce connected-home devices haven't joined together.‎ B. Connected-home devices may not work together and can easily get hacked.‎ C. Companies have difficulty connecting security system to the Internet.‎ D. These new devices are produced by different companies.‎ ‎( )15. What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A. How to product the Internet of things. B. The introduction to use the Internet of things.‎ C. The way of connecting the Internet of things.‎ D. The Internet of things is coming in the future.‎ 第二部分 非选择题(共60分)‎ 四、词汇(本题共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. The company hopes its mobile phone will be successful on the ______________(欧洲)market.‎ ‎2. If you are in Rome , please do as the _______________(罗马人)do.‎ ‎3. He’s so shy that he has trouble _______________(交流) with others.‎ ‎4. The government said there were no ______________(幸存者) of the plane crash.‎ ‎5. Mr. King successfully ____________(避免) a terrible disaster the other day.‎ ‎6. ---I have a pair of shoes ______________ (类似于) to yours.‎ ‎ ---That’s nice. We can wear on the same day.‎ ‎7. The doctors must be tired because he has done several _______________(手术) in the daytime.‎ ‎8. The purpose of the charity should be (改善) young people’s health.‎ ‎9. To us students, the most important thing is not __________________ (获得) success, but to work hard.‎ 10. ‎---Why is she sitting on the sofa all the time?‎ ‎---She is ______________ (期待) a call from her son. ‎ ‎11. I noticed a little boy _____________(tie) a cat to the tree when I walked past the park.11‎ ‎12. It’s meaningful for him to work as a ________________(library).‎ ‎13. He is very angry , but he managed ________________(not express) his anger.‎ ‎14. China has opened its ____________ (four) Antarctic research base (南极科考站)—the Taishan Station.‎ ‎15. The magazine is popular among the teenagers. It has the _____________(sell) of 2 million.‎ ‎16. Chinese eating habits we were used to ______________(change) a lot these years.‎ ‎17. The price of the houses ____________(rise) quickly since several months ago. ‎ ‎18. It’s ____________(possible) for us to control the situation without their help.‎ ‎19. I think volunteering for the Olympics is one of _________________(mean) experiences in my life.‎ ‎20. He got a low grade in the final exam, because he answered few questions ‎ ‎(correct).‎ 五、阅读表达,阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。(共5小题,计5分)‎ I can still remember the first day of school when I went abroad. Everyone was talking to their friends and laughing about memories they had together. They looked so happy, but I was new and didn’t speak English very well. I just ended up watching everyone. That was the loneliest I ever was.‎ But then I saw an Asian girl standing alone like me. I tried talking to her in Chinese but she said: “I’m from Korea (韩国).” We started talking and eventually she became one of my best friends in Canada. Her name is Jenny. Since she’s Korean, I didn’t really try talking to the Chinese group. However, that was a good thing because the Chinese group only speaks their native (本国的) language. If I hadn’t met Jenny, I would have surely joined the Chinese group, and my English wouldn’t have improved at all.‎ During language classes, Jenny and I started talking to the girls sitting at the table behind us. They are my best friends now. Their names are Amy, Eesha and Amorette. We usually talk in English. But sometimes we teach each other different languages. For example, Amy and I teach Eesha Chinese. It’s so fun to be around people that want to teach and learn different languages. Gradually, I was able to make more and more friends, and I didn’t feel lonely any more.‎ Here are some tips to find friends quickly. The first thing to remember is to avoid being shy. Don’t be afraid to just try talking to people. Second, be friendly and welcoming. Maybe share something with them. That is a nice way to meet people. ‎ ‎(Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN SEVEN WORDS)‎ 1. How did the writer feel on the first day of school when she went abroad?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________ 2. Where is the writer’s first friend from?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________ 3. What would happen if the writer joined the Chinese group?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________ 4. According to the passage, what do the writer and friends sometimes do?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________ 5. How many suggestions does the writer give to find friends quickly abroad?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ 六、任务型阅读,注意:每空只填1个单词。(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ For children, the first day of school is their first step into a new world. This important day can be made special by planning some interesting activities. For example, you can ask each of the students to introduce themselves in a unique way. Appreciate (欣赏)the good ideas that the children have for describing themselves. ‎ It’s also a good idea to organize “silent learning”. In this activity, you need to supply paper and color to each of your students. Ask them to draw anything they have interest in. To make it special, you can ask them to draw something in particular. To make it interesting, you can give it the name of a human emotion (情感)and ask them to describe it in their own words.‎ Also you can tell your students everything about the school. You can tell them some of your experiences in this school. You can write down your experiences and that can be made up into an interesting story. You can take this chance to encourage the children to take part in all the school activities. You can make use of this chance to help the students get rid of (消除)their little fears about the new school. You can give the students a chance to ask questions and share their views.‎ Getting the students together to decorate the classroom is also a good activity for the first day of school. You can join them in this activity and help them. Let the students come up with ideas for decorating the classroom; allow them to use their imagination(想象力) in the decoration and make the classroom look nice.‎ All the above activities for the first day of school can make the students feel comfortable in the new school and give them some moments that they will remember for long years.‎ ‎ 1 for the ‎ first day of school Supporting details Make a self-introduction ‎●Ask each student to 2 themselves in a unique way. ‎ ‎●Appreciate the children’s good ideas for describing themselves. ‎ Organize “silent ‎ learning”‎ ‎● Give the students paper and color to draw what they are ‎3 in.‎ ‎●Ask the students to 4 something in particular. ‎ ‎●Ask the students to use their own words to describe the paintings.‎ Know everything ‎ about the school ‎● 5 some of your experiences with the students.‎ ‎● 6 up an interesting story according to your experiences.‎ ‎●Encourage the children to take part in all the school activities. ‎ ‎●Help the students get rid of their little fears about the new school. ‎ ‎●Give the students a 7 to ask questions.‎ ‎ 8 the ‎ classroom ‎●Come to 9 the students in the decoration.‎ ‎●Allow them to use their imagination in the decoration and make the ‎ ‎ classroom look nice. ‎ All that the teachers do probably make the students never 10 their first day at school.‎ ‎1.____________ 2.______________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5._____________‎ ‎6.____________ 7.______________ 8._____________ 9._____________ 10.____________‎ 七、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Tim joined the Science Club last summer. One day he was given a piece of paper, a block(块) of wood and four wheels(轮子); he was told to go home and g 1 them all to his dad. However, Tim’s mom knew that his dad wasn’t good at making things and decided that she would read the instructions and let Tim do the work. A few days later the block of wood was turning into a car that Tim proudly named “Blue Lightning”. Then he and his mother went to a car race together. But when they g 2 there, Tim found that all the other cars were made by “father-son” partnership (合作).‎ The race began. One by one the cars were knocked out until it c 3 to the final between Tim and Jimmy. Just before the race, Tim asked i 4 they could stop for a minute so that he could make a wish. After a long minute, Tim said that he was r 5 .‎ People cheered as the race began. Jimmy stood with his father and watched their car racing down the road while Tim was surprised at the great s 6 of his car as it rushed over the finishing line less than a second b 7 Jimmy’s. Tim was so e 8 that he jumped up and down.‎ Soon the club manager came over and asked him, “So, Tim, your wish was to w 9 , right?” “Oh no, sir, ” he replied. “I just wished that I wouldn’t cry if I lost.”‎ Children sometimes surprise a 10 with unexpected ideas. When Tim first saw the other cars, he didn’t cry out, “Not fair(公平的)! Other children had their fathers’ help!” Tim didn’t wish for victory(胜利) in the race; instead he wished for courage.‎ ‎1.____________ 2.______________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5._____________‎ ‎6.____________ 7.______________ 8._____________ 9._____________ 10.____________‎ 八、书面表达(20分)‎ 假设你是戴维,你想申请当一名志愿者。要点如下:‎ ‎1. 华南的一名大学生,半年后将毕业。‎ ‎2. 业余爱好:看有关国外文化的书,认为……(自由发挥一句)‎ ‎3. 以前父母不在家时,做事情有困难时,总是会向邻居寻求帮助,现在要向他们学习; ‎ ‎4. 曾做过的事:常常在社区中心帮助需要帮助的人。一个邻居患有先天性心脏病,但没有钱做手术。为她筹集了足够的钱,现在她康复了。‎ ‎5. 上星期,听说有关山区的情况。那儿的人生活困难。孩子们不得不步行很长一段时间。‎ 那儿的学校很需要老师。‎ ‎6. 期待去那儿当志愿者,帮助改善当地的人生活。‎ ‎7. 感想:……(自由发挥一句)‎ 注意:1. 开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数。 2. 词数:100左右。 ‎ My name is David. I want to be a volunteer. ‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎

