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宾县一中高二上学期第三次月考英语试题 第一部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother, __1__to look at each other. Soon, we lost the__2__and started playing with each other. In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was__3__family problems and I deserted her to be with the “cooler people”.__4__of her new friends liked her as much as I did__5__they knew she had “ problems ”. However every summer we would__6__sit at each other's house and watch soap operas and talk about everything we liked.‎ It was last year when I__7__the problem. I guessed I was just to catch up in high school to realise she__8__someone there caring for her. She started cutting herself!‎ She was diagnosed(诊断)as clinical depression. I was very__9__at first, but with the late night calls, we still stayed in__10__. I wanted to be there for her since her new best friends_11__deserted her since people were calling her__12__, and I knew I still__13__her like a sister. ‎ Yesterday she came__14__me and said this:“I never knew what a best friend was__15__you were the only person that would stop me from cutting; the only person that ever made me feel better about myself and my__16__. You don't know this but I was trying to kill myself, one night you__17__me and I was crying. I__18__you so much, and you didn't even know you were__9__me.”‎ We both cried. And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is never to__20__on your friends.‎ ‎1. A. pleased       2. A. happiness   ‎ ‎3. A. working out  4. A. All          5. A. because      6. A. hardly        7. A. solved        8. A. asked    9. A. mad          10. A. touch        11. A. luckily      12. A. selfish      13. A. believed in  14. A. with        15. A.  if         16. A. mistakes    17. A. visited     ‎ B. excited     B. kindness     B. answering for B. None         B. though       B. seldom       B. noticed     B.  called       B. careless     B. bed         B. successfully B. crazy       B. waited for   B. after       B. when         B. parents     B. encouraged  ‎ C. scared        C. shyness      C. going through C. No            C. while        C. just          C. faced        C. needed          C. hopeless      C. hospital      C. basically      C. brave        C. cared about  C. upon          C. since        C. friends      C. called       ‎ D. disappointed    D. sadness         D.  helping with D. Every           D. yet             D. always          D. ignored         D. left           D. upset           D. love            D. calmly          D. lonely          D. replied to      D. to              D. until           D. problems        D. prevented      ‎ ‎ 18. A. tell        19. A. helping      20. A. look down on  ‎ ‎ B. owe         B. reminding   B. look back at ‎ C. give          C. cheating      C. drop in at  ‎ ‎ D. show            D. praising        D.  give up  ‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎ A Give your kids an adventure they’ll never forget. From youngsters to teens to young adults, SummerCamp.com can help you find the adventure of a lifetime. ‎ Catalina Camp ‎ Explore the wonders of Catalina Island with qualified instructors of marine (海洋的) science. Take a trip on the desert island, where there is a blue ocean, a host of trained marine biologists, and diving instructors. Catalina Island also provides a chance to take the greastest boats with many other campers in California. This offers three one-week sessions for boys and girls aged 8-13.‎ Address: California. Phone:(800)645-1432.‎ Steve﹠Kate’s Camp ‎ In this camp, kids can choose their own adventure in film, fashion design, breadmaking , painting, music , dance , and so much more. There are many locations of this camp across the city, for kids aged 6-12. It will offer an adventure for a fortnight.‎ Address: California. Phone: (415)389-5437.‎ Smoky Mountain Camp ‎ Smoky Mountain Camp is located in the foothills of Eastern Tennessee, and literally a stone thrown away from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The camp has many adventure activities, such as hiking, ice skating, mountaineering , rock climbing and backpacking. Children can choose the activities which interest them with their parents. The camp uses the surrounding environment to provide exciting adventure camp experiences for children of all ages for 3 weeks.‎ Address: Tennessee. Phone: (866)876-8952‎ Lake Greeley Camp ‎ ‎ Lake Greeley Camp is a private overnight summer camp located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Campers entering the 5th grade and older participate in an elective program in which ‎ they choose their activities each day. The fun of the day continues to the night with evening activities and special events. The camp features a different evening activity each night and has daily themes and competitions! Lake Greeley Camp accommodates boys and girls aged 6-15.‎ Address : Pennsylvania. Phone : (570) 685-7169‎ ‎21. Which number will you call if your child likes art ?‎ ‎ A. (570) 685-7169 B. (866)876-8952‎ C. (415)389-5437 D. (800)645-1432‎ ‎22. If a child only has four days to spare, he will probably join in __________.‎ ‎ A. Catalina Camp B. Lake Greeley Camp ‎ C. Steve﹠Kate’s Camp D. Smoky Mountain Camp ‎23. What is the similarity between the last two camps?‎ ‎ A. Being located in the mountain area. ‎ B. Offering children a chance to see the lake.‎ C. Having many camp sites across the country.‎ D. Trusting all children to choose their activities.‎ ‎ B. ‎ Emma Morano , thought to be the world’s oldest person and the last born in the 1800s,celebrated her 117th birthday on Tuesday. On that day, her friends, neighbors and doctor gathered in her small apartment, presenting her with a large birthday cake.‎ ‎ Morano was born in November 1899, four years before the Wright brothers first took to the air. Her life has gone through three centuries, two World Wars and over 90 Italian governments. “My life wasn’t so nice,” she told Reuters TV as she sat in an armchair by her window, with a white shawl(披肩) over her shoulders. “I had worked in a factory until I was 65, and then that was that.”In an interview with La Stampa newspaper five years ago she said her fiancé died in World War I and that she was then forced to marry a man she did not love. It was not a happy marriage. They had a boy in 1937, but the baby died after he was just six months old and the following year Morano kicked out her abusive(虐待的) husband. “I separated from him in 1938. I think I was one of the first in Italy to do that. ‎ ‎ Morano lives alone and has outlived all her eight brothers and sisters, including the one who died at 102. She has lived despite an irregular, unbalanced diet. “When I first knew her, she used to eat ‎ three eggs a day, two raw, and one fried. Recently she has slowed down a bit, reducing the number to two because she says three can be too much. She has never eaten much fruit or vegetables,” her doctor Carlo Bava told Reuters TV.‎ ‎24. What does the underlined word ”outlived” in Paragraph 3 mean ?‎ ‎ A. Lived separately from B. Lived together with ‎ C. Lived longer than D. Lived shorter than ‎25. Which of the following is TRUE about Emma Morano ?‎ ‎ A.She used to lead a very happy and healthy life.‎ ‎ B. She has witnessed 90 Italian governments.‎ ‎ C. She is the last living woman born in the 1800s.‎ ‎ D. She has been eating two fried eggs a day for years.‎ ‎26. Why did Emma Morano separate from her husband ?‎ ‎ A. Because her husband treated her badly. ‎ B. Because her husband always drank. ‎ ‎ C. Because their son died and they were very sad.‎ ‎ D. Because she couldn’t forget her fiancé who died in WWI.‎ ‎27. Which of the following best describes Morano’s past life ?‎ ‎ A. Perfect B. Unusual C. Happy D. Regular ‎ ‎ C ‎ Today when I got back, I saw my daughter’s eyes were filled with tears . “What’s wrong ?” I immediately asked, “I hate myself . I hate my body . My thighs(大腿) are too big. I can’t stand the way I look,” she bean to cry. ‎ ‎ This was my perfectly precious and beautiful nineteen-year-old daughter . This was me standing by a sofa in my house without any preparation, looking at a girl who is often told she looks like me. She publicly says she considers that an honor. I do think she looks like me, but only the best parts. And yet she doesn’t like how she looks. My heart broke as I knew exactly how she felt.‎ ‎ Girls today are bombarded (轰炸) by images(形象) of what they should be. Many of them desire the same expensive dresses, thigh gaps as those images on magazines. Me ? I strongly longed to look like Phoebe Cates or Diane Lane when I was a teen . Their confident smiles spread out from the pages of Tiger Beat and Seventeen magazines.‎ ‎ I sat next to her, and told her that I hoped she didn’t waste these days of youthful beauty wishing for the body parts of others. I shared some stories that happened to me when I was at her age. I expressed how I would love to tell 19-year-old me how pretty “she” was. What’s more, “her” intelligence and kindness were the things that “she should want to be recognized more than the size of “her” jeans. ‎ ‎ I held her in my arms and reminded her of all the things I loved about the person she was becoming. But I knew she had to find her value on her own. No reminders from me about her kind heart, attractive smile, her brilliant mind and grace of movement would make her have a clear understanding of herself. A girl, who looks like me a lot, still has the gift of time and a big and bright future ahead of her if only she can step out of the darkness of self-doubt. ‎ ‎28. What did the author’s daughter complain about ?‎ ‎ A. She wasn’t popular among her friends. B. She couldn’t bear the changes in herself. ‎ ‎ C. She wasn’t satisfied with her appearance. D. She didn’t like the way her mother looked.‎ ‎29. What does the author think of today’s teenage girls ?‎ ‎ A. They always have confident smiles. B. They can be cheered up by prsents.‎ ‎ C. They always desire expensive clothes. D. They can be easily affected by others.‎ ‎30. What’s the author’s expectation for her daughter ? ‎ ‎ A. To have a strong mind B. To realize what really matters. ‎ ‎ C. To avoid comparing with others. D. To achieve her dream by herself.‎ ‎31. The author’s tone in writing the passage is ___________.‎ ‎ A. critical B. cautious C. regretful D. concerned ‎ ‎ D If you're not getting along with your neighbours, or your social life is stagnant, consider getting a pet , preferably a dog . A new Australian study has found that pet owners tend to interact more positively with their neighbours and wider community, and be out and about more. And dog owners seem to be the friendliest and most social of all.‎ ‎ Lisa Wood, a lecturer at the University of Western Australia,with her colleagues conducted a random telephone survey of 339 adults from three suburbs in the Western Australian capital Perth, asking questions about pet ownership and social interaction.‎ ‎ They found that pet owners were more likely than people who didn't own a pet to acknowledge ‎ and exchange informal greetings with people from their neighbourhood, often while they were out with their pet, and to exchange favours with their neighbours.‎ ‎ Dog owners, in particular, seemed to enjoy good social contact. For example, more than half stated that they had got to know people in their suburb as a result of their pet, and more than fourfifths talked to other pet owners when they walked their dog.‎ ‎ But in general, pet owners, including goldfish owners, appeared to be more social than people who didn't own a pet,with fewer numbers reporting it hard to get to know people in their neighbourhood.‎ ‎ The research suggests owning a pet also motivates people to walk and use local parks, providing opportunities to meet new people;acts as a catalyst for taking part in community activities, and as a protector of mental health, which influences the ability to take part in community events and interact with local people.‎ ‎32.According to the Australian study, ________.‎ A. getting a pet can make you busier B. the pet owners are always ready to help others every day C. your social life depends on whether you own a pet or not D. the pet owners can benefit a lot from keeping the pet ‎33.Who would like to go out and communicate with others according to this passage?‎ A. The local rich people.   B. People keeping goldfish.‎ C. People without any pets. D. The people in community.‎ ‎34.All the following are the advantages of keeping pets EXCEPT that ________.‎ A. some pet owners find it not easy to get along with others B. pet owners are usually more friendly to others C. pet owners are likely to communicate with others D. keeping pets does a lot of good to the owners' health ‎35.The author uses the word “motivates” in the last paragraph to mean ________.‎ A. reminds   B. advises C. encourages D. requires 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ As you see the clear, blue sky, you may just wonder what produces such a beautiful color. It is no accident of nature. 36 . The sky is blue because of a process which involves the absorption of light in the atmosphere.‎ ‎ 37 . However, the light , whose wavelength(波长) is short, is not able to pass through easily. It is instead absorbed by the gas molecules(分子) in the atmosphere. However, not all colors of light are absorbed evenly. 38 _. Blue is one of them so the sky appears blue.‎ ‎ If you pay attention to the color near the horizon(地平线), you’ll notice the color there is different from the sky right above you . This is due to the face that light, when located farther away, must pass through more air before it gets near you. Some of this distant blue light is absorbed and less of it actually reaches your line of sight. 39 .‎ ‎ Although the sky is blue from your position on the ground, it actually looks black from space or on the moon. Since there is no atmosphere in space, the light from the sun is not absorbed and colored light doesn’t reach your eyes. 40 . Even a slightly thinner atmosphere would change our sky, making it appear a lighter blue. ‎ A. Actually , there is a real scientific phenomenon behind it .‎ B. As such, the sky near the horizon appears pale.‎ C. As a result, the blue sky appears above our heads.‎ D. Some of them are more readily absorbed than others.‎ E. You will never know the answer without scientific research.‎ F. Therefore, we will only see darkness when we look up to the sky in space.‎ G. When light moves through the atmosphere , most can simply pass through it.‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ We often hear people say,“I’m afraid I’m too old to learn it well.”Well, I’ve recently discovered that it’s 41 .‎ For years my husband has 42 that he couldn’t play a musical instrument because of being too 43 .He recently found himself with a little time on his hands and I 44 that the moment should be right to try piano lessons. At first, he was 45 . He couldn’t imagine that he , who is almost 70, could actually learn how to play a musical instrument, but I 46 . I guessed my gentle nagging(唠叨) 47 . He 48 it to his friend who took matters into his own hands, renting us a p iano and 49 for a teacher. ‎ Now I can hear my husband practicing the piano in every spare moment . Although he can’t play well at the beginning, there is something that bears a little resemblance to 50 that is wafting (飘荡) through our house after his efforts. His attention is 51 absorbed by it and I move quietly through the house, unwilling to 52 . I’m happy for him that it gives him so much pleasure but sometimes I 53 that too much of his time and attention is 54 by the piano. My husband can now play several pieces of music, and that’s quite a(n) 55 to him.‎ ‎ I’m happy for my husband that he’s finally taking his 56 piano lessons after so many years while my five-year-old granddaughter is taking them as well . It’s a(n) 57 of pleasure to him. I’m also happy to be 58 of a man’s constant potential for learning. This is a world of opportunities and it’s a reassuring (令人放心的) reminder that those opportunities don’t necessarily 59 with age. In some cases, they may even increase! So we should never 60 our dreams or feel that we are “too old”.‎ ‎41. A. strange B. opposite C. wrong D. obvious ‎42.A. ignored B. regretted C. decided D. apologized ‎ ‎43. A. poor B. busy C. old D. lazy ‎44. A. imagined B. supposed C. hoped D. suggested ‎45. A hesitant B. happy C. eager D. confused ‎46. A. recommended B. insisted C. explained D. agreed ‎ ‎47. A. struggled B. worked C. failed D. affected ‎48. A. apologised B. defined C. mentioned D. asked ‎49. A. answering B. arranging C. longing D. waiting ‎50. A. fun B. surprise C. interest D. music ‎51. A. partly B. slowly C. completely D. rapidly ‎52. A. interrupt B. witness C. experience D. bear ‎53. A. complain B. criticize C. quarrel D. disapprove ‎54. A. shared B. taken up C. put off D. covered ‎55. A. risk B. puzzle C. promise D. achievement ‎56. A. powerful B. lost C. delayed D. necessary ‎57. A. scenery B. source C. goal D. origin ‎ ‎58. A. reminded B. warned C. confirmed D. told ‎ ‎59. A. continue B. happen C. develop D. disappear ‎60. A. empty B. admit C. abandon D. change 第二节:阅读下面材料,在空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ The athletes’ use of drugs has been a serious issue in sports. In recent years, the number of athletes (61)__________(catch) using drugs has increased greatly. They take anabolic steroids(合成代谢类固醇) to become much (62)__________(strong) and even use some illegal drugs. Several big stars have failed drug tests, including baseball greats Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi.‎ In general, an athlete should set a good example. However, some athletes (63)__________(cheat) in a game with the help of drugs recently. Therefore, (64) __________(be) fair, it is better to have routine drug testing at all levels of sports. However, the little drug testing has no deterrent(威慑的) effect (65)________ professional athletes. While they know that using drugs (66)______________(ban), athletes will not stop if unless there is (67)________significant possibility of getting caught. (68)__________the use of some drugs may help athletes win honor as a whole, it is still against the rules and should be dealt with (69) __________(severe). Therefore, I think people should raise their(70) ___________(aware) of the using drugs and behave themselves in the sports, and the drug tests are necessary at all levels of competition. ‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Yesterday I took a trip on a new “fast ferry”. To introduce the new service for the public, the ferry was temporary free in July. The ferry ran very fast and it just took us twenty minutes to get to the destination. But when we were ready to returning, we were told that the ferry was out of orders and it would not run that day. There is no doubt that we had to find alternative way home. Fortunately, there was another ferry at nearby, but a charge was required for taking it. I found a girl standing alone at the riverbank. He didn’t take any money and became anxiety. So I paid the fare for her but bought her something to drink.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华, 你的英国笔友Peter 打算来中国旅游, 希望你给他推荐一个去处。‎ ‎ 恰好你的家乡最近几年在大力发展乡村旅游, 请你给他回一封电子邮件, 向他推荐你的家乡。主要内容包括:‎ 1. 推荐理由; 2 . 特色简介; 3. 交通情况。‎ 注意: 1. 词数:100左右;‎ 2. 可以适当的增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Peter, ‎ ‎ I’m so glad that you will come to China for a visit._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ I’m looking forward to your coming. ‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua Keys:‎ 完形填空(1):‎ ‎1-20: CCCBA  6-10: DBCDA  11-15: CBCDD  16-20: DCBAD 阅读理解:‎ ‎21-23: CBA 24-27: CCAB 28-31: CDBD 32-35: DBAC 36-40: AGDBF 完形填空(2):‎ ‎41-45 CBBDA 46-50: BBCBD 51-55:CAABD 56-60: CBADC 语法填空:‎ ‎61. caught 62. stronger 63. have cheated 64. to be 65. on 66. is banned 67. a 68. Although/Though/While 69. severely 70. awareness 短文改错:‎ ‎ 1 . for 改为 to 2.temporary 改为 temporarily 3. returning 改为return ‎ ‎ 4. orders 改为order 5. is 改为was 6. find 后加 an 7. at 删掉 ‎ ‎8. He 改为She 9. anxiety 改为 anxious 10. but 改为 and 书面表达参考范文:‎ Dear Peter, ‎ ‎ I’m so glad that you will come to China for a visit. As you know , China is a large country abundant in tourism resources, many of which exist in the countryside. Here I’d like to advise you to pay a visit to my hometown.‎ ‎ My hometown is a beautiful village, where you can feast your eyes on its fascinating scenery. You can also go fishing, harvest fruits, and learn to make our traditional dishes. Moreover, you can experience some folk activities here , like Chinese paper cutting which helps you learn some Chinese culture. As for the transportation, far away from the city as our hometown is , it is situated close to the expressway. Therefore, the transportation is quite convenient.‎ ‎ Looking forward to your coming.‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua

