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2018 届二轮复习 短文改错模拟试题 10 篇汇聚之二 【1】 When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast time flies.I had grown not only physically,and also mentally in the past few years.About one month after this photo was took,I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club.Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time : car magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting the late music albums.This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days. 答案 When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast time flies.I had have grown not only physically,and but also mentally in the past few years.About one month after this photo was took taken ,I entered my second year of high school and become became a new member of the school music club.Around me in ∧ this/the picture are the things they which/that were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed studying difference different kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music, and collecting the late latest music albums.This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your my high school days. 71.答案 删除 of 解析 考查介词。realize 认识到,意识到,是及物动词,后面直接跟 宾语。 72.答案 had→have 解析 考查时态。由 in the past few years 可知句子要用现在完成时。 73.答案 and→but 解析 考查连词。not only...but also...不仅……而且……,连接并列成 分。 74.答案 took→taken 解析 考查语态。被动语态的结构为“be+及物动词的过去分词”,take 的过去分词是 taken。 75.答案 become→became 解析 考查动词时态。句子用了过去时,and 连接并列谓语 entered 和 became。 76.答案 in 后加 this/the 解析 考查代词/冠词。picture 在文中第一句已经出现过,故此处可 以加 the 表示特指;也可加 this,表示“在这张照片中”。 77.答案 they→that/which 解析 考查关系代词。things 是先行词,后面是定语从句,从句中缺 少主语,故引导词用 that 或 which。 78.答案 difference→different 解析 考查形容词。形容词修饰名词 kinds。 79.答案 late→latest 解析 考查形近词辨析。the latest music albums 最新的音乐专辑。latest adj.最近的,最新的。 80.答案 your→my 解析 考查人称代词。句意为:这张照片常常让我想起我高中时的快 乐时光。此处是以作者的口吻写的“我的高中时光”。 【2】 My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.Though not very big,but the restaurant is popular in our area.It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to wait outside.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking.My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.Instead,he hopes that our business will grow steady. 答案 My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that where I live.Though not very big,but 或but yet the restaurant is popular in our area.It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had have to wait outside.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest honesty.Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or and high quality oil are using used for cooking.My uncle says that he never dreams ∧ of becoming rich in the a short period of time.Instead , he hopes that our his business will grow steady steadily. 71.答案 that→where 解析 考查宾语从句的连接词。由句子结构可知,介词 to 之后为宾 语从句,而宾语从句中缺少地点状语。故用 where 引导。 72.答案 删除 but 或 but 改为 yet 解析 考查从属连词与并列连词。从属连词 though 不可与并列连词 but 连用但可以与 yet 连用。 73.答案 had→have 解析 考查时态。根据上下文语境可知此处要用一般现在时。 74.答案 honest→honesty 解析 考查名词作表语。由句意“他成功的关键是诚信”可知应当用名 词形式。 75.答案 or→and 解析 考查并列连词。根据句意可知二者之间为并列关系而非选择关 系。 76.答案 using→used 解析 考查被动语态。fresh vegetables and high quality oil 与 use 之间 为被动关系。be used for 被用于。 77.答案 dreams 后加 of 解析 考查固定搭配。dream of doing sth.意为“梦想做某事”。 78.答案 the→a 解析 考查冠词。in a short period of time 为固定短语,意为“在短时 间内”。 79.答案 our→his 解析 考查代词。短文介绍了“我叔叔”诚信经营餐馆的事情,故将 our 改为 his。 80.答案 steady→steadily 解析 考查副词。修饰谓语动词用副词。 【3】 The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.We can chose between staying at home and take a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot. 答案 The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how what to do during the holiday.We can chose choose between staying at home and take taking a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but and there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about ∧ the world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden your our view and gain knowledges knowledge we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we can 或 can should go to places of interest nearby.I thought think that it is a good idea.It does not cost many much ,yet we can still learn a lot. 71.答案 how→what 解析 考查疑问词。在宾语从句中,缺少的成分是宾语,而 how 作 状语,所以应把 how 改为 what。 72.答案 chose→choose 解析 考查动词形式。根据语法知识可知,情态动词 can 后要用动词 原形。 73.答案 take→taking 解析 考查非谓语动词。此处为 between...and...结构,根据前面的 staying at home 可知,此处也要用动名词形式,与前面保持一致。 74.答案 but→and 解析 考查连词。句意为:如果我们呆在家里,即感觉舒适,还不花 钱。根据句意可知,此处应是并列关系,而不是转折关系。 75.答案 world 前加 the 解析 考查定冠词。此处特指我们所生活的这个世界。 76.答案 your→our 解析 考查形容词性物主代词。根据前面的主语 we 可知,此处要用 our,表示“我们能够开阔我们的视野”。 77.答案 knowledges→knowledge 解析 考查不可数名词。knowledge 为不可数名词,没有复数形式。 78.答案 删除 can 或 can→should 解析 考查虚拟语气。suggest 表示“建议”,后面的宾语从句要用 should do 形式,should 可以省略,故答案有两种改法。 79.答案 thought→think 解析 考查动词的时态。句意为:我认为这是一个好主意。根据上下 文可知,此处并不是过去的看法,而是现在的看法。 80.答案 many→much 解析 考查代词。这样不会花很多钱。cost much 花费很多。此处也 可理解为 cost much money 的省略。 【4】 The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me.They were also the best and worse years in my life.At the first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself.However,my parents didn’t seem to think such.They always tell me what to do and how to do it.At one time , I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes.Now I am leaving home to college.At last,I will be on my own,but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help. 答案 The teenage year years from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me.They were also the best and worse worst years in my life.At the first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself myself .However,my parents didn’t seem to think such so .They always tell told me what to do and how to do it.At one time,I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely free from them.I showed them I was independent by wear wearing strange clothes.Now I am leaving home to for college.At last,I will be on my own,but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever ∧ I need help. 71.答案 year→years 解析 考查名词单复数。此处指 13~19 岁的年龄,故用复数。 72.答案 worse→worst 解析 考查形容词最高级。与前面的 best 并列,此处应用最高级。 73.答案 删除 the 解析 考查固定搭配。at first 固定短语。 74.答案 yourself→myself 解析 考查反身代词的一致性。根据句意,此处指“我自己”。 75.答案 such→so 解析 考查固定搭配。think so 这样认为,认为如此。 76.答案 tell→told 解析 考查动词时态。由上文语境知此处应用过去时态。 77.答案 freely→free 解析 考查形容词。此处应用形容词作表语。 78.答案 wear→wearing 解析 考查动名词。此处用动名词作介词的宾语。 79.答案 to→for 解析 考查固定搭配。leave for 动身去……。 80.答案 whenever 后加 I 解析 考查句子结构。whenever 引导状语从句,从句缺少主语 I。 【5】 When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city , but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately , on the development of industrialization , the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We must found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so, we’ll live to regret it. 答案 When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think thought I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city , but I miss my home in ∧ the countryside.There the air is clean or and the mountains are green.Unfortunately , on with the development of industrialization , the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously serious problem.The airs air we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much Many rare animals are dying out.We must found find ways to protect your our/the environment.If we fail to do so,we’ll live to regret it. 71.答案 think→thought 解析 考查动词时态。由前一句可知,这是发生在小时候的事情,故 用一般过去时态。 72.答案 countryside 前加 the 解析 考查冠词。in the countryside 在乡村,为固定短语。 73.答案 or→and 解析 考查并列连词。那儿的空气洁净,群山葱绿。由句意可知两个 分句之间显然为并列关系,而非选择关系。 74.答案 on→with 解析 考查介词。with the development of...为固定短语,意为“随 着……的发展”。 75.答案 删除 been 解析 考查动词语态。众多研究表明,全球变暖已经成为一个十分严 重的问题。由句意可知,studies 和谓语 show 之间为主动关系,故要 用主动语态。 76.答案 seriously→serious 解析 考查形容词。修饰名词 problem 应当用形容词。 77.答案 airs→air 解析 考查名词单复数。air 作“空气”讲时为不可数名词。 78.答案 Much→Many 解析 考查代词。animals 为可数名词复数,故用 many。 79.答案 found→find 解析 考查情态动词。情态动词后面要接动词原形。 80.答案 your→our/the 解析 考查代词或冠词。依据前后句的语境及逻辑关系可知 your 与 上下文相悖,结合句意应当改为 our/the 才能使句意通顺。 【6】 One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing.Tony was scared and begun to cry.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop.Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again. 答案 One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent parents.It was very crowded.Tony saw a toy on in a shop window.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.After looks looking at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where that 或 where his parents were missing.Tony was scared and begun began to cry.A woman saw him crying and telling told him to wait outside a the shop.Five minutes later,Tony saw ∧ his parents.Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible terribly worried.”Tony promised her that this would never happen again. 71.答案 parent→parents 解析 考查名词单复数。由第五句中的“his parents were missing”可知 此处应当用复数形式。 72.答案 on→in 解析 考查介词。玩具是摆放在商店的橱窗里面的,故用介词 in。 73.答案 删除 very 解析 考查固定句型。由语境可知,托尼非常喜欢这个玩具,于是快 速走进商店。so...that...为固定句型,意思是“如此……以致……”,故 删除 very。 74.答案 looks→looking 解析 考查省略。After 之后省去了主语 he,he 与 look at 之间为逻辑 上的主谓关系,故应当用现在分词。 75.答案 删除 where 或 where→that 解析 考查宾语从句连接词。动词 found 之后为宾语从句,从句为系 表结构,意思完整,故将 where 删除或改为没有词义且不作成分的 that。 76.答案 begun→began 解析 考查并列谓语。由句子结构可知,begin 与 was scared 并列, 故要用一般过去时。 77.答案 telling→told 解析 考查并列谓语。有一位妇女看到他哭泣就告诉他去商店外面等。 由句意可知,tell 这一动作是这个妇女发出的,应当与 saw 构成并列 谓语。故改为 told。 78.答案 a→the 解析 考查冠词。表示谈话双方共知的名词前要用定冠词。 79.答案 saw 后加 his 解析 考查代词。根据句意及英语表达习惯,应当在 parents 前加上 与主语(Tony)相一致的物主代词。 80.答案 terrible→terribly 解析 考查副词。形容词 worried 之前要用副词来修饰。 【7】 I love camping.It’s my favorite way to spent the summer vacation.Last year,my family and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the most excited experiences I had never had.We slept in a tent and went on a long walk every day.We cook over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week , I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the tree,and I felt so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many to camp.And what I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty. 答案 I love camping.It’s my favorite way to spent spend the summer vacation.Last year,my family and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the most excited exciting experiences I had never ever had.We slept in a tent and went on a long walk every day.We cook cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully wonderful .For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or and breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the tree trees ,and I felt so peaceful.It doesn’t cost many much to camp.And what I believe it’s the best way to get close ∧ to nature and enjoy its beauty. 11.答案 spent→spend 解析 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式作后置定语,故把 spent 改为 spend。 12.答案 excited→exciting 解析 考查形容词。exciting 用来修饰 experiences,excited 用来修饰 人。 13.答案 never→ever 解析 考查语境理解。句意为:这是我曾经有过的最激动人心的经历 之一。ever 曾经,符合句意。 14.答案 cook→cooked 解析 考查时态。此处是并列谓语,根据后面的 tasted 可知,把 cook 改为 cooked。 15.答案 wonderfully→wonderful 解析 考查形容词。taste 是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。 16.答案 or→and 解析 考查连词。此处表示并列连接,故用 and。 17.答案 tree→trees 解析 考查名词单复数。根据常识,山上不只一棵树,故把 tree 改为 trees。 18.答案 many→much 解析 考查代词。此处指代不可数名词 much money,故用 much。 19.答案 删除 what 解析 考查句式结构。句意为:我相信这是接近大自然的最好的方式。 分析句子结构可知,此处 what 多余,故删除。 20.答案 close 后加 to 解析 考查固定短语。get close to...靠近……。 【8】 Zhou Yan is the Senior Three student.Last week,he goes to see a doctor because of his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that had a “mobile phone disease”.Zhou sent messages for his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the exam because he spent so many time on his mobile phone.He didn’t stop use the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling,which is an expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less,especial at school. 答案 Zhou Yan is the a Senior Three student.Last week,he goes went to see a doctor because of his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that ∧ he had a “mobile phone disease”.Zhou sent messages for to his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the exam exams because he spent so many much time on his mobile phone.He didn’t stop use using the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling,which who is an expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less, especial especially at school. 11.答案 the→a 解析 考查冠词。此处指周岩是一名高三学生,不是特指,故将 the 改为 a。 12.答案 goes→went 解析 考查动词的时态。根据时间状语 last week 可知,要用一般过 去时,故将 goes 改为 went。 13.答案 删除 of 解析 考查 because 的用法。表示“因为”,because of 后加名词、代词、 动名词或 what 从句等,because 后加句子。此处“his arms and fingers hurt”是句子,故用 because 引导,删除 of。 14.答案 had 前加 he 解析 考查同位语从句。此处 that 引导的是同位语从句,that 没有实 际意义,此处从句中缺少主语 he,故在 had 前加 he。 15.答案 for→to 解析 考查介词。send sth.to sb.给某人发送某物,介词用 to,故将 for 改为 to。 16.答案 exam→exams 解析 考查名词的单复数。此处由 all 修饰,指“所有的考试”,exam 为可数名词,要用复数,故将 exam 改为 exams。 17.答案 many→much 解析 考查同义词。many 修饰可数名词复数,much 修饰不可数名词, 此处修饰 time,指时间,是不可数名词要用 much。 18.答案 use→using 解析 考查固定用法。stop doing sth.停止做某事,此处指停止使用手 机,故将 use 改为 using。 19.答案 which→who 解析 考查定语从句的引导词。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 Yang Ling,指人,不能用 which 引导,而要用 who。 20.答案 especial→especially 解析 考查副词。especial 特殊的,特别的;especially 尤其,特别。 此处表示“尤其是在学校”,修饰介词短语,用副词,故将 especial 改 为 especially。 【9】 When I was having lunch in a restaurant, I noticed a young man. Dressing in black, he was playing with a smartphone while eating. She smiled at everyone that walked by. All of a sudden, a boy ran into him, making some food dropping on his trousers, what I thought would make him annoyed with the boy. Instead, he laughs it off when the mother made the apology to him. “Never mind!” he said polite. Seeing this, I touched and appreciated the kindness he brought to the world. On the way out, I handed to him a Smile Card which said, “Best wish and good luck to you!” 答案 【10】 My friend Lily and I met each other when they were five years old. At that time, I moved into a new house next to hers because my father’s work. I felt so lonely when facing the new environment. Then someday, Lily played in her yard, but when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me or not I could play with her. I was shy at first, but then I was affecting by her kindness. We became good friend soon. As time goes by, out relationship becomes much close. When I met difficulties, she will help me without a hesitation. I think I am luckily to have her as my friend. My friend Lily and I met each other when they were five years old. At that time, I moved into a new house we next to hers because∧my father’s work. I felt so lonely when facing the new environment. Then someday, Lily of played in her yard, but when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me if or not I could play with her. I was shy and whether at first, but then I was affecting by her kindness. We became good friend soon. As time goes by, out relationship affected friends becomes much close. When I met difficulties, she will help me without a hesitation. I think I am luckily to have closer meet lucky her as my friend.

