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高二阶段测试 第一部分 单项选择(共30题,满分30分)‎ ‎1. The secretary and manager ____very busy now.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎2. It is important that I _____ with Mr. Williams immediately.‎ A. speak  B. spoke C. will speak   D. to speak ‎3. An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week.‎ A. are to be held       B. is to be held        C. are holding   D. will hold ‎ ‎4. The girl _________ out alone at night.‎ ‎ A. dare not go B. dare not to go C. dares not go D. not dare go ‎5. Out_____, with a stick in his hand. ‎ A. did he rush         B. rushed he          C. he rushed           D. he did rush ‎6. In the middle of the lake ________ which looks very beautiful. ‎ A. stand a tall tower    B. lie a tall tower     ‎ C. lay a tall tower    D. stands a tall tower ‎7. The opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics, which _____ more than three hours, was completely great and special. ‎ A. lasted B. occupied C. performed D. played ‎8. Do you think climbing is _____ to our health?‎ A. beneficial B. invaluable C. advisable D. worthy ‎9. That they were wrong in these matters _____ now clear to us all.‎ ‎ A. is  B. was  C. are  D. were ‎10. He’s working hard for fear that he _____.‎ A. should fall behind  B. fell behind ‎ C. may fall behind  D. would fallen behind ‎11. I'm sorry, sir. Your recorder isn't ready yet. It _____ in the factory.‎ A. is being repaired    B. is repaired      C. has been repaired   D. hasn't repaired ‎ ‎12. He had known the matter before you told him, so you _________ have told it to him. ‎ A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't ‎13. __________ ,I went out for a walk.‎ A. There was nothing to do B. There being nothing to do C. There had nothing to do D. There were nothing to do ‎14. ________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. ‎ A. Strange as might it sound      B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might sound         D. Strange as it might sound ‎15. This is a blue door but it was _______ painted green.‎ A. eventually B. firstly C. originally D. presently ‎16. Jenny said she was _____ by the programme in the TV, so she turned it off.‎ A. disgusted B. attracted C. disgusting D. attracting ‎17. Writing stories and articles _____what I enjoy most. ‎ ‎  A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎ ‎18. Would you rather I _____ buying a new bike?‎ A. decided against B. will decide against ‎ C. have decided   D. shall decide against ‎19. Millions of pounds' worth of damage by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.‎ A. will be caused B. had been caused ‎ C. has been caused D. will have been caused ‎20. you succeed! ‎ ‎ A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will ‎21. You _________ me about it earlier, but you didn't.‎ ‎ A. should have told B. would have told ‎ C. must have told D. should tell ‎22. The next morning she found the man _________ in bed, dead.‎ A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying ‎23. Not until ____________ at the top of my voice _________ his head. ‎ A. did I shout…that he turned            B. I shouted…did he turn C. did I shouted…he did turn            D. I was shouting…he had turned ‎24. Only when I left my parents for Italy ________ how comfortable it was to live in our home country. ‎ A. I realized    B. I had realized      C. did I realize        D. had I realized ‎25. It is ____ that the amateur singer beat a large number of professionals in the ‎ contest.‎ A. identical B. intact C incredible D. inconvenient ‎26. Many a man _____ come to help us.‎ ‎ A. have  B. has  C. is  D. are ‎27. You look so tired tonight. It is time you _____. A. go to sleep   B. went to sleep C. go to bed     D. went to bed ‎28. Early in April this year some experts indicated that H1N1 would _____ this autumn.‎ A. break down B. break out C. break up D. break off ‎29. Time_________, I’ll drop in on you while visiting your hometown.‎ A. permit B. permitted C. being permitted D. permitting ‎30. can be done been done.‎ ‎ A. All; have  B. All that; have  C. All; has  D. All that; has 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Games and Hobbies There are websites for nearly every game and hobby out there.‎ TeenReads Young book lovers will enjoy TeenReads. The website features reviews of new and popular books for teenagers, along with surveys, contests and places to discuss favorite books. Teens can also work their way through the “ultimate (最终的)” reading list on the site.‎ TeenNick Fans of entertainment channel TeenNick will find information on the latest shows, as well as games, videos and quizzes. While the site offers updates (最新信息) on TeenNick shows, it also features stories just for teens, offering suggestions on how to survive high school or giving back to school ideas.‎ The InSite The InSite is designed for teens who have an interest in improving the world. Teens can learn about social justice, how to build a positive self-image and how to help the planet. They can also submit artwork and writing or discuss how to make the world a better place.‎ ChallengeYou ChallengeYou is a computer game design website. Teens can design games on the site or play games designed by other kids and teens. They can share their ‎ games with friends or take part in weekly game-building contests. There is also a chat room and a forum (论坛) where site users can discuss game building or arrange to play together.‎ ‎31. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?‎ A. The InSite helps to make a better you and a better world.‎ B. TeenNick is mainly a place to discuss school problems.‎ C. You can find information about games on all these websites.‎ D. You can publish your own writing on TeenReads.‎ ‎32. Where might you find information on the latest teenager books?‎ A. On TeenNick. B. On The InSite. ‎ C. On ChallengeYou. D. On TeenReads.‎ ‎33. If you have designed a computer game and want to share it with your friends, you should go to ______.‎ A. TeenReads B. ChallengeYou C. TeenNick D. The InSite ‎ B Ensley made me a poet. ‎ When I was one, my parents and I moved into a tiny apartment off 20th Street. I wrote my first poem sitting in the corner of my bedroom, surrounded by toys. I was 7 or 8 and the poem was for my best friend who had moved away. I was angry with him for being willing to leave me, and when I get angry, I get mean. I figured his leaving would be easier to face, if I pushed him away first. But as soon as the moving truck pulled away, I realized how foolish I’d been.‎ So I wrote him a poem to apologize. The poem was terrible, of course, but with it, a lifelong love affair began --- not with the boy who moved away, but with the written word. As an adult, I’d write poems about playing kickball in the parking lot ‎ of those Ensley apartment blocks, and poems about trips to see the candy lady and to the corner store.‎ When people ask me where in Birmingham I grew up, I sometimes say “Everywhere”. We moved around a lot and the neighborhoods of Birmingham find their way into so much of what I write.‎ I had to leave Birmingham to learn how to tell true stories in prose (散文). After college in Alabama and graduate school in Berkeley, California, I moved to Kentucky to be a newspaper reporter. My skill at writing personal essays landed me my own column(专栏) and the chance to be included in a collection of essays published by Seal Press.‎ Then I came home.‎ In her book Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg writes, “It is very important to go home if you want your work to be whole...you must claim where you come from and look deep into it. Come to honor and embrace it, or at the least, accept it.”‎ Now in Birmingham, I get to share my story in local magazines and on my blog. And I build my story through every friendship formed in this city of steel, sweat, and sweet tea.‎ ‎34. Ensley is the name of a_____________.‎ A. toy B. boy C. place D. store ‎35. What does Para. 5 tell us about the author?‎ A. She enjoys traveling very much. ‎ B. She prefers poetry to news reports.‎ C. She gave up writing poems after college. ‎ D. She made some achievements in writing.‎ ‎36. Why does the author mention Natalie Goldberg’s words?‎ A. To prove they had similar interests. ‎ B. To show her love for Natalie Goldberg.‎ C. To explain why she returned to Birmingham.‎ D. To introduce Natalie Goldberg’s book to readers. ‎ ‎37. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Writing changes my life. ‎ B. Home is where your story is.‎ C. Moving around makes me a poet. ‎ D. Childhood friendship is a source of writing.‎ C Stress Under the Novel Coronavirus The first national survey of the psychological impact of the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) collected data between Jan 31 and Feb 10. It found that 35 percent of people suffer psychological stress, and the level of the stress was to do with various factors. ‎ According to the research, the stress level was associated with sex, age and education. Female showed higher psychological stress than male. People aged between 18 and 30 showed the highest level of stress. They can get much information from social media, which can easily cause stress. The elderly have also been psychologically impacted, since this widespread disease is most likely to kill older patients. Furthermore, people with higher education tended to have more stress for their knowledge of health. ‎ Further, people may have higher stress due to their jobs. It is evident that migrant workers (外来务工人员) have the highest level of stress among all ‎ workers because they worry about the virus carried in public transports when returning to their jobs, about work delays and loss of income as they stop working, and about job opportunities that may dry up before the cities they work in return to full operations. ‎ In addition, stress levels have something to do with region for its local medical resources, efficiency of public health system, prevention and control measures. For example, Shanghai is at high risk because of the large population of migrant workers, but the stress level is not in the high level. This may be because Shanghai has one of the best public health systems in China, according to the research. ‎ Ultimately, the prevention and control measures taken by the Chinese government have made people’s stress decrease. Still, based on the research, psychologists suggested more attention be paid to young adults and migrant workers who have higher stress.‎ ‎38. What is the second paragraph mainly about?‎ A. Stress level was related to sex, age and education.‎ B. Young adults showed the highest level of stress.‎ C. Old people showed high level of stress.‎ D. Educated people tended to have more stress.‎ ‎39. According to the survey, which kind(s) of people may suffer higher stress?‎ A. Well-educated people. B. Migrant workers. ‎ C. The elderly. D. All above.‎ ‎40. According to the research, why isn't Shanghai in the high level of stress?‎ A. Shanghai is a beautiful place with fresh air.‎ B. Shanghai has large population of migrant workers.‎ C. Shanghai has much more healthy persons than other cities.‎ D. Shanghai enjoys one of the best public health systems in China.‎ ‎41. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. A large percentage of people suffered psychological stress.‎ B. Chinese government's control measures lowered people's stress.‎ C. Shanghai has the largest population of migrant workers.‎ D. Male tended to have more stress.‎ D Our “Mommy and Me” time began two years ago. My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down. “I wish I could take one of my children out alone,” said Christie.‎ Then we worked out a plan: When Christie takes one of her children out, I’ll watch her other three. And when she watches two of mine, I’ll take someone out. ‎ The children were extremely quick to accept the idea of “Mommy and Me” time. Christie’s daughter, McKenzie, went first. When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of questions. McKenzie was smiling broadly. Christie looked refreshed and happy. “She’s like a different child when there’s no one else around,” Christie shared with me quickly. With her mother all to herself, McKenzie didn’t have to make an effort to gain attention. ‎ Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie, I also discovered something different in each of my children during our alone times. For example, I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently. My stuttering(口吃的)son, Tom, doesn’t stutter once during our activities since he doesn’t have to struggle for a chance to speak. And the other son, Sam, who’s always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times ‎ together.‎ The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each child ---talking, sharing, and laughing, which has been the biggest gain. Every child deserves(应得到)to be an only child at least once in a while. ‎ ‎42. What is the text mainly about?‎ ‎ A. The advantage of spending time with one child at a time.‎ ‎ B. The experience of the only child being with mother. ‎ ‎ C. The happy life of two families.‎ ‎ D. The basic needs of children.‎ ‎43. Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were _____________.‎ ‎ A. happy B. regretful C. curious D. friendly ‎44. What is one of the changes the author finds in her children?‎ ‎ A. The daughter acts like a leader. ‎ B. Tom has less difficulty in speaking.‎ ‎ C. The boys become better followers. ‎ D. Sam holds her hand more often.‎ ‎45. The author seems to believe that ___________.‎ A. having brothers and sisters is fun ‎ B. it’s tiring to look after three children ‎ ‎ C. parents should watch others’ children ‎ ‎ D. every child needs parents’ full attention 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Four Lessons I Learned From Traveling Traveling is a dream! Foreign, faraway countries have fascinated me for traveling. It has not only enriched my life in many ways but it refreshes me. 46 ‎ Independence In your safe environment where there's always something or someone to fall back on, feeling independent is easy. Traveling puts that whole view of how independent you really are in question. What do you do when caught in an airport in the middle of the night?How well do you cope in situation where your credit card suddenly refuses you? 47 ‎ Be social Social skills are something you learn over the years regardless of where you are in the world. Traveling, however, takes being social to the next level! 48 Truth is also that while you're traveling, you often need help or advice from others meaning that you need to know how to talk to people!‎ ‎ 49 ‎ We think we're all super unique. Truth is that after seeing so many different countries and meeting so many people from all over the world, I've come to one conclusion that we're all mostly the same when it comes to the things that matter.‎ Enjoy life Before and during our two months of travel in the Central America, we worried about so many things. Did we have all the visa? 50 The truth is everything turned out fine. Always remember that worrying about things going wrong isn't going to decrease the chances of it actually happening. Just ENJOY!‎ A. Your meeting so many different people makes social skills even more ‎ important.‎ B. More importantly, it has taught me many lessons.‎ C. Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves.‎ D. Will we find the right flights at the right time?‎ E. The way you react says a lot about how independent you are.‎ F. We are all the same G. Why do more and more people prefer to travel quite often nowadays?‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I still remember the first day of school our professor introduced a little old lady named Rose to us. I was curious about what might have 51 her to be taking on this challenge at her age. “I always 52 having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me. I like listening to this “time machine” as she 53 ‎ ‎ her wisdom and experience with me.‎ At the end of the term, we 54 Rose to make a speech to our football team. As she began to deliver her 55 speech, she dropped her note card on the 56 . A little embarrassed, she simply said, “I’m sorry. This whiskey is 57 me! I’ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.” As we laughed, she ___58___ her throat and began, “We do not stop ___59___ because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are some secrets to staying ___60___ , being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find ___61___ every day. Have a dream. When you ___62___your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are ____63____ and don’t even know it! There is a huge ___64___ between growing older and growing up. ___65___ you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one ___66___ thing, you will turn twenty years old. That doesn’t ___67___ any talent or ability. The elderly usually don’t have___68___ for what they did, but rather for things they did not do.”‎ One week after graduation, Rose ___69___ peacefully in her sleep. We will remember the wonderful woman who taught us by example that it’s never too late to be all we can __70__ be.‎ ‎51. A. forced B. motivated C. expected D. supported ‎52. A. dreamed of B. picked up C. turned down D. gave away ‎53. A. developed B. compared C. organized D. shared ‎54. A. carried B. informed C. educated D. invited ‎55. A. dull B. broken C. prepared D. long ‎56. A. table B. home C. floor D. office ‎57. A. saving B. killing C. helping D. hurting ‎58. A. cured B. showed C. created D. cleared ‎59. A. playing B. working C. jumping D. resting ‎60. A. wealthy B. clever C. young D. useful ‎61. A. courage B. spirit C. respect D. humor ‎62. A. lose B. treasure C. fail D. live ‎63. A. crazy B. dead C. alive D. curious ‎64. A. balance B. difference C. relation D. instruction ‎65. A. As B. Unless C. If D. Though ‎66. A. productive B. wasteful C. considerate D. strange ‎67. A. miss B. seek C. take D. gain ‎68. A. regrets B. rights C. games D. ideas ‎69. A. smiled B. died C. cried D. acted ‎70. A. quickly B. reasonably C. silently D. possibly 第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ While 71 (visit) Hangzhou’s West Lake and its surrounding beautiful hills, you'll understand why it's been a great source of inspiration for artists, poets and philosophers  72  Chinese history.‎ Though  73  rest of the country is moving from two wheels to four, cycling culture is thriving(繁荣的) in Hangzhou. The city 74  (develop) China's first bicycle-sharing system in 2008. Since then, it's grown into the world’s  75  (big) and one of the world’s best public bicycle systems.‎ Hangzhou grows some of China's finest green tea--- Longjing. Every spring, before the traditional Qingming Festival, tea  76  (love) from all over the ‎ country come to Longjing, a village   77   lies just south of West Lake, for the first cup of top-quality tea. During tea season--   78   (usual) late March and April-- the air is filled with smell from the tea, when leaves   79   (pick) and roasted in the village. The village is open to the public and you can pick your own tea after getting   80   ( permit) from the local tea farmers.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删改或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Last Saturday, my friends and me went to climb the West Mountain. While climb, we enjoyed the sunny weather and a beautiful view. We were very delighted reach the top without much time or effort. Therefore, we found it more difficult to go down, so we went slowly but helped each other when necessary. Though I took care a lot, unfortunately I slip and hurt my leg badly. As the result, I could hardly stand up. One of my friend came to me immediately and carried me on the back till we reached for the foot of the mountain. I was very thankful and felt proudly of having such good friends.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)期间线上教学的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括: ‎ ‎ 1. 课程与时间; 2. 你的学习状态; 3. 你的期待。 ‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Peter,‎ ‎ I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________‎ Best wishes, ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 答案:‎ ‎1-5 AABAC 6-10 DAAAA 11-15 ACBDC ‎16-20 AAACB 21-25 AABCC 26-30 BDBDD A: 31-33 ADB B: 34-37 CDCB C: 38-41 ADDB ‎ D: 42-45ACBD 46-50 BEAFD ‎51-55 BADDC 56-60 CBDAC 61-65 DABBC 66-70 ACABD ‎71. visiting   72. in    73. the    74. developed  75. biggest    ‎ ‎76. lovers   77. which/ that  78. usually  79. are picked  80. permission 改错答案:‎ Last Saturday, my friends and went to climb the West Mountain. While , we enjoyed the sunny weather and a beautiful view. We were very delighted reach the top without much time or effort. , we found it more difficult to go down, so we went slowly helped each other when necessary. Though I took care a lot, unfortunately I and hurt my leg badly. As result, I could hardly stand up. One of my came to me immediately and carried me on the back till we reached the foot of the mountain. I was very thankful and felt of having such good friends.‎ 范文 Dear Peter, ‎ ‎ I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you are extremely concerned about how the online course works, I’m writing to tell you some detailed information.‎ ‎ As you know, with the COVID-19 epidemic breaking out in China, we are informed of taking online classes at home instead of going back to school. The online lessons begin at 7:00 am and end at 5:00 pm, with each lesson lasting 40 minutes. To avoid eye strain, we only have six lessons every day, leaving enough time for self-study. At the beginning, the online learning was totally fresh to me and I found it hard to concentrate on study. So I kept telling myself not to be anxious but to be disciplined and now I get used to it by continuously adjusting myself.‎ Although online teaching can offer us an effective and convenient way of learning, undoubtedly, I still hope the epidemic will end soon and that I can come back to enjoy my school life! Besides, I hope you can be safe and sound as well.‎ Best wishes, Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua

