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Up to now, Li Hua has been badly off because he is always content with his life. It is easy to pick him out in the crowd, for he usually wears ordinary and wornout clothes.‎ One day, he was very astonished to see a humourous comedy which his former classmate directed and starred in. His classmate had been a famous director and married an outstanding actress, who, in particular, adopted many homeless children. So well off are they that they appear on many occasions to aid those in need of help, making Li Hua begin to think about his life.‎ His classmate’s success convinced him that one should have a dream and cannot content himself with things as they are. He whispered to himself that he would react to his present condition. He would overcome all kinds of difficulties and struggle to succeed.  ‎ 直到现在李华还是很穷,因为他一直对他的生活感到满足。在人群中很容易就能认出他来,他通常穿着平常的旧衣服。‎ 一天,他非常吃惊地看到了他的一个老同学导演并主演的幽默喜剧。他的同学已经是个著名的导演,与一个杰出的女演员结了婚,尤其是她还收养了许多无家可归的孩子。他们的境况非常好,他们会在许多场合出现,帮助那些需要帮助的人,这让李华开始思考自己的人生。‎ 同学的成功让他确信,一个人应该有梦想,不能满足于现状。他小声对自己说他要对自己目前的现状作出反应。他要克服各种各样的困难,努力追求成功。‎ 加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练 Ⅰ.完形填空 As I lay on the table enjoying my monthly massage (按摩), my soul was nourished and renewed. While I felt the caring __1__ of the massage therapist (治疗专家), I listened to recordings of music __2__ only a few centuries ago for royalty and the very rich. Flutes in gentle harmony complemented by __3__ piano scales; in my imagination, these gifted artists were __4__ just for me.‎ I pay $80 for an hourlong massage. How much is it really __5__ to me? $500? $1,000? I could never __6__ that amount every month, but if suddenly a massage cost $500 or $1,000 at minimum, I realized that I would still __7__ and get a massage every year or two as a special __8__.‎ When the massage was __9__, I told my massage therapist how __10__ I was for her ‎ work, how much this time __11__ to me each month. Her massages are worth far more than $80 to me — $500 or $1,000, __12__. While I can't afford that __13__, I paid her an extra $100 this month __14__ that she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it. I __15__ that she spend it on something extraordinary for herself she wouldn't purchase __16__, like a special article of clothing or something beautiful for her home.‎ She was close to __17__, not at the gift itself, I think, but at the __18__ behind it. She said she looked forward to dreaming about all the __19__ she could spend the money, and that she would be sure to tell me about what she ended up deciding on.“You don't have to tell me,” I said.“It will give me even more __20__ to tell you,” she replied.‎ 语篇解读:本文是记叙文。在支付按摩师费用时,“我”多给了她100美元。“我”希望她把这些钱用得更有意义,这让她非常感动。‎ ‎1.A.observation        B.information C.touch D.requirement 解析:选C 联系空后的“the massage therapist(治疗专家)”可知,此处表示“我”在感受按摩师(按摩时)关切的触摸。‎ ‎2.A.reserved B.valued C.cherished D.discovered 解析:选A 从空后的“only a few centuries ago for royalty and the very rich”可知,这样的音乐是在几个世纪前为达官贵人准备的,因此用reserved。‎ ‎3.A.influent B.smooth C.regular D.delicate 解析:选D 结合语境可知,此处表示“在优雅的钢琴曲的伴奏下”。‎ ‎4.A.appearing B.performing C.changing D.developing 解析:选B 联系空前的“Flutes in gentle harmony complemented by __3__ piano scales”可知,这些有才华的艺术家仅仅是在为“我”演奏着。‎ ‎5.A.useful B.effective C.significant D.worth 解析:选D 从空后的“$500?$‎1,000”‎可知,“我”在问自己:这一个小时的按摩究竟值多少钱?‎ ‎6.A.afford B.expect C.infer D.gain 解析:选A 结合空后的“that amount every month”“get a massage every year or two”可推知,如果一小时按摩值500美元或者1‎ ‎ 000美元,自己确实每月付不起那么多钱,但可能一年或两年享受一次。‎ ‎7.A.keep up B.save up C.make up D.break up 解析:选B 结合“if suddenly a massage cost $500 or $1,000 at minimum”和“get a massage every year or two”可知,如果一次按摩最少要花费500至1 000美元,“我”将会节省下来钱,一两年做一次按摩。‎ ‎8.A.entertainment B.treat C.relaxation D.action 解析:选B 联系“get a massage every year or two”可知,节省下来的钱一两年进行一次按摩,作为(对自己的)特殊招待。‎ ‎9.A.processed B.prepared C.completed D.improved 解析:选C 从空后的内容看,按摩结束后,“我”与按摩师谈话。‎ ‎10.A.puzzled B.amused C.attractive D.grateful 解析:选D 联系前文的“caring __1__”“recordings of music”和空后的“for her work”可知,“我”对她的工作表示感激。‎ ‎11.A.meant B.cost C.imply D.refer 解析:选A 由上题解析可知,“我”对她的工作表示感激,所以这个时间她的工作对“我”意味着很多。‎ ‎12.A.though B.likely C.surely D.therefore 解析:选C 结合空前的“far more than $80 to me — $500 or $‎1,000”‎可知,这一个小时的按摩不仅仅值80美元,很确定地值500或1 000美元。‎ ‎13.A.value B.amount C.charge D.offer 解析:选B 从空后的“I paid her an extra $‎100”‎可知,“我”支付不了那么多。前文中的“I could never __6__ that amount”也是提示。‎ ‎14.A.in case B.for fear C.in order D.on condition 解析:选D “she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it”是“我”另外支付她这些钱的条件。故选D项。on condition that“条件是”。‎ ‎15.A.insisted B.permitted C.commanded D.ordered 解析:选A 从前文的“__14__ that she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it”可知,“我”坚决要求她把钱花在特别的东西上。‎ ‎16.A.then B.willingly C.otherwise D.totally 解析:选C 联系前文的“something ... she wouldn't purchase”可知,没有这些钱她就不会买,因此此空用otherwise。‎ ‎17.A.sighs B.tears C.cheers D.screams 解析:选B 结合空后的“not at the gift itself, I think, but at the __18__ behind it”可知,她因这份礼物背后的情感而几乎要哭出来。‎ ‎18.A.intentions B.purposes C.plans D.feelings 解析:选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎19.A.ways B.thoughts C.determinations D.chances 解析:选A 从“she could spend the money”可知,她一直梦想着花这个钱的各种方式。‎ ‎20.A.tools B.aid C.pleasure D.moments 解析:选C 告诉“我”她如何花的这些钱将带给她更大的快乐。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 Bill Gates and the president of General Motors have met for lunch, and Bill is going on and on about computer technology.“If automotive technology had kept pace with computer technology over the past few decades, you would now be driving a V32 instead of a V8, and it would have a top speed of 10,000 miles per hour,” says Gates.“Or, you could have an economy car that weighs 30 pounds and gets a thousand miles to a gallon of gas. In either case, the sticker price of a new car would be less than $50. Why haven't you guys kept up?”‎ The president of GM smiles and says,“Because the federal government won't let us build cars that crash four times a day.”‎ Why is that funny (or not funny, as the case may be)? Human beings love to laugh, and the average adult laughs 17 times a day. Humans love to laugh so much that there are actually industries built around laughter. Jokes, sitcoms and comedians are all designed to get us laughing, because laughing feels good. For us it seems so natural, but the funny thing is that humans are one of the only species that laughs. Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same ‎ skills used in solving problems.‎ Laughter is a great thing — that's why we've all heard the saying,“Laughter is the best medicine.” There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. In this article, we'll look at laughter — what it is, what happens in our brains when we laugh, what makes us laugh and how it can make us healthier and happier. You'll also learn that there's a tremendous amount that no one understands yet.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇文章的引言。作者通过比尔·盖茨和通用汽车公司总裁的幽默谈话向我们讲述了“笑”的作用:可以促进我们的身体健康,增强抵抗疾病的能力。‎ ‎1.What's the best title of the passage?‎ A.Laughter B.The joke between Gates and the president of General Motors C.Why do we laugh?‎ D.Laughter and health 解析:选D 标题归纳题。综观全文可以看出,文章通过一个幽默引出了笑的作用:可以增进我们的身体健康,增强抵抗疾病的能力。‎ ‎2.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?‎ A.Computer technology has developed quickly during the past few decades.‎ B.Automotive technology has developed as fast as computer technology according to Bill Gates.‎ C.The president of GM thinks it is impossible to build cars worth less than 50 dollars.‎ D.If cars were less than 50 dollars, a large number of accidents would happen per day.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。文章第一段的“If automotive technology had ... instead of a V‎8”‎用的是虚拟语气,故该句中的描述与事实不符。‎ ‎3.The underlined word“sitcoms” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.‎ A.situation comedies B.tragedies C.body language D.fictions 解析:选A 词义猜测题。该词的意思应和此句前面的“Jokes(笑话)”以及后面的“comedians(喜剧演员)”接近,故选A。而“tragedies(悲剧)”, “body language(身势语)”,“fictions(小说)”均不在此列。‎ ‎4.This passage is most probably an ________.‎ A.introduction of an article about Microsoft B.introduction of an article about laughter C.article about laughter D.introduction of an article about General Motors 解析:选B 推理判断题。由最后一段的后半部分尤其是“In this article, we'll ...”可以看出,该文是一篇文章的引言,用来吸引读者,介绍文章的内容。‎ 加餐练(二) 第Ⅱ卷规范增分练 Ⅰ.语法填空 Chaplin was an extraordinary performer __1__ starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored __2__ (watch) his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by __3__ (detective). Being drunk, __4__ (slide) on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content __5__ our life without any verbal explanations. His particular sense of humour __6__ (astonish) everybody throughout the world up to now.‎ In a small budget film, he played a badlyoff and __7__ (home) person wearing wornout shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast __8__ (mountain) area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he wasn't fortunate enough. With all the porridge __9__ (eat) up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so __10__ (convince) and amusing that everybody couldn't help bursting into laughter.‎ 答案:1.who 2.watching 3.detectives 4.sliding ‎5.with 6.has astonished 7.homeless 8.mountainous 9.eaten 10.convincing Ⅱ.应用文写作 校学生会将在‎9月12日星期六傍晚7点放映影片My Fair Lady,请你代表学生会根据下面所给的情景说明,写一份书面通知,通知日期是‎9月9日。内容包括:‎ ‎1.事宜:星期六傍晚7点放映影片My Fair Lady;‎ ‎2.影片信息:根据爱尔兰作家George Bernard Shaw的作品Pygmalion改编,由著名影星Audrey Hepburn主演,该剧深度探讨了英国的社会状况,兼具独特的萧伯纳式幽默;‎ ‎3.地点:图书馆三楼;‎ ‎4.票价:2元(购票需出示学生证);‎ ‎5.提醒:观看者须提前两天到学生会办公室购票。‎ Notice ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ Notice My Fair Lady, the famous film, starring the famous actress Audrey Hepburn, will be put on at 7 o'clock on September 12th, Saturday evening. The film, which is adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, deeply researches the British society and has a Bernard ‎ Shaw's style of humour.‎ The ticket price is 2 yuan and a student license should be presented when you buy a ticket. Please note that you should go to the office of the Students' Union in a twoday advance if you want to buy the ticket. Welcome to the third floor of the library to enjoy the film.‎ The Students' Union September 9th 第一部分 听力 (满分30分,限时20分钟)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.Why does the man let the woman look after his dog?‎ A.To be on vacation.‎ B.To move to a new place.‎ C.To change a job.‎ ‎2.Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ A.In the waiting room.‎ B.At the man's home.‎ C.In a restaurant.‎ ‎3.What does the man think of the lunch?‎ A.Good.    B.Very bad.    C.Just soso.‎ ‎4.How much will the man pay for all?‎ A.$14. B.$17.5. C.$21.‎ ‎5.What did the man order?‎ A.A cellphone. B.A camera. C.A mail.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.What kind of dress does the woman get?‎ A.A cotton one.‎ B.A wool one.‎ C.A silk one.‎ ‎7.How much is the change?‎ A.$10. B.$6. C.$16.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8.When did the woman have the overcoat?‎ A.Yesterday.‎ B.The day before yesterday.‎ C.This morning.‎ ‎9.Who went shopping with the woman?‎ A.Her sister.‎ B.Her workmates.‎ C.Her boyfriend.‎ ‎10.When will the woman marry?‎ A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11.What are the two speakers talking about?‎ A.A seaside trip.‎ B.Swimming in the sea.‎ C.Problems about travel.‎ ‎12.What caused the difficulty eating on the beach?‎ A.Seawater and wind.‎ B.Sand and pebbles.‎ C.Rain and sand.‎ ‎13.How did they create a windfree barbecue?‎ A.By putting up a table in the pebbles.‎ B.By digging a big hole in the sand.‎ C.By digging a big hole in the pebbles.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ ‎14.How much will the man pay for his hotel room?‎ A.$88. B.$80. C.$200.‎ ‎15.Why does the man not reserve the room on the 21st?‎ A.It is expensive.‎ B.It is full.‎ C.It is a smoking room.‎ ‎16.What kind of the room does the man book at last?‎ A.Nonsmoking, 22nd.‎ B.Nonsmoking, 20th.‎ C.Smoking, 20th.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.Who stays with the children when the speaker goes out?‎ A.His mother.‎ B.His wife's mother.‎ C.The servant.‎ ‎18.Why do the speaker's children dislike eating in restaurants?‎ A.The food is not delicious.‎ B.They have to be quiet for a long time.‎ C.The food is not enough.‎ ‎19.Why doesn't the speaker's father get fat?‎ A.He works for a long time.‎ B.He doesn't eat much.‎ C.He doesn't eat meat.‎ ‎20.Why does the speaker's father eat again after he is back from the restaurant?‎ A.He is hungry.‎ B.He is not used to the food.‎ C.He likes the food at home.‎ 答案:1~5 ACACA 6~10 ACACB ‎11~15 ABCAA 16~20 BBBAA 听力材料 ‎(Text 1)‎ M:I am sorry to interrupt you, but can you help me look after my dog when I am on vacation?‎ W:No problem. And my dog needs a friend, too.‎ M:Thank you. I will return in two weeks.‎ ‎(Text 2)‎ W:Have you ordered yet?‎ M:No, I'm just looking at the menu. Are you hungry?‎ W:Yes. Right now I could eat a sandwich.‎ ‎(Text 3)‎ W:Do you like all the meals in the dininghall?‎ M:No, just lunch.‎ W:How's the food?‎ M:Oh, not bad.‎ ‎(Text 4)‎ M:Two tickets for adults and two for children please.‎ W:Adult $7 and half for children.‎ M:Can I use my credit card?‎ W:Of course. Dial your password please.‎ ‎(Text 5)‎ W:The cellphone you ordered has arrived. It is so fast.‎ M:They sent it by express mail.‎ W:Where did you find it?‎ M:On the Internet.‎ ‎(Text 6)‎ M:Can I help you?‎ W:Yeah, I'm looking for a dress for myself. I'd like either silk or cotton.‎ M:We don't have any pure silk. But this cotton one is very nice.‎ W:I'd like that very much. Any different sizes?‎ M:Yes, from size 7 to size 10. What size do you want?‎ W:Size 9 exactly.‎ M:Here you are.‎ W:How much is it?‎ M:It was $95 last week, but it's on sale now, you just pay $84 for it.‎ W:Here is the money.‎ M:$100, OK, here's your change.‎ W:Thank you.‎ ‎(Text 7)‎ M:How beautiful your overcoat is!‎ W:Thank you.‎ M:You bought it yesterday?‎ W:Right, at a shop only selling Korean clothes.‎ M:I like Korean clothes. They look simple but lovely.‎ W:Yeah, the styles are always well designed.‎ M:Who went with you?‎ W:Bob bought it for my birthday.‎ M:Bob, your boyfriend? He has a good eye.‎ W:Yeah, we'll marry next month.‎ M:I see. No wonder you are so happy every day.‎ ‎(Text 8)‎ M:You have returned from the sea. Had a good time?‎ W:Sure. You should have gone there, too.‎ M:But I had to finish my paper then.‎ W:We had wonderful meals there.‎ M:Easy and delicious?‎ W:Not easy, there is sand and pebbles everywhere.‎ M:How to deal with them then?‎ W:Luckily we brought some beef from London.‎ M:You are always considerate.‎ W:We found a nice quiet spot and dug a big hole in the pebbles.‎ M:To create a windfree barbecue?‎ W:Right. It was great fun doing so.‎ M:You are clever.‎ ‎(Text 9)‎ W:Hello. Sunny Hotel. May I help you?‎ M:Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.‎ W:Let me see here. Hmm, we do have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.‎ M:How much is that?‎ W:It's only 200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.‎ M:Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or 22nd?‎ W:Well, would you like a smoking or nonsmoking room?‎ M:Nonsmoking, please.‎ W:Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.‎ M:Well, how much is the nonsmoking room on the 20th?‎ W:80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.‎ M:Okay, that'll be fine.‎ W:All right. Could I have your name, please?‎ M:Yes, Bob Maexner.‎ W:How do you spell your last name, Mr Maexner?‎ M:MAEXNER.‎ W:Okay, Mr Maexner, we look forward to seeing you on March 20th.‎ M:Okay. Thank you and goodbye.‎ ‎(Text 10)‎ M:My wife and I occasionally go to a nice restaurant to eat. My wife's mother lives with us and she stays with the children. This makes it very easy for us to go out for the evening.‎ Last week we went to the restaurant in a new hotel. We had a wonderful meal. First, we had soup and a salad. Then Helen, my wife, had mutton with peas and carrots, and I had a beef steak with potatoes. For dessert, I had some icecream and Helen had fresh fruit. We had several cups of coffee after we finished eating. The food was delicious, the quantity was large, and it wasn't too expensive.‎ Our children don't like to eat in the restaurants because they have to sit and be quiet for a long time. They would rather go to their grandmother's farm. Their grandmother — my mother prepares everything they like. She usually has fried chicken, corn, and hot biscuits with honey. She always serves plenty of chocolate icecream and cake for dessert.‎ I'm always surprised that my father doesn't weigh a lot more when I see how much he eats. But he works very hard on the farm from about 5 o'clock in the morning until it gets dark in the evening.‎ When my parents visit us in the city, we usually take them to a restaurant. I know they enjoy it, but my father always eats something else after he gets home. The quantity may be large in the restaurant, but it is still not large enough for a hungry farmer.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (满分35分,限时30分钟)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Here are some of the movies that inspire you to travel.‎ The Lord of the Rings The story is about Frodo, his friends and their adventurous journey through Middleearth. Filmed in about 150 locations all over New Zealand, this travel movie shows its beauty. From the rolling hills of Matamata to the volcanic region of Mt Ruapehu, this is ‎ the best movie to see New Zealand. Also, this travel movie might have the only distinction of being inspired by travel. The director of the movie Peter Jackson first read the novel on a train going from Wellington to Auckland when he was just seventeen.‎ Indiana‎ Jones: The Complete Adventure Collection Indiana‎ Jones and travel are inseparable. Everyone remembers the red line on the world map that shows up on screen when he flies. The Egypt scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark were filmed in Tunisia. Temple of Doom was filmed mostly in Sri Lanka and Macau. Last Crusade was filmed in Italy, Spain and Jordan including and excellent view of Petra. Unlike the other films, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was filmed almost entirely in the United States. However, their shots of Iguazu‎ ‎Falls are amazing.‎ Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile ‎ This movie series focuses on a romantic writer Joan and her adventures with a soldier of fortune named Jack. In Romancing the Stone Joan goes to Colombia to save her sister who is kidnapped. In the sequel (续集) Joan goes to the fictional kingdom of Kadir in the Middle East. Romancing the Stone's scenes were shot mostly in Mexico. For The Jewel of the Nile, the scenes were mostly shot in France and Morocco.‎ The Talented Mr. Ripley Tom Ripley is a working class young man. Through a case of mistaken identity, he is asked to go to Italy to convince a wealthy businessman's son to come home. This travel movie starts in New York and heads to the fictional resort of Monticello. The last section of the movie is filmed mostly in Rome and Naples. The locations are beautiful. They also do a good job of showing Italy as it looked in the 1960s.‎ ‎21.If you are interested in Europe, you probably watch the film ________.‎ A.‎Temple‎ of ‎Doom B.Last Crusade C.Raiders of the Lost ‎Ark D.Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 解析:选B 细节理解题。依据Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventure Collection部分中的“Last Crusade was filmed in Italy, Spain ...”可知,这部电影部分是在意大利、西班牙拍摄的。‎ ‎22.What can we learn by reading the paragraph of The Lord of the Rings?‎ A.It is the best movie made in New Zealand.‎ B.It was shot from Wellington to Auckland.‎ C.It has increased tourism in New Zealand.‎ D.The novel about it caught the director's attention long ago.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。依据文章The Lord of the Rings这一部分的最后一句可知,这部电影的导演17岁时第一次读到这本小说,被这个故事吸引住了。‎ ‎23.The movie The Talented Mr. Ripley tells us a story of a man who ________.‎ A.owns a large amount of fortune B.helps a father persuade his son to come home C.goes sightseeing in Rome and ‎Naples D.becomes wealthy by always working hard 解析:选B 细节理解题。依据文章最后一段的“he is asked to go to Italy to convince a wealthy businessman's son to come home”可知选项B正确。‎ ‎24.What happens to the writer Joan?‎ A.She is kidnapped to Colombia.‎ B.She travels with her sister.‎ C.She is so brave to save her sister.‎ D.She is asked to write the movie series.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。依据“Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile”部分中的“This movie series focuses on ... save her sister who is kidnapped.”可知,Joan是电影中的人物,是一个喜欢冒险的人,她到哥伦比亚去营救被绑架的妹妹。‎ B When I was only 10 years old, a serious defeat I suffered helped to send me to the Olympics and made me an Olympic iceskating champion. It made me aware of a deadly competitor — the other Peggy Fleming.‎ Just before that, I had been roller skating and playing baseball. But Dad encouraged me to take skating lessons. And soon I won local figure skating awards. Then came the Pacific Coast Championships in Los Angeles.‎ I, a very confident young girl, proud of the praise of friends and newspapers, walked into the stadium expecting to add another honour to my recent victories. Out on the ice, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, skimming through the camel spin, double axle, paragraph three, and all the other figures I knew so well. But when the results were announced, out of 12 competitors I finished last.“You didn't skate your best!” I knew that only one person had beaten me that day — myself, my own selfsatisfaction.‎ When I trained for the Olympics, I'd practice the same 69 figures over and over, eight hours a day, six days a week. A skater must do five figures for the Olympics, but you aren't told until the last minute which figures these will be. So you must have_all_69_down_pat. Often in the middle of practicing a figure, the other Peggy Fleming would whisper,“Good enough! Why push yourself so hard?” And then I'd remember my lesson in Los Angeles.‎ Now I skate professionally. But I still face this deadly competitor. I firmly believe that each of us has been given a special talent. If we bury our talent in our own selfsatisfaction and simply do not want to make the effort, we fail our world and ourselves.‎ ‎25.Upon knowing her result at the Pacific‎ ‎Coast Championships, the author might feel ________.‎ A.quite content     B.extremely nervous C.really angry D.very disappointed 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“expecting to add another honour to my recent victories”和“when the results were announced, out of 12 competitors I finished last”可知,作者本来期望拿冠军,最后却成了倒数第一,作者一定会很失望,故选D。‎ ‎26.By saying “have all 69 down pat”, the author means that a skater must ________.‎ A.know all 69 figures very well B.win all 69 medals of skating C.perform all 69 figures in public D.knock all 69 competitors down 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,比赛时只需表演5个动作,但是这5个动作在最后一刻才会公布,所以作者必须熟练地掌握所有的69个动作,故选A。‎ ‎27.What can we learn from the author's story?‎ A.A good beginning makes a good ending.‎ B.In time of danger, one's mind works fast.‎ C.Pride makes one fall behind.‎ D.Kill two birds with one stone.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。作者通过讲述自己在一次比赛中因为骄傲自满而惨败的故事向我们说明了这样一个道理:骄傲使人落后。A“善始者善终”;B“急中生智”;D“一石二鸟”。‎ C When it comes to health, women and men have a lot of different ideas. Today, many books and magazines have different options. Let's take a look at some different magazines.‎ Shape According to the website, Shape is an active lifestyle magazine for women in America. This women's health magazine includes everything from diet and exercise to psychology. What is great about Shape is that it knows that it must cover a lot more than fitness to give women everything that they need to stay healthy. Besides the great features included in the printed magazine, they also have an easily accessible website that just about anyone can ‎ utilize (利用).‎ Woman's Day Woman's Day is specifically a women's health magazine; however, it also includes a little of what Shape has but with more information on other aspects of life such as family, money, travel and style. Many of the articles in Woman's Day specifically address diseases that are very prominent (突出的) in women's health such as diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer and more.‎ Women's Health From tips to recent health news to real world articles, Women's Health magazine has everything that you need from a women's health magazine. Another great feature is that Women's Health magazine has a great website full of information and articles from past magazines that you can check out. This is a great resource to see articles if it's easy to take a look at when you are at the office or do not have your magazine handy.‎ Fitness It covers some main aspects such as physical fitness, health & beauty and mental/spiritual health. It offers something in each aspect and always has new and interesting information that is easy for women to understand. Workouts are easy to understand, with good photos to illustrate, and almost all can be done without making a trip to the gym.‎ ‎28.Which of the following includes health information both in the printed magazine and online?‎ A.Women's Health and Shape.‎ B.Woman's Day and Women's Health.‎ C.Women's Health and Fitness.‎ D.Shape and Woman's Day.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。通过Shape中的最后一句及Women's Health中的第二句可知,Women's Health和Shape都有自己相应的网站以及印刷的杂志。‎ ‎29.Woman's Day is different from Shape because it ________.‎ A.refers to much information on health B.includes many articles for women C.gives information on many aspects of life D.deals with many life problems 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Woman's Day中的“it also ... with more information on other aspects of life”可知答案。‎ ‎30.If you want to read something easy to understand, you'd better choose ________.‎ A.Fitness B.Woman's Day C.Women's Health D.Shape 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Fitness中的最后两句“It offers something ... to the gym.”可知答案。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Stress means pressure or tension. __31__ Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.‎ ‎__32__ Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the respiratory (呼吸的) system. It can cause a person to breathe too fast. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.‎ Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They may have panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. __33__ Stress can make people angry, moody, or nervous.‎ Longterm stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism (酗酒) and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. Eating disorders are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. __34__‎ ‎__35__ It attacks the body. It affects the emotions. Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and wellbeing of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.‎ A.Here are several main causes of stress.‎ B.It is obvious that stress is a serious problem.‎ C.There are numerous physical effects of stress.‎ D.If stress is allowed to continue, one's mental health is put at risk.‎ E.When people are under stress, they often overreact to little problems.‎ F.Therefore, it is necessary for us to know how to keep stress under control.‎ G.It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life nowadays.‎ ‎31.选G 本空在这里起到承上启下的作用,故选G项。It指代首句中的“Stress”。‎ ‎32.选C 由本段中的内容可知段落主题句是:压力对人的身体健康有诸多影响。‎ ‎33.选E 本段是在描述人们在压力之下的情绪反应,E项与前后句内容相一致。‎ ‎34.选D D项中的“mental health”与本段的首句相呼应。‎ ‎35.选B 本空是对上文内容的总结,又引起下文,故选B项。‎ 第三部分 语言运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ As I turned off the main road the other day, I noticed something unusual in the parking place.‎ There's a wide grassy land in front of the __36__ where people often put up signs announcing their yard sales or events. That was what was happening this day, but the thing I __37__ was worthy of a surprised look. A man in a suit was hammering (锤击) a__38__ into the ground and a homeless man was __39__ the sign when he hammered.‎ I was __40__ by how the two looked so exactly __41__, one with a soldier suit, snowy white shirt and matched tie, but the other with __42__, mismatched clothing and messy hair waving __43__ in the wind. And then the __44__ humanity (人性) of the moment hit me. So many times we __45__ homeless people and all we see is homeless people, almost as if we don't even notice them. But on this day, I saw the __46__ of a man who walked over to help someone. The moment really __47__ me, and it was a fresh reminder to look beyond the __48__ and see the person instead.‎ A friend and I had a(n) __49__ a few years ago to write the study guide to a book. It's an amazing book. The dedication (题词) was __50__ on the first page and it said,“To Titus, who taught me to cheer for humanity.”‎ Wow, __51__ more of us did that? Can you imagine the __52__ it would make in our world? In one of the chapters, the book tells about sitting in large __53__ at places like shops and airports and cheering for humanity. It does change things. Just imagine an old lady down the street becomes a wounded soul who just needs __54__ and a homeless person on the street becomes a real person who needs concerns and a __55__. You really can help them.‎ ‎36.A.yard         B.park C.shop D.road 解析:选B 根据上文“... in the parking place.”可知,人们经常在停车场前面的草地上放一些广告牌子。‎ ‎37.A.saw B.did C.heard D.missed 解析:选A 根据上文“... I noticed something unusual in the parking place.”可知,“我”看见的事情令人吃惊。‎ ‎38.A.flag B.notice C.sign D.board 解析:选C 根据下文“... the sign when he hammered.”可知,一个人正在向地里锤牌子。‎ ‎39.A.holding B.sending C.covering D.painting 解析:选A 一个流浪汉帮忙扶着牌子。‎ ‎40.A.moved B.confused C.amused D.shocked 解析:选D 根据上文“... was worthy of a surprised look.”可知,作者感到很震惊。‎ ‎41.A.satisfied B.opposite C.special D.funny 解析:选B 根据下文“... one with a soldier suit ... mismatched clothing and messy hair ...”可知,这两个人看起来完全是相反的,一个穿着军装和白衬衫,扎着领带,另一个穿着不搭的衣服,头上是乱糟糟的头发。‎ ‎42.A.traditional B.ordinary C.broken D.cheap 解析:选C 流浪汉穿着破烂的衣服。‎ ‎43.A.freely B.unnaturally C.wildly D.quickly 解析:选C 流浪汉的头发被风吹得乱飞。‎ ‎44.A.great B.sudden C.tiny D.rare 解析:选A 这伟大的充满人性的时刻触动了“我”。‎ ‎45.A.give away B.ask for C.depend on D.look at 解析:选D “我们”太多次看见无家可归的人,每次都只注意他们是无家可归的人,却没想到他们也有人性光辉的一面。‎ ‎46.A.brightness B.kindness C.determination D.courage 解析:选B 根据下文“... a man who walked over to help someone.”可知,今天“我”看到了这个流浪汉帮助别人时的善良。‎ ‎47.A.reminded B.bothered C.touched D.taught 解析:选C 这一刻真的让“我”感动。‎ ‎48.A.appearance B.behavior C.decoration D.language 解析:选A 根据下文“... see the person instead.”可知,它提醒“我”看人不能只看外表,更要深入内心。‎ ‎49.A.lesson B.offer C.plan D.opportunity 解析:选D 几年前“我”和“我的”朋友有机会给一本书写学习指导。‎ ‎50.A.clear B.obvious C.short D.useful 解析:选B 根据下文“... on the first page ...”可知,在书的首页题词很明显。‎ ‎51.A.what if B.as if C.only if D.but if 解析:选A 根据下文内容可知,作者问如果更多的人为人性喝彩会发生什么。‎ ‎52.A.benefits B.difference C.influence D.meaning 解析:选B 根据下文“It does change things.”可知,你能想象这么做会给这个世界带来什么改变吗?‎ ‎53.A.rooms B.seats C.crowds D.halls 解析:选C 根据下文“... at places like shops and airports ...”可知,书中提到坐在人多的地方,比如商店和机场。‎ ‎54.A.respect B.money C.care D.encouragement 解析:选C 根据上文“... an old lady down the street becomes a wounded soul ...”可知,一个伤心的老妇人需要关心。‎ ‎55.A.suggestion B.hand C.chance D.meal 解析:选B 根据上文“... who needs concerns ...”可知,流浪汉需要关爱和帮助。‎ 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Henry:Would you please do me __56__ favor, Sarah?‎ Sarah:It depends on __57__ it is.‎ Henry:__58__ you lend me twenty dollars until Wednesday?‎ Sarah:I suppose so. If you're sure you can pay the money back to me on Tuesday.‎ Henry:Of course. There's something else, too, Sarah. Would you mind __59__ riding your bike tonight?‎ Sarah:Well, I guess not. I have to study anyway, so I won't be using it.‎ Henry:Wonderful! I have one last favor __60__ (ask) you. I would appreciate it __61__ I could borrow your new walkman.‎ Sarah:Where __62__ earth are you going tonight?‎ Henry:To the cinema together with Liza, my new girlfriend. I want to look rich.‎ Sarah:Oh, no! How can you go out with her? She's awful. If you insist on __63__ (go) to the cinema with her, I __64__ (not lend) you anything. __65__, I'll tell Dad all about her.‎ 语篇解读:这是发生在姐弟之间的一段对话。弟弟Henry向姐姐Sarah借钱请女朋友看电影,遭到姐姐拒绝。‎ ‎56.a “do sb. a favor”是固定短语,表示“帮某人一个忙”。此处的a表示泛指。‎ ‎57.what 句意为“那要取决于帮忙做什么”。此处的连接代词what引导宾语从句,同时在从句中作系动词is的表语。‎ ‎58.Could 情态动词could表示委婉的请求或者许可。‎ ‎59.me/my 句意“你介意我骑你的自行车吗?”,此处的me/my作riding的逻辑主语。‎ ‎60.to ask 句意为“我还要你帮我最后一个忙”,此处用动词不定式作后置定语修饰前面的名词favor。‎ ‎61.if I would appreciate it if ...是个固定句型,表示“如果……,我将感激不尽”。‎ ‎62.on on earth是固定短语,表示“到底,究竟”,经常用在特殊疑问句中用来加强语气。‎ ‎63.going insist on doing ...表示“坚持做某事”,因为on为介词,所以其后的动词用doing形式。‎ ‎64.won't lend 此处考查动词的时态。在if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时,但主句中要用将来时。‎ ‎65.Besides 前句“我不会借给你任何东西”和后句“我还会把这件事全部告诉爸爸”之间是递进关系,故用Besides。‎ 第四部分 写作 (满分40分,限时40分钟)‎ 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 假如你是某中学的学生会主席李华,你校将举办一场辩论赛,请你以学生会的名义用英语写一份书面通知。‎ 报名须知 截止日期‎3月11日,填写表格,提供照片 时间和地点 ‎3月16日上午8点,学校操场 奖励 胜方将获15 000元,最佳辩手获1 500元 联系人 李华(电话:12345678)‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使文章连贯。‎ 参考词汇:登记 register 参考范文:‎ Notice Our school is organizing a debate competition, which aims to improve students' skills of speech, and to develop their interest in social affairs.‎ The students who attend the competition should register by filling in a form and providing a photo before March 11. The winning team will get a total of 15,000 yuan and the best debater will get 1,500 yuan.‎ It is on the playground at 8 am on March 16 that the competition will be held. What's more, all students are welcomed to watch the competition and cheer for the teams that you are in favor of. For details, please call Li Hua at 12345678.‎ Student Union 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ I hit the back window of a new car with a hammer. In a flash I was in. I started the car, just like my older brother had taught me. I was 12 then. It seems crazy now. Today, everyone knows me as Donald Driver, a_famous_football_player. I've dedicated (致力于,献身于) my life after football to helping disadvantaged kids around the country.‎ ‎ Mom would have killed me if she'd known what I was up to. My dad had gone to prison while she was pregnant with me. Mom wanted a_better_life for me, my two brothers and two sisters. She worked long hours to support us. But she often fell behind on rent and then we'd have to move. Trouble really started when we moved next door to a man named J. R. Mom trusted him to care us while she was at work, and he did. What Mom didn't know was that J. R. and his friends were dealing drugs. ‎ My older brother Moses and I served as lookouts (放哨人,望风者). We knew it was wrong, but the money was too good — D|S‎100 a night. We broke it into smaller_bills,_and regularly slipped some into Mom's purse. Then Moses discovered we could bring in even more cash by stealing cars. We practiced giving the_same_smile,_hug and kiss for my mom when we came home, no matter what we'd done on the streets. ‎ Now, though, I was about to get caught. The_police got closer. I turned into a back alley. Suddenly, up ahead, a car backed out of a driveway. I saw a little old lady sitting in the driver's seat. But it was too late. I stopped and jumped out to see if the old lady was damaged. The woman, Evelyn_Johnson,_looked angry, but unhurt. “Go sit in my house right now,” she said. It was the tone of voice that no kid can disobey. The police arrived and began to question the old woman.‎ ‎ “The man who did this ran that way,” she said, pointing down the alley.‎ 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1:‎ When the police drove off,  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎ Paragraph 2:‎ ‎ I spent more time studying and football kept me busy too. ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ 参考范文:‎ Paragraph 1:‎ When the police drove off, Evelyn_Johnson pushed some cookies in front of me.“You've been given an opportunity,” she said.“Don't waste it.There aren't any second chances.” I went back to Miss Johnson's a few days later, trying to do something for damaging her car.I went again the next week, and I kept going back.“How are your grades?” she'd ask.“Did you win the game?” I liked that she cared.Sure, my mom cared, a lot, but she worked so much.Miss Johnson always had the time.Over the years, Miss Johnson had become like a real grandmother to me.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ I spent more time studying and football kept me busy too.All throughout the difficulties, I thought about Miss Johnson and the chance she'd given me.I worked hard on the football field and became a_famous_football_player.I turned down an alley to escape the_police.Little did I know I'd find a way to a_better_life than I could ever have imagined.‎

