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课时训练(八) Units 7-8(八上)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.I'd like some     and     . ‎ A.banana; tomato      B.bananas; tomato C.bananas; tomatoes ‎2.—Ms. Wang, I'm afraid I can't finish the work in two days.‎ ‎—Don't worry. I'll give you     days.  ‎ A.two another     B.two more ‎ C.more two ‎3.[2019·兰州改编]In the near future, there     self-driving cars in our city. ‎ A.is B.are C.will be ‎4.[2019·贵港改编]—I heard that Paul hurt himself badly in the earthquake.‎ ‎—Yes. The doctor had to     his right leg to save him. ‎ A.cut up B.cut out C.cut off ‎5.—I wonder     you can finish the task. ‎ ‎—In two weeks.‎ A.how soon B.how long C.how often ‎6.John, please     your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word. ‎ A.take away B.take up C.take out ‎7.[2019·重庆A改编]Next week, each student in the class     a small gift from their teachers.  ‎ A.receives B.received C.will receive ‎8.—How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?‎ ‎—     about two months. ‎ A.In B.After C.During ‎9.—Is dinner ready?‎ ‎—Not     . ‎ A.already B.just C.yet ‎ 8‎ ‎10.[2019·师大附中]     a deep breath especially when you feel nervous. It can help a lot. ‎ A.To take B.Taking C.Take Ⅱ.[2019·河北改编]词语填空 ‎  I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began  11  I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.  ‎ ‎  One day in fourth grade, our  12  gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought.  13  I chose the Thomas A.Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his  14 ! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.  ‎ ‎  My dad noticed my interest in inventing and  15  me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad  16  a model plane I made. Later, we found a  17  model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas  18 . Failure is a common part of the inventing.  ‎ ‎  As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always  19  a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my  20  in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero. ‎ ‎(  )11.A.before B.after C.when ‎(  )12.A.parent B.teacher C.inventor ‎(  )13.A.Easily B.Finally C.Safely ‎(  )14.A.lights B.projects C.inventions ‎(  )15.A.mistook B.refused C.encouraged ‎(  )16.A.with B.about C.into ‎(  )17.A.different B.similar C.large ‎(  )18.A.work B.fail C.come ‎(  )19.A.looking at   B.looking for C.looking after ‎(  )20.A.habit B.story C.interest Ⅲ.[2019·广州改编]短文理解 ‎  While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some ‎ 8‎ students at White Cloud Primary School. They became the world's first kids to be “taught” by an electronic teacher. This electronic teacher is not a human-like robot walking around the classroom.Instead, he is a computer-created head that appears, when needed, on students' computer or phone screens. His name is Bill.‎ Created by technology company Smart Machines, Bill is able to show human-like behavior. He is designed to teach a special program about environmental-friendly power created by the sun and wind. This program, started in 2005, used to be taught by human teachers.‎ Just like human teachers, Bill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topic. Thanks to computer cameras, he is also able to see and react to students' physical actions.For example, if a student smiles at Bill,he responds by smiling back. This two-way exchange helps get the students' attention. More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base when needed.‎ The program has been a great success, according to Smart Machines spokesman Robert Frost.Frost says, “What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to Bill. He really captures their attention.” Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people because they have grown up in a time of computers and smartphones.‎ It is doubtful, however, that human educators will lose their jobs to Bill any time soon. For one, this talking head's knowledge base is not large. More importantly, even the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all the unexpected situations that educators face daily. Bill's future might be as a “personal tutor”, providing kids with one-on-one help for different subjects and topics.‎ ‎21.What is Bill? (  )‎ A. A human-like robot.‎ B.A kind of computer game.‎ C.A computer-created talking head.‎ ‎22.How does the two-way exchange help the program developers? (  )‎ A. It lets them correct students' mistakes.‎ B.It allows Bill to respond more quickly.‎ C.It helps them know how to improve Bill.‎ ‎23.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refers to    . (  ) ‎ A. kids   B.older people  ‎ 8‎ C.smart machines ‎24.What is Bill NOT good at doing?(  )‎ A. Attracting students' attention.‎ B.Understanding body language.‎ C.Dealing with unexpected situations.‎ ‎25.How might Bill be used in the future according to the last paragraph? (  )‎ A. To work as human classroom teachers.‎ B.To encourage students' interest in computers.‎ C.To give students personal help with different subjects.‎ Ⅳ.[2018·长沙模拟]阅读表达 Many of us like to travel by train or plane. Before we get on board, we all have to go through a security check(安检).Some people think it's unnecessary and try to escape it, but they don't know that is threatening(威胁) our national security, as the things they take may easily burn or explode.‎ April 15 makes China's National Security Education Day, which aims to raise public awareness on national security, economic security and social security, according to the National Security Law, which was passed in 2015.‎ The law also wrote that each citizen has the duty to protect national security. In fact, the need to protect national security is never far from us and we can make our own efforts in daily life to do so.‎ For example, china.com reported about a case of Qin Xiao (not her real name). Qin is a taxi driver.One day, two foreign men took her taxi to many places of interest.But along the way, the men always took photos of the military facilities(军事设施).Qin then reported their strange behavior to the government.It turned out that the two men were spies(间谍) sent from another country.‎ Moreover, cyber security has also become increasingly important today.When we surf the Internet, there is a chance that we will see some rumors(谣言) about our country and society.Instead of spreading them, we need to report the links to our government as soon as possible.‎ ‎26.What day is China's National Security Education Day?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎27.Do you have to go through a security check before getting on board?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎28.Is the need to protect national security far from us?‎ 8‎ ‎  ‎ ‎29.Why did Qin Xiao think the foreign men's behavior was strange?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎30.What should we do after seeing some rumors about our country and society on the Internet?‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 学校将举办英语写作比赛。请根据所给提示,以“My life in 20 years” 为题,写一篇参赛短文,分享你对未来的憧憬。词数100词左右。‎ My life in 20 years I'm always working hard for a bright future. I imagine  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ 8‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.C 2.B 3.C ‎4.C 考查动词短语的辨析。cut up意为“切开;切碎”;cut out“剪裁;剪下”;cut off“切除;切断”。根据“hurt himself badly”可知:用cut off。故选C。‎ ‎5.A ‎6.C 考查动词短语辨析。由句中“from the schoolbag”可推知是表示“拿出”。故选C。‎ ‎7.C 考查一般将来时。根据时间状语“next week”可知,本句描述的是将来发生的动作,因此用一般将来时。其基本结构为will+原形动词,故选C。‎ ‎8.A 考查介词的用法。在一般将来时态的句子中,引导时间状语用介词in,表示“……之后”。故选A。‎ ‎9.C 10.C Ⅱ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者小时候对制造东西就非常感兴趣,上学后对托马斯·爱迪生及其发明有了更深入了解。托马斯·爱迪生的影响,以及父亲对作者的支持、鼓励,加上作者对发明的兴趣,使作者成为一名工程师和发明家。‎ ‎11.C 考查连词词义辨析。联系下文可知,在我小时候,就热爱制造东西,所以“when”用在这里符合语境,故选C。‎ ‎12.B 考查名词词义辨析。联系常识,学校里应是老师布置作业,所以“teacher”用在这里符合语境,故选B。‎ ‎13.B 考查副词词义辨析。分析语境,我考虑再三,最后选择了托马斯爱迪生公司,所以“finally”用在这里符合语境,故选B。‎ ‎14.C 考查名词词义辨析。联系下文,“I like the recorded sound and the electric light most.”可知,此处指的是爱迪生的发明,所以“inventions”用在这里符合语境,故选C。‎ ‎15.C 考查动词词义辨析。联系下文,父亲经常鼓励我,教我方法,所以“encouraged”用在这里符合语境,故选C。‎ ‎16.A 考查介词词义辨析。短语surprise sb. with sth. 意为“用某物使某人大吃一惊”,故选A。‎ ‎17.B 考查形容词词义辨析。联系下文,“I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.”可知,我们在商店里发现了跟我的模型相似的模型飞机,所以“similar”用在这里符合语境,故选B。‎ ‎18.A 考查动词词义辨析。联系常识及下文“Failure is a common part of the inventing. (失败是发明创造中常见的一部分)”可知,并非所有的想法都能奏效,所以“work”用在这里符合语境,故选A。‎ ‎19.B 考查动词短语辨析。联系上下文,父亲总是在寻找做简单工作的更好的方法。所以“looking for”用在这里符合语境,故选B。‎ 8‎ ‎20.C 考查名词词义辨析。联系上文,此处指的是我对发明的兴趣,所以“interest”用在这里符合语境,故选C。 ‎ Ⅲ.[主旨大意]本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了白云小学今年引进的电子老师。该校的孩子们将成为第一批被电子老师授课的学生。这位电子老师不是一个像人一样在教室里走动的机器人,而是一个电脑生成的头像。当需要时,它会出现在学生的电脑或电话屏幕上。‎ ‎21.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Instead, he is a computer-created head that appears, when needed, on students' computer or phone screens.”可知,Bill是一个电脑生成的可以说话的头像。‎ ‎22.C 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第一句“More importantly, it allows the program developers to improve Bill's behavior and knowledge base when needed.”可知,这种双向交流允许程序开发人员在需要时改进Bill的行为和知识库。故选C。‎ ‎23.A 代词指代题。句意:弗罗斯特认为孩子们不会像年长的人一样觉得被智能机器教的经历很奇怪,因为他们是在电脑和智能手机时代长大的。此处they指代前面的主语kids。故选A。‎ ‎24.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“More importantly, even the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all the unexpected situations that educators face daily.”可知,即使是最聪明的计算机程序也无法对教育工作者每天面对的所有意外情况作出猜测和反应。由此可知,Bill不擅长应对意外情况。‎ ‎25.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Bills' future might be as a ‘personal tutor’, providing kids with one-on-one help for different subjects and topics.”可知,Bill未来可能会成为一名“私人老师”,为孩子们提供一对一的帮助,帮助他们学习不同的学科和主题。由此可知,Bill未来会帮助学生学习不同的学科。‎ Ⅳ.26.April 15.‎ ‎27.Yes, I/we do.‎ ‎28.No, it isn't.‎ ‎29.Because (along the way) the men always took photos of the military facilities.‎ ‎30.We should/need to report the links to our government as soon as possible.‎ Ⅴ.One possible version:‎ My life in 20 years I'm always working hard for a bright future. I imagine I will have a better life than now.‎ In 20 years, I will have a better family. I will take good care of my parents because I have grown up. And I will have two children and they are cute and lovely. Of course, I will have a big house. My family will live in my house. I will have a well-paid job. I must work hard and I am ready to take on new challenges. I will have a group of workmates and they are easy to work with.‎ When I am free, I will meet my friends. We will often talk about the past school life and miss ‎ 8‎ our good teachers. We will often go abroad for vacations. I will have a great time during the vacation. Every day, after work, I will usually take some exercise with my friends because sports can keep us healthy and fit.‎ I think my life in 20 years will be exciting and wonderful. And I am working hard to make it come true.‎ 8‎

