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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.blues n.         布鲁斯音乐 ‎2.rap n. 说唱乐 ‎3.sophisticated adj. 复杂的;高级的 ‎4.offshore adv. 向海,离岸 ‎5.boom v. 繁荣;兴起;迅速发展 ‎6.protest n. 抗议 ‎7.friction n. 不合,抵触;摩擦 ‎8.fancy adj. 新潮的 ‎9.swap v. 交换 ‎10.consensus n. 共同意见,一致看法,共识 ‎11.cheque n. 支票 ‎12.consultant n. 顾问 ‎13.bonus n. 没有预料到的好事 ‎14.pension n. 养老金;退休金;抚恤金 ‎15.pioneer n. 先锋;创始人;先驱;开拓者 ‎16.yell v.[纵联1] 叫喊,叫嚷 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.technique_n. 技巧;手法 ‎2.approach n. 方法;步骤 ‎3.decline n.[纵联2] 衰退;下降;减少 ‎4.arise v. (由……)引起(产生)‎ ‎5.virtue n. 美德 ‎6.neat adj. 整齐的,整洁的 ‎7.budget v. 制定预算,按预算来安排开支 ‎8.vain adj. 自负的,自视过高的 ‎9.tight adj. (控制)严格的,严密的 ‎10.schedule n. 计划表,进度表,日程表 ‎11.deadline n. 截止时间,最后期限 ‎12.otherwise adv. 否则,要不然 ‎13.parttime adj. 部分时间的,兼职的 ‎14.super adj. 极好的,了不起的,超级的 ‎15.quit v. 离开,辞去 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.movement n.运动→move v.移动;搬家 ‎2.emerge v.出现→emergency n.紧急情况;危急形势 ‎3.touch v.触动;感动;使动心→touched_adj.感激的;受感动的→touching adj.令人感动的 ‎4.harmony n.融洽,一致→harmonious adj.融洽的,和谐的 ‎5.conventional adj.按惯例的;因袭的;传统的→convention_ n.惯例;常规;习俗 ‎6.devote v.为……付出时间/努力/金钱等→devoted adj.全心全意的,忠诚的,挚爱的→devotion n.投入;热爱 ‎7.beg v.请求,恳求→beggar n.乞丐;穷人 ‎ ‎8.refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的→refresh v.更新;使清新 [纵联3]‎ ‎9.migrant n.移民→migrate vi.移居,迁徙→migration n.移居,迁徙 ‎10.humorous adj.幽默的→humo(u)r n.幽默;幽默感 [纵联4]‎ 纵联1.“叫喊”来聚会 ‎①yell v.叫喊,叫嚷    ②cry v.叫喊;哭出 ‎③shout v.呼喊;大声说 ④howl v.嚎叫 ‎⑤call out v.大声叫喊 纵联2.“减少;下降”真不少 ‎①decline v.下降;减少 ②drop v.下降 ‎③decrease v.减少 ④fall v.下降 ‎⑤go down下降 纵联3.形容词后缀ing “令人……的”‎ ‎①refreshing 令人耳目一新的 ‎②amusing 好笑的;有趣的 ‎③entertaining 使人愉快的 ‎④boring 枯燥的 ‎⑤disgusting 令人厌恶的 ‎⑥annoying 令人烦恼的 ‎⑦embarrassing 令人尴尬的 ‎⑧astonishing 令人感到吃惊的 纵联4.形容词后缀ous “……的”‎ ‎①humorous 诙谐的,幽默的 ‎②ambiguous 模糊不清的 ‎③curious 好奇的 ‎④ambitious 有雄心的;有野心的 ‎⑤generous 慷慨的,大方的 ‎⑥serious 严肃的,认真的 ‎⑦various 各种各样的 ‎⑧cautious 小心的;谨慎的 单元话题——美国音乐 子话题1 乐理知识 ‎①pitch音高 ②note音符 ‎③scale音阶 ④chord和弦 ‎⑤compose作曲 ⑥rhythm节奏;节律 子话题2 乐队及唱法 ‎①band乐队 ②conductor乐队指挥 ‎③solo独奏 ④choir合唱 ‎⑤symphony交响乐 ⑥start touring开始巡回演出 子话题3 常见乐器 ‎①guitar吉他 ②violin小提琴 ‎③organ手风琴 ④harp竖琴 ‎⑤trumpet小号 ⑥piano钢琴 子话题4 音乐欣赏 ‎①recreation娱乐;消遣 ②audience听众;观众 ‎③amusement消遣;娱乐 ④appreciate欣赏;理解 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读七选五)Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques❶ to help designers approach❷this important point.‎ ‎①写出techniques在句中的含义:技巧;其同义词为:skill ‎②选择approach在句中的词性和词义:__A__‎ A.vt.靠近  B.n.方法  C.vt.建议  D.n.途径 ‎2.(2012·辽宁高考阅读B)Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled❶ so tightly❷ that break times are often used to finish the day's work.‎ ‎①选择scheduled在句中的词性和词义:__B__‎ A.n.日程表 B.v.安排 C.v.将……列入 D.n.进度表 ‎②tightly在本单元的同根词是:tight,其名词形式为:tightness;反义词为:loosely 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2017·江苏高考书面表达)可是,去年,中国见证了它的电影票房收入增长率的下降。(decline)‎ However,_China_saw_a_decline_in_its_boxoffice_income_economic_growth_rate_last_year.‎ ‎2.(2014·广东高考写作)只要有善良和美德,世界就会变得更加美丽。(virtue)‎ As_long_as_there_is_kindness_and_virtue,_the_world_will_become_more_beautiful.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.decline n.衰退;下降;减少v.下降;衰弱;谢绝 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)a decline in ...      在……(方面)的下降 in decline=on the decline 处于衰退中,下降 ‎(2)decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事 decline by/to ... 下降了/下降到……‎ ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①I don't know why the boy declined_to_answer (answer) a question.‎ ‎②The number of people who run the red light has been on the decline since the new traffic regulations came into effect. ‎ ‎③The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year to 5 million.‎ ‎[用准] 表示“增加”或“减少”的幅度常用介词by;表示“增加到”或“减少到”常用介词to。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎④如今,学生们的身体健康状况正在下降。‎ Nowadays_students_physical_fitness_is_declining.‎ ‎2.arise vi.(由……)引起(产生);出现;起身;起床 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中arise的含义 ‎①Seeing his mother return home, the boy arose from his chair immediately.起身 ‎②A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing ‎ but ruins a year ago.出现 ‎③They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park.起床 ‎④It can't be too careful while driving.Accidents often arise from carelessness. (由……)引起 ‎[记牢]‎ arise from=arise out of  由……引起/产生;从……上起身 arise between ... and ... 在……和……中间出现 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑤We can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness.‎ ‎⑥With many problems arising (arise), he didn't know what to do.‎ 补全句子 ‎⑦When_the_question_arose_at_the_meeting,_no one could answer it.‎ 当这一问题出现在会议上时,没人能回答它。‎ ‎[辨清] arise, arouse, rise, raise 原形 词性、词义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 arise vi.出现;发生;(由……)引起;起身;起床 arose arisen arising arouse vt.唤醒;激起 aroused aroused arousing rise vi.升起;起身;增长;上升 rose risen rising raise vt raised raised raising ‎.举起;抚养;提高;饲养;筹集 选用arise, arouse, rise, raise完成下面语段 ‎⑧As we all know, the problems between parents and children have arisen from lack of communication. Although the standard of living was raised,_Tom couldn't get along well with his mother. His mother got up the moment the sun rose in the east. She worked hard day and night to support the family. As a result, she was badly ill, which aroused Tom eventually.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎⑨当矛盾或误解出现时,解决它的最好方式就是认真听一听别人的观点。‎ When_a_conflict_or_misunderstanding_arises,_the best way to solve it is to listen to other's view carefully.‎ ‎3.devote v.为……付出时间/努力/金钱等 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)devote ... to (doing) sth. 把……奉献于/投入到(做)某事中 ‎(2)devoted adj. 忠诚的;挚爱的;全心全意的 be devoted to (doing) sth. 专心于/奉献于(做)某事 ‎(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚 ‎[练通] ‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·天津高考)I feel that I've been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and enormous.‎ ‎②She devotes part of her spare time to playing (play) the violin every day.‎ ‎③From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion (devote).‎ 一句多译 全身心投入到教育失聪儿童中,这位年轻女士很少有时间照顾她自己的女儿。‎ ‎④The young lady is_devoted_to_teaching_the deaf children, and she has little time to care for her own daughter.(devoted)‎ ‎⑤Devoted_to_teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(过去分词作状语)‎ ‎⑥Devoting_herself_to_teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(现在分词作状语)‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑦另外,她经常把她的业余时间用来帮助别人。‎ Besides,_she_often_devotes_her_spare_time_to_helping_others.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The professor combines different techniques (技巧) in the same speech.‎ ‎2.She declined (谢绝) to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well.‎ ‎3.Many difficulties have arisen (出现) as a result of the overuse of coal.‎ ‎4.To forgive is a virtue (美德), but no one has ever said it is easy.‎ ‎5.I have a tight budget (预算) for the trip, so I'm not going to fly unless the airlines lower ticket prices.‎ ‎6.In fact, I wonder why my efforts were all in vain (徒劳的).‎ ‎7.We had intended to do everything according to the schedule(日程表), but it didn't go on as planned.‎ ‎8.Time is running out. It's likely that we'll miss the deadline(最后期限).‎ ‎9.I go to gym three times every week because I don't get enough exercise otherwise (要不然).‎ ‎10.I want to find a parttime (兼职的) job to earn money to buy a pair of skating shoes.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We have a communicative approach to teaching (teach) languages.‎ ‎2.Devoted (devote) to his research,he almost forgot everything about himself.‎ ‎3.Researchers in Britain are driving the environmental movement (move) to a new level.‎ ‎4.Curious about the super thin material, she touched (touch) it and learned that it feels like silk.‎ ‎5.The color of the sofa is in harmony with the sitting room.‎ ‎6.Nowadays, we still see some beggars(beg) begging for money in the street from passersby.‎ ‎7.He became refreshed after drinking a cup of refreshing_(refresh) coffee.‎ ‎8.Mary is a humorous (humor) and warmhearted woman and that is why she is a most popular person in her community.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.32英寸的电视机每台从1 400元降到800元。(decline)‎ The price of 32 inches TV set ‎ has_declined_from_1,400_to_800_yuan_each. ‎ ‎2.去年广告费率上升了20%。(rise)‎ Last year, the advertising rate rose_by_20_percent.‎ ‎3.他把时间都奉献给了他的工作,这是值得赞扬的。(devote)‎ He devoted_all_his_time_to_his_work,_which was worth praising.‎ ‎4.儿子出生时凯西辞去了工作以便能待在家里抚养孩子。(quit)‎ Cathy had_quit/quitted_her_job when her son was born so that she could stay home and raise her child.‎ ‎5.你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。(otherwise)‎ You'd better go now, otherwise_you'll_miss_the_train.‎ ‎(一)课前自主学习 ‎1.side_by_side [串记1]      并排;并肩 ‎2.be_bored_with 厌烦 ‎3.take_advantage_of [串记2] 利用 ‎4.rather_than 而不是 ‎5.in_order 有序地 ‎6.try_out_ [串记3] 尝试 ‎7.be_blessed_with 有幸;在……方面有福气 ‎8.come_out 出版 ‎9.far_from_ 完全不,远离 ‎10.be_devoted_to 对……专一,专注 ‎11.beg_for 乞求,请求 ‎12.make_an_impression_on_sb. 给某人留下印象 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.“n.+by+n.”短语集合 ‎①side by side肩并肩地    ②item by item逐项地 ‎③word by word逐字地 ④step by step逐步地 ‎⑤inch by inch一步一步地 ⑥day by day日复一日地 串记2.“take”短语大荟萃 ‎①take advantage of利用 ②take care of照顾 ‎③take charge of掌管 ④take possession of拥有 ‎⑤take the place of代替 ⑥take an interest in产生兴趣 串记3.“v.+out”短语万花筒 ‎①try out尝试;试验 ②run out用完;耗尽 ‎③work out算出;解决;锻炼 ④figure out算出;理解 ‎⑤leave out省略,删去 ⑥pick out挑选;区别出 ‎1.according to race        根据种族 ‎2.consist of 包含,包括,由……组成 ‎3.make up 虚构,编造 ‎4.dance to ... 随着……跳舞 ‎5.spread across the world 传遍世界 ‎6.fall asleep 睡着 ‎7.music played on computers 电脑上播放的音乐 ‎8.take the test 进行测试 ‎9.in most of the world 在世界上的大多数地方 ‎10.meet the deadline 按期完成 ‎1.At the beginning, MCs often performed for hours, repeating_words_and_phrases ‎_and_then_improvising.‎ 起初,这些节目主持人常常表演数小时,重复同样的单词和短语,然后即兴表演。‎ ‎2.The_next_time_I heard the song, I was in the cinema, waiting for the film to start.‎ 当我再次听到那首歌时,我正在电影院里等待电影开始。‎ ‎3.My message is that_it_doesn't_matter_if you're black, white, fat, thin, old and young ...‎ 我想告诉大家的是,不管你是黑人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年长还是年幼,这些都不重要……‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 完形中的短语(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2015·北京高考完形填空)Dario and his mother loved their new apartment.The living room was large enough for their piano.That night, the two of them sat side_by_side (肩并肩地) at the piano.‎ ‎2.(2015·福建高考完形填空)Very quickly,she learned to appreciate life rather_than (而不是) to judge everything so harshly (刻薄).‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的短语和句式(补全句子/句子升级)‎ ‎1.(2016·江苏高考书面表达)第三,投票者甚至是参赛者在很多情况下都可能被组织者因商业目的而利用。‎ Thirdly, the voters or even the competitors in many cases are_possibly_taken_advantage_of by the organizers for commercial purposes.‎ ‎2.(2017·天津高考书面表达)While it has been more than a year since you taught us English, I've missed you a lot when I think about those happy moments when we stayed with you.(用现在分词作伴随状语升级)‎ ‎→While it has been more than a year since you taught us English, I've missed you a lot, thinking_about_those_happy_moments_when_we_stayed_with_you.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎[短语集释]‎ ‎1.rather than而不是 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1) ‎(2)or rather         更确切地说 other than 除……之外 more than 很,非常,超过,不仅仅是 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Rather than sit (sit) here waiting, I prefer to_go (go) to find out what on earth has happened.‎ ‎②Mary, rather than you, is_(be) to blame for not finishing the work on time.‎ 补全句子 ‎③I met him very late on Friday night, or_rather,_early Saturday morning.‎ 我在星期五晚上很晚见到了他,更确切地说是在星期六早晨早些时候。‎ ‎④She enjoys singing_rather_than_dancing.‎ 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。‎ 一句多译 ‎ 孩子们宁愿骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天待在家里。‎ ‎⑤The children would_cycle_to the countryside rather_than_stay indoors all day.‎ ‎⑥The children prefer_to_cycle_to the countryside rather_than_stay indoors all day.‎ ‎⑦The children would_rather_cycle_to the countryside than_stay indoors all day.‎ ‎[用准] (1)rather than用于连接两个并列成分,后接名词、代词、介词(短语)、形容词、副词、v.ing形式或不定式(rather than之后的并列不定式可省略to);‎ ‎(2)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与它前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎⑧(2015·湖南高考写作)同时,我决定更加努力学习而不是把宝贵的时间浪费在那些比如玩视频游戏或者网上聊天之类的无用的事情上面。‎ At the same time, I made up my mind to study harder rather_than_waste_precious_time_on those useless things, such as playing video games and chatting online.‎ ‎2.far from完全不;离……远;一点也不,远非 ‎[记牢]‎ far from+n./adj.   离……很远;远离;远非……‎ far from doing sth. 决不会做某事 ‎[练通] 补全句子 ‎①Your exam results are far_from_satisfactory. It's time for you to double your effort.‎ 你的考试成绩令人非常不满意,是你加倍努力的时候了。‎ ‎②Far_from_helping the situation, you have just made it worse.‎ 你非但对情况没有帮助,反而使它更糟糕了。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎③我认为小学生应该远离网络游戏。‎ I_think_primary_students_should_keep_far_from_the_Internet_games.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ It doesn't matter (to sb.)+从句 ‎[教材原句] My message is that it_doesn't_matter_if you're black, white, fat, thin, old and young ...‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)Sweet Maya, it_doesn't_matter_what you “become” later on. ‎ 可爱的玛雅,你今后“变”成什么样不要紧。‎ ‎(2)It_doesn't_matter_if you haven't got long.‎ 如果你还没有什么进展,那也没关系。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法 归纳 It doesn't matter (to sb.)+从句, 表示“……(对某人来说)没有关系/不要紧”。‎ 注意 事项 从句的引导词可以是what/if/whether/who/how等。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)It doesn't matter whether it is expensive or not.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)So long as you are happy, it doesn't matter how much I will suffer.(要点句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 rather than, side by side, be bored with, in order, take advantage of, try out, be blessed with, come out, be devoted to, make an impression on sb.‎ ‎1.He was_bored_with that boring speech and left the lecture hall.‎ ‎2.In the north of China, the monthly roses usually come_out once a month.‎ ‎3.All her time is_devoted_to her students, so she has no time for housework.‎ ‎4.What makes the parents happy is that the kid has already got his toys in_order.‎ ‎5.They decided to take_advantage_of the beautiful weather and go to the country.‎ ‎6.The man tried_out several means to have what he said get across by those people.‎ ‎7.Florida is_blessed_with_a warm climate, which makes it a suitable place for old people to live in.‎ ‎8.These workers preferred to work extra hours at night rather_than_leave the work until the next week.‎ ‎9.A big complaint is that mobile screens are too small for ads to make_an_impression_on consumers.‎ ‎10.Even though they have worked side_by_side in the same office for 9 years, the two ladies are not on good terms.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.在很多商店,你是用手机还是用现金支付都没关系。(it doesn't matter ...)‎ It_doesn't_matter_whether_you_pay by phone or by cash in many stores.‎ ‎2.教授把一根手指放进他的嘴里,尝了尝,笑了,看上去很高兴。(现在分词作伴随状语)‎ The professor put a finger in his mouth, tasted it and smiled, looking_rather_pleased.‎ ‎3.上次我们参观水上公园时,我们玩得很开心。(the last time引导时间状语从句)‎ The_last_time_we_visited_the_Water_Park,_we had great fun.‎ ‎4.一天,我正在房间里坐着看书,那时我听到一声巨响。(be doing ... when ...)‎ One day, I_was_sitting_in_the_room_reading_when_I heard a loud noise.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假定你是李华,你校的英语校报正在征文,要求介绍一位美国音乐名人。下面是有关嘻哈音乐创始人Kool Herc 的一些情况,请根据以下要点对他进行简要介绍。‎ ‎1.Kool Herc大半生都致力于嘻哈音乐创作,其唱风令人印象深刻;‎ ‎2.刚开始时,嘻哈音乐并没有打动观众,结果远不能令人满意;‎ ‎3.他不断尝试不同的表演方法,使嘻哈音乐逐渐繁荣;‎ ‎4.如今,Kool Herc已经退休,过着一种安逸的生活。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本文是记人为主的记叙文。时态为一般过去时,人称是第三人称。题目所给的4个要点较为详细,能完成对Kool Herc的简要介绍。写作时,根据题目所给的4个要点之间的逻辑关系,可以合并为3个写作要点:要点1概括Kool Herc的成就;要点2介绍Kool Herc的音乐历程;要点3说明Kool Herc的现状。表达写作要点时,要灵活地运用英语知识,根据相关信息将给出的要点完整地表述出来。同时还要注意各写作要点的先后顺序。本文可以按照时间线索来组织文章。‎ 要点1-①: Kool Herc大半生都致力于嘻哈音乐创作。(devote, impression)‎ Kool_Herc_devoted_most_of_his_life_to_hip_hop_music_creation.‎ 要点1-②:他的唱风令人印象深刻。‎ His_singing_style_made_a_deep_impression_on_people.‎ 要点2-①:刚开始出现时这种音乐没有打动观众,结果远不能令人满意。(emerge, satisfactory)‎ When_it_emerged_first,_this_kind_of_music_didn't_touch_the_audience_and_it_was_far_from_satisfactory.‎ 要点2-②:他不断尝试不同的表演方法,使得这种音乐逐渐繁荣。(try out; boom)‎ He_tried_out_different_performing_approaches_constantly_and_it_made_the_music_begin_to_boom_gradually.‎ 要点3:如今,Kool Herc已经退休,过着一种安逸的生活。(retire)‎ Today,_Kool_Herc_has_retired,_and_lives_an_easy_life.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为了使要点不显得单调,在拓展要点时,一定要注意表达的多样性,以及句子结构的恰当性。例如:要点1-①可指出Kool Herc的音乐地位,“作为嘻哈音乐的创始人”;要点1-②可添加细节“他幽默的演唱风格如此令人耳目一新”;并可补充要点1说明他最终的成就;表达要点2-②时可以使用定语从句;要点3可用分词作状语升级句式,使句子更加严谨。‎ 拓展要点1-①:作为嘻哈音乐的创始人,Kool Herc大半生都在致力于音乐创作。(pioneer)‎ As_the_pioneer_of_hip_hop,_Kool_Herc_has_devoted_most_of_his_life_to_hip_hop_music_creation.‎ 拓展要点1-②:他幽默的演唱风格如此令人耳目一新以至于给人留下了深刻印象。(用so ... that ...)‎ His_humorous_singing_style_was_so_refreshing_that_it_made_a_deep_impression_on_people.‎ 补充要点1:最终他创造出了DJ技术和RAP等对嘻哈音乐而言不可或缺的东西。‎ Eventually_he_created_the_DJ_technology_and_RAP_that_were_so_essential_to_hip_hop.‎ 拓展要点2-②:他不断尝试不同的表演方法,使得这种音乐逐渐繁荣。(用which引导的定语从句)‎ He_tried_out_different_performing_approaches_constantly,_which_made_the_music_begin_to_boom_gradually._‎ 升级要点3:如今Kool Herc已经退休,过着一种安逸的生活。(用现在分词作状语)‎ Today,_Kool_Herc_has_retired,_living_an_easy_life.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 本文是描述嘻哈音乐创始人Kool Herc的记叙文,故应加上标题The Founder of Hip hop: Kool Herc。除了注意句子内部逻辑过渡语或句式外,本文写作时还可以用but, then等衔接词衔接要点,使文章连贯自然、思路清晰、结构紧凑。‎ The_Founder_of_Hip_hop:_Kool_Herc As_the_pioneer_of_hip_hop,_Kool_Herc_has_devoted_most_of_his_life_to_hip_hop_music_creation._His_humorous_singing_style_was_so_refreshing_that_it_made_a_deep_impression_on_people._Eventually_he_created_the_DJ_technology_and_RAP_that_were_so_essential_to_hip_hop._But_when_it_emerged_first,_this_kind_of_music_didn't_touch_the_audience_and_it_was_far_from_satisfactory._Then_he_tried_out_different_performing_approaches_constantly,_which_made_the_music_begin_to_boom_gradually._Today,_Kool_Herc_has_retired,_living_an_easy_life.‎

