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高考冲刺卷(二)‎ 第一部分 听力(略)‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎21.Unless you learn to forgive,you will feel stressed and have nothing to yourself against that stress.‎ A.cushion B.warn C.prejudice D.measure 答案 A 解析 句意为:除非你学会原谅,否则你会感到有压力,且没有任何东西可以缓和那种压力。cushion缓和,打击,符合语境。warn警告,告诫;prejudice使有偏见;measure估量。‎ ‎22.Ridding yourself of the bad habit can protect you against anxiety and the harm does to mental health.‎ A.one B.this C.it D.that 答案 C 解析 句意为:摆脱这个坏习惯可以保护你免受焦虑和它对精神健康造成的危害。根据句意可知,空处指代前面提到的“the bad habit”,应用it。故选C。‎ ‎23. you promise to do something,you can’t change your mind just because you want to do another thing more.‎ A.Until B.Once C.Unless D.While 答案 B 解析 句意为:一旦你许诺做某事,你就不能只因你更想做另外一件事而改变主意。once一旦,一……就,符合语境。until直到……为止;unless除非;while当……的时候。‎ ‎24.Chinese Olympic champion Wu Dajing 39.505 seconds to win the Men’s 500 metres at the ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup held in Salt Lake City on November 12, 2018, breaking the world record.‎ A.clocks B.clocked C.has clocked D.had clocked 答案 B 解析 句意为:2018年11月12日,中国奥运会冠军武大靖以39.505秒的成绩赢得了在盐湖城举办的ISU短道速滑世界杯男子500米比赛的冠军,打破了世界纪录。根据句中的时间状语“November 12,2018”可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时。故选B。‎ ‎25.A constant lack of one vitamin in a(n) complete diet can cause deficiency disease,a condition produced by a lack of vitamins or other essential substances.‎ A.otherwise B.rather C.anyway D.meanwhile 答案 A 解析 句意为:原本均衡的饮食中某种维生素持续缺乏会引起营养缺乏症,即一种缺乏维生素或其他必要(营养)物质而导致的疾病。otherwise除此之外,符合语境。rather相当;anyway而且,无论如何;meanwhile与此同时。‎ ‎26.Related departments should conduct the targeted on-the-job training for medical staffs based on their actual needs in order to improve their professional effectively.‎ A.consequence B.independence C.competence D.intelligence 答案 C 解析 句意为:有关部门应根据医务人员的实际需要,对他们进行针对性的在职培训以有效提高其专业技能。competence技能,符合语境。consequence后果;independence独立;intelligence智力。‎ ‎27.—I would like to paint the walls and get the carpet cleaned.‎ ‎— I you,I would spend a few days dealing with those things before moving in.‎ A.Should B.Were C.Had D.Was 答案 B 解析 句意为:——我想粉刷墙和清洗地毯。——如果我是你,我会在搬进去之前花几天时间处理这些事情。根据语境可知,此处表示与现在事实相反的虚拟,从句谓语动词应用过去式,且此处省略了if,故将were提前以构成倒装。‎ ‎28.The Shenzhen-Shantou high-speed rail service is to be opened on Jan.5,2019 in Guangdong, has been considered a window of China’s reform and opening-up.‎ A.what B.where C.which D.that 答案 C 解析 句意为:深汕高铁服务将于2019年1月5日在广东省开通,而广东省一直被视为中国改革开放的窗口。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,先行词是Guangdong,故用which。‎ ‎29.You have to pay a lot of money to give your children a good education nowadays! A place in a top university abroad .‎ A.throws a fit B.sits on the fence C.costs an arm and a leg D.has a finger in every pie 答案 C 解析 句意为:如今你必须花很多钱(才能)让你的孩子受到良好的教育!进入国外顶尖大学需要花一大笔钱。cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱,符合语境。throw a fit大为震惊,大发脾气;sit on the fence持观望态度;have a finger in every pie多管闲事,到处干预。‎ ‎30.Some creatures in the deep sea are ,which can be damaged with a slight touch.‎ A.delicate B.sticky C.artificial D.deadly 答案 A 解析 句意为:深海里的一些生物很脆弱,稍微一碰它们就可能被破坏。delicate脆弱的,符合语境。sticky黏的;artificial假的,非自然的;deadly致命的。‎ ‎31.Haidilao recently opened a smart hotpot restaurant, whose kitchen, with two rows of robotic arms,can automatically collect prepackaged dishes from cold storage.‎ A.equipped B.equipping ‎ C.to equip D.being equipped 答案 A 解析 句意为:海底捞最近开了一家智能火锅店,其厨房配有两排机械臂,可自动从冷藏库收集预先包装好的菜肴。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词。又equip与其逻辑主语kitchen之间构成动宾关系,故应用过去分词作后置定语。故选A。‎ ‎32.The ABB LEAF Awards is to innovative architectural designs that set the standard for the next generation of the international architectural community.‎ A.given back B.given away C.given off D.given out 答案 D 解析 句意为:绿叶奖是颁发给创新建筑设计的奖项,这些设计为国际建筑界的下一代树立了标准。give out分发,符合语境。give back归还;give away赠送;give off发出(气味、热、光等)。‎ ‎33.It hurt her a great deal all she had done for the project in the past years was of little or even no use at all.‎ A.that B.what C.whether D.why 答案 A 解析 句意为:想着过去几年来为这个项目奉献的一切有很少甚至完全没有用处,她伤心欲绝。分析句子结构可知,it是形式主语,真正的主语是空处引导的主语从句,且主语从句成分与意义完整,故用that 引导该主语从句。‎ ‎34.—It must be his family education that has made him what he is now.‎ ‎—But other factors are also .‎ A.at hand B.at ease C.at play D.at best 答案 C 解析 句意为:——一定是他的家庭教育造就了现在的他。——但其他因素也在起作用。at play起作用,符合语境。at hand接近;at ease安逸,自由自在;at best至多。故选C。‎ ‎35.—I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep it secret.Can you?‎ ‎— I won’t tell anyone.‎ A.You have my word.‎ B.You’ve got me there.‎ C.That’s the case.‎ D.That’s something.‎ 答案 A 解析 句意为:——如果你能保守秘密,我就告诉你真相。你能吗?——我向你保证。我不会告诉任何人的。you have my word我向你保证,符合语境。you’ve got me there你难住我了;that’s the case情况就是这样;that’s something太好了,太棒了。‎ 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Game of Light and Shade It was a sunny day.I had gone up and down the tower when,outside the door at the foot,a blind man came toward me.In a moment,he disappeared up the stairs.I looked at the sign that said “To the Tower”,and decided to 36 him.‎ I caught up with him in the ticket office.There I was 37 to see the attendant(工作人员) selling him a ticket as if he were any other visitor.Then,with the ticket in one hand and 38 the wall with the fingers of the other,the blind man reached the stairs 39 to the hallway.‎ ‎“That man is blind.What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” I said to the attendant,expecting him to show some 40 ,but he didn’t answer.‎ ‎“Not the 41 certainly,”I said.“Perhaps he wants to 42 .”‎ I bought a ticket and 43 up the stairs.The man hadn’t gone as far as I 44 .A third of the way up the tower,I heard his 45 .I slowed down and followed him at a little 46 .He stopped from time to time.When he got to the balcony(阳台),I was a dozen steps 47 .As I reached it,I saw him at the corner of the tower.‎ At last,after ten minutes,I 48 him.“Excuse me,” I said as politely as I could,“but I am curious to know 49 you came up.”‎ He smiled.“Coming up the stairs,you will notice how not just light but sun 50 into the tower through the narrow windows here and there,so that you can feel the 51 —the cool stairs suddenly become quite warm—and how up here behind the wall there is 52 ,but as soon as going opposite a window you can find the sun.There is no 53 so good as this for feeling the difference between light and shade.It is not the first time I’ve come up.”‎ The blind man seemed quite 54 ,just like a child who was enjoying his favorite games.He told me the truth that blind men can also find the beauty in life 55 they cannot enjoy the sights of the world.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,作者跟随一位盲人登塔,盲人告诉他尽管盲人们无法看到世界上的风景,但他们也能找到生活里的美。‎ ‎36.A.accept B.follow C.control D.visit 答案 B 解析 accept接受;follow跟随;control控制;visit参观。我看着“登塔”的指示牌,决定跟随他上去看看具体情况。因为对于他登塔要做的事情,我很好奇。故B项正确。‎ ‎37.A.frightened B.disappointed C.surprised D.embarrassed 答案 C 解析 frightened害怕的;disappointed失望的;surprised惊讶的;embarrassed尴尬的。当我看见工作人员把他当做正常人一样,也卖票给他,我感觉很惊讶。故C项正确。‎ ‎38.A.touching B.climbing C.hitting D.covering 答案 A 解析 touch触摸;climb攀登;hit击中;cover覆盖。由第一段第二句中的“a blind man came toward me”可知,对方是一个盲人,所以他只能摸着墙向上攀登。故A项正确。‎ ‎39.A.pointing B.attaching C.contributing D.leading 答案 D 解析 point to指向;attach...to...把……附在……之上;contribute to对……做贡献;lead to导致,通向。句中现在分词短语leading to the hallway作定语修饰名词the stairs,指通向走廊的楼梯。其余三项语义不搭配。故D项正确。‎ ‎40.A.respect B.doubt C.concern D.sympathy 答案 C 解析 respect尊敬;doubt怀疑;concern担心,关心;sympathy 同情。我告诉工作人员他是一个盲人,希望工作人员能够多关注他,因为他无法欣赏风景,他很可能是要登塔以后跳下去。故C项正确。‎ ‎41.A.view B.test C.prize D.trick 答案 A 解析 view风景,观点;test测试;prize奖品,奖励;trick诡计,把戏。我认为这个盲人不会到塔顶去看风景,他是想去跳楼;所以我才让工作人员关注他。故A项正确。‎ ‎42.A.kick B.jump C.relax D.escape 答案 B 解析 句意参考上题解析。kick踢;jump跳跃;relax放松;escape逃跑。故B项正确。‎ ‎43.A.struggled B.explored C.wandered D.hurried 答案 D 解析 struggle挣扎,斗争;explore探索;wander徘徊,闲逛;hurry匆忙。由上文可知,我非常担心这个盲人,所以我买了票以后匆忙爬上楼梯跟着他查看他究竟想做什么。故D项正确。‎ ‎44.A.promised B.examined C.imagined D.confirmed 答案 C 解析 promise承诺;examine检查;imagine想象;confirm确认。这个盲人爬得并没有我想象得那么远,在向上的楼梯三分之一的地方,我听到了他的脚步声。故C项正确。‎ ‎45.A.steps B.words C.secrets D.cheers 答案 A 解析 句意参考上题解析。step脚步声;word话;secret秘密;cheer欢呼。故A项正确。‎ ‎46.A.standard B.distance C.expense D.intention 答案 B 解析 standard标准;distance距离;expense费用;intention目的,意图。于是我放慢脚步,在后面稍远处跟着他。名词distance表示距离,故B项正确。‎ ‎47.A.ahead B.around C.outside D.behind 答案 D 解析 ahead在前面;around在附近;outside在外面;behind在后面。当他到阳台的时候,我在后面十几步的地方看着他。本句指我站在他的后面,观察他的行为。故D项正确。‎ ‎48.A.recognized B.surrounded C.approached D.witnessed 答案 C 解析 recognize认出,意识到;surround包围;approach靠近;witness目睹,见证。根据下文“Excuse me”可知,我靠近和他打招呼。故C项正确。‎ ‎49.A.why B.how C.when D.whether 答案 A 解析 作者一路跟着这位盲人登塔,主要是因为他不知道对方来这里的原因。所以句中使用why引导宾语从句。故A项正确。‎ ‎50.A.knocks B.pours C.slides D.bursts 答案 B 解析 knock敲击,击中;pour倾倒;slide滑倒;burst爆发。爬上楼梯,你会注意到的不仅是光线,还有阳光会从窄窄的窗户照射到各处。动词pour表示阳光透过窗户洒在楼梯上。故B项正确。‎ ‎51.A.trend B.reaction C.change D.honor 答案 C 解析 trend趋势,倾向;reaction反应;change改变;honor荣耀。从后句“the cool stairs suddenly become quite warm”可知,指这种变化。故C项正确。‎ ‎52.A.light B.space C.mess D.shade 答案 D 解析 light光线;space空间;mess杂乱;shade阴影。根据生活常识可知,“behind the wall”通常都有阴影。故D项正确。‎ ‎53.A.place B.signal C.object D.period 答案 A 解析 place地方;signal信号;object物体;period阶段,时期。没有什么地方和这里一样可以很好得感觉光和影之间的差别。我不是第一次来这里了。故A项正确。‎ ‎54.A.nervous B.content C.curious D.patient 答案 B 解析 nervous紧张的;content满足的,满意的;curious好奇的;patient耐心的。根据后半句“just like a child who was enjoying his favorite games”可知,这个盲人似乎很满足。故B 项正确。‎ ‎55.A.unless B.because C.once D.although 答案 D 解析 unless除非;because因为;once一旦;although尽管。他告诉我尽管盲人无法享受世界上的风景,但他们也能找到生活里的美。根据句意可知,上下文之间表示让步关系,要用although引导。故D项正确。‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Employees & Job Applicants The U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) enforces(强制执行) federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination.These laws protect you against employment discrimination when it involves:‎ ‎★Unfair treatment because of your race,color,religion,sex (including pregnancy,gender identity,and sexual orientation),national origin,age (40 or older),disability or genetic information.‎ ‎★Harassment(侵扰) by managers,co-workers,or others in your workplace,because of your race,color,religion,sex (including pregnancy,gender identity,and sexual orientation),national origin,age (40 or older),disability or genetic information.‎ ‎★Denial of reasonable workplace accommodation that you need because of your religious beliefs or disability.‎ ‎★Retaliation(报复) because you complained about job discrimination,or assisted with a job discrimination investigation or lawsuit.‎ If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work,you can first litigate(提出诉讼) a “charge of discrimination”.All of the laws enforced by EEOC,except for the Equal Pay Act,require you to file a charge of discrimination with us before you can file a job discrimination lawsuit against your employer.In addition,an individual,organization,or agency may file a charge on behalf of another person in order to protect the offended person’s identity.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。美国公平就业机会委员会对就业歧视作了相关说明并引导就业者们正确应对就业歧视。‎ ‎56.What’s the fundamental aim of the EEOC?‎ A.To guarantee laws are enforced strictly.‎ B.To ensure employees are treated justly.‎ C.To help job applicants find suitable jobs.‎ D.To urge bosses to improve working conditions.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“The U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces(强制执行) federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination.These laws protect you against employment discrimination”可知,美国公平就业机会委员会(EEOC)的根本目的是对抗就业歧视,确保就业者得到公平对待。故选B。‎ ‎57.What should employees do first to safeguard their rights when suffering discrimination?‎ A.File a charge of discrimination.‎ B.Protect the other party’s privacy.‎ C.Apply for a workplace assessment.‎ D.Litigate a job discrimination lawsuit against employers.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work,you can first litigate(提出诉讼) a ‘charge of discrimination’...against your employer.”可知,如果就业者在就业中受到歧视的话,要想保护自己的正当权益,就业者需要首先提出诉讼,故选A。‎ B We’ve all been there:those times you need to argue your point of view to someone who you know disagrees with you.You immediately go to your keyboard and start to type out that 280-character tweet,the Facebook reply,or a paragraphs-long email.Surely the reason,logic,and strong power of your written words will convince whoever it is who disagrees with you to see your point of view.But new research suggests a different idea.‎ That research was conducted by Juliana Schroeder,assistant professor of University of California,Berkeley,and her colleagues.In Schroeder’s study of almost 300 people,participants were asked to watch,listen,and read arguments about subjects they agreed or disagreed with.They were asked to judge the character of the communicator and the quality of the argument.Schroeder’s team found that the participants who watched or listened to the communicator were less dismissive (抵触的) of their claims than when they read that communicator’s same argument.‎ The idea for her study came from a newspaper article about a politician.One of us read a speech that was printed in a newspaper from a politician with whom he strongly disagreed.The next week,he heard the exact same speech playing on a radio station.He was shocked by how different his reaction was toward the politician when he read the speech compared to when he heard it.When he read the statement,the politician seemed idiotic,but when he heard it spoken,the politician actually sounded reasonable.‎ So in the workplace,speaking to someone in person often involves nothing more than walking a few doors down to their office.And that’s exactly what you should do if you need to convince that boss or colleague of why your blueprint for the company or project is the right one.‎ Only as a last way should you try to communicate with someone who you disagree with over social media.Twitter’s limited text allowance and social media users’ short attention make arguing your point an uphill battle.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一个研究发现:与意见不同的人交流的最好的方法并非是书面交流,而是当面交流。‎ ‎58.What’s the result of the research?‎ A.Written words are more logical and reasonable.‎ B.People prefer to communicate with keyboard.‎ C.When reading an argument,the participants were less dismissive than hearing it.‎ D.Oral,not written,communication works better.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,研究小组发现,相比观看或聆听交流的参与者来说,阅读文字的参与者更容易有抵触情绪,也就是说口头沟通比书面沟通更好,故D项正确。‎ ‎59.Why is the politician mentioned in Paragraph 3?‎ A.To introduce the topic for discussion.‎ B.To summarize the previous paragraphs.‎ C.To explain why Schroeder conducted the research.‎ D.To introduce the politician’s speech.‎ 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句可知,施罗德的研究灵感来自于报纸上一篇关于一位政治家的文章,由此可知,第三段提到政治家就是为了解释施罗德为什么开展这项研究,故C项正确。‎ ‎60.What does the underlined word “idiotic” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Wise. B.Practical.‎ C.Silly. D.Special.‎ 答案 C 解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“but when he heard it spoken,the politician actually sounded reasonable”可知,前后语意为转折关系,并结合选项可知画线词词义为“愚蠢的”,故C项正确。‎ C The hemlock(铁杉) trees along the Wappinger Creek,New York,look healthy.However,scientist Gary Lovett says the white balls which provide protection for the bugs are created by a tiny insect.It’s hard to believe the tiny bug could kill a tree.However,trees can end up with millions and millions of the pests.When there are that many,it ends up killing the tree.‎ The bug from East Asia is slowly killing trees across the USA.The trouble-making bug is just one of many invasive(入侵的) pests that have slipped into the United States.They can hurt other living things in their new home.‎ Many invasive pests arrive on wooden pallets piled inside shipping containers.They support and separate goods,and keep them from sliding around.Invasive pests often tunnel into the pallets.How can we stop pests from riding on pallets? Lovett says new rules are needed.The companies that make pallets don’t want more rules.Congress has added an amendment(修正案) in the 2018 Farm Bill to try and prevent this problem.However,Lovett is not hopeful it will make much of a difference.Pallets are checked by inspectors.Many are sprayed with bug-killing pesticide.“I believe in the system,”said Brent McClendon,president of The National Wooden Pallet and Container Association.He also said shipping containers are checked very carefully.‎ Still,each year 13 million containers are shipped to the US.Each is full of wooden pallets.Lovett says,“Inspectors can’t possibly check everything.All it takes are a few bad pallets; we should get rid of wooden pallets.”He believes pallets should be made of plastic or eco-composite wood.Eco-composite wood is a mix of wood fiber and plastic.Insects cannot hide into it.One problem is that these choices cost more.They may be worth the extra money,though.Invasive pests cost the US $5 billion a year.Trees don’t just die in forests.They also die in cities and our yards.Then,they need to be replaced.That costs money,too.‎ 语篇解读 本文介绍了美国铁杉树虫害由运输过程中使用的木板所携带的外来蛾虫所致。政府颁布了法案力图解决但收效甚微。有关人士就此也提出相应的解决方案。‎ ‎61.All the statements are true EXCEPT that .‎ A.pesticide has been applied to bug-killing B.the companies making pallets don’t want more rules C.invasive pests hide in pallets used in shipping D.invasive pests are native to Wappinger Creek 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。 根据第二段第一句“The bug from East Asia is slowly killing trees across the USA.”可知,此害虫为外来物种,并非瓦平格河土生土长的,故选D。‎ ‎62.What can we infer from the passage?‎ A.Bugs won’t bother the tree if just in few numbers.‎ B.Bugs ruin the shipping goods slowly.‎ C.Bugs can be easily spotted by eyes.‎ D.Bugs cover trees with white soft balls for protection.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“However,trees can end up with millions and millions of the pests.When there are that many,it ends up killing the tree.”可知,每棵树上都会有大量的害虫,当达到一定数量之后,树木就会死亡,故可以推出,少量的害虫不会造成树木死亡,故选A。‎ ‎63.Why does Gary Lovett want to get rid of wooden pallets?‎ A.Because insects mostly die in them.‎ B.Because they are the major pest carriers.‎ C.Because they are not worth extra money.‎ D.Because plastic pallets are eco-friendly.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段前两句以及最后一段第五、六、七句可知,木板是铁杉斑螟蛾虫的主要载体,所以要把木制的板子换成塑料的,让蛾虫无藏身之地,故选B。‎ ‎64.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.Congress contributes a lot to dealing with invasive pests.‎ B.Effective measures have stopped the pest invasion.‎ C.Invasive pests are harming plants in the USA.‎ D.Ecosystem in the USA is poorly damaged by invasive woods.‎ 答案 C 解析 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后三句并结合全文内容可知,本文主要讲述外来蛾虫入侵所致的铁杉树虫害,会给当地的树木造成剧烈的影响以及巨大的经济损失,故选C。‎ D Governments,non-governmental organizations(NGOs) and charities sent representatives to Stockholm,Sweden in August,2017 for World Water Week activities.The subject of that year’s campaign was “Water and Waste:Reduce and Reuse”.‎ The United States Geological Survey defines wastewater as used water.It is the water that comes out of pipes from people’s homes—from their bathrooms,washing machines and dishwashers.It can contain substances such as human waste,food pieces,oils,and chemicals.Businesses and industries also use water that must be cleaned.‎ Wastewater can also have harmful substances that wash off roads,areas where motor vehicles are kept,and tops of buildings when it rains.‎ ‎ ① Todd Gartner of the World Resources Institute says only a small amount of wastewater is being reused for other purposes.‎ ‎“Something like,I think,only four or five percent of wastewater is being recycled for any ‎ useful purpose.And over 90 percent of wastewater is just raw water.Right,you obviously have some nutrients and some metals you have to filter(过滤) out,but the technology is increasingly becoming available to treat and reuse that wastewater.”‎ ‎ ② Gartner says the simple step—reusing water—could make a big difference.He notes that recycling is already happening in some places.“Even for potable water,there are a lot of places where people are treating wastewater to drinkable standards. And if you think of that as an option,it dramatically reduces our need to think of using fresh water each time.”‎ Treating wastewater is good for human beings because it provides fresh water for us.But it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans.‎ ‎“Eighty percent of wastewater around the world is not treated at all,which means that it is running into oceans and bays.”‎ ‎ ③ Sarah Feakins,a professor at the University of Southern California,says agriculture is reducing the amount of water in the ground.‎ ‎“It is well-known that the water table level is dropping because of all the water being used for agriculture,so that means we can not keep doing what we are doing for a very long time.We actually have to change what we are doing.”‎ ‎ ④ Todd Gartner believes there are two kinds of solutions.One is through low technology,like reforestation,or planting trees,and fixing pipes that leak.More high tech solutions include better watering methods for agriculture,and factories removing salt from salt water.‎ On average,the world uses about 10 billion tons of water a day.And while 75 percent of our planet is covered with water,only about two percent is fresh water—that comes from rivers,lakes,ice and snow.‎ The rest,98 percent of the water,is in seas and oceans. It is too salty to drink.This is where desalination(脱盐) businesses come in.‎ The International Desalination Association says there are more than 19,000 desalination plants worldwide.They process more than 92 million tons of water every day. But they require a lot of energy.Currently,desalination operations are found mostly in coastal nations with large energy supplies.‎ Researchers are working to create a less costly technology.They are studying a process called membrane(膜) desalination.It moves water through special membranes that keep the larger salt molecules from passing through.‎ Nikolay Voutchkov,president of Water Globe Consultants,says other technologies,such as using membranes with enzymes and nanoparticles,may cut the cost of using desalination for large amounts of water.‎ ‎“If we could imagine that we could create that structure that looks like a honeycomb,we ‎ would increase production by about 20 times that of what we have today.”‎ Scientists say finding a less costly desalination process would mean less pressure on natural sources of clean water and perhaps the fundamental way out of the lack of fresh water.‎ And Todd Gartner says everyone should have access to clean water.“Water is a human right and we want to make sure that everyone has access to clean,pure plentiful water.Right now,we are not allocating it in a way that suggests it is a human right and everyone deserves their equal share.”‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了当今人类所面临的水资源短缺问题,并就此提供了一些应对方案。‎ ‎65.Why does the author mention World Water Week activities in the first paragraph?‎ A.To highlight the subject of the campaign.‎ B.To stress the severity of water shortage.‎ C.To show the urgency of saving water.‎ D.To lead to the topic of the passage.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The subject of that year’s campaign was ‘Water and Waste:Reduce and Reuse’.”及下文对于淡水资源短缺问题的阐述可知,作者在第一段提及世界水周活动是为了引出文章的主题。故选D。‎ ‎66.Which statement about wastewater may Todd Gartner agree with?‎ A.Recycled wastewater is as healthful as fresh water.‎ B.People worldwide rarely put wastewater to good use.‎ C.Some people are prejudiced against reusable wastewater.‎ D.Reusable wastewater can hardly meet drinkable standards.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“only a small amount of wastewater is being reused for other purposes”及第五段中的“Something like,I think,only four or five percent of wastewater is being recycled for any useful purpose.”可知,世界范围内只有很少一部分,大约4%或5%的废水被循环使用。由此可推知,世界各地的人们很少将废水进行有效利用。故选B。‎ ‎67.Which is the best place for the sentence “Another problem is that people are using more clean water than our planet has.”?‎ A.① B.② C.③ D.④‎ 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。题干中提到的句子是过渡句。上文应讲述存在的问题之一,即大部分废水没有被循环使用,接下来讲述第二个问题,即人们对水资源的过度使用。结合第九段中的“agriculture is reducing the amount of water in the ground”‎ 及第十段的内容可知,作者以农业中水资源被过度使用为例来说明人们对水资源的过度使用问题,也就是说该句话应放在③处。故选C。‎ ‎68.What may be the problem with desalination?‎ A.Its process is far too complex.‎ B.It is highly energy-consuming.‎ C.Few businesses are interested in it.‎ D.It is available only in coastal nations.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第六段中的“But they require a lot of energy.”可知,海水脱盐非常耗能。故选B。‎ ‎69.According to scientists,the fundamental way to deal with fresh water shortage may lie in .‎ A.conserving water B.updating technology C.recycling wastewater D.distributing water properly 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,科学家认为降低海水脱盐过程的费用可能是解决淡水短缺的根本方法。再结合倒数第五段中的“Researchers are working to create a less costly technology”可知,降低海水脱盐的成本需要借助科技。由此可知,在科学家看来,改进科技可能是解决水资源短缺的根本方法。故选B。‎ ‎70.How does the author develop the passage?‎ A.By comparing opinions from different sides.‎ B.By raising a problem and providing solutions.‎ C.By presenting a cause and analyzing its effects.‎ D.By listing typical examples and relevant figures.‎ 答案 B 解析 写作手法题。纵观全文,文章首先讲到当今世界人类面临的水资源短缺这一难题,然后阐述了一些解决该问题的方法:如回收再利用废水、种树、海水脱盐等。由此可知,本文是通过提出一个问题,然后提供解决方案的方式来行文的。故选B。‎ 第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。‎ 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。‎ When we buy something in the market,often we are slightly skeptical of the seller.Why is it so?We are worried that the seller might know something that we do not know.And if we make a wrong selection due to concealment(隐瞒) by the seller,we might fall victim to adverse selection.Adverse selection can be defined as a phenomenon in the market that arises due to ‎ asymmetric(不对等的) information between buyers and sellers,which leads to a loss to either or the two.‎ Here is an example of adverse selection.In the insurance industry,typically,those who are at higher risk of health problems will find it more beneficial to buy an insurance policy than healthy people who are at much lower risk.Those who are healthy will find the premiums(保险费) too high to pay,and hence,they won’t take out the insurance cover.Also,the insured might hide vital data that might threaten his health or life,and choose not to disclose the information to the insurer.For example,a smoker is more likely to suffer from health problems,and hence,he will more likely buy an insurance policy to lower the risk than a non-smoker.That means even non-smokers have to pay a high premium,which discourages them from buying the insurance policy.This is a huge loss to the insurance company.Sometimes,the insurance company might not be able to distinguish between high-risk and low-risk investors.Due to this fact,it might be difficult for an insurance company to calculate the insurance premium.‎ For another example,if a lender doesn’t do a proper check on the financial position of a firm to which it is lending money,and accordingly,doesn’t charge high-risk borrowers higher interest rates, that will lead to adverse selection. To relieve the risk, the lender would increase the interest rates,and the low-risk borrowers who cannot afford high interest rates might automatically be driven out.‎ Adverse selection, if left unchecked, can create a lot of financial problems. For example, with fewer investments due to adverse selection,insurance firms may suffer; as without investments,there will be lesser capital for expansion and development activities.If high-risk investors are more,an insurance company’s revenue will decrease considerably.Also asymmetric information may lead to a lot of financial losses.If you buy a used car which doesn’t give performance as good as what is expected,your investment in that car isn’t getting the best possible returns.Worse still,adverse selection can result in market failure.In this case,even the good brands suffer due to the presence of bad products,since the buyer or the seller cannot distinguish between the two.‎ Thus,adverse selection is a market failure that can lead to financial losses for either the buyer or the seller.As long as there is lack of adequate information in the market,adverse selection will continue to happen.‎ Introduction We have a tendency to 71. a seller when shopping as we worry that he/she might hide some information about the products or services,causing us to make wrong choices and suffer from adverse selection.‎ The 72. of adverse selection Adverse selection refers to a situation in which potential losses can occur due to asymmetric information in the market.‎ Examples of adverse selection ‎★In insurance:‎ ‎·Low-risk investors are 73. to buy the insurance due to the high fee,which puts the insurer at a loss.‎ ‎·Some high-risk investors’ hiding critical information may discourage the low-risk ones from buying insurance,thus making it less 74. for the insurer.‎ ‎·The insurance company might have trouble calculating the premium due to their 75. to tell high-risk investors from low-risk ones.‎ ‎★In lending:‎ ‎·A lender might lose money when he 76. to check a borrower’s financial position properly and charges high-risk borrowers low interest rates.‎ ‎·If the lender raises the interest rates,low-risk borrowers not able to afford that may get rid of the chance.‎ ‎77. of adverse selection ‎·The decreased number of investments has a negative influence on the expansion and development of the insurance firms.‎ ‎·The more high-risk investors,the less insurance company may gain.‎ ‎·Asymmetric information may cause you to buy something whose performance doesn’t live up to your 78. .‎ ‎·Market failure might occur when a mixture of good brands and bad products 79. people.‎ Conclusion Adverse selection does no good to both the buyer and the seller,and it will always 80. if there isn’t enough information in the market.‎ ‎71.答案 distrust/disbelieve/doubt 解析 转换词汇题。根据第一段第一句“When we buy something in the market,often we are slightly skeptical of the seller.”可知,人们在购物时往往会不信任/怀疑销售者。故填distrust/disbelieve/doubt。‎ ‎72.答案 concept/definition 解析 概括词汇题。根据表格右栏的内容及第一段中的“Adverse selection can be defined as a phenomenon in the market that arises due to asymmetric(不对等的) information between buyers and sellers,which leads to a loss to either or the two.”可知,此处是在解释什么是逆向选择。故填concept/definition。‎ ‎73.答案 unwilling/reluctant 解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段中的“Those who are healthy will find...they won’t take out the insurance cover.”可知,因为保险费太高,所以低健康风险的人可能会不愿意买保险。故填unwilling/reluctant。‎ ‎74.答案 profitable 解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段中的“Also,the insured might hide...discourages them from buying the insurance policy.This is a huge loss to the insurance company.”可知,高风险者隐藏重要信息可能会导致低风险者不购买保险,这样会降低保险公司的收益。故填profitable。‎ ‎75.答案 inability 解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段最后两句可知,由于无法区分高风险投资者和低风险投资者,保险公司可能难以计算保费。故填inability。‎ ‎76.答案 fails 解析 转换词汇题。根据第三段中的“if a lender doesn’t do a proper check on the financial position of a firm to which it is lending money,and accordingly,doesn’t charge high-risk borrowers higher interest rates”可知,如果放款人未能正确查证借款人的财务状况,就会对高风险者收取较低的利率。故填fails。‎ ‎77.答案 Dangers 解析 概括词汇题。根据表格右栏的内容及文章第四段的内容可知,此处谈论的是逆向选择存在的危害。故填Dangers。‎ ‎78.答案 expectation(s)‎ 解析 转换词汇题。根据第四段中的“If you buy a used car which doesn’t give performance as good as what is expected,your investment in that car isn’t getting the best possible returns.”可知,此处指你购买的某件产品的性能达不到你的期望。故填expectation(s)。‎ ‎79.答案 confuses/puzzles 解析 转换词汇题。根据第四段中的“even the good brands suffer due to the presence of bad products,since the buyer or the seller cannot distinguish between the two”可知,当人们把好品牌(的产品)和不好的产品混淆时,市场就失灵了。故填confuses/puzzles。‎ ‎80.答案 happen/exist 解析 原文词汇题。根据文章最后一句可知,如果市场上没有足够的信息,逆向选择会一直发生/存在。故填happen/exist。‎ 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎81.请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。‎ A decade ago,summer vacation for college students was all about outdoor activities,whether they traveled with their friends or conducted fieldwork.Nowadays,while there are still students ‎ who love to go outside,the majority of students prefer to stay indoors.‎ According to a recent survey on Chinese college students’ summer vacation activities by The Dynasty,almost 60 percent of the respondents say that they barely step outside.Waking up naturally,surfing the Internet all day long and ordering some takeout food have become the new norm.‎ The indoor trend among college students has undoubtedly raised some concern.Zhu Haoliang,an associate professor of psychology at Wenzhou University,warns that students’ lack of outdoor activities not only affects their physical condition,but also weakens their psychological well-being.‎ ‎“Humans are born to be social.We gain self-esteem and self-respect through social interactions,” he told China Science Daily.“If they are spending too much time at home,students may lose interest in life or even suffer from social anxiety,loneliness and depression,” he added.‎ 写作内容 ‎1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;‎ ‎2.用约120个单词阐述你对“大学生暑假期间宅在家里”的看法,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。‎ 写作要求 ‎1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;‎ ‎2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎3.不必写标题。‎ 评分标准 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。‎ 参考范文 Nowadays,many college students prefer to stay indoors during their summer vacation rather than take part in outdoor activities,which according to a university associate professor,could do harm to their physical and mental health.‎ I couldn’t agree more with the professor.Firstly,staying indoors means there will be a lack of exercise.As the saying goes,“A sound mind is in a sound body.” That is to say,one’s mind and body are closely related. If one’s physical health fails,his mind will be very likely to suffer. Secondly,we human beings are creatures that interact greatly with other members in our society.With our personal development highly dependent on the overall development of our society,without social interactions,we’ll be cut off from the outside world,fall into loneliness and even suffer from depression.‎ Therefore,as far as I am concerned,college students should go outside rather than stay at home during their summer vacation.‎

