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2020 届二轮复习数词和主谓一致 一、数词 1 .基数词的结构特点: (1) 在表达上十位和个位之间要加连字符“-”。 (2) 在百位和十位之间要用 and 连接。 (3) 千位以上的数从后向前数,每三位加一个逗号。 (4)hundred , thousand , million 等前面有具体数字或 some , several 等修饰时,后面不加“ s” ;但当其后跟 of 短语时,要用复数形式。 2 .序数词的结构特点: (1) 序数词第 1 ~ 19 除了 first , second 和 third 外,其余的大部分都是由基数词后加“ th” 构成。 (2) 十位数序数词如果含有 1 ~ 9 的个位数时,十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,并且中间用连字符连接。 (3) 百、千、万等的序数词由 hundred , thousand , million 等后加 th 构成。 (4) 序数词前一般要加 the 表示顺序。 3 .分数、小数、百分数的读法和写法 (1) 分数的分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,分子大于一时,分母用复数;但要注意整数和分数之间必须用 and 连接。 25,6 表示为 two and five sixths 。 (2) 在读小数时,小数点后面的数字要单独读出。小数点读成 point 。 (3) 百分数用“基数词+ percent” 表示,要注意 percent 不能用复数形式。 特别提醒:① 1/2 一般用 a/one half 表示。 ② 1/4 一般用 a/one quarter 表示。 4 .表达倍数关系的句式 (1) 主语 A +谓语+倍数程度+ as +形容词或副词原级+ as +比较对象 B 。 (2) 主语 A +谓语+倍数程度+ the +度量名词+ of +比较对象 B 。 (3) 主语 A +谓语+倍数程度+ what 从句。 (4) 主语 A +谓语+倍数程度+形容词或副词的比较级+ than +比较对象 B 。 (5) 主语 A +谓语+形容词或副词的比较级+ than +比较对象 B + by +倍数。 特别提醒:表达倍数时,一倍用 once ,两倍用 twice/double ,三倍或三倍以上才用“基数词+ times” 表示。 二、主谓一致 ( 一 ) 主谓一致三原则 1 .语法一致的原则。即主语是单数,谓语为单数;主语若为复数,谓语亦为复数。例如: He does well in maths. 2 .意义一致的原则。根据主语的意义,而不是形式,决定谓语的数。例如: The teacher and writer is going to give us a lecture on writing. 那位老师兼作者准备给我们讲讲如何写作。 3 .就近一致的原则。即谓语与靠近的那个主语一致。例如: Either he or I am right. 特别提醒:①三个原则虽然不同,但在具体运用中,它们往往是协调的,并不矛盾。例如: More than ten students have passed the driving test.( 形式和意义都是复数 ) ② 当语法一致的原则与意义一致的原则发生冲突时,一般坚持语法一致的原则。例如: More than one student has passed the driving test.( 形式是单数,意义是复数 ) ( 二 ) 主谓一致细说 1 .谓语用单数时的情况 (1) 不可数名词做主语时。例如: There is a lot of water in the jar. 特别提醒:不可数名词前若有表示数量的物量词,则谓语动词与物量词本身的形式一致。例如: One million tons of oil were produced last year. (2) 不定式短语、动名词短语和从句做主语时。例如: That she will come here tomorrow is certain. 特别提醒:① what 从句做主语时,谓语动词的形式主要取决于后面的表语是单数还是复数。试比较: What they want is nothing but a rest. What he wants are two books. ② 当 what 从句表示所说的话或所做的事时,谓语动词应用单数。例如: What he said has left us much to think about. (3) 主语是形单意单的词 ①主语若是单数名词,后面尽管跟有 as well as , with , together with , besides , except , but , including , rather than 等引导的短语,谓语仍用单数。例如: The teacher as well as his students is playing football. In some parts of the world , tea is served with milk or sugar. ② 主语是 each 或单数主语被 each , every 修饰时。例如: Each of the boys has a pencil box. Here every student is good at drawing. 特别提醒:单数的并列主语被 every , each , no , many a 修饰时,谓语也用单数。例如: Every desk and chair is new. Each teacher and each student has been told to attend the meeting after school. 特别提醒: each 做主语的同位语时谓语由前面的主语决定。例如: They each have finished their exercises. ③ 主语是 either , neither , the other 或主语被 either , neither 修饰时。例如: Either of the answers is correct. Neither answer proves to be correct. ④every/some/any/no + body/one/thing 构成的复合不定代词做主语时。例如: Nobody is absent. ⑤ 主语是 a kind/sort/type of +单数或复数名词时,因为 kind/sort/type 是短语中的中心词,也是信息的焦点,所以,谓语应与其一致。例: This kind of wheat isn't grown in our country. (4) 主语是形复意单的词 ①以 s 结尾的国名、人名、书名、组织机构等专有名词作主语时。例如: The United Nations( 联合国 ) was founded in 1945. ② 以 s 结尾的学科名词做主语时。例如: Physics is taught in all middle schools. ③“One and a half +复数名词”做主语时。例如: One and a half days is all I can spare. 2 .谓语用复数时的情况 (1) 主语是形单意复的词 ① people , police 等集合名词做主语时。例如: The police have caught the thieves. ②“the/these/those +形容词 / 分词形容词”可以表示一类人,这一结构做主语时。例如: Those wounded were taken good care of. “the +形容词”还可表示抽象事物,这时应视做单数。例如: The beautiful gives pleasure to people. ③“the +表示国籍、民族的形容词”可以表示该国全体人民,这一结构做主语时。例如: The Chinese are a brave and hardworking people. (2) 主语是形复意复的词 ①某些具有抽象意义的复数名词做主语时。例如: Things are getting worse and worse. The surroundings are usually quiet here. ②“one or two +复数名词”做主语时。例如: There are one or two tickets left. ③glasses , compasses , trousers 等由两部分连成一体的名词做主语时。例如: My trousers are worn out. 若前面有 pair 等物量词,则谓语由该物量词的形式决定。例如: There is a pair of compasses on the desk. There are two pairs of glasses needing to be repaired. 3 .谓语用单数或复数均有可能 (1) 表示时间、金钱、距离、重量等的复数名词被看做整体时,谓语用单数。例如: Ten dollars is what he needs. Twenty kilometres isn't a short distance. 若侧重于一个个的个体,则用复数。例如: Five years have passed since I joined the League. (2)and 连接并列的名词做主语时,谓语一般用复数。例如: Reading and writing are both very important. Hard work and plain living ( 艰苦和朴素 ) are the fine qualities of a person. 若该结构表示一个单一的概念或指同一人、物时,谓语用单数,但这时两个名词前加一个冠词。例如: The maths teacher and class teacher( 班主任数学老师 ) is very strict with us. Bread and butter( 涂有黄油的面包 )is their daily food. Hard work and plain living( 艰苦朴素 )is a weapon with which we have won one victory after another. (3)family , class , group , team , crowd , crew , enemy , committee , population 等集合名词做主语时,若强调整个集体,谓语用单数。例如: The population of China is large. 中国人口众多。 若强调集体中的各个成员,谓语用复数。例如: Nearly 80% of the population of China are farmers. 中国将近百分之八十的人口是农民。 (4)what , which , who , some , any , more , most , all 等词做主语时,谓语动词的数根据实际意义确定。例如: All is silent. 万籁俱寂。 (all 指代整个情况、事件时是单数 ) All are silent. 所有的人都不做声。 (all 指代人或物时,是复数 ) (5)none 做主语时,若指代可数名词,谓语用单数和复数均可以;若指代不可数名词,谓语用单数。 (6)“half of , part of , most of , eighty percent of , one third of , the rest of +名词 / 代词”做主语时,谓语根据后面的名词或代词而定。例如: Most of the people agree with us. Most of the money is spent on clothes. (7) 单复数同形的名词做主语时,谓语动词要根据主语的意义而定。例如: All means have been tried. Every means has been tried. (8) 在四则运算中,加法、乘法后面的谓语动词用单、复数均可,减法、除法后面的谓语动词只能用单数。例如: Three plus three makes/make six. Thirtyfive divided by five is seven. ( 四 ) 谓语与相邻的那个主语一致 (1)either...or , neither...nor , not only...but also , not...but , or 等连接两个并列的主语时,谓语须与靠近的那一个主语一致。例如: Either you or I am wrong. Are neither you nor he for the plan? (2) 在 here is , there is 或其他状语提前的倒装句中,谓语动词的形式也适用邻近原则。例如: Here is a pen and two pieces of paper for you. 5 .主谓一致的其他情况 (1) 在强调结构中,当被强调部分是主语时,从句中的谓语须与被强调词一致。例如: It is I who am to answer for her safety. (2) 定语从句中的谓语动词在意义上应与先行词一致。例如: Do you know the girls who are soldiers? ① 当先行词为“ one of +名词复数”时,定语从句中的谓语动词用复数。例如: She is one of the girls who have passed the exam. ② 当先行词为“ the(only)one of +名词复数”时,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。例如: She is the only one of the girls who has passed the exam. (3)“many a/more than one +单数可数名词”做主语时谓语用单数。例如: Many a student has joined the League recently. (4)“the number of +名词复数”做主语时谓语用单数。 “ a number of +名词复数”做主语时谓语用复数。例如: The number of the students in our school is larger than that in their school. A number of people are against the proposal. [ 名校模拟演练 ] 1 . ( 甘肃天水一中 )The exercises are extremely difficult, but half of the class ______ them ahead of time. A . has already finished B . will finish C . have already finished D . finishes 解析:考查时态及主谓一致。语意表明谓语动词用现在完成时; class, family, army, government, group, team, staff, committee, nation, company 等集合名词作主语强调整体时,谓语用单数,如果强调个体,则用复数。句中强调个体,所以用复数。 答案: C 2 . ( 北京海淀 )Three quarters of the forest ______ burnt to ashes, and the rest ______ cut down for construction. A . was; has been B . was; have been C . have been; is D . are; has been 解析: Three quarters of + n. 谓语动词取决于名词 the forest, 谓语用单数;第二空 the rest 也指代 forest, 谓语也用单数。 答案: A 3 . ( 杭州一中月考 )Jane is one of the best students in her class who ______ by their teacher. A . are praised B . is praised C . praised D . praise 解析: one of +复数名词做先行词时,定语从句中谓语动词用复数形式,且表被动,故选 A 。 答案: A 4 . ( 合肥联考 )The population of this area ______ 100 000. Seventy percent of the population ______ natives and the rest ______ from China. A . is; is; is B . are; are; is C . is; are; are D . are; is; are 解析:第一空 population 指“人口数量”,谓语动词用单数;第二空 population 指“人”,谓语动词用复数;第三空 the rest 指“其他的人”,谓语动词用复数。 答案: C 5 . ( 重庆联考 )Soon after feeling the slight shaking, every man, woman and child ______ about the earthquake that night. A . were talking B . was talking C . had talked D . talking 解析: every +单数名词,谓语动词用单数。 答案: B 6 . ( 皖中联考 )All the employees except the manager ______ to work online at home. A . encourages B . encourage C . is encouraged D . are encouraged 解析: except 连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一主语一致,且表被动,故选 D 。 答案: D 7 . ( 杭州检测 )Yesterday the League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting. A . is B . was C . are D . were 解析: the League secretary and monitor 指“一个人”,谓语动词用单数。 答案: B 8 . ( 皖西检测 )The results of the examination ______ that you have all made great ______. A . show; progress B . shows; progress C . show; progresses D . shows; progresses 解析:第一空主语是 the results, 谓语动词用复数;第二空 progress 是不可数名词,不加 s 。 答案: A 9 . ( 安庆一中月考 )Either your parents or your elder brother ______ to attend the meeting tomorrow. A . is B . are C . are going D . have 解析: either...or... 连接并列主语,用就近一致原则,故选 A 。 答案: A 10 . ( 黄冈检测 )Neither of the novels which ______ popular with us ______ been translated into Chinese. A . are; has B . are; had C . is; have D . is; has 解析:定语从句的先行词是 novels ,故从句中谓语用 are ;第二空主语是 neither ,谓语用 has 或 have 都可以。 答案: A

