八年级上英语课件《What's the best movie theater》 (17)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《What's the best movie theater》 (17)_人教新课标

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? To learn to discuss preferences and make comparison 学习讨论用形容词讨论外观并 作比较 To learn to understand and use superlatives with –(i)est, the most 理解和运用最高级 To learn to understand and use irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst 理解并运 用以下次的不规则变化 popular more popular the most popular The highest building in the world? The largest country in the world? the smallest animal in the world? The longest river in the world? The smallest country in the world? • The Vatican City State Birth: 1954,04,07 Height: 1.73m Weight: 63kg Birth: 1961,09,27 Height: 1.74m Weight: 64kg taller shorter heavier thinner older younger more athletic … Who is the oldest and who is the youngest? Height: Weight: Hair: Character: Chen Long is the shortest and Xie Tingfeng is the tallest. Chen Long is the thinnest and Xie Tingfeng is the heaviest. Chen Long has the longest hair and Liu Dehua has the shortest hair. I think … is the most athletic / handsome. Birth: 1954,04,07 Height: 1.73m Weight: 63kg Birth: 1961,09,27 Height: 1.74m Weight: 64kg Birth: 1980,08,29 Height: 1.745m Weight: 68kg Read 2d and answer the questions. 1. Is Greg new in town? 2. Where is the best supermarket? What can you buy there? 3. Which cinema is the newest? What does Helen think of it? Yes, he is. It’s on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there. Sun Cinema is the newest. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. Greg: Hi, I’m Greg. I’m new in town. Helen: Hi, I’m Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! How do you like it so far? Greg: It’s fantastic, but I still don’t really know my way around. Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there. Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here? I love watching movies. Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. Greg: Thanks for telling me. Helen: No problem. 2d. Role-play the conversation. 1.Welcome to the neighborhood! 欢迎成为邻居 2.How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你对它印象如何? 3.I still don’t really know my way around. 我还是真的不知道周围的路。 4.The best supermarket is on Center Street. 最 好的超市在中心大街上。 5.You can buy the freshest food there. 在哪儿你能买到最新鲜的食物。 6. I love watching movies. 我喜欢看电影。 7.You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. 你可以坐得最舒服因为 他们有最大的座位。 8.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。 9.No problem. 没问题。 1.Tom is the tallest in our class. This apple is the biggest of all. 1)形容词最高级: 用于三者或三者以上的人或 事物相比较。 2)标志词:表比较范围时用in/of 3) 形容词最高级前须加the. Language points 2.观察句子: Which do you like best? Chinese, English or math? Tom is one of the tallest boys in his class. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 常用句式: 1) Who/ Which…+ 最高级…, A, B or C ? 2) one of +the +形容词最高级 +名词复数形式, 意为“最…之一”。 3)序数词后跟形容词最高级。 形容词的比较等级 1. 大多数形容词有三个等级。 a. 原级即原形,如big(大)。 b. 比较级表示 “ 较…… ” 或 “ 更…… 一些 ” 的意思。 如: bigger(更大) c.最高级表示 “最……”的意思。 如: biggest(最大) 2. 形容词的比较级用法 a. 两种人或事物进行比较时, 用 “形容词比较级 + than”。 The sun is bigger than the moon. This cake is more delicious than that one. 形容词比较级可用much, still, a little, even等词来修饰。 3.形容词最高级的用法 表示三者或三者以上 ( 人或事物 ) 的比较, 用最高级。最高级前面一般 加定冠词the, 后面可带短语来说明比 较的范围。 如: Mary is the youngest of the three girls. English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. 4. 形容词最高级的构成 A: cheap short quick thick light cool warm quiet wild calm the -- est B: heavy easy tidy dry busy happy healthy hungry early 变y为i加est C: large late nice 加st biggestD: big hot thin wet fat hottest “双写” thinnest wettest fattest Adjective delicious dangerous interesting popular beautiful careful friendly the most adj . Adjective better best far little worse worst more most farther farthest less least good well bad ill many much 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级 1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little 1. good better best 2. comfortable more ~ most ~ 3. big bigger biggest 4. happy happier happiest 5. cheap cheaper cheapest 6. many more most 7. difficult more ~ most ~ 8. little less least 1. Lily gets up ______ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes __________ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _______________ (interesting) than that one. earlier more slowly more interesting 根据所给词的适当形式填空 4. She works ________________ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed _________ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is ________________ (delicious) of all. the most carefully latest the most delicious Homework: preview grammar focus in page 27.

