专题04 中考阅读技巧总结 备战2021年中考英语复习知识点总结

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专题04 中考阅读技巧总结 备战2021年中考英语复习知识点总结

专题四:中考阅读技巧总结 戏法一:阅读 A 三步走 第一步:审题,划关键词 第二步:定位,找对应句 第三步:分析,得出答案 【戏法演绎】 My favorite area in Britain is a country called Northumberland in the north-east of the country. I like it because it has mountains, the sea and history. The mountains are not very high. In China you would probably call them hills rather than mountains as they are less than 1, 000 meters high, but there is something wild about these mountains you get a feeling of space and freedom. You can walk for miles without meeting another person. Northumberland is full of history. There are seven castles, some of them were ruined and the others still there as they were centuries ago. You can find graves going back to prehistoric (史前 的,times and strange carvings on rocks which nobody understands. The coast line is dramatic too, with beautiful sandy beaches. These beaches are rarely crowded because the weather is unpredictable and the North Sea is very cold! People don’t go for seaside holidays to Northumberland because of the cold sea and weather, so even in high season there aren’t many tourists. There is an island called Holy Island off the coast of Northunberland, you can get to the island by car or on foot when the tide is out. There is also one castle I particularly like. It is a 14th century castle which stands on a cliff right by the sea. The castle is almost completely ruined, but it looks dramatic and romantic because you can still see the gate and two of its owners. On a summer’s day you can lie on the beach nearby and let your mind wander as you look at this dream-like castle. On a winter’s day you can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff, wondering how this castle has stood so long against the forces of nature. I once said to a friend of mine that I thought this castle by the sea was the most beautiful place in the world. She laughed and said there must be many more dramatic places in the world. In one way, I’m sure she’s right, but for me, it’s not just about what a place looks like, it’s about what it says to you. 1.In China people probably call them mountains which are________ 1,000 meters high. A.less than B. nearly C. more than D. almost 【解析】 第一步: 第 1 题关键词为 call them mountains,1000meters high。 第二步: 把关键词代入文章内,对应句为第一段 In China you would probably call them hills rather than mountains as they are less than 1, 000 meters high. 第三步: 分析 call them hills rather than 叫他们小山坡而不是大山,所以要高于 1000meters 才算大山,得出答案.。 【答案】C 2. Not many people visit the beautiful beach because of ________. A.the soft sands B. the cold sea and weather C.the warm sea D. the island nearby 【解析】 第一步: 第 2 题关键词为 not,visit the beautiful beach。 第二步: 把关键词代入文章内,对应句第二段 These beaches are rarely crowded because the weather is unpredictable and the North Sea is very cold! 第三步: 分析可知 weather 和 cold sea。 【答案】B 3. How are the seven castles in Northumberland? A. They are modern and fantastic. B. They are all complete and magnificent C. Some hasn’t changed at all for centuries. D. Some are full of strange carvings. 【解析】 第一步: 第 3 题关键词为 seven castles in Northumberland. 第二步: 把关键词代入文章内,对应句第二段 There are seven castles..strange carvings on rocks which nobody understands. 第三步: 分析 nobody understands 无人懂得,可知为 strange 奇怪,可知答案为 D 【答案】D 4. Which of the following is NOT True about the reason why the author likes the 14th century castle? A. It was built in the 14th century on a cliff right by the sea. B. It looks very dramatic and romantic with two towers but no gate. C. The author can let his mind wander as he looks at this dream-like castle. D. The author can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff. 【解析】 第一步: 第 4 题关键词为 reason, author likes the 14th century castle. 第二步: 把关键词代入文章内,对应句第三段 The castle is almost completely ruined, but it looks dramatic and romantic because you can still see the gate and two of its owners. 第三步: 分析得出是有 gate 门的,可知答案为 B. 【答案】B 5. From the last paragraph in the passage, we know________. A.the author’s friend agreed on his opinion about the castle. B.the author doesn’t think there are many more dramatic places in the world. C.the author’s friend pays no attention to the beautiful scenery. D.what the author cares is not only the scenery but also the feeling he can get from it. 【解析】 第一步: 第 5 题关键词为 last paragraph. 第二步: 浏览最后一段,对应句 but for me, it’s not just about what a place looks like, it’s about what it says to you. 第三步: 可以推断出来对作者而言不仅仅是美丽的风景而且是这个地方对你的意义。可知 答案为 B. 【答案】B 温馨提示 此类型的题目,可在第一步快速浏览下各个选项,做到心中有数。 6. You can get the passage from the following materials EXCEPT________. A. science fiction B. journals C. newspapers D. magazines 【解析】这是一篇风景介绍的文章所以不可能来科幻小说。 【答案】A 【沙场点兵】 The Earth is faced with a serious power problem now and all of us are affected by it. Should we leave everything to the government, or can we do something to save power? The answer is clear if not us, who? Let us look at how you can save power at home. Computer. More often than not, we do not turn off our monitors(显示屏) even after we have shut down our computers. And we often leave our computers on when we walk away to do something else. Keep the monitor and the computer switched off when you are not using them. Start doing this even when at work. You will help save some of the earth’s important power. Air Conditioning: Put the temperature at the minimum or maximum strongest that you are comfortable with, depending on the season. Try not to put it at too-high or too-low temperatures. This helps you save lots of power. Washers: Do you use your washing machine as frequently as you wish? Do you use your washing machine even when there are not many clothes to wash? Reduce the times of washing by cleaning plenty of clothes every time. Television: Unplug(拔出插头) the power plug of your television set when not using it. This may not sound like a big deal but this little step will help oneself save power. Fridge: Do you always put hot food into the fridge? Bring cooked food to room temperatures before placing it into the fridge. You can also spare power by bringing cold or frozen food out of the icebox a great deal ahead of the mealtime. Thus, you don’t need to heat it. 1.The underlined part in the first paragraph means “_________” A. if we don’t use power, who will use it? B. The government should be responsible for saving power. C. If it is necessary to save power, who will do it? D. Everyone should do something to saver power. 【答案】D 【考查角度】推断题 【解析】由“The answer is clear if not us, who? Let us look at how you can save power at home.” 可知,答案选 D 2.The writer thinks we often waste power by not turning off _______. A. computers and monitors B. air conditioners C. washing machines D. television sets 【答案】A 【考查角度】细节题 【解析】由“, we do not turn off our monitors(显示屏) even after we have shut down our computers. ”、“And we often leave our computers on when we walk away to do something else.”, 可知,答案选 A 3.The underlined “this” in the third paragraph refers to _______. A. stopping using air conditioners B. setting air conditioners at proper temperatures C. using smaller air conditioners D. keeping air conditioners on for shorter time 【答案】B 【考查角度】细节题 【解析】由“Try not to put it at too-high or too-low temperatures. ”可知,答案选 B 4.According to the writer, we’d better ________. A. wash our clothes as often as we wish B. wash our clothes without using washers C. wash plenty of clothes at a time D. use washers to wash light clothes 【答案】C 【考查角度】主旨题 【解析】由“ Reduce the times of washing by cleaning plenty of clothes every time.”可知,答案 选 C 5.The writer mentions ________ way(s) of saving power when we use the fridge. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 【答案】B 【考查角度】细节题 【解析】由“Bring cooked food to room temperatures before placing it into the fridge. You can also spare power by bringing cold or frozen food out of the icebox a great deal ahead of the mealtime. ”可知是两种方法,答案为 B 6.The best title for the passage is “_______”. A. How to live green B. How to buy electrical products C. How to be safe at home D. How to save money 【答案】A 【考查角度】主旨题 【解析】文章都在介绍如何节约能源,倡导绿色生活,答案选 A 戏法二:一二三四 完形结束 四种常用解题方法和步骤: 1. 巧用首句信息: 1) 利用首句把握文章的体裁; 2) 分析首句信息,预测下文内容,给文章定基调。 例 1: “I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate (候选人)for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said. “I’m sorry, Mike. I really thought you should be __1__.” Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a __2__ “Congratulations” and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine. “I’m, er—I’m just wondering if you would …consider coming to work on my team,” he said__3__. “You are really smart, and you would be a great manager.” 1. A. heard B. chosen C. invited D. followed 2. A. polite B. loud C. warm D. cheerful 3. A. proudly B. quickly C. nervously D. regretfully 【答案】B A C 【解析】此处节选的了文章的前三段和前三个空。第一句就给文章定了基调和方向: 本应我当选,有点不能接受 Jeff 当选了,自己落选的事实。这就决定了 2 空 我仅是礼貌性的(polite)说了声“Congratulations”,而不是发自内心的(则会 考虑到 BCD 选项);同时第 3 空,当他向我提出 offer 时,考虑到我的情绪, 应该是小心翼翼的进行试探,nervously 最符合说话人的当时的心态。 2 巧用上下文语境: 1)注意上下文的信息提示; 2)利用重复出现的词语。 例 2: An eighth grader said, “It’ll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.” Hearing these words made my heart filled with __1__. I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeff’s team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his __2__. The fact that it has made a difference in other people’s lives is the real prize. What a great feeling! 1. A. pride B. surprise C. patience D. hope 2. A. luck B. spirit C. life D. success 【答案】A D 【解析】根据黑体字所提示的上下文线索,只有感到 pride 是最合适的,而我的所作 的工作是 Jeff 的 success 的重要因素,中间段落都在描述作者为 Jeff 成功竞选 所做的工作。 例 3: Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking. I had seen him around, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed ____1_____ of himself, and was so pale that it _____2_____ us to look at him… It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got my yearbook back, there was a very shaky "RICKY". He hugged (紧抱) his yearbook and ____3____. I couldn't help but smile back at him. 1. A. unafraid B. unsure C. proud D. tired 2. A. worried B. surprised C. taught D. hurt 3. A. smiled B. waited C. left D. rose 【答案】B D A 【解析】根据黑体字的上下文信息和文章中其他对这个男孩的描写,这样的一个 boy 只能是对自己 unsure 的,最符合文义;他是这样的一种形象,且很不自信, 而且很苍白,当别人看着他的时候,心理只能是膈应,不舒服的(hurt);第 3 空则有现成的原词复现和提示 smile back,现有 smile,才有 smile back。 例 4: My father died when I was a few months old… I honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __1___ couldn’t. So every June for the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card. 1. A. teachers B. mother C. father D. friends 【答案】C 【解析】此处节选的是文章的首尾段中的首尾句,文章一开始讲了父亲过世,妈妈 带着我回自己娘家和姨妈 Marion 一起生活,中间讲了姨妈如何对自己负责, 对自己的生活产生影响。尾段与首段和主题呼应,姨妈承担了自己的父亲应 该承担的责任,在作者的心中姨妈就是父亲的形象。此题为“面”层面的一个 命题。同时黑体字部分也有原词复现和下文线索。 3 灵活掌握名词、动词在句子中的应用: 1) 结合语境及名词、动词的词义辨析选出最佳答案。对词义的辨析主要集中在实 词,即名词、动词、形容词和副词。设题通常以同义词、反义词或易混词的形 式出现; 2) 夯实基础,牢记含有名词、动词的短语或固定搭配。 例 5: My mom told me that when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby in the world. Time passed, and I started to be a strong and happy girl. Then, one day when I was five years old, my life 1 a lot. I had a high fever. The doctor gave me the wrong medicine, and this caused me to 2 my speech. My mom couldn’t believe that I could not speak. The doctor told her that the medicine brought me a lot of problems with my speech. He thought that I would 3 be able to speak well again or learn another language. My mom, however, was a 4 . She sent me to a lot of teachers. Finally, she found the 5 teacher, Nina, to help me to make my dream come true. She was a very nice person. She encouraged me and told me that I would speak again. 1. A. proved B. changed C. improved D. increased 2. A. have B. make C. lose D. drop 3. A. still B. never C. either D. always 4. A. fighter B. pioneer C. protector D. volunteer 5. A. real B. right C. clever D. patient 【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 【解析】此例题体现出完形所挖的空多为实词,动词与名词最多,形容词副词次之。 选项涉及词义辨析,难空总有一个特别混淆的选项,如 4 空的 AC 选项、5 空的 BD 选项、做题时注意寻找上下文线索来确定正确答案。 例 6: When we first 1 the air, the wind was very strong. But a few seconds later, it became better. We were in a 2 fall for about a minute before Jay pulled the parachute's cord(降落伞绳索). 44. A. hit B. touched C. met D. breathed 45. A. hard B. heavy C. straight D. free 【答案】1.A 2.D 【解析】1 空的 B 选项为混淆选项,但根据下文黑体字,刚跳下来时风很强进,向下 有重冲击力,hit 非常贴切。2 空与 1 空环环相扣,先是感受到阻力,接着经历 的是自由下落。 4 把握常见词的活用: 1) 一词多义 ; 2) 词性多变 例 7: My parents looked at each other. My father 1 again. “Well, I hope you went to school,” he said. “Uhhh … why would you think otherwise?” I asked. My parents exchanged another 2 and were becoming annoyed. 1. A. tried B. asked C. guessed D. ordered 2. A. look B. word C. mind D. topic 【答案】1.B 2.A 【解析】A 选项学生更熟悉的是动词“看”,但此空其他选项,尤其是 BD 明显是名 词。所以大胆定位推测 look 作为名词的含义,结合上下文应为爸爸生气了, 换了一副“表情”。 【沙场点兵】 Caring for a Pet Hamster Choosing a pet You and your parents agree that you are ready for a pet. A dog is too big. Mom is allergic to allergic to cats. So a hamster is everyone's number one 1 . What will it take to keep your new pet sate and happy? Choose a hamster from a pet store that is clean and whose staff seems to know about the animals and is willing to answer your questions. If the hamsters are not used to being handled (处 理),you probably want to choose a younger one. You 'll be able to tame and handle a younger one more 2 than an old one. Equipment Before you get your hamster, you should have its new home all set up. Hamsters need several pieces of equipment, but the only one that is somewhat expensive is the cage. Here are the 3 your hamster must have: a cage, bedding (wood shavings), nesting material (cotton), an exercise wheel, a water bottle, a food dish and food. Almost all of your hamster's life will be spent in the cage, and it needs room to 4 . Buy the largest cage you can afford. A wire cage is best if you have a draft -free place for it. If the cage has to sit near a vent, window or door, then a plastic or glass type with a screen top is better. _ 5 Make sure that your hamster has fresh water at all times. A general hamster mix from the pet store will make up most of your pet 's diet. Beyond that, learn what other foods you can give as treats. Some examples are carrots, raisins, cheese, dog biscuits, and acorns. In general, do not feed your hamster sweets or prepared foods, such as crackers or chips. With daily food and water, regular attention, and a weekly(cage cleaning, your hamster should be 6 to your household for several years. 1. A) disadvantage B) choice C) result D) opinion 【答案】B 【解析】饲养一只仓鼠是第一选择,故选 B。 2. A) quickly B) faithfully C) accurately D) easily. 【答案】D 【解析】饲养一只小一些的仓鼠比年迈的仓鼠更容易。故选 D。 3.A) items B) excuses C) programs D)skills 【答案】A 【解析】根据下文 a cage, bedding (wood shavings), nesting material (cotton), an exercise wheel, a water bottle, a food dish and food,可知选 A. 4. A) grow up B) go to sleep C) move around D) have meals 【答案】A 【解析】根据上下文,需要空间移动。故选 A. 5. A) Feeding B) Wasting C) Spending D) Changing 【答案】A 【解析】根据下文, 文章阐述喂养的问题。故选 A. 6. A) an expensive pet B) a happy addition C) a good example D) a trouble maker 【答案】B 【解析】根据上下文,饲养一只仓鼠,需要打扫笼子,是一种甜蜜的负担。故选 B

