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Lesson 24 Danny's Surprise Cake 丹尼的惊喜蛋糕 Story time 故事时间 New words: slowly /`sləuli/adv.缓慢地;迟缓地 special /`spe∫l/adj.特别的 student /`stju:dnt/n. 学生 sugar /`∫ugə/n. 糖 piece /pi:s/n.块;片;段 address /ə`dres/n.地址 send /send/v. 邮寄;发送 inside/in`said/adv. 在里面 What do I need? I think I remember. 我需要什么?我想我记得。 Danny gets up early in the morning.Today is the last day of school.His class is going to have a party. He is going to make a cake.丹尼在早晨起床很早。今天是学校的最后一天。他的班级将要举办一个聚会。他将要做一个蛋糕。 When the cake is cool,he makes a special picture on it. Danny takes his cake to school.He walks slowly because the cake is heavy. 当蛋糕凉了的时候,他在上面制作一幅特别的图画。丹尼带着他的蛋糕到学校。他走得很慢,因为蛋糕很重。 In the afternoon,the class party begins.Mr.Wood brings some ic e cream.Jenny brings some cookies.Every cookie looks like a students in the class. 在下午,班级聚会开始了。伍德先生带来一些冰激凌。珍妮带来一些小甜饼。每一块看起来都像班级里的一个学生。 Danny's cake is special,too."It looks great,Danny!"says Jenny."Thanks!It's a surprise cake."says Danny. 丹尼的蛋糕也很特别。“它看上去很棒,丹尼!”珍妮说。“谢谢!它是一个惊喜蛋糕。”丹尼说。 You will see! 你会看见的 ! What's the surprise? 是什么惊喜? Everyone has a cookie,a piece of cake and some ice cream.Then a girl says,"Danny, I think you forgot somthing." Oh,no!The cake isn't good!Danny forgot the sugar! 每个人都有一块小甜饼、一块蛋糕和一些冰激凌。接着,一个女孩说“丹尼,我认为你忘了(放)某物。哦,不!蛋糕不好吃!丹尼忘记(放)糖了! Is that the surprise? 那就是惊喜吗? No.不。 Soon everyone has a dollar.Every piece of cake has a dollar in it! "That's the surprise!"says Danny. "Thanks, Danny!This cake is the best!"everyone says. 很快每个人有一美元。每块蛋糕里面都有一美元!“那是惊喜”丹尼说。“谢谢。丹尼!这块蛋糕是最好的!”每个人都说。 Look!I found a dollar in my cake! 看!我在我的蛋糕里发现了一美元! Me,too.我也是。 Mr.Wood gets a box and puts a piece of surprise cake in it.Then he write Li Ming's address on the box. 伍德先生拿了一个盒子,并把一块惊喜蛋糕放在里面。然后他在盒子上面写李明的地址。 Let's send Li Ming a piece of cake! 让我们给李明寄一块蛋糕。 A week later,Li Ming gets a box from Canada. Inside,he finds a piece of very old,very dry cake!There is a letter,too.Li Ming looks inside the cake. 一周之后,李明收到一个来自加拿大的盒子。在里面,他发现一块时间很长的、很干的蛋糕!还有一封信。李明看蛋糕里面。 Thanks.Danny! 谢谢,丹尼! Dear Li Ming, This is a piece of surprise cake.It has two surprise .It isn't good to eat. That's the first surprise.Danny make it and he forgot the sugar.The second surprise is inside the cake! We miss you! 亲爱的李明: 这是一块惊喜蛋糕。它有两个惊喜。它不好吃,那是第一个惊喜。丹尼做的蛋糕,他忘记(放)糖了。第二个惊喜在蛋糕李明! 我们想念你! What's the surprise in Danny's cake? 丹尼蛋糕里的惊喜是什么? Every piece of cake has a dollar in it.

