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2019 届一轮复习人教版选修八 Unit 3Inventors and inventions 单元学案 【单元基础词汇语法回顾】 Section Ⅱ Warming up & Reading—Language Points Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.We all have an________(expect) that he can pass the driving test next week. 答案: expectation 2 . He took measures to make up his fault , which received our________(recognize). 答案: recognition 3.She was subjected to the ________(mercy) criticism of her opponents. 答案: merciless 4. In ancient China we had many advanced ________(invent) , which led to today’s civilization and development. 答案: inventions 5.You’ll find these meals quick and ________(convenience) to prepare. 答案: convenient 6.Our conversation came to an end ________(abrupt) when George burst into the room. 答案:  abruptly 7.I would rather you ________(tell) me the truth right now. 答案: told 8.You shouldn’t go yourself.You’ll ________(recognize). 答案:  be recognized 9.The journey was not as nice as we ________(expect). 答案:  had expected 10 . He accumulated money everywhere ________(produce) a movie about Chinese culture. 答案: to produce 11.________(dive) under the deep water gives her great pressure. 答案:  Diving 12.________(inspire) by the teacher’s words,he worked harder than before. 答案: Inspired Ⅱ.选词填空 be convenient for,meet with,set about,distinguish...from,come up to one’s expectations,there seems to be,now and then,call up 1.What ________me ________others is that I take an active part in all kinds of activities. 答案: distinguishes;from 2.________,we get together to have a chat,but not often. 答案: Now and then 3.I have________applying to be a volunteer since I learned the information. 答案:  set about 4.I usually enjoy his movies,but the latest one didn’t________. 答案:  come up to my expectations 5.The voluntary work ________me and I am bound to do the job well. 答案: is convenient for 6.They often quarreled;________a misunderstanding between them. 答案: there seemed to be 7.I will be grateful if you can consider accepting me and________me________. 答案: calling;up 8.In my opinion,when ________difficulties and frustrations,we should say “It is very good!”. 答案: meeting with Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Happiness is commonly ________(associate) with having a lot of money. 答案: associated 2.These events provided the ________(inspire) for her first book. 答案: inspiration 3.It is so cold and ________(freeze) that we have to stay at home. 答案: freezing 4.He,who is very ________,found himself ________with foreign companies and no one questioned his________.(compete) 答案: competent;competing;competence 5.His father died ________(expect),and it was ten years since they were last together. 答案: unexpectedly 6.John thought it would be ________for Jane to learn to play the piano because she had no fingers on her right hand , so we must put our plans into________.(practical) 答案: impractical ;practice 7.He is always so busy with his work that he has no choices but to go to see his parents ________(occasion). 答案: occasionally 8.As a student we have many ________(beat) tracks to obey in school. 答案: beaten 9.It was Bell’s exploring around problems________his dynamic spirit that led to the most famous invention—the telephone in 1876. 答案: and 10 . ________you start your trip , you have to check your package to see________you have made everything ready. 答案: Before;if/whether 11.________he was studying under Verrocchio,Leonardo observed and used a variety of machines , ________helped him gain knowledge about their design and structure. 答案: While;which 12.Leonardo da Vinci learned to design ________his employer wanted:cities, canals,bridges or weapons. 答案: whatever Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Wang Qiang decided to________________(一心投入) the learning of English. 答案: dive into 2 . To begin with , he ________________( 着 手 ) a research on expressions ________________( 与……有关) phone. 答案: set about;associated with 3 . He wanted to make clear how to ________________“hang on”________________(区别) “ring off” and he tried to________________(打电话) his teacher yesterday. 答案: distinguish;from;call up 4 . He couldn’t ________________( 打 通 电 话 ) because his telephone was______________(出故障)______________(不时). 答案: get through;out of order;now and then 5.________________late night ____________(直到……才) he got in touch with his teacher. 答案:  It was not until;that Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1. The witnesses ________(question) by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight. 答案: questioned 2.(湖南高考改编)You cannot accept an opinion ________(offer) to you unless it is based on facts. 答案: offered 3.My doctor advised me to reduce the amount of sugar________(add) to the milk I drink. 答案: added 4.With his attention________(focus) on his book,he didn’t notice me enter his study. 答案: focused 5.The policeman kept his eyes ________(fix) on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s footprints. 答案: fixed 6.In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained________(stick) abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. 答案: stuck 7.In the reading room,we found her________(seat) at a desk,with her attention ________(fix) on a book. 答案: seated;fixed 8.The guests left most of the dishes ________(untouch),because they did not taste delicious. 答案: untouched 9.When we saw the road________(block) with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home. 答案: blocked 10 . It is believed that if a report is ________ , it will certainly________the readers of the paper.(interest) 答案: interesting;interest 11.Tsinghua University,________(found) in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures. 答案: founded 12 . Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself________(remind) of his own dreams. 答案: reminded 13.Don’t use words,expressions or phrases________(know) only to people with specific knowledge. 答案: known 14 . ________(dress) in her most beautiful skirt , the girl tried to make herself________(notice) at the party. 答案: Dressed;noticed 15.The players________(select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. 答案: selected Ⅱ.语法与写作(完成句子) 1.The message ____________________(传递的) here is clear:“Actions speak louder than words”. 答案:  conveyed 2.Amazed at how skillful they were,I____________________(决心) be just as good. 答案: was determined to 3.The ____________________(破损的碗) will be thrown at once. 答案: broken bowl 4.He sat there,with his hands ____________________(捆在椅子上). 答案: tied to the chair 5.He found ____________________(他的家乡变化很大). 答案: his hometown greatly changed 6.What made ____________________(这只狗这样害怕) ? 答案: the dog so frightened 7.The manager won’t want ____________________(一大笔钱浪费掉). 答案:  a lot of money wasted 8 . My deskmate admires my fluent English very much and I usually _______________ (感到受鼓舞) by his compliments. 答案: feel encouraged 【单元知识链接高考试题解题指导】 写作技法 3| 丰富充实的细节信息 [技法综述] 近几年书面表达的开放性越来越大,题目要求中的提示内容越来越少。如果 只是对文字提示部分简单地进行翻译,词数肯定不够,因此在写作时需要适当地 充实细节内容。充实内容时一定要合乎逻辑,其最高境界应是“情理之中、意料 之外”,最忌讳的就是脱离情景和要求自行立意,天马行空,随意发挥。 1. 追加成分 在要点基础上适当增加合乎逻辑的附加成分,如定语(从句),状语(从句), 非谓语动词,独立主格结构等。不仅增加了词数,而且使表达更清晰、准确,主 题更突出。 [典例 1] 我将参加一些社会活动 I will take part in some social activities. →If possible, I will take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society. [典例 2] 我建议老师多选择英语电影 I suggest that the teacher should choose more English films. →As a young student, I suggest that the teacher should choose more English films that appeal to us teenagers, thus making English learning more interesting. 2. 补加语句 根据行文走向,适当增加一些与主题相关的语句,或由要点衍生的句子,既 能起到前引后联的作用,又能补充一些相关信息,帮助读者理解所写内容。 [典例 1] 我们青少年应尽我们的所能保护环境、拯救地球 We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth. →We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth. For example, we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic bags, refuse to use single­use products, plant more trees and save water and energy. [典例 2] 募捐得来的钱将送给急需的人 The money collected in the charity sale will be sent to those in great need. →The money collected in the charity sale will be sent to those in great need. This will not only help them through difficulties, but also give them warmness and happiness. 3. 添加过渡 根据行文或段落需要,在句与句或段与段之间适当增加过渡词语,甚至过渡 句,可以使文章浑然一体。 [典例] 话题:是否禁止广场舞 I don't think square dancing should be forbidden. The reasons are as follows. First of all/To begin with, dancing is a good way to take exercise, which can help people to build themselves up. It also provides a chance for people to communicate with each other. What's more, the square is a good place for people to work out. [阅卷现场]   (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外资公司兼职,已写好申请 书和个人简历(resume)。给外教 Ms Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文 字和格式(format)。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 [随堂训练] Ⅰ.请按要求扩充句子 1.Besides, remember to speak slowly and clearly.(补充 so that 引导的目的状语从句) →Besides, remember to speak slowly and clearly so that you can leave a good impression on the audience and judges. 2.Be sure to enter the examination room on time.(补充一个句子说明迟到的后果) →Be sure to enter the examination room on time.Whoever is late won't be allowed to enter. 3.Soon after, there are two entrances to the parking places.(补充分词短语作结果状 语说明有何好处) →Soon after, there are two entrances to the parking places, making it easier for us to enter it now. 4.Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power.(补充一个含有条件状 语从句的复合句说明储备知识会使生活有所不同) Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power.If we are equipped with knowledge, it can help us make a difference in our life. 5.The language ability is essential.(前面补充过渡语说明是“我”的观点;后面补充 which 引导的定语从句说明重要性的具体体现) →As far as I know, the language ability is essential , which helps you communicate with others and makes it easier for you to understand the courses . Ⅱ.书面表达(申请信) (2017·山东省部分重点中学调研联考)假如你是李华,是新华中学的一名学生, 得知可向世界儿童基金会(World Childhood Foundation)申请一个经费为 2 000 元 的扶贫项目(poverty­relief program),以帮助贫困地区的儿童。你感兴趣,准备申 请。请根据以下要点写一封信: 1.个人的基本情况和申请理由; 2.你对申请项目的具体设想和项目经费的使用计划; 3.你的愿望; 4.联系方式为 2016hope@icf.org。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结尾语已为你写好。 Dear Sir or Madam, Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【参考范文】 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, studying at Xin Hua Middle School.I am writing to apply for the 2, 000 yuan from the World Childhood Foundation to start a poverty­relief program aimed at helping those children who are financially disadvantaged. Compared with us, our less fortunate peers are struggling, and 2,000 yuan means a lot to them.I've intended to spend 1,500 yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students in a poverty­stricken area.And the remaining 500 yuan will be used to invite a motivational speaker to improve their life by making right academic and professional decisions.I believe with your help, their life will change for the better. I'd appreciate it if you reply to my letter at your earliest convenience.My e­mail address is 2016hope@ icf.org. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

