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Unit 3 looking good,feeling good复习学案 1. stay(与remain 同义) ‎ A)作联系动词,为“保持某种状态”‎ One can’t expect to stay young forever.‎ 没有人能期望永远年轻。‎ It is reported that the weather will stay hot for some days.‎ 据说天气还要持续炎热。‎ B)作不及物动词。为“留下,留在”如:‎ Don’t stay out too late.‎ 不要在外边呆得太久。‎ I’ll stay to see what will happen.‎ 我将留下来观看事态的发展。‎ 2. exercise 作“锻炼”讲时,是不可数名词。‎ Every day he does lots of exercise.‎ 作“锻炼”讲时,是可数名词。‎ Every day the students must do lots of exercises.‎ ‎3.dying是die的现在分词,用做形容词,为“快要死的” “快要消失的”‎ Nothing can save the dying person.‎ 什么也拯救不了这个要死的人。‎ Add some wood to the dying fire.‎ ‎“dying to do sth”为“非常渴望做某事”‎ I am dying to see you.他想见你想得要死了。‎ ‎4“figure”A)为“身材、身影”‎ The girl has a good figure.‎ 他有一个好身材 I saw a figure in the night and disappeared quickly.我看到黑暗中有一身影然后消失了。‎ B)“画像、肖像、数字、图表”‎ He has an income of six figures ‎(他的收入有六位数)‎ Look at the two figures in the book.‎ ‎(看书中的两幅图)。‎ C)figure作动词与out连用“弄明白、计算出”‎ Have you figured out(worked out) how much the holiday cost?(你算出假期的开销了吗?)‎ I have never been to figure him out.‎ ‎(我从未理解过他)。‎ ‎5.“especially” 为”尤其、特别”‎ I don’t like bright colours,especially red.‎ 我不喜欢鲜艳的颜色,尤其是红色。‎ This is a very common word,especially in spoken English.‎ 在是一个很常见的词,尤其在口语中。‎ I like the country,especially in spring.‎ 我喜欢乡下,尤其在春天。‎ Noise is unpleasant,especially when you are going to sllep.‎ 噪声使人不快,尤其当你要入睡时。‎ ‎6)A)ashamed是表语形容词,后接“of”短语,that从句或动词不定式。‎ ‎ He felt ashamed of having done so little work 他只因做了一点点工作而感到惭愧。‎ She feels too ashamed to ask for help.他不好意思让人家帮忙。‎ B)shame是名词,为“羞愧”可耻的”‎ It’s a shame to cheat in the exam.考试中作弊是可耻的。‎ ‎7) “work”为“运转、开动、有效、行得通”‎ His mother keeps asking him not to smoke,but it doesn’t work.‎ 他妈屡次告戒他不要吸烟,但是不管用。‎ I bought a recorder yesterday here,but it doesn’t work.‎ 昨天我在这儿买了一台录音机,但是不响。‎ Your idea sounds good,but it won’t work.你的想法不错,但行不通”‎ ‎8)“recover”为“恢复到正常状态”‎ ‎ He has fully recovered from his illness.他已经完全康复了。‎ The city has recovered form the war.小城已经从战争中恢复了。‎ ‎9)“match”A)作为名词用为“配偶”“比赛”“相匹配的人或物”‎ He is a good match.(他是一个好丈夫)‎ The chairs and desks are a good match.这些椅子和桌子很相配。‎ B)match作为动词为“胜过”“比得上”“与配套”‎ He is so excellent,no one can match him. 他是如此优秀,无人能比。‎ No one can match him in knowledge of English.‎ Why not buy a tie to match your shirt?为什么不买一个领带配你的衬衫。‎ ‎10)“worth”为形容词“价值、值什么分量”、‎ be worth doing “ 值得做谋事”‎ The car is worth 30000 yuan.‎ His suggestion is worth nothing. 他的建议没有价值。‎ The film is worth seeing.这部电影值得一看。‎ The book is worth reading a second time. 这本书值得读第二遍。‎ ‎11.“touch”A)作”感动、触动”相当于“move”‎ They were greatly touched(moved)by the old man’s story.‎ 听了老人的故事,他们很受感动。‎ It is such a touching(moving) story that we were touched(moved) by it.‎ 故事如此感人我们都很感动。‎ B)“touch”作“接触,触碰”讲 Someone touched me on the shoulder.某人碰了一下我的肩膀。‎ ‎12.“embrrass”做及物动词为“使人感到困窘、尴尬”用法同“excite,interest,frustrate.touch”‎ The situation embrrassed me very much.这种情形使我感到很尴尬。‎ We were embrrassed at the embrrassing situation.‎ 我们对如此尴尬的情形感到很尴尬。‎

