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绝密★启用前 ‎2020届高中毕业班第一次适应性测试 英语 ‎(考试时间#20分钟 满分#50分)‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎!()前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题;上。‎ 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题;上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题;上, 写在本试卷上无效。‎ 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题;一并交回&‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分7. 5分)‎ ‎(下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎(完每段对话后,你都有!0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt?‎ C £915‎ C . Employer and employee .‎ C . It'll ruin the whole city .‎ C Welcomeherfriends C. 41 minutes .‎ A. ‎£ 19!5. B. £9.18 .‎ 答案是C&‎ 1 ‎. What is the probable relationship between the speakers(‎ A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter .‎ 2 ‎. What do we know about the weather(‎ A. It'l last for another 3 days . B . It'l bring many problems .‎ ‎3. What is the woman most likely to do next(‎ A. Visit her friends . B . Have supper alone .‎ ‎4 . How long was the power off(‎ A 18 minutes B 23 minutes ‎5 Whatarethespeakerstalkingabout(‎ A Adesigner B Acompany C Aproduct 第二节 (共15小题;每小题! 5分,满分22. 5分)‎ ‎(下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。(每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;(完后,各小题将给 出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ ‎(第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Why doesn't the woman recognize the man(‎ A Heusedtobethinner B Helostmuchweight C Helooksyounger ‎7‎ Whatdoesthemansuggestthe womando(‎ A Changeher ob B . Do some sports .‎ C Goonadiet ‎(第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8‎ Whatdoesthemanwanttodoatfirst(‎ A. Get his money back .‎ B Exchangethetoycar C Buyanothertoycar ‎9‎ Whatcolordoesthemanchoosethistime(‎ A Blue B . Pink .‎ C Yellow .‎ ‎10‎ Howdoesthemansound(‎ A Angry B Disappointed C Understanding .‎ ‎(第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎! 1. What does the woman say about science?‎ A. It is not to her taste. B. It is very interesting.‎ 12. What courses will the man take this term(‎ A. Math and science. B. Physics and math.‎ 13. Where is the man planning to work(‎ A. In a cafe. B. In a taxi. company.‎ ‎(第9段材料,回答第14至16题。‎ 14. Why doesn't Mr . King answer the phone(‎ A. He is phoning someone else.‎ B. He is having a discussion.‎ C. He isn't in the office.‎ 15. What problem has been reported(‎ A. The control boxes have burnt out.‎ B . The equipment is hard to operate .‎ C Theengineerisdisappointing ‎16 Whatwilthewomandonext(‎ A Talktotheelectricitysuppliers B . Take the man's message to Mr . King .‎ C . Send an engineer to Los Angeles Branch .‎ ‎(第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 17. How long did the speaker stay in the club(‎ A.Aboutamonth. B.Abouttwoweeks.‎ 18. What do we know about Mr. Hunter(‎ A!Hewasstrict! B!Hewashelpful!‎ 19. Where did the speaker fall in love with English(‎ A.Athome. B.Intheclub.‎ C.It'sdificulttolearn.‎ C.Englishandphysics.‎ C.Atagasstation.‎ C.About30 hours.‎ C.Hewasenergetic.‎ C.Intheschool.‎ 20. Howdoesthespeakerenlargehisvocabulary(‎ A. Heactivelyparticipatesindiscusions.‎ B. HereadsEnglisharticlesaloud.‎ C. Herecalsthearticleshereads.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A CitiesalovertheworldcelebrateChristmasinuniqueand memorableways.Thefolowing international destinations are just a few of the countless choices to consider.‎ Quebec city Quebec city has long drawn admirers to its historic district—the famed city wall, strange cobblestone lanes(鹅卵石小路)and handsome stone houses. This area transforms into a scenic Christmas village each December. The 403-year-old capital of Quebec province takes pride in the outdoors at Christmas time, when stone buildings shine with lights. Consider cross-country ski on the Plains of Abraham, or skate at the place dJouville square.‎ Edinburgh Edinburgh, a magic city full of staircases and hills as well as Georgian and neo-Classical buildings$isf3mousforitsmixtureofthe modern3ndtheold.Thisisevidentin winter$when Scotland's capital puts on a six-week festival lasting until Jan. 6 that goes way beyond Christmas markets. You can ride roller coasters, climb a wall of ice and attend a vivid Christmas- themed show by the cabaret troupe(剧团)La Clique.‎ Zurich If buying gifts is on your travel schedule $ Zurich is an impressive shopping center $ particularly around the holidays $ from multiple Christmas markets and the luxury (奢侈品)dress shops of Bahnhofstrasse ‎ Street $ to the independent designers and antique shops in the emerging industrial zones. Another annual lighting spectacle(壮观场面), Lichterschwimmen$ on Dec. 21, includes hundreds of tiny lanterns that are sent floating down the River Limmat.‎ Sydney A lack of snow does not dampen the Christmas spirit in Sydney. One great and free way to feel the holiday is to take this Dec. 21 walking tour of George Street , which promises “the most sharable window displays and coloured lights. + One advantage over other destinations: warm, sandy beaches that lie just minutes from downtown , where the natural beauty of Australia's most popularciywilbewaiing.‎ 17. What can you do in Quebec city during Christmas?‎ A. Rideroler*oasters.‎ B. Take part in a walking tour.‎ C. Enjoy cross-country ski.‎ D. Watch a Christmas-themed show.‎ 18. Where-houldyougoifyouwanttoenjoyaChritma-without-now?‎ A.Quebeccity. B.Edinburgh. C.Zurich. D.Sydney.‎ 19. Where is this text most likely from(‎ A.Aguidebook. B.Adiary. C.Anovel. D.Aresearchpaper.‎ B OneofthemostimportantthingsthathashappenedtomeoccurredlongbeforeIwasawareof it. As the story goes, I was three days old and Mom was singing “The Name Game" song to me: *Zhristine-Bo-Bean-Banana-Fanna-Fo-Feen. By day four I was given a new name—Christine-Bo- Bean$ orjustBo-Beetomymother.Now$ Iam BotoherandcloseAriends.‎ Why is this nickname (昵称)so important to me( I once read a book with a passage about True Names which explains that when a person's true name is spoken , she has a distinct aura(光环) aroundher.AlthoughIhavebeenBotomymotheralmylife$ Irecentlydi-coveredthatmytrue name is not on my birth certificate; it's the name that i as unique and memorable as I am.‎ People usually know me as Christine. They still see me as a quiet , bookish child. They don't know who I am now. My most recent hopes , fears, goals , dreams and opinions escape their notice; it is easier to think of me as I was. In their minds , they have a box labeled ^Christine" in which I fit neatly$andasChristine$Iwascontentwiththeperfectpackaging.‎ ThosewhocalmeBoorBo-Beerealyknowme.TheyrememberwhoIwasandrealizeIhave changed. Bo is a tight squeeze in the old ^Christine" boxes. The Bo I am is ever-changing , ever- growingandever-learning.‎ WhenIwasChristine Iwasquiet andeasilyscared.Ifearedgroups meetingnewpeopleand sharingmyopinions.Iwasmorecomfortablewithabookthan mybestfriend.AsChristine I thoughteveryonewasbeterthanIwas.‎ AsBo Istillovemybooks butIwanttodiscusthem.AsBo mydreamistolivewhereI canexperiencenewthingsandmeetnewpeople.Idreamaboutbeingaloneonastagelitbyasingle spotlight ; I have that confidence now. I am equal to those I once saw as better than me.‎ An3meshouldn'tm3kesuch3diference$butsometimes$when3personfindshisorherTrue Name$theydevelopanewshinevisibletofriends$familyandespecialythemselves.‎ I can't always be Bo. Sometimes exposing myself is still scary and I feel too nervous; I want to hideinthoseoldboxes!Mostly$however$Iamreadyfortheworld!So$justcalmeBo!‎ 20. When was the author given a nickname?‎ A. When she was three years old.‎ B. On the fourth day after she was born.‎ C. Seven days after she was born.‎ D. When she received the old “Chitine" box.‎ 17. What do the people know about the author as Christine(‎ A. They think the author is active and crazy.‎ B. They care about the author's most recent feelings.‎ C. They don't realize the author has changed.‎ D. They don't know the author has changed her name.‎ 18. What kind of person was the author in the past(‎ A!Sheshowednointerestinreading!‎ B!Shetookpleasureinfindingnewthings!‎ C!Shelovedreadingandsharingbookswithfriends!‎ D!Shelackedconfidenceandpreferredtobealone!‎ 19. What can be a suitable title for the text(‎ A. Bo—the True Name B. A Unique Name C. Remember the Past D. The Meaning of Nickname C We've known that sitting for long periods of time every day has countless health consequences $ likeahigherriskofheartdisease.Butnowanewstudyhasfoundthatsitingisalsobadforyour brain.‎ A study published last week, conducted by Dr. Prabha Siddarth at the University of California, showed that sedentary(久坐的)behavior is associated with reduced thickness of the medial temporal lobe(中颛叶)? a brain area that is critical to learning and memory.‎ The researchers asked a group of 35 healthy people , ages 45 to 70, about their activity levels andtheaveragenumberofhourseachdayspentsitingandthenscannedtheirbrains.Theyfound that the subjects who reported sitting for longer periods had the thinnest medial temporal lobes. It meansthatthemoretimeyouspendinachairtheworseitisforyourbrainhealth, resultingin posibledamagetolearningandmemory.‎ Whatisalsointerestingisthatthisstudydidnotfindasignificantasociationbetweenthelevel ofphysicalactivityandthicknesofthisbrainarea, suggestingthatexercise, evensevereexercise, maynotbeenoughtoprotectyoufromtheharmfulefectsofsiting.‎ It then surprisingly turned out that you don't even have to move much to enhance cognition(认 矢口); jus t standing will do the trick. For example, two groups of subjec ts were asked to complete a test while either sitting or standing. Participants are presented with conflicting stimuli.(刺激), like the word “green" in blue ink, and asked to name the color. Subjects thinking on their feet beat those who sat by a 32-mi.lli.second margin.‎ Thecognitiveeffectsofsevere physicalexercise are welknown.Butthe posibilitythat standingmoreandsitinglesimprovesbrainhealthcouldlowerthebarforeveryone!‎ Iknow$thisalrunscountertoreceivedideasaboutdeeptought$fromourgradeschoolteachers$ who told us to sit down and focus, to Rodin's famous “Thinker‘‘ seated with chin on hand.‎ They were wrong. You can now all stand up.‎ 20. What can we infer from Paragraphs 3 and 4(‎ A!Severeexercisecanlesenthedamageofsiting!‎ B!Severeexercisecangreatlyimproveourbrainhealth!‎ C!Sedentarybehaviorwilposiblydamageourbrain! D!Brainhealthhasnothingtodowithsedentarybehavior!‎ 21. What does the underlined word “margirL” in Paragraph 5 mean?‎ A. blank . B . edge . C . decrease . D . difference .‎ ‎30 . What is the received idea about deep thought(‎ A. Sitting more is good for our mental health.‎ B . Sitting is better when we think .‎ C . Exercise more can improve our cognition .‎ D Weshouldstandwhilethinking ‎3! . The passage mainly tells us .‎ A peopletendtositwhilethinking B standingmorecanmakeourbrainhealthier C physicalexercisecanimproveourbrainhealth D sedentarybehaviorleadstocountleshealthproblems D If you've spent any amount of time boating $ fishing $ or bird-watching at lakes and rivers $ you have most likely seen fishes jumping out of the water. I have seen it many times. Certainly $ fishes wilexitwaterindesperateatemptstoescapeenemies!Dolphinstakeadvantageofthebehavior$ formingacircleandcatchingthefrightenedfishesinmidair!Butjustaswemayrunfastfromfun orfromfear$diferentemotionsmightmotivatefishestojump!‎ Mobula rays(蝠Z)aren't motivated by fear when they throw their impressive bodies—up to a seventeen-foot wingspan (the distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other) and a ton in weight—skyward in leaps!跳跃)of up to ten feet. They do it in schools(鱼群)of hundreds. They usualylandontheirbelies$ butsometimestheylandontheirbacks!Somescientiststhinkitmight be a way of removing parasites(寄生虫).But I think that the rays are enjoying themselves.‎ In the clear waters of Florida's Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge $ I watched several schoolsoffiftyormoremulets( 鱼) movinginbeautifulformation.Theirwel-builtbodieswere mostevidentwhentheyleapedfromthewater.MostofthetimeIsawoneortwoleapsbyafish$ butonemadeaseriesofseven.Theyusualylandontheirsides.Eachjumpwasaboutafootclear ofthewaterandtwotothreefeetinlength.‎ Nobody knows for sure why the fish leaps. One idea is that they do it to take in oxygen. The ideaissupportedbythefactthat muletsleap more whenthe waterislowerinoxygen$ butis chalengedbythelikelihoodthatjumpingcostsmoreenergythanisgainedbybreathingair.Itis hardtoimaginetheywilfeelanyfresherwhenbackinwater.‎ Might these fishes also be leaping for fun( There is some new evidence. Gordon M. Burghardt recentlypublishedaccountsofadozentypesoffishesleapingrepeatedly$ sometimesoverfloating objects—sticks$ plants$ sunningturtles—fornoclearreasonotherthanentertainment.‎ 32. WhatcanwesayaboutthedolphinsinParagraph!(‎ A.Theyhavegreatescapingskils. B.Theyareeasilyfrightened.‎ C.Theyareveryclever. D.Theylovejumping.‎ 33. Whatdotherayandthemulethaveincommonwhenjumping(‎ A.Bothdoitingroups. B.Bothlandontheirbelies.‎ C.Bothjumpmanyfeetoutofwater. D.Bothmakeleapsoneaftertheother.‎ 34. How does the author feel about the idea mentioned in Paragraph 4(‎ A.Itsvaluable. B.Its,nterestng.‎ C. It is imaginative. D. It is questionable.‎ ‎35!Whichmaybethereasonforfishleapsaccordingtotheauthor(‎ A!Toremoveparasites! B!Toamusethemselves!‎ C!Totakeinmoreoxygen! D!Toexprespositiveemotions!‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项&选项中有两项为多余选项&‎ When you go to a foreign country$ you often enter a new culture. The differences between cultures may make you feel stressed and you often find it difficult to adjust to the new surroundings , which is usually called “culture shock".‎ The psychological and physical symptoms of culture shock may appear depending on the individuals. Some often feel anxious while adjusting to a new culture—even more so when the cultural distances are wide. 36 They remain so homesick and feel so sad about being separated fromtheirfriend-backhomethattheylongtoreturn$e-pecialywithinthefir-tyear.‎ 37 People adjusting to a new culture often feel lonely because the language barrier makes it hard to create new relationships. Furthermore $ having trouble with the native language often makes .hemunwiling.oin.erac.wiho.herpeople.‎ 38 You may do some research on the cultural aspects of the new country such as the history$customs$andreligiousbeliefs$ratherthanonwhattoseeandwheretogo$soyoumayget preparedforaculturethatisdiferentfromyours.Studyingthelanguageisalsoagreatwaytohelp bridge the gap between the cultures. 39‎ A local club provides the perfect environment to get to know people who have a similar focus , so join one so that you can meet some locals and develop new friendships. 40 There are other travelerswhohavethesameexperiencesinaforeigncountry.Talkwiththem$sharingfeelings$ tipsandinsight.‎ A. Theymayloseappetiteandhavesleepproblems.‎ B. Still $ the most important change is communication.‎ C. They make a lot of effort to get used to the new surroundings.‎ D. The more of it is understood$ the more of the new culture can be understood.‎ E. Learning about your future destination is a great way to get over culture shock.‎ F. Plus $ remember that you aren't alone in your struggle to adjust in a new country.‎ G. Actually , staying in a foreign country helps you to know more of the new culture. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。‎ When I was little , I showed great interest in the TV show Bob the Builder. I was 41 by how Bob helped people by designing and constructing everything they needed. It was all I would 42 .‎ However , as I got a little older and understood the show more , I 43 that Bob wasn? t actually that good at fixing things $ 44 Wendy , Bob's co-worker , was always the one to fix his ‎45 . Bob would be nothing without her wisdom and talents. I sensed an 46 : Why was Bob getting all the credit? Why didn't Wendy have her own 47 ( I really admired Wendy and decided I would 48 anything it took to be like her when I grew up.‎ Now , I'm a senior in high school taking three science 49 , including engineering. Not much has 50 —I still have a strong desire to be like Wendy. The best part of Wendy's 51‎ is that she meets and talks to the people she is working for. She builds 52 and produces a positive effect on the lives of those she is helping. My interest in 53 others led to my decision to study engineering , which 54 my love of math and science with my love of helping and working withothers.‎ Recently $ I was talking to my parents about my childhood and they 55 Bob the Builder. I thought that I should give Bob a 56 chance to win back my heart , so I watched an episode(集)!‎ I admit Bob might be a little 57 than I remembered , but I stand by my opinion that Wendy 58 significantly more credit. I will always think of her as the 59 of Bob the Buildrr! She has made me feel more than 60 to be a female on a construction site of males.‎ ‎41. A. amused B shocked C . attracted D . relaxed ‎42. A. watch B buy C . receive D . read ‎43 . A . agreed B declared C suggested D realized ‎44 A though B while C unles D once ‎45 A atention B mistakes C manners D fears ‎46 A appeal B enquiry C . injustice D excuse ‎47 A show B role C speech D busines ‎48 A record B atach C offer D do ‎49 A performances B departments C sections D courses ‎50 A changed B improved C occurred D remained ‎51 A idea B aim C job D game ‎52 A leadership B relationships C theories D strength ‎53 A helping B observing C teaching D saving ‎54 A identifies B separates C compares D combines ‎55 A carriedout B referredto C heldon D lookedup ‎56 A true B last C second D diferent ‎57 A nicer B busier C older D happier ‎58 . A . requests B deserves C obtains D prefers ‎59 A character B director C guide D star ‎60 A modest B careful C ready D curious 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Whaleshavebeenfacingseriousdangerforalongtime.‎ First, due 61 the greenhouse effect, glaciers are melting , and some living creatures in the Antarctic and the Arctic 62 (be) on the edge of extinction. With global warming , life in other parts of the ocean has also been seriously affected, whales 63 (include).‎ Secondly, whaling activity is another killer. Historically, whaling has been popular in some overseas countries , such as England , Japan and Norway. On the one hand , some people's desire for money can't 64 (meet) easily , and they regard whales as a money-making machine. A kilogram of whale meat can fetch about $ 100 in Japan. On 65 other hand , advanced technology has increased the efficiency of whaling and 66 (great) reduced the number of whales. What's more , some countries are still on whaling in the name of science , 67 (seem) curious about this creature.‎ The fact 68 whales are on the edge of extinction is alarming us. Some 69 (organize)‎ have begun working hard to save them. The international community has made a strategy against commercial whaling. In my opinion , governments should also make tough laws 70 (protect)‎ whales.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处&每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改&‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号! #),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Ten years ago, I had an idea of extracting(提炼)preciously metals from used batteries. I was eager ‎ for the support of my father. A few years late, my father agreed with me. He decided offer me some funds to set up the company. In order to run the company well, I got on the flight down to Switzerland $ on where I studied advanced production technology and management styles for three month. In my view , that was entirely likely for the company to achieve an annual profit approaching $ 3 million. With my hard work, I do achieve my aim. When asking why I had chosen the project, I said, “Recycling used batteries can save resources , protect the environment or benefit future generations. +‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你校国际部打算举办“教外国学生下中国象棋(Chinese chess) +的活动,现正在 招募志愿者。你有意向成为志愿者,请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:‎ 1. 写信目的;‎ 2. 你的优势;‎ 3. 期待同意申请。‎ 注意# .词数100左右;‎ 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

