小学5年级英语教案:第10讲 期中考复习2

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小学5年级英语教案:第10讲 期中考复习2

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:五年级 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 期中复习2‎ 教学内容 ‎(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)‎ ‎1. 查缺补漏;‎ ‎2. 模拟测试;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节设计时间在15分钟。‎ 本次课为复习课,我们可以通过较为轻松的氛围开始,建议互动探索部分选用一些热身游戏进行,比如猜谜、绕口令、嘴巴手指不一样等;也可以进行与本单元相关的知识性游戏,如分拆单词链或组单词等,把前几次课学过的单词进行复习。要求老师在课前要设计好单词链,和游戏规则。‎ Q:  What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long? ‎ ‎ Clock Q: Which letter is a drink? ‎ T ‎ Q: Which letter is an animal?‎ ‎ B Q: Which letter is a question? ‎ Y ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节教案预期时间30分钟。‎ ‎1. 最后一单元本模块不放具体内容,请老师们根据每班学生的薄弱环节进行设计;‎ ‎2. 内容要分为专题提高,典型例题,习题巩固三模块;‎ ‎3. 建议老师通过以教代学或互动PK的方式进行;‎ ‎4. 请老师在期终模拟测试后,认真分析试卷及学生存在的问题;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 1. 规定学生必须在40分钟内完成;‎ 2. 详细分析考卷,表扬分数最高的学生;‎ 3. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上;‎ 期中模拟卷---五年级英语 (满分100分,考试时间40分钟)‎ 姓名:______________           分数:_____________‎ Part I Listening I. Listen and choose the best answer. (听录音,选择最佳应答句)(10分)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. Right B. Great! C. That’s right.‎ ‎( ) 2. A. It was a butterfly. B. It was a cocoon. C. It was a caterpillar.‎ ‎( ) 3. A. I was at home. B. She was at home. C. We were at home.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. I have some noodles B. I had some noodles. C. I eat some noodle.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. I can hear a drill. It’s noisy B. I can hear a lorry. It’s quiet. C. I can hear a bird. It’s singing.‎ Part II Vocabulary & Grammar.‎ I. Read and choose. (选出划线部分读音不同的单词)(10分)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. paints B. crayon C. cabbage D. potato ‎( ) 2. A. outside B. grow C. south D. now ‎( ) 3. A. noise B. tour C. enjoy D. toy ‎( ) 4. A. whose B. when C. where D. which ‎( ) 5. A. sing B. English C. ring D. find II. Read and write. (看音标写单词) (8分)‎ ‎1. /a:t/__________ 2. /si:t/________ 3. /ˈædʌlt/________ 4. /rait/________‎ ‎5. /teip/_________ 6. /lain/________ 7. /mæθs/________ 8. /main/________‎ Keys: art, seat, adult, right, tape, line, Maths, mine III. Read and Write. (按要求写单词)(10分)‎ ‎1. sit(过去式)________ 2. there is(过去式)_________ 3. loud(反义词)_________‎ ‎4. exit(反义词)_________ 5. had(原形)_________ 6. were(原形)__________‎ ‎7. noise (形容词) _________ 8. listen(同义词)__________ 9. motorbike(同类词)_________‎ Keys: sat, there was, quiet, entrance, have, are, noisy, hear, car IV. Choose the best answer.(选择正确的答案)(20分)‎ ‎( )1. This is my basket. It’s ________.‎ A. mine B. your C. my ‎( ) 2. --_______puppet do you like? --The yellow one.‎ A. Whose B. What colour C. Which ‎( ) 3. Did Ben _______ the quiet music?‎ A. like B. liked C. likes ‎( ) 4. The leaves _______ green. Now they______ brown.‎ A. are…were B. were…are C. was…are ‎( ) 5. There are three robots on the shelf. ______ the robots are dear.‎ A. All B. Both C. Those ‎( ) 6. It’s _______. I don’t like the _______.‎ A. rain…rainy B. rainy…rainy C. rainy…rain ‎( ) 7. There _______ ten millimeters of rain.‎ A. was B. were C. is ‎( ) 8. --_______hay do the elephants eat? --50 kilos.‎ A. How many B. How much C. What ‎( ) 9. It was autumn. Mr. Fang_______ the rice.‎ A. cut B. cuts C. puts ‎( ) 10. ‘Seven forty’ means_______.‎ A. forty past seven B. twenty to eight C. forty to eight ‎ V. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. (用所给动词的适当形式填空)(12分)‎ 1. Don’t ________ (shake) the shaker. The baby is ________ (sleep). shake, sleeping 2. Look, the dog ________ (chase) the cat. is chasing 3. It’s ________ (rain) now. Let’s _______ (shut) the window. raining, shut 4. ‎–What ________ Alice ________ (want). –She ________ (want) eggs. did want, wanted 5. ‎--________ you ________ (brush) your teeth at seven this morning? --Yes, I ________ (do). Did…brush, did 6. Eddie ________ (do) his homework at school every day. does VI. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子)(10分)‎ ‎1. I have Art and PE in the afternoon. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ _________________________________________________ What subject do you have in the afternoon?‎ ‎2. Kitty wanted to read a book at home last Friday. (改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ _________________________________________________ Did Kitty want to read a book at home last Friday?‎ ‎3. There are three films on at City Cinema. ( 用last Sunday改写过去时态)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________ There were three films on at City Cinema last Sunday.‎ ‎4. There are Jill’s picture books. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ _________________________________________________ Whose picture books are these?‎ ‎5. I can hear telephones at home. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ _________________________________________________ What can you hear at home?‎ Part III Reading Comprehension A.Choose the best answer.(10分)‎ Do you need friends? I'm sure your answer is "Yes, of course. Everybody does! " You need friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends. you will feel lonely (‎ 寂寞的). Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good way—You make friends by being friendly. A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him.‎ ‎( ) 1. We need friends __________. ‎ A. because we must play with them B. Because we must work with them ‎ C. when we play and when we work D. when we talk with them ‎( ) 2. If we want to make friends, we should __________. ‎ A. be politely to them B. be friendly to them. ‎ C. be afraid of them D. when we talk with them.‎ ‎( ) 3. A friendly person is _________ other people. ‎ A. interested in B. worried about C. surprised at D. like them ‎( ) 4. If we want to make friends with a new classmate, ___________. ‎ A. we can talk with them B. we must try to help him ‎ C. we can tell him about the other classmates in our class D. A、B and C ‎( ) 5. Which of the following is true? ‎ A. No one needs friends. B. Everyone needs friends. ‎ C. Only classmates need friends. D. Someone needs friends.‎ B. Answer the questions.(10分)‎ Mr. Wang was a student. But now he is a policeman. He often goes to work by car. He lives in Pudong. Today is May 1. He washed his face and brushed his teeth at seven o’clock. Then he went to the park with his friends. They flew the kites in the morning. They had lunch at twelve. They went home at half past four.‎ 1. What does Mr. Wang do? ______________________________ He is a policeman.‎ 2. Where does he live? ______________________________ He lives in Pudong.‎ 3. What’s the date today? _________________________ Today is May 1.‎ 4. What time did he wash his face and brush his teeth? _________________________ At seven o’clock.‎ 5. What did they do at twelve? _______________________________ They had lunch.‎ 听力材料 ‎1. Shall we go to see a film this evening? (B)‎ ‎2. It’s cocoon now. What was it before? (C)‎ ‎3. Where were you yesterday evening, Alice? (A)‎ ‎4. What did you have for lunch today? (B)‎ ‎5. It’s too noisy. What can you hear? (A)‎ ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 1. 引导学生总结通过此次检测的收获;‎ 2. 引导学生针对原先较模糊的知识点进行以教代学;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 建议老师在期中模拟考后,仍然给学生布置课后作业,题型与题量可根据具体情况布置;‎ ‎[预习内容]‎ 让学生收集指示标语。‎

