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‎2018-2019学年辽宁师大附中高一上学期第一次模块考试英语 命题、校对: 高一备课组 考试时间:60分钟 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节(共10题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡相应的题号上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ A It’s school time again! You’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some kids feel nervous or a little afraid on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and even a new school. Luckily, these “new” worries only stick around for a little while. Let’s find out more about going to a new school.‎ Most teachers kick off the new school year by introducing themselves and talking about all the stuff you’ll be doing that year. Some teachers give students a chance to tell something about themselves to the rest of the class, too. When teachers do the talking on the first day, they often go over classroom rules and school rules so you’ll know what’s allowed and what’s not. Please pay close attention. ‎ You might already know a lot of people in your classes on the first day, but it’s a great day to make a new friend, so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you don’t. Make the first move and you’ll be glad you did, and so will your new friend!‎ Seeing friends you haven’t seen in a while can make the first day a good one. You can make the day feel special by wearing clothes that you really like. Maybe you got a great T-shirt on one of your vacations, or a pair of sneakers(运动鞋). It also can make you feel good to be prepared and have all the things you need, such as pencils, folders, and whatever else you’ll be needing. But make sure that you pack them the night before in case you don’t have time in the morning.‎ ‎21. The underlined phrase “kick off” in the second paragraph probably means “_____”.‎ A. start B. study C. find D. teach ‎22. The last paragraph mainly tell us about ________.‎ A. what to know about a new school ‎ B. how to prepare for a new school ‎ C. what to do on your first day of school D. how to spend your first day of school ‎23. According to the passage you usually do everything on the first day of school except _______.‎ A. introduce yourself B. learn about the school rules ‎ C. make new friends D. go over your new lessons ‎24. If you happen to see an old friend on the first day of school, from the passage we know that you will feel ________‎ A. nervous B. lucky C. happy D. exhausted B It was the first snow of winter ----- an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, l had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息), but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton, Ontario, had been through first snow days many times in her long career, but I think she may still remember this one. ‎ I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence. ‎ I handed her my boots and stuck out(伸出) my foot. Like most children, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much work, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too. ‎ I announced,“They’re on the wrong feet. ”With the patience that only experience can bring,she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. Then I said,“These aren’t my boots. you know. ”As she pulled the boots from my feet,she still managed to look both helpful and interested. Once they were off. I said,“They are my brother’s boots. My mother makes me wear them,and I hate them!” Somehow,from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. She pushed less gently this time,and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. With a great sigh of relief,seeing the end of her struggle with me,she asked,“Now,where are your gloves?’’‎ I looked into her eyes and said. “I didn’t want to lose them, so I put them into the toes of my boots. ” ‎ ‎25. According to the passage,the little girl got from her brother. ‎ A. the wool snow pants and the jacket ‎ B. the jacket and the boots ‎ C. the jacket and the hat ‎ D. the boots and the gloves ‎ ‎26. What made it so hard for the teacher to help the little girl put her ‎ boots on? ‎ A. The gloves in the toes of the boots. ‎ B. The slowness of the teacher. ‎ C. The wrong size of the boots. ‎ D. The unwillingness of the girl. ‎ ‎27. It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the snow,the teacher had to help her put on her boots . ‎ A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times ‎ C A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools: Don’t start classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students who nod off at their desks are lazy. And it may not be that their parents have failed to enforce (确保) bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically these sleepyhead students aren’t used to the early hour.‎ ‎“Maybe these kids me being asked to rise at the wrong time for their bodies,” says Mary Carskadon, a professor looking at the problem of adolescent (青春期的) sleep at Brown’s School of Medicine.‎ Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And, at a more basic level, she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns.‎ Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood, no less, as commonly thought.‎ Sleep patterns change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most adolescents prefer to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning. But it’s not just a matter of choice ----- their bodies are going through a change of sleep patterns.‎ All of this makes the transfer from middle school to high school—which may start one hour earlier in the morning ---- all the more difficult , Carskadon says. With their increased need for sleep and their biological clocks set on the “sleep late, rise late” pattern, adolescent are up against difficulties when it comes to trying to be up by 5 or 6 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. first bell. A short sleep on a desktop may be their body’s way of saying. “I need a timeout.”‎ ‎28. Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because ________.‎ A. it is really tough for parents to enforce bedtime B. it is biologically difficult for students to rise early C. students work so late at night that they can’t get up early D. students are so lazy that they don’t like to go to school early ‎29. What might be a reason for the hard transfer from middle school to high school?‎ A. Adolescents depend more on their parents.‎ B. Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.‎ C. Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.‎ D. Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.‎ ‎30. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Adolescent health care. ‎ B. Problems in adolescent learning.‎ ‎ C. Adolescent sleep difficulties. ‎ ‎ D. Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项,并在答题卡相应的题号上将该项涂黑。‎ Most of us lead a busy life. 36 We think, “If I reached my goal, then I would be happy”, or “If I could get a better job, then I would enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?‎ Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surroundings. 37 “There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” As Brodersen explains, “Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friend’s smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”‎ Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example. 38 One universal simple pleasure is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.‎ Thirdly, don’t take your family and friends for granted. Rich, rewarding relationships add greatly to the enjoyment of life. When you think of someone, why not call, e-mail or write them? 39 As Wayne Lawton explains, “Invest time in relationships. Remove the attitude, what’s in it for me? Happiness is found in putting other’s interests, desires and concerns ahead of our own whenever possible. Selfishness is a dead-end street.” 40 ‎ A. I delight in simple things like my favorite tea drink, a bubble bath or family photos.‎ B. In my spare time, I enjoy collecting stamps and reading novels.‎ C. Driven by the “urgent”, we forget to enjoy life.‎ D. So please treasure relationship.‎ E. You don’t need to travel far to find beauty.‎ F. Be aware of beauty in nature.‎ G. A short e-mail or phone call can make a world of difference to someone.‎ 第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B, C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡相应的题号上将该项涂黑。‎ Ban (禁止) the Band Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little ‎ funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful __41____, instead of the usual school uniform.‎ Most of us think the dance is great _42___ ---even the teachers enjoy being there.___43__, two weeks ago someone said that there would be no ___44___ band this year ---only CDs.‎ ‎“I don’t __45__ it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.‎ ‎“Someone said the school couldn’t __46__ a band, and they think it’s too noisy anyway.” added Daniel.‎ ‎“Well, I don’t think it’s __47__ enough without a band!” declared Angela.” and I’m going to see what can be done.”‎ Angela was as good as her __48__.In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the __49__ some more thought. And he suggested that one __50__for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10. Angela had to ___51__ out whether the students would like to do that.‎ ‎“I need all of you to help me,” she __52__to our group before school the next day.” Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, and suggested we ask each one their __53__ about the band and the extra cost.”‎ ‎___54___ the day we asked around as Angela suggested, and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost. We were amazed how much __55__ there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.‎ ‎“I’m surprised,” smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the __56__.” I really thought that only a few people __57__ their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next __58__is to find a good band and line them up for the dance. ”‎ Angela was all smiles and __59__ the news to Amy and Daniel.” You’re __60__,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance. ‎ ‎41. A. shapes B. dresses C. flowers D. pictures ‎42. A. fun B. work C. effort D. progress ‎43. A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D.Therefore ‎44. A. new B. live C.foreign D.formal ‎45. A. mean B.need C. accept D.believe ‎46. A. lead B.serve C.afford D.form ‎47. A. good B. clear C.useful D.easy ‎48. A. look B.behavior C.mind D.word ‎49. A. ceremony B.situation C.view D.action ‎50. A.possibility B.concern C.decision D.instruction ‎51. A. call B.find C.carry D.point ‎52. A.admitted B.replied C.apologized D.announced ‎53. A.knowledge B.impression C.opinion D.information ‎54. A. On B. For C. By D.During ‎55. A.trust B.money C.support D.care ‎56. A.results B.notices C.questions D.examples ‎57. A.welcomed B.wanted C.avoided D.invited ‎58. A.task B.business C.exercise D.duty ‎59. A.showed B.wrote C.broke D.read ‎60. A.amusing B.interesting C.exciting D.amazing 第一节 ‎(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。‎ A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a box by his feet. He held up a sign 1.______(read), “I am blind, please help.” 2.______ were only few coins in the box. The boy felt sad. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the box. Then he took the sign, turned it around and wrote some words. He placed the sign 3.______ it had been so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the box was full 4.______coins. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. ‎ That afternoon, the man by 5.______ the sign had been changed, came to see how things were. The boy 6.______(know) his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?” The man said, “I 7.______(simple)wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a 8.______ (difference) way.”9.______ he had written was, “Today is 10.______ beautiful day but I cannot see it.”‎ 第三部分 基础知识 (共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节 短语填空 (每小题1分,共10分)‎ 1. 换句话说 2. 指的是 3. 期待收到你的回信 4. 过时 5. 在------开始的时候 6. 参加课外活动 7. 取得进步 8. 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 9. 睡着 10. 结果 第二节 翻译句子 (每小题2分,共10分)‎ 1. 沈小姐的教学方法一点也不像我的初中老师的教学方法。‎ 2. 李女士给我的第一印象是既紧张又害羞。‎ 3. 物理绝不会是我喜欢的科目,但是我认为有陈女士教我,我会在考试中做得好。‎ 4. 我们看到了些被抛弃的百年前建设的农场。‎ 5. 她解释英语语法如此清晰以至于我都能理解。‎ 高一英语答案 ‎21—35 ABDC BAD BDD ‎36---40 CEAGD ‎41---60 BACBD CADB A BDCDC ABACD 语篇型填空:‎ 1. reading ‎ 2. There ‎ 3. where ‎ 4. of ‎ 5. whom ‎ 6. knew ‎ 7. simply ‎ 8. different ‎ 9. What ‎ 10. a ‎ 常用词组翻译:‎ 1. in other words ‎ 2. refer to ‎ 3. look forward to (receiving) your reply 4. out of date ‎ 5. at the start of ‎ 6. take part in after-school activities 7. make progress ‎ 8. make sure ‎ 9. fall sleep ‎ 10. as a result ‎ 典型句子翻译:‎ 1. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.‎ 2. My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. ‎ 3. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me. ‎ 4. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago. ‎ 5. She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it. ‎

