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第二组: 说 明 文 ( 七 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) a sense of humor _________ treasure n . ____________ effective adj . __________________ handle vt . ____________ in harmony with _____________ misunderstanding n . _______ embarrassment n . _______ pour vt . _____________ 幽默感 财富,财产 有效的,起作用的 处理;操作 与 …… 协调 误解 尴尬 灌,注;倒 A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers. A sense of humor is universally considered one of the most 1 _________(value) treasures in our lives. Humor is 2 ______effective means of handling the difficult situations in our lives, which 3 ____ (help) us live in harmony with others. It is unavoidable 4 _______ (have) misunderstanding and tension with others during work or study. 5 _______appropriate use of humor can ease embarrassment and settle quarrels and conflicts. The following story may prove the power of humor. But to have helps an valuable The famous Greek philosopher Socrates had a wife 6 ______a bad temper. One day while Socrates 7 ________________(entertain) his guests, his wife rushed in and scolded him loudly all of a sudden. Few minutes later, to their 8 ____________ (astonish), his wife poured him wet throughout with a large bucket of water. Surprisingly, Socrates smiled to the guests and said 9___________ (humorous), “There will always be a storm after the thunder.” All in all, with a good sense of humor we can always keep on good 10 ______(term) with others. terms humorously astonishment was entertaining with ( 七 ) 幽默感是公认的最有价值的性格特征之一,有助于我们与他人保持良好的关系。 1. valuable 修饰名词 treasures 用形容词,注意 value 与 valuable 的变化。 2. an 中心词 means 单复数同形,根据句子意思“一种有效的方法”以及 effective 以元音音素开头,此处应填“ an” 。 3. helps 与主句时态保持一致,用一般现在时, which 指代 humor ,用第三人称单数。 4. to have 因前面的 it 是形式主语,这里用不定式作真正的主语。 5. But 空格所处的句子是简单句,考查前后句的逻辑关系。前后句是转折关系。 6. with 表示“具有”,介词短语作定语。 7. was entertaining 时间状语从句中的谓语动词。主语 Socrates 是一个人名,谓语动词用单数; entertain 与主语构成主动关系;主句中的谓语动词是 rushed ,句子意思是“正在招待客人”,可知此处应填 was entertaining 。 8. astonishment 因 to one’s astonishment( 令某人惊奇的是 ) 是固定搭配。 9. humorously 修饰动词用副词。 10. terms 因 keep on terms with (与 …… 保持关系)是固定搭配。 ( 八 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) following adj . _______________ traditionally adv . _______________ be similar to _____________ promotional adj . _______________ originate vi . _____________ estimate vi . ____________ 下面的;其次的 传统上;习惯上 与 …… 相似 促销的;增进的 起源 估计,估价 Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, many retailers ( 零售商 ) open very early, often at 4 a.m. or earlier, and offer promotional sales 1 _________(kick) off the shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many British Commonwealth 2 _________ (country). Black Friday is not 3 _________ (actual) a holiday, 4 _____ many employers give their employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers. Usually, it 5 __________ (be) the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005. has been but actually countries to kick The day’s name originated in Philadelphia, 6 ______it originally was used to describe the heavy pedestrians and vehicle traffic which would occur on the day 7 ______Thanksgiving. The use of the name began in 1966 and began to see 8 ________ (broad) use outside Philadelphia around 1975. Because Thanksgiving always falls on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, the day after occurs between the 23rd and the 29th of November. broader after where It’s estimated that 49 million people went shopping on this Black Friday, despite more shoppers going online. With the US economy fragile, many shops began 9 _______ (they) sales on Thursday night. Retailer Target opened its doors at 9 pm local time, three hours earlier than last year. Sears opened at 8pm. When Wal-mart opened its flagship in New York at midnight, 11,000 shoppers 10 _____________(arrive). had arrived their ( 八 ) 本文讲述了美国“黑色星期五的起源”以及 2012 年美国经济不景气背景下黑色星期五疯狂购物的盛况。 1. to kick 不定式表目的。 2. countries 由 many 修饰可知应用复数形式。 3. actually 修饰谓语动词用副词。 4. but 与前句构成转折关系。“虽然黑色星期五不是真正意义的节日,但是 ……” 。 5. has been 由时间状语 since 2005 可知,用现在完成时。 6. where 引导定语从句,修饰 Philadelphia 费城。 7. after 此句中 the day 是指黑色星期五,当然是在感恩节的次日。 8. broader 此处是隐含的比较级,“黑色星期五这一说法起源于费城,后传播到其他城市”。 9. their 作定语用形容词性物主代词。 10. had arrived 因 arrive 这个动作早于 open ,故用过去完成时。 ( 九 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) launch vt . ______________________________ complex adj . _______________ consequence n . _____________ tobacco n . _____________ structure n . _____________ addictive adj . _________ 发起,发动 ; 发射 ( 导弹或火箭等 ) 复杂的;合成的 结果,后果 烟草,烟叶 结构;构造 上瘾的 In December, the WHO launched a campaign against cigarette smoking in Africa, saying a rapidly growing population is creating “larger and more 1 __________(access) markets” on the continent for tobacco companies. Although the risks of cancer and heart disease are 2 __________(general) well-known, smoking has many other 3 ________(effect) on the body. The act of lighting a cigarette and 4 ________ (take) a puff ( 抽口烟 ) is simple enough, but it causes complex physical changes within the body. taking effects generally accessible Navas-Acien, professor of preventive medicine at Johns Hopkins University, says cancer can be 5 _____ long-term consequence of tobacco smoking. “The most addictive component in tobacco is nicotine.” she says. The brain actually has receptors for nicotine —structures 6 ___________receive and bind to specific substances. “So, it’s going to target these receptors that are in the brain cells. And actually the number of receptors is very small in people who do not smoke. that/which a But in people who start smoking, the number of receptors for tobacco 7 __________(increase). And the younger people start smoking , the 8 ________(high) the number of receptors. It means the more addictive you are going to be,” the doctor says. The physical changes taking place inside the body can’t easily be seen 9 _________the aid of medical equipment. But there 10 ______(be) telltale ( 报警的 ) signs on the outside. are without higher increases ( 九 ) 本文告诉人们,吸烟除了大家知道的会增加患心脏病和癌症几率外,还会对身体造成许多其他的影响,哪怕是点燃一支烟或吸一口烟都会引起复杂的生理变化。 1. accessible 修饰后面的名词 markets ,作定语,要用形容词 accessible 。 2. generally 修饰动词用副词。 3. effects 由 many other 修饰可知用复数。 4. taking 与前面的 lighting 并列,用现在分词。 5. a 后面的 consequence 为可数名词单数,要填 a 。 6. that/which 引导定语从句,由于先行词是 structures ,所以要填关系代词 that 或 which 。 7. increases 句中 who start smoking 是定语从句,主句缺谓语, increase 应作谓语;由前后句的时态可知,用一般现在时,主语是 the number ,为第三人称单数,故填 increases 。 8. higher 形容词的固定结构: the more…, the more… 表示“越 …… 越 ……” 。 9. without 要做对此题必须要对上下文正确理解,前面的否定词 can’t 是重要的信息词。 10. are 由上下文可知应用一般现在时,由 signs 可知应填 are 。 ( 十 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) be interested in _______________ discover vt . ______ create vt . _______ fail vt . _______________ succeed vt . & vi. ____________ 对 …… 感兴趣的 发现 创造 不及格,失败 成功;继承 David McConnell sold books door-to-door. Housewives were not interested in the books and 1___________ (frequent) closed the door in McConnell’s face before he had a chance to make his sale. Instead of giving up, McConnell decided 2 _______( give) away a free gift, a small bottle of perfume( 香水 ), which he made himself. He soon discovered that the women 3 __________ (prefer) the perfume to the books. He stopped 4 _______ (sell) books and created his own company Avon, which is 5 _____ great success. a selling preferred to give frequently When you do nothing, you learn nothing. But when you try and fail, you learn 6 _____doesn’t work. That puts you one step 7 ________(close) to what will work. 8 ______doesn’t matter how many times you fail. It does matter that you 9 ___________(succeed) sometime. Van Gogh had failed in several 10 _________ (career) before he began to paint. And he did succeed. Success once is enough for Van Gogh. And the same for you—success once is enough. careers will succeed It closer what ( 十 ) 本文讲述了国际品牌雅芳( Avon )的创始人麦克康奈尔( McConnell )的创业故事,揭示了失败是成功之母的真理。告诉人们要努力尝试,不怕失败,不论失败多少次,一次成功足矣。 1. frequently 修饰后面的动词 closed, 作状语,用副词形式。 2. to give 在 decided 后作宾语,用动词不定式。 3. preferred 由 discovered 可知应用一般过去时。 4. selling 由句意可知为“停止做某事”,用 stop doing 。 5. a 因 success 作“成功”解时是不可数名词, 但作为“成功的人或事”解时是可数名词,前面可用不定冠词。 6. what 引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,用连接代词 what 。 7. closer 根据上下文,你尝试过,尽管失败了,但是距离成功“更近”一步。 8. It 作形式主语,代替后面的真正主语 how many times you fail 。 9. will succeed 在主语 you 后作谓语动词,指尝试和失败对你在将来某个时候成功很重要,故用一般将来时。 10. careers 由 several 修饰, career 应加 s 。 ( 十一 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) researcher n . _________ score n . ____________ v . _______ intelligence test ___________ opposite adj . ________________ bilingual adj . _________ present vt . _____________ point out _______ 研究员 分数;二十 得分 智力测试 相反的;对面的 双语的 提出;介绍 指出 In the early nineteen fifties, researchers found that people scored lower on intelligence tests if they spoke more than one language. Research in the sixties 1 ______ (find) the opposite. Bilingual people score 2 ________(high) than people who speak only one language. So which is it? Researchers presented their newest studies last month at 3 ____meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. a higher found The latest evidence shows that 4 ________(be) bilingual does not necessarily make people smarter. 5 _______researcher Ellen Bialystock says it probably does make you better at certain skills. Her work shows that bilingual people 6 ____________(continue) practice this function. They have to, because both languages are active in their brain at the same time. They need to suppress( 抑制 ) one to be able to speak in the other. continually But being This mental exercise might help in other ways, too. Researchers say bilingual children are better able 7 ___________(separate) a word from its meaning, and more likely to have friends from 8 __________(difference) cultures. Bilingual adults are often four to five years later than others in developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Foreign language study 9 ____________ (increase) in the United States recently. But linguist Alison Mackey at Georgetown University points out that English-speaking countries are still far 10 ________the rest of the world. behind has increased different to separate ( 十一 ) 最新研究表明讲两种语言的人虽然不一定更聪明,但可能更好地掌握某些技巧。 1. found 考查谓语动词的时态。通过时间状语 in the sixties (在六十年代)可知这里应该用过去的时态。 2. higher 考查比较级。由 than 可知应用比较级。 3. a 考查冠词。 meeting 在本文第一次出现而且非特指。 4. being 考查非谓语动词。 being 是动名词作主语。 5. But 考查连词。上一个句子中的 does not necessarily make people smarter 与本句中的 does make you better at certain skills 构成转折关系。 6. continually 考查副词。 continually 作为副词修饰谓语动词 practice 。 7. to separate 考查不定式。因 be able to do sth (能做某事)为固定搭配。 8. different 考查词类转换。作定语用形容词。 9. has increased 考查谓语动词。根据上下文可知这段的意思是:虽然最近美国已经增加外语教学,但以英语为母语的国家仍远远落后于其他国家。 10. behind 考查介词。 far behind 意思为“远远落后于”。 ( 十二 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) encourage vt . _____________ digestion n . ____________ anticipate vt . ____________ suitcase n . _________ currently adv . _______ obviously adv . ________ 鼓励,激励 消化;领悟 预期,期望 手提箱 当前 明显地 As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessary to make business trips alone. 1 ______ this is new for many, some pieces of advice will certainly be helpful. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage 2 _______(you) husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much 3 _______ (happy) and probably they will enjoy the experience. happier your Since If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants, which will be good for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that your will be eating alone. 4 ___________(probable) you will get better service and almost certainly 5 ______ better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs 6 _____a business woman; this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily carry. as a Probably Take a folding case inside your suitcase, and it 7 __________(come) in handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And 8 ________(make) sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently 9 _________(require) papers separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by 10 _________(care) planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip. careful required make will come ( 十二 ) 随着越来越多的女性进入职场并担任要职,她们也需要出差。对此,本文提供了一些有用的建议。 1. Since 根据句子的意思:由于这对很多人而言是新的体验,一些建议应该是有所帮助的。因此,这里使用 since 作为从句的连词,表示较明显的理由。 2. your 作定语用形容词性物主代词。 3. happier much 位于形容词比较级前表示程度。 4. Probably 修饰整个句子用副词。 5. a 因为 table 是可数名词单数,前面有形容词修饰,表泛指应用不定冠词 a 。 6. as 在句子中作为介词,解释为“作为”。 7. will come 本句式属于“祈使句 +and/or/but…” 。 8. make 祈使句用动词原形。 9. required 过去分词短语作为前置定语修饰 papers 。 10. careful 此处形容词作定语修饰名词。 THANK YOU!

