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1 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) Test for Unit 5 (B) 姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 40% 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。6% ( ) 1 A winter B window C river ( ) 2 A fine B nine C thin ( ) 3 A kite B bike C Mike ( ) 4 A wait B wind C winter ( ) 5 A fly B try C high ( ) 6 A watch B lunch C match 二、听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。4% 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 三、听录音,选出与所听内容属于同一类的单词。10% ( ) 1 A book B black C desk ( ) 2 A cool B come C can ( ) 3 A f lower B today C Sunday ( ) 4 A Monday B usually C Maths ( ) 5 A make B cake C lake 四、听录音,给下列答句排序。10% ( ) I like summer. ( ) Yes, it is. ( ) I can go skating. ( ) In the park. ( ) I go climbing in autumn. 2 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 五、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与下列句子相符。10% ( ) 1 Tony likes spring. ( ) 2 Mike likes winter. ( ) 3 Tony can make snowmen in winter. ( ) 4 David likes winter, too. ( ) 5 David can go swimming in summer. 笔试部分 (60%) 一、从方框中选择合适的内容,完成句子。7% many beautiful flowers eat ice creams eight subjects at nine each season nine twenty ride bikes 1 We have at school. 2 My father and mother watch TV . 3 In spring, we go to the park and . 4 We can in summer. 5 It’s now. It’s time to go to bed. 6 In Kunming, we can see in . 二、选择填空。6% ( ) 1 My brother and I often go after school. A f ish B f ishing C f ishes ( ) 2 I can see many apples the tree. A on B in C under ( ) 3 There are a lot of flowers in . A classroom B winter C spring ( ) 4 —How many seasons are there in a year? — . A Three B Four C Five ( ) 5 Mike many pictures. Su Hai and Su Yang a lot of pictures too. A have; have B has; has C has; have ( ) 6 —Do you have stickers? —Yes. I have . A any; some B any; any C some; some 三、介词填空。6% 1 There are many children the park. 2 What lessons do you have Tuesday afternoon? 3 The monkey is the tree now. 4 My mother usually gets up six the morning winter. 3 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 四、根据首字母提示,完成句子。8% 1 It’s very c . Here’s your j . 2 These are some b on the river. Let’s go b . 3 It’s a c autumn. Let’s go c on Sunday. 4 —W football is this? —It’s m football. 五、选择合适的句子,完成对话。(有多余选项)5% Susan: Bob: I like winter. Susan: Jack: Bob: I can’t ski. I like skating. Jack: Susan: No, I don’t. 六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。8% 1 this swimming can go she summer ( . ) 2 your is brown this jacket ( ? ) 3 over you kites see the there can ( ? ) 4 spring have Mike in and Helen picnics ( . ) 七、按要求改写句子。10% 1 My sister likes winter. (改为否定句) My sister winter. 2 We often make big snowmen on a snowy day.(改为单数形式) often big on a snowy day. A What can you do in winter, Jack? B Which season do you like, Bob? C What do you like? D It’s too cold. E Do you go skating in winter, Susan? F I can go skiing. 4 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 3 I can fly kites very well. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) f ly kites well? , I . 八、根据图片,完成小诗。10% Four Seasons Amy likes spring. Spring is green. Spring is . Spring has flowers. Spring has . Harry likes summer. Summer is . Summer is . Summer has . Summer has . Lily likes fall. Fall is . Fall is cool. Fall has apples. Fall has . Jimmy likes winter. Winter is . Winter is cold. Winter has . Winter has snowmen. 5 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) Test for Unit 5 (B) 听力原文 一、1 Look at the ducks on the river.  2 The thin boy is my cousin. 3 That is a bird kite. 4 I like the winter in Kunming. 5 You may have a try!  6 When do you have lunch? 二、1 A: What can your sister do? B: She can play table tennis. 2 Look, I can make a cake. 3 In spring, we usually go fishing. 4 A: When do you have swimming lessons? B: At six. 三、1 orange 2 warm 3 Friday 4 Music 5 draw 四、1 Is it warm in spring? 2 Where do you skate in winter? 3 What do you do in autumn? 4 What can you do in winter? 5 Which season do you like? 五、Hi, I’m Tony. I like winter. It’s cold. I can go skiing with my father. Mike is my friend. He likes winter, too. We like making snowmen together. David is also my friend. But he doesn’t like winter. He likes summer. In summer, he can go swimming in the river. 6 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 参考答案 听力部分 一、1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B 二、1 B 2 A 3 A 4 A 三、1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 A 四、5 1 4 2 3 五、1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 笔试部分 一、1eight subjects 2 at nine 3 ride bikes 4 eat ice creams 5 nine twenty 6 many beautiful flowers, each season 二、1B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 三、1 in 2 on 3 in 4 at, in, in 四、1 cold, jacket 2 boats, boating 3 cool, climbing 4 Whose, my 五、B A F E D 六、1 She can go swimming this summer. 2 Is this your brown jacket ? 3 Can you see the kites over there? 4 Mike and Helen have picnics in spring. 七、1 doesn’t like 2 I, make, a, snowman 3 Can you, No, can’t 八、略

