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中考一轮复习 W 开头词汇(一)(讲义)‎ ‎❤❤以字母 W 开头的单词 wait /weɪt/‎ v. 等候;等待 wait for… 等候…‎ Who are you waiting for?‎ wait for sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事 He’s waiting for me to make a mistake. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 wait a minute/moment/second 稍等一下;等一会儿 n. 等候;等待;等待的时间 We had a long wait for the bus.‎ We then faced a six-month wait for the results to arrive.‎ wake /weɪk/ v. (waked; waked 或 woke; woken) 醒来;唤醒,弄醒 wake up 醒来;唤醒 James usually wakes up early.‎ I’ll wake you up when it’s time to leave.‎ walk /wɔːk/‎ v. 走,步行;散步 I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. walk into (意外地)撞着 He wasn’t looking around and walked straight into a tree.‎ n. 步行;散步 The office is ten minutes’ walk from here. Let’s go for a walk.‎ wall /wɔːl/ n. 墙 the Great Wall 长城 want /wɒnt/ v. 想,想要;需要 want (sb.) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事 Do you want me to help?‎ war /wɔː/ n. 战争,内战;战争时期;斗争 World War II = the Second World War How long have they been at war?‎ Germany has been at peace with France for 50 years. 德国已与法国和平相处了 50 年。‎ He never felt really at peace with himself. 他从未真正感到心里平静过。‎ warm /wɔːm/ adj. 温暖的,暖和的;热情的 It is getting warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。We received a warm welcome.‎ Teri greeted the visitor warmly. warm-hearted warmth /wɔːmθ/ n. 温暖,暖和;友好,热情 warn /wɔːn/ v. 警告,告诫;预先通知 warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事 I warned you not to walk home alone. warn sb. that 警告某人……‎ I warned you that it was dangerous to walk home alone. warning n. 警告,告诫 wash /wɒʃ/ v. 洗;流动,冲击,冲刷 wash away 冲走,冲掉 washroom /'wɒʃruːm/ n. 洗手间,厕所 waste /weɪst/‎ v. 浪费;滥用 Don’t waste your money on that junk! 不要为那个破烂东西浪费金钱!‎ Hurry up! We are wasting time.‎ n. 浪费,滥用;废料,废弃物 He thinks housework is a waste of time. 他认为做家务是浪费时间。‎ household waste 家庭垃圾 adj. 废弃的;荒芜的 waste water 污水 waste ground 荒地 watch /wɒtʃ/‎ n. 手表;表 v. 观看,注视;当心,注意watch television / a film watch out 注意;小心 watch sb. do/doing sth. 观看某人做了/正在做某事 Jack watched them slowly climb the wall.‎ I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.‎ water /'wɔːtə/‎ n. 水;水域 running water 活水;自来水 by water (=by boat) 乘船;由水路 v. 给……浇水,灌溉 water the flowers 浇花 watermelon /'wɔːtəmelən/ n. 西瓜 a piece of watermelon 一块西瓜 way /weɪ/ n. 路,路线;方法,手段 I told you we should have done it my way! 我跟你说过我们原本应该用我的方法来做这事。‎ the way to 去……的路 Would you like to tell me the way to the park?‎ the way to do sth. / the way of doing sth. 做……的方法 What’s the right way to say this in English? in a way 在某种意义上 In a way, you’re right.‎ in the/one’s way 妨碍;挡着…的路 You’ll have to move-you’re in my way. get in the way of 防碍 You mustn’t let your social life get in the way of your studies. on the/one’s way (to) 在途中 Why don’t you stop by our place on your way to Boston? by the way 顺便提起 What’s the time, by the way? all the way 一路上;自始至终 He didn’t speak a word to me all the way back home. go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力;格外费心地 They go out of their way to make me feel at home.‎ we /wiː/ pron. 我们 宾格:us weak /wiːk/ adj. 弱的;无力的;差的 be weak in 在某活动或学科的能力、技能等方面差的,弱的 wealth /welθ/ n. 财富;财产 [U] a man of great wealth 大富翁 wealthy adj. 富有的 wear /weə/ v. (wore, worn)穿,戴;蓄,留;磨损,磨坏 He wears a beard. 他蓄胡子。‎ wear (sth.) out (使)磨损;用坏 He has worn out his shoes.‎ wear sb. out 使某人精疲力竭 The kids have totally worn me out. wear “穿着;戴着”+衣服/饰品,表状态 She is wearing a new dress today.‎ put on “穿上;戴上”+衣服/饰品,表动作She is putting on a new dress.‎ dress “给……穿”+人,表动作 She dressed herself a new dress. get dressed 穿上/穿好衣服 Go and get dressed! 赶快去把衣服穿好!‎ be in “穿着”+衣服/颜色,表状态She is in a new dress today.‎ have…on “穿着”+衣服,表状态 She has a new dress on today.‎ weather /'weðə/ n. 天 气 [U]‎ What’s the weather like in Zhengzhou in winter? How’s the weather?‎ weather forecast 天气预报 website /'wɛbsaɪt/ n. 网站 Wednesday /'wenzdeɪ/ n. 星期三 on Wednesday 在星期三 on Wednesdays 每周三 week/wiːk/ n. 星期;周 this week 本周 weekly /'wiːklɪ/‎ adj. 每周的 a weekly newspaper 周报 adv. 每周地 The magazine is published weekly. 这本杂志是周刊。‎ weekday /'wiːkdeɪ/ n. 工作日;平日 The center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays?‎ weekend /wiːk'end/ n. 周末 on the weekend / on weekends at the weekend / at weekends weigh /weɪ/ v. 称……的重量;重量是……‎ He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. 他用浴室磅秤称量体重。‎ How much do you weigh?‎ weight /weɪt/ n. 重量;体重 How much do you weigh? = What is your weight?‎ welcome /'welkəm/‎ v. 欢迎,迎接 welcome sb./sth. with open arms 热情欢迎某人的到来/非常乐于接受某事物 adj. (人)受欢迎的;令人愉悦的,讨人喜欢的a welcome guest 一位受欢迎的客人 You are welcome. 不客气。‎ n. 欢迎;迎接 give sb./sth. a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人/欣然接受意见或建议等 int. 欢迎 Welcome to China! 欢迎到中国来!‎ well /wel/ (比较级 better,最高级 best)‎ adv. 好,令人满意地;彻底地,充分地 as well 也;还 Are they coming as well? 他们也来吗?‎ adj. 健康的 interj. 好;嗯;哦 as well as 又,也,还 I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin. good & well good adj. 好的 well adv. 好地 adj. 健康的 n. 井 I hope everything goes well.‎ I know him well. 我非常了解他。‎ You look well. 你气色很好。‎ west /west/‎ n. 西部;西方 in the west (of…) 在(……的)西部 adj. 西部的;向西的;从西方来的 the west door of the church west wind adv. 向西;朝西 go west western /'west(ə)n/ adj. 西部的;西方国家的,(尤指)欧美的 (=Western) western Spain 西班牙西部 Western Europe 西欧 wet /wet/ adj. (wetter, wettest) 湿的,潮的;多雨的 get (sth.) wet Try not to get your feet wet.‎ humid (空气和天气状况)潮湿的,湿润的 The island is hot and humid in the summer.‎ whale /weil/ n. 鲸 wheat /wiːt/ n. 小麦麦粒;小麦(植物) [U] a ton of wheat wheel /wiːl/ n. 车轮;机轮;方向盘 white /waɪt/‎ adj. 白色的,雪白的 n. 白色;白种人 be in white 穿着白色的衣服 what /wɒt/ predeterminer & determiner & pron. 什么;多么 What’s your name?‎ What does he do? / What is he? 他是做什么工作的?‎ what +名词,构成特殊疑问词what class what color What a nice day! 多么美好的一天!‎ What about (doing) sth.? (询问消息或提出建议) ……怎么样?……好吗?‎ what if…? 如果……会怎么样呢?‎ What if the train is late? 火车要是晚点会怎么样呢?‎ whatever /wɒt'evə/‎ det. & pron. 任何…的事物,什么…都;无论什么,不管什么可引导让步状语从句:‎ Whatever happens, I will go. = No matter what happens, I will go. Whatever you do, wherever you go, I will be here waiting for you.‎ adv. 丝毫,任何(用于强调否定句)‎ She gave no sign whatever of what she was thinking. 她在想什么,毫无迹象可循。‎ exclamation. 随你便 Tom said, “I’ll call you later.” “Whatever.” I shrugged.‎ which /wɪtʃ/ det. & pron. 哪个;哪些 Which do you like better, summer or winter? Which of these books is yours?‎ Houses which overlook the lake cost more. 俯瞰湖泊的房子要价高些。‎ whichever /wɪtʃ'evə/ det. & pron. 无论哪个;无论哪些 who /huː/ pron. 谁,什么人 whoever /huː'evə/ pron. 无论是谁;不管什么人 whom /huːm/ pron. 谁;什么人 (who 的宾格) the man whom she talked with 跟她说话的那个人 whose /huːz/ det. & pron. 谁的 why /waɪ/‎ adv. & conj. 为什么 Why not? (提出建议或赞同建议) 为什么不呢?好哇!‎ Why not go there today? = Why don’t you go there today?‎ ‎“We can invite Nick to Shanghai Disneyland with us.” “Why not?” “I would like you to go.” “Why me?”‎ n. 理由;原因;缘故 I’m not interested in the whys and the wherefores, just tell me what it will cost.‎ 我对前因后果不感兴趣,直接告诉我这东西要多少钱吧。‎ exclamation. (表示惊讶、生气等)哎呀,哟,嗨 Why, where on earth can Don have got to! 嗨,唐究竟会去哪儿了呢?‎ ‎❤❤与字母 W 相关的谚语 A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. A man who knows two languages is worth two men. Actions speak louder than words.‎ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.‎ An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练 一、单项选择 ‎( )1. I wonder when Subway II in Harbin . When the day comes, I’ll spend less time going to school every day.‎ A. is finish B. will be finished C. was finished D. finished ( )2. exciting news! We will have a holiday after the exam.‎ A. What an; two months B. What; two months C. What; two-month D. How; two months’ ( )3. Excuse me, can you help me find out with my computer?‎ A. what wrong is B. what’s wrong C. what was wrong D. what wrong was ( )4. —Our team has won the first prize in the soccer games.‎ ‎—Congratulations! team you are!‎ A. How great B. What a great C. What great D. How a great ( )5. —Do you know Deng Chao is?‎ ‎—He is an actor. He is the team leader in the popular reality TV show Running Man now.‎ A. which B. when C. what D. how 二、根据提示填空 1. I can’t make a great success my partner’s help.‎ 2. Mother w me up at 6 o’clock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up.‎ 3. This (wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago.‎ 4. After class, children went out of their classroom to enjoy the (warm) of the sun.‎ 5. ‎—What’s the of the elephant?‎ ‎—About two tons.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎❤❤以字母 W 开头的单词 ‎❤❤与字母 W 相关的谚语 1. 外语是人生斗争的一种武器。‎ 2. 懂得两种语言的人抵得上两个人。‎ 3. 行动胜于言辞。‎ 4. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙(孩子)也变傻。‎ 5. 一日之计在于晨。‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练一、单项选择1—5:BCBBC 二、根据提示完成句子 ‎1. without 2. woke/waked 3. wooden 4. warmth 5. weight

