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人教版八年级上(1 至 3 单元)练习题(4) I.单项填空(20 分) ( ) 1.----What did he do yesterday ?-----He _______ the books with his friends. A. read B. reading C. reads D. readed ( ) 2.It was time _________ English. A.to practice B.practice C.practiced D.practicing ( )3.____ Sunday night, my aunt cooked pizza_____ me. A. On, to B.At, on C.On, for D.At, with ( ) 4.Old Henry ______ his loved dog last night, but he didn’t ______ it. A. looked for, find B. found, looked for C. found, find D. looked for, look for ( )5. ______ was the food in the restaurant? A.How many B.Why C.How D.Where ( )6.We usually go to school __Monday __ Friday. A.from; to B.from; or C.from; and D.from; between ( )7.Everyone _____ an English story book. A.have B.are having C.has D.is have ( ) 8. Mrs. Jones plans _______ her vacation in China. A.spending B. spend C. to spend D. to spending ( ) 9. I’m sorry ______ what I ______. A. that; to say B. for; said C. that; say D. that; said ( ) 10. Do you skate______? A. a lot quite B. a quite lot C. quite a lot D. very a lot ( )11. —Would you mind ______ here? —Sorry. I’ll go somewhere else. A. my smoking B. to smoke C. not to smoke D. not smoking ( ) 12 Ann grows______. A. taller and taller B. the tallest C. tallest D. tall ( ) 13.This watch is______than that one. A. more cheaper B. much cheap C. more cheap D. much cheaper ( )14. My friend is the same _______ me. We are _______ quiet. A. as, both B. as, all C. to, both D. so, all ( )15. That book is not so ______ as this one. A. Interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting ( )16. He has two sisters. One is a doctor and _______is a teacher. A. Another B. other C. the other D. One ( )17. My shoes are cheaper than ________. A. you B. your C. yours D. your one ( )18.All of the boys ________ playing football. A.likes B.like C.is like D.are like ( )19. Their football player are ______ stronger . A. some B. much C. very D. more ( )20. Allan is _____ more outgoing than I . A. little B. very C. too D.a little 答案:1-20 AACAC ACCBC AADAA CCBBD 情景交际(补全对话) (1) A: Hi, Tom, I didn’t see you last month. Where did you go? B: 1.____________________________________________. A: Really?2.______________________________________? B:I went there with my parents. A: 3.____________________________________________? B: We got there by plane. A: 4.______________________________________________? B:It took us less then two hours to fly there. A:Why did you go there? B: We went there for our holidays. A:5._________________________________________________? B:Yes, we enjoyed ourselves very much. A: I’m very glad to hear that. B: Thanks a lot. 答案:1.I went to Beijing/Shanghai. 2. Who did you go there with 3. How did you get there 4. How long did it take you to fly there 5. Did you enjoy yourselves (2) A: Hi, Mike. Long time no see. 1.___________________________________________________? B: I went to Sanya with my family. A: 2.___________________________? B: The trip was excellent! We drank coconut milk and swam in the sea. A: Sounds fun! By the way, do you often exercise? B:3. _________________________, but my sister does. I have lots of homework to do. A: Poor guy. You need to take care of yourself. I like playing basketball very much. And I often play with my friends. I think it can keep my healthy. B: I see. 4._____________________________________________? A: I play basketball twice a week. Do you want to join us this afternoon? B: Sure!5.___________________________________________________? A: Well, we can meet on the playground at 3 p.m. B: OK. See you then! 答案:1. Where did you go on vacation 2. How was the trip 3. No, I don’t 4. How often do you play basketball 5. When and where can we meet

