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绝密★启用前 ‎2019~2020学年度高二年级第二学期开学收心检测 英 语 ‎ 2020. 4‎ 第Ⅰ卷 英语听力 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎ 1.What are the speakers talking about?‎ A.Travelling abroad. B.Keeping a good figure. C.Choosing a gift.‎ ‎ 2.Where is the man going?‎ A.The zoo. B.The National‎ ‎Museum. C.The National Park.‎ ‎ 3.What does the woman advice the man to do?‎ A.Tell Kevin to stop. B.Call Kevin’s parents. C.Stay away from Kevin.‎ ‎ 4.Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ A.In a wine shop. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant.‎ ‎ 5.What does the woman mean?‎ A.Keep the window closed.‎ B.Go out for fresh air.‎ C.Put on more clothes.‎ 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎ 6.Why did the woman look so bad?‎ A.Because she stayed up late.‎ B.Because she was ill.‎ C.Because she was punished.‎ ‎ 7.How will the man help the woman?‎ A.To help her finish the work.‎ B.To listen to her carefully.‎ C.To tell her something interesting.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎ 8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A.Customer and clerk. B.Customer and waiter. C.Husband and wife.‎ ‎ 9.What does the woman ask for?‎ A.Some snacks. B.Some ice water. C.Some fruits.‎ ‎10.When will the item be delivered to the woman’s house?‎ A.In an hour. B.In five hours. C.In four hours.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11.Why does the woman make the call?‎ A.To pay her bill.‎ B.To ask about cable TV service.‎ C.To check something about the bill.‎ ‎12.Who is in charge of the bill?‎ A.John Smith. B.James. C.Linda.‎ ‎13.How much does the woman usually pay for her cable TV per month?‎ A.$20. B.$65. C.$85.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。‎ ‎14.Why does the man fail to buy a book on genetic engineering?‎ A.Because he can’t find any.‎ B.Because they are too expensive.‎ C.Because they have been sold out.‎ ‎15.What will the man take this time?‎ A.A book called Little Women.‎ B.A telephone number book.‎ C.A good English-Chinese dictionary.‎ ‎16.How will the woman contact the man?‎ A.By email. B.By telephone. C.By letter.‎ ‎17.What does the man think of the shop assistant?‎ A.Helpful. B.Dull. C.Interesting.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎18.What did the man want to be at first?‎ A.A doctor. B.A writer. C.An engineer.‎ ‎19.Why did the man change his major?‎ A.His parents forced him.‎ B.He wanted to try something new.‎ C.He liked English, especially reading and writing.‎ ‎20.What is the man’s first novel about?‎ A.Growing up. B.Friendship. C.Love.‎ 第Ⅱ卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) ‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Getting around Venice by travelling along its waterways is a delight for all visitors. Apart from offering unforgettable views of the architecture, the city's transport options are convenient, efficient, and also relatively inexpensive.‎ PASSES Instead of paying EUR 7 per ride, a better option is to purchase one of ACTV's passes, which offer unlimited travel for 1 day (EUR 20) , 2 days (EUR 30) , 3 days (EUR 40) or 1 week (EUR 60). For children and young people between the ages of 6 and 29, ACTV offers a special “Rolling Venice" 3-day pass (EUR 29).‎ BY GONDOLA Considered by many as the most symbolic feature of Venice, today gondolas circulate most often on canals in the center of the city, carrying tourists on rides at fixed rates, which tend to be rather high. A ‎ 40-minute ride costs around EUR 100, but may be shared by as many as six passengers.‎ BY WATER TAXI Getting around by water taxi in Venice is most costly, but can be a convenient option when you are in a hurry or need to carry a lot of luggage. The initial charge is EUR 15, then EUR 2 per minute. If you have more than one bag per passenger, there is a charge of EUR 3 for each additional piece.‎ BY RENTAL BOAT It is possible to rent a boat to travel around Venice's canals. A boating permit is not required, but you will need to pass a basic turning and docking test before being allowed to rent a boat. Rates start at EUR 30 per hour.‎ Note: There are only four fueling stations for boats in Venice. Make sure you note their locations before heading out.‎ ‎1. What is said about the ACTV's pass?‎ A. It provides the tourists with five choices B. It is very suitable for kids and the young.‎ C. It should be ordered ahead of time online. D. It is a certificate given to the foreign tourists.‎ ‎2. Why does the author recommend gondola?‎ A. Because it is the most economical means.‎ B. Because tourists can enjoy the city for longer.‎ C. Because tourists will be clear about the cost.‎ D. Because it represents the city of Venice.‎ ‎3. Which of the following may cost you most?‎ A. PASSES. B. BY GONDOLA. C. BY WATER TAXI. D. BY RENTAL BOAT.‎ B On a Saturday afternoon, Tasi Lama had just finished lunch and was going to wash his hands when the ground under his feet started shaking violently. Objects began to fall down from overhead and rising above the crashes, he could hear terrified screams all around him. Several months later, the painter from Nepal's Kathmandu‎ ‎Valley remembers that day more vividly than his wedding day or the birth of his son.‎ It was on April 25, 2015 that an earthquake hit Nepal, the former Himalayan kingdom out of sight between its giant neighbors China and India, 81 years after a similar disaster. This killer quake and aftershocks that continued for more than a month afterward killed over 8,000 people, destroyed thousands of houses, and ruined an economy already damaged by many other reasons.‎ It was also of consequence for the ancient art style Nepali painters such as Lama have been practicing for generations. “We left our homes and lived in the open fields outside the city, under tarpaulins (防水油布)for a month," Lama said. Many of the houses, built of mud and bricks, were in ruins and the aftershocks continued, though less frequently. One day, I went to my showroom to get some of the paintings out and the Earth started shaking again. I dropped everything and ran out for my life. ”‎ Dinesh Lama, a 32-year-old artist from Nepal's capital city, Kathmandu, said his Boudha Stupa Thangka Center, which functions as his showroom as well as his studio, has remained shut since the earthquake, as his artisans are too traumatized(心理受到创伤的) to take up the brush again. “We lived in temporary tents for more than a month," he said. “When they try to sit inside the studio and paint, fear makes their hands shake. Luckily, we have got a lot of aid from China. I believe we will come back to our home soon. ”‎ ‎4. What can we conclude from the second paragraph?‎ A. The April 25 earthquake made Nepal disappear for long.‎ B. Nepal also suffered a serious disaster due to the 1934 quake.‎ C. This quake caused more deaths than the one 81 years ago.‎ D. The earthquake is the only reason for Nepal being backward.‎ ‎5. What can we know according to Tasi Lama's words?‎ A. Many Nepali painters lost their lives in the quake.‎ B. Only the houses built of mud and bricks broke down.‎ C. His showroom fell into ruins after the quake.‎ D. He had no choice but to stop working for long.‎ ‎6. What made Dinesh Lama worried most?‎ A. That his showroom had been totally destroyed. ‎ B.That his artisans were incapable of working.‎ C. That he couldn't sell his works as usual.‎ D.That he would never pick up his brush to draw.‎ ‎7. Which of the following is the proper title for the text?‎ A. Earthquake Brings Damage to Ancient Art B. Earthquake Causes Many Artists Out of Job C. China Gives a Timely Hand to ‎Nepal D. Nepal Suffers from Two Nonstop Quakes C As the capital city of Thailand, Bangkok is also the country's most populous city with more than 8 million people. Over the years, Bangkok has established itself as one of the most important regional centers for arts, entertainment and fashion. It is also a major regional force in business and finance.‎ Bangkok‎ is one of the most popular travel destinations for people all over the world. This is primarily due to its energetic city life and its incredible cultural landmarks. Bangkok has much to offer to tourists. From dazzling temples to magnificent palaces, from its well-known floating market to its traditional Chinatown, Bangkok is a city that should not be missed.‎ There are also numerous hotels, guesthouses and hostels available for travelers that are committed to making their stay pleasant and comfortable. There are many that are located right in the center of the city enabling tourists to have access to shopping centers, restaurants, bars and popular landmarks.‎ Most accommodations in Bangkok offer 24-hour free Internet access, daily newspapers, theaters , luggage rooms and comfortable bedrooms. For example Lubd is located in Bangkok’s best hangout area. You will have access to all that this city has to offer, be it culture, entertainment, bars, restaurants, clubs or shopping. At Lubd, you will find high-quality accommodation and fun and friendly staff. It has been picked as one of the seventeen coolest hostels to stay for backpackers by The Observer, UK.‎ The people of Bangkok are extremely convivial and that is why there is always something going on in the city. These include royal anniversaries, Buddhist rites, lunar religious festivals and other cultural events. Foreign festivals are also celebrated with great passion in Bangkok. These include Christmas and Halloween. Overall, if you’re looking for an exciting travel destination in Asia, Bangkok is a city that should definitely not be missed.‎ ‎8.Why do so many people come to Bangkok?‎ A. Because it is the capital city of Thailand.‎ B.Because people go after fashion in the city.‎ C. Because of its rich culture and fullness of life. ‎ D. Because of the mysterious temples and palaces.‎ ‎9.How does the author describe the accommodation in Bangkok?‎ A. It can meet different people's needs.‎ B. All the hotels are located downtown.‎ C. It is convenient but a little expensive.‎ D. Most of the hotels are famous in the world.‎ ‎10.What does the underlined word “convivial" mean in the last paragraph?‎ A. Busy. B. Cheerful. C. Curious. D. Cautious.‎ ‎11.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. Lubd is considered the best hotel in the world.‎ B. Most of the star hotels are situated in the city center.‎ C. Bangkok is the author’s preferred city in Asia.‎ D. Bangkok provides visitors with cheap accommodations.‎ D United States health officials say an estimated 80,000 people died of influenza (流感)and problems resulting from the flu last winter, making it the worst season since 1977. The director for the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the number to The Associated Press. Health experts were expecting the winter of 2017—2018 to be a bad year for flu deaths, but not that.‎ Doctor William Schaffner is an expert on vaccines, at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. Schaffner noted that 80,000 deaths are nearly twice as much as what health officials once considered a "bad year"‎ CDC officials say that between 12,000 and 56,000 Americans die every year from flu-related causes, but they do not have an exact count of how many people die from the flu each year. Influenza is a relatively common disease and not always listed on death records as the official cause of death. While last winter was a bad flu season in the U. S.‎, it was not the worst. The 1918 flu lasted nearly two years. Historians estimate that the disease was to blame for between 500,000 to 700,000 deaths during that period. The exact number is still not known.‎ One thing that made the 2017——2018 flu season so bad was that the flu virus was strong. Usually the disease kills the very young, the very old or those who are already sick. However, last winter, the flu killed many healthy Americans. Another thing that made the flu season so deadly was that the flu vaccine was not as effective as experts had predicted. Drug makers have made changes to the vaccine. Even though the vaccine did not work well last year, health experts still strongly suggest getting vaccinated.‎ ‎12. What can we learn about influenza in the first paragraph?‎ A.The winter of 2017—2018 saw the deadliest flu in history.‎ B.Effective cures should be found to deal with influenza.‎ C.Health experts had assumed flu would be severer.‎ D.More people died of influenza than expected in the winter of 2017—2018.‎ ‎13. How many deaths did the health officials expect in a bad year?‎ A.80,000. B.40,000.‎ C.60,000. D. 20,000.‎ ‎14. Why can't CDC officials give an exact number of deaths from flu?‎ A. Because flu is always considered as a common disease.‎ B. Because people usually don't take flu seriously.‎ C. Because CDC officials are unwilling to count the deaths.‎ D. Because flu is not always listed on death records.‎ ‎15. What do experts recommend people to do in the last paragraph?‎ A. Change the vaccine. B. Avoid using vaccine.‎ C. Get vaccinated. D. Do research on vaccine.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,共12.5分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ If you've been feeling a lot sleepy in your daily life, here are some tips to picking up your energy levels. But first, you should make sure if you’re experiencing some serious illnesses. 16 , keep these tips in mind.‎ The first recommendation is to exercise. Although it may seem difficult to work out when you're tired, it turns out that physical activity can actually give you more energy. The second thing to work on is to go to sleep early enough to get a full night's sleep, preferably so that you wake up naturally without the need for your alarm. 17 . Thus, another useful tip is to take a nap during the afternoon. Naps can restore your mind and body without taking up too much time, regaining your energy and raising working efficiency. The best length of time for a nap is about 20 minutes. Shorter, and you won't get much out of it. 18 .‎ ‎19 . Drinking plenty of water and fluids throughout the day is one important way to stay energized, since dehydration (脱水)leaves us in low sprits. Some experts say that eating smaller meals more often throughout the day can help maintain energy and balance blood sugar levels. Be aware also that people who are overweight are more likely to experience tiredness easily. 20 , reducing extra weight ‎ could help you gain more energy.‎ A. If you’re overweight B. If you feel uncomfortable C. As you know, it is quite a good habit D. However, this goal is hard to achieve in practice E. Longer, and you may find it harder to sleep at night F. If you’re otherwise healthy but just need some extra energy G. Other ways to increase energy involve our diet and consumption 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分35分) ‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Hard work, leadership, and passion are only a few of the many things I have learned through dancing. As a young girl I was a 21 of dance teams where I learned to dance in various 22 such as jazz, tap and ballet. At the age of 13 these classes became too 23 for my parents, which lead me not to ‎24 a conventional dance class for the next four years.‎ Even though I was not attending dance classes, I used what I ‎25 in prior classes to maintain my flexibility and continue to develop my dancing 26 . Throughout this time my passion for dancing helped me learn how to be a leader and 27 as I coached myself, taught my sisters and put on my own 28 for my family. With the time and hard work that I ‎29 in the four years I couldn't take dance classes, I was able to get onto my high school dance 30.‎ Over the next three years on the team I pushed my body to be the best 31 that I could be. I was able to be in every group dance and 32 became a background leader. I also 33 with various injuries. My first year on the team I had both of my ankles 34 several times. After a several-month- long 35 , my second competition season resulted in patellar tendinitis (肌腱炎)in my knees that have yet to 36 heal. Even with these injuries I was able to become a co-captain for the team and 37 them to win the first national championship title in team 38.‎ Since then I have taken several dance classes at Saddleback‎ ‎College. In this past year I 39 taking dance classes as I have to heal my injuries from my time in 40 school.‎ ‎21. A. teacher B. carrier C. worker D. part ‎22. A. styles B. names C. shapes D. manners ‎23. A. difficult B. complex C. costly D. specific ‎24. A. give B. take C. guarantee D. sponsor ‎25. A. saw B. experienced C. learned D. received ‎26. A. skills B. movements C. patterns D. levels ‎27. A. secretary B. instructor C. performer D. employee ‎28. A. talents B. levels C. decisions D. shows ‎29. A. arranged B. put C. delivered D. organized ‎30. A. practice B. event C. team D. competition ‎31. A. leader B. dancer C. assistant D. volunteer ‎32. A. frequently B. actually C. immediately D. successfully ‎33. A. compared B. struggled C. played D. started ‎34. A. hurt B. broken C. burst D. cracked ‎35. A. exercise B. design C. trial D. recovery ‎36. A. exactly B. possibly C. completely D. lately ‎37. A. advise B. permit C. expect D. lead ‎38. A. history B. course C. mark D. operation ‎39. A. risked B. considered C. quit D. kept ‎40. A. professional B. high C. middle D. primary 第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Eating a diet rich in high-quality protein (蛋白质)may help you maintain a healthy weight by 41 (make) you feel full longer, and fueling you with extra energy for exercising.‎ High-protein 42 (diet) aren’t balanced in terms of the essential nutrients, vitamins, and fiber your body needs. However, a diet that is too high in animal protein can 43 (actual) lead to weight gain over time. A study found that those who ate more red and processed meat put on 44 (much) weight, about one extra pound every four years, while those who ate more nuts over the course of the study 45 (gain) only half as much weight.‎ Some people are able to lose weight on high-protein diets in the short-term but this weight loss is not due to eating more animal protein, 46 simply due to consuming fewer calories. A safer way 47 (lose)weight is to reduce sugar intake and calories, while maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet 48 is rich in plant-based proteins.‎ For most of us, consuming the right balance of whole foods each day will provide us 49 all the nutrients we need. There is also no 50 (evident) that protein from a powder or bar can improve athletic performance any more than protein from food.‎ 第三部分:书本知识运用 (每空1词,每空1分,共15空,用新学知识填空)‎ Passage 1: ‎ ‎ The London Underground has the 51___________ of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. Because horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to 52___________ people to and around the city centre, which caused 53___________ traffic jam, the British government gave 54___________ to the construction of an underground railway in 1854. In 1884, the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway 55___________ up and provided underground service. To prevent passengers from choking, large holes leading to the surface are needed at regular 56___________. Later, all the train lines were placed under the 57___________ of the London Passenger Transport Board. After World War II, more lines were added, which helped make the system more 58___________.‎ Passage 2:‎ ‎ A recent case concerns Jane, whose fiancé, John, runs a successful furniture business. John put his wallet containing a large amount of money into the microwave oven for 59___________. But Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven without noticing it. Imagine their 60___________ when they found a 61___________ wallet and notes turned to 62___________. John turned to his bank manager for help, who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the 63___________ Ladies. According to what a spokeswoman for the bank said, so long as there was something to 64___________, they would give people their money back. And last year, they paid ‎1.5m pounds on 21000 65___________.‎ 第四部分:写作(20分)‎ ‎66. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎“I think I’m nothing more than a dead fish.”“I don’t want to do anything.”“I’m so beat and so sad.”...The young generation in our country used to enjoy their “happy culture” but now they have become “beat and sad” slowly and secretly. Some people even called it “the beat culture”. The “beat” youths don’t want to do anything. They have no purpose, no desire and they are totally depressed and they only want to live an aimless life. The “Ge You slouch(葛优瘫)” and the song “I feel like having been drained” are the examples.‎ Many media concern themselves about this phenomenon and try to persuade the youths into embracing positive and healthy feelings and encourage them to work hard to get rid of decadence. This is really a kind gesture. However, we don’t have to worry too much about this “beat culture.” In fact, it’s not a negative thing. “Beat” never means despair, but a way of self-mockery(自嘲) and pressure relief.‎ In general, the youths in China are not “beat”. According to a recent international research, the youths in China hold positive attitude towards the future. 29% of the Chinese interviewees believe they will live and work in peace in China because “as long as you work hard, you can have your own day”. Around 93% of the Chinese interviewees believe the future is promising because of medicine industry, renewable energy sources and computer. Compared with Chinese youngsters, youths in developed countries are more pessimistic.‎ Of course there are some social reasons for the appearing of “the Beat Culture”. As urbanization develops rapidly, youths living in big cities are facing new challenges that their forefathers have never encountered before. Loneliness and feelings of insignificance and powerlessness are easy to get a hold of the young people. Without proper care, they could threaten the youths’ mentality and cause many social problems. These problems probably need our attention more.‎ ‎2019~2020学年度高二年级第二学期开学收心检测 英 语 参考答案与评分标准 第Ⅰ卷 英语听力 ‎1—5 CBACA 6—10 ABABB 11—15 CBBCC 16—20 BAACA 第Ⅱ卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分)‎ ‎1-3 ADC 4-7 BDBA 8-11 CABC 12-15 DBDC 第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分)‎ ‎16-20 FDEGA 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分35分) ‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎21-25 DACBC 26-30 ABDBC 31-35 BDBAD 36-40 CDACB 第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)‎ ‎41 making 42 diets 43 actually 44 more 45 gained 46 but 47 to lose 48 that/which 49 with 50 evidence 第三部分:书本知识运用 (每空1词,每空1分,共15空,用新学知识填空)‎ ‎51.distinction 52.convey 53.unbelievable 54.approval 55.linked ‎56.intervals 57.authority 58.user-friendly ‎ ‎59.safekeeping 60.dismay 61.beautifully-cooked 62.ash 63.Mutilated 64.identify 65.claims 第四部分:写作(概要写作,共20分)‎ There is a slow tendency that “the beat culture” is popular with the youths in China.(要点1) Actually, “the beat culture” is an approach to relaxing the youths themselves, so it doesn’t need worrying.(要点2) The fact is that majority of the youths in China are positive, compared with those in developed countries.(要点3) However, its social causes still need to be concerned because it can also contribute to more social problems.(要点4)‎

