2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 25(必修5 UNIT 5)

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2019届高三英语一轮(浙江专用)复习考点强化练 25(必修5 UNIT 5)

考点强化练25(必修5 Unit 5)‎ ‎ 考点强化练第49页  ‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 The main hall of a 135-year old temple in Shanghai will be moved 30 meters to its north in order to create more space for visitors.Thousands of people gather and see the moving of the temple that started on Saturday.‎ The Mahavira Hall,of Shanghai’s Jade Buddha Temple,was built in 1882.The temple in downtown Shanghai attracts more than two million visitors a year.Daily visitors can reach as high as 100,000.‎ A major renovation project started in 2014.The moving of the temple started on Saturday and is set to be finished in two weeks.The main hall of the temple will be relocated 30.66 meters northward within the temple and elevated 1.05 meters.‎ Master Jue Xing,abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple and vice president of the Buddhist Association of China,said “Moving the hall will create more space between buildings and reduce the risks of a stampede as the temple is usually tightly packed”.‎ ‎“Buddhist statues and relics in the hall will also be moved together with the hall,”he said.‎ Workers pumped cement into the foundation of the hall because the old building’s foundation was rather soft,he said.‎ Statues and other relics in the building were stabilized and protected with frames to avoid damage,he said.‎ ‎“The moving will be carried out with the help of relic preservation experts from the Shanghai Museum,”he said.‎ Shanghai has had several successful projects to move old buildings,including a school in 2009 and a concert hall in 2002.On Aug.31st,Shanghai Concert Hall began to move 66.46 meters northward after the last concert was held in the previous location and reopened to audience two years later.The moving was recognized as a wonder of construction protection and inspired the experts of the moving of the the Mahavira Hall.‎ ‎【语篇导读】本文讲述的是上海近年来已经有了几次成功移动古建筑的经验,玉佛寺的大殿将向北移动30米以及为此提前做的准备工作。‎ ‎1.Which of the following tasks will not be done?‎ ‎            ‎ A.The temple will be relocated about 30 meters northward.‎ B.Buddhist statues and relics in the hall will be moved together.‎ C.The foundation of the hall will be strengthened with cerement.‎ D.Statues and relics in the hall will be stabilized with frames.‎ 答案A 解析细节推理题。根据第三段“The main hall of the temple will be relocated 30.66 meters northward within the temple and elevated 1.05 meters.”可知这个庙宇的主殿将向北迁移30.66米,而不是整个庙宇,故选A项。‎ ‎2.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.The Jade Temple of Shanghai attracts 100,000 visitors every year.‎ B.The major renovation project completed in 2014.‎ C.Moving the hall is to make more space for visiting and to reduce the risks of stampede.‎ D.Shanghai have had some successful experience of moving buildings.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。根据“Shanghai has had several successful projects to move old buildings,including a school in 2009 and a concert hall in 2002.On Aug.31st,Shanghai Concert Hall began to move 66.46 meters northward after the last concert was held in the previous location and reopened to audience two years later.”可知上海近年来已经有了几次成功移动古建筑的先例,有了这方面的经验。故选D项。‎ ‎3.Which column on the the website is the article from?‎ A.Science and technology. B.Culture.‎ C.Travel. D.Life and Health.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。本文讲述的是上海近年来已经有了几次成功移动古建筑的经验,玉佛寺的大殿将向北移动30米,以及为此提前做的准备。此文属于文物保护内容,不属于科技、旅游和生活健康类,应该属于文化类,应出现在文化专栏。故选B项。‎ ‎〚导学号29402118〛‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 Goal setting seems to be a hot topic,yet it’s easy to know about but difficult to practice.‎ People set goals,work hard at them for even a few months,and then 1  them.Next year,they set the  2 goals.But why do so many people do it?They may be making goals too  3 .But that isn’t to say that they aren’t  4 goals.They need to be broken apart into smaller and  5  pieces.Make spoon-size goals and you’ll accomplish them  6 . ‎ Many people are probably unwilling to  7 you to reach your goals.They’re  8 with you when you have your own goals.They may even be enthusiastic about your  9 to change something or accomplish something new. 10 ,as you change and accomplish,they may not like it.Why?It’s usually because your changes and accomplishments  11  them that they could be doing it,too... 12  they aren’t! ‎ You may have filled your  13  with so many things that there’s little  14  for your goals to grow.We must be careful not to confuse busyness with  15 ,as goals are always achieved step by step.Be  16  about how you use your time and what you focus on.Success often comes when you know what to  17 ,rather than what to include in your life. ‎ Goal setting is like the pig and chicken walking out early one morning.The chicken became really  18  when she saw a sign: “Ham & Eggs,$2.99”.She said to the pig,“Look,we’ve got double billing ‎ again.” The pig said,“That’s  19  for you to say!For you,it’s all in a day’s work.For me,it’s total commitment.”Goal setting is all in a day’s work.Goal  20  is total commitment. ‎ ‎【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。文章向我们介绍了应如何去实现我们设定的目标。‎ ‎1.A.withdraw B.forget ‎ C.change D.store 答案B 解析根据第一段中的“but difficult to practice”和下文“Next year,they set the    goals.”可知,许多人设定目标,努力工作几个月后又忘记了目标。withdraw“撤退”;forget“忘记”;change“改变”;store“储存”。 ‎ ‎2.A.opposite B.common ‎ C.same D.valid 答案C 解析根据上文描述的人们为设立的目标努力了几个月后又忘了它们可知,设立的目标并未实现,故此处应指第二年,他们又设立同样的目标。opposite“对面的,相反的”;common“常见的”;same“同样的”;valid“有效的”。‎ ‎3.A.global B.precise ‎ C.vague D.realistic 答案A 解析根据下文中的“They need to be broken apart into smaller”可知此处应指他们可能把目标制定得过大。global“全面的,整体的”;precise“精确的,清晰的”;vague“模糊的”;realistic“现实的”。‎ ‎4.A.simple B.achievable ‎ C.reliable D.clear 答案B 解析根据上下文的转折关系可知,虽然目标制定得太大,但并不是说它们不能实现。achievable“可实现的”符合语境。‎ ‎5.A.equal B.unusual ‎ C.regular D.specific 答案D 解析根据与空格处是并列关系的“smaller”可知,大目标需要被分割成更小的、更具体的目标。equal“平等的”;unusual“不寻常的”;regular“有规律的”;specific“具体的”。‎ ‎6.A.slowly B.accurately ‎ C.easily D.instantly 答案C 解析根据上文中的“They need to be broken apart into smaller...”可知,此处应指如勺子般大小的目标很容易实现。slowly“慢慢地”;accurately“精确地”;easily“容易地”;instantly“立刻地”。‎ ‎7.A.support B.lead ‎ C.force D.follow 答案A 解析根据下文中的“as you change and accomplish,they may not like it”可知,此处应指很多人可能不愿意支持你去实现你的目标。support“支持”;lead“引导”;force“强迫”;follow“跟随,遵循”。‎ ‎8.A.comfortable B.familiar ‎ C.careful D.patient 答案A 解析根据下文中的“They may even be enthusiastic”可知,在你有目标的时候,他们和你在一起会很舒服。comfortable“舒服的”;familiar“熟悉的”;careful“仔细的”;patient“有耐心的”。‎ ‎9.A.means B.desire ‎ C.skill D.energy 答案B 解析根据下文中的“as you change and accomplish”可知,此处应指想改变一些东西或去实现新的目标的心愿。means“方法”;desire“意愿,欲望”;skill“技能”;energy“能量”。‎ ‎10.A.Therefore B.Besides ‎ C.Otherwise D.However 答案D 解析根据上下文可知,此处指你有目标的时候,人们觉得跟你在一起很舒服,甚至在你想改变一些东西或者想去实现新的目标的时候,人们还是很热心,但是,一旦你真的实现了目标,他们就会不那么高兴了。空格前后是转折关系。therefore“因此”;besides“除此之外”;otherwise“否则,要不然”;however“然而”。‎ ‎11.A.inform B.convince ‎ C.remind D.warn 答案C 解析句意为:那通常是因为你的改变和目标的实现会提醒他们,他们自己也有可能会实现这些目标。remind“提醒”符合文意。‎ ‎12.A.and B.but ‎ C.or D.for 答案B 解析根据空格前后的“they could be doing it”和“they aren’t”可知,空格前后为转折关系,指他们应该也能实现目标,但他们没有做到。故选B项。‎ ‎13.A.notebook B.file ‎ C.schedule D.case 答案C 解析根据空格后的“with so many things”和下文中的“how you use your time”可知,此处应指你可能已经用很多事情填满了你的时间表。故选C项。‎ ‎14.A.doubt B.hope ‎ C.dimension D.room 答案D 解析根据语境可知,此处指你的时间表被很多事情占满了以至于没有了让你的目标增长的空间。doubt“怀疑”;hope“希望”;dimension“尺寸”;room“空间”。‎ ‎15.A.progress B.process ‎ C.practice D.promotion 答案A 解析根据下文中的“as goals are always achieved step by step”可知,因为目标总是一步一步实现的,所以我们必须要小心,不要混淆忙和进步。故选A项。‎ ‎16.A.selective B.curious ‎ C.skeptical D.optimistic 答案A 解析根据下一句“Success often comes when you know what to    ,rather than what to include in your life.”可知,此处应指对于如何利用你的时间和关注什么要有选择性。故选A项。 ‎ ‎17.A.figure out B.leave out ‎ C.take out D.send out 答案B 解析根据下文中的“rather than what to include in your life”可知,此处应指如果想成功,你应该知道要省去些什么,而不是往你的生命里再加点什么。figure out“查明”;leave out“省去,不加考虑”;take out“拿出”;send out“发出”。‎ ‎18.A.confused B.upset ‎ C.excited D.worried 答案C 解析根据下文中鸡对猪说的话“Look,we’ve got double billing again.”可知,鸡在看到“火腿和鸡蛋,2.99美元”的牌子时应会很兴奋。故选C项。‎ ‎19.A.strange B.pitiful ‎ C.necessary D.natural 答案D 解析根据下一句“For you,it’s all in a day’s work.”可知,此处指猪认为鸡自然会那样说,因为那是鸡一天辛苦的成果。故选D项。‎ ‎20.A.development B.achievement ‎ C.management D.assessment 答案B 解析根据“Goal setting”和“Goal    ”与“all in a day’s work”和“total commitment”的对应关系可知,制定目标只需要一天,但是实现目标却需要完全的投入和奉献。故选B项。 ‎ ‎〚导学号29402119〛‎ Ⅲ.概要写作 ‎(2017·9月浙江金华高三十校联考)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Everyone looks forward to progress.Progress shows a person’s ability to change the way he is living at the moment.Progress means a better way of doing things.However,all these remains true only when people want to accept technology and move forward by finding new and more efficient ways of doing things.‎ However,in the minds of many people,especially those who miss the “good old days”,progress comes with a price.Now communication becomes efficient.With the communication gadgets like mobile phones and ipads,people often do not take the effort to visit one another personally.A personal visit has the additional benefit of being in the person’s presence for as long as the visit lasts.‎ With progress also comes mass production.Factories have improved efficiency.Unskillful tasks are left to machines and products are better made and produced with greater accuracy than any human hand could ever have done.However,with the improvements in efficiency also comes the loss of the personal touch when making these products.For example,many handcrafts (手工艺品) are now produced in a factory.Although this means that supply is better able to increase demand,mass production lowers the quality of the handicraft and it is difficult to find unique designs on each item.‎ Nevertheless,we must not analyze progress only from one point of view.In fact,progress has allowed tradition to keep up.It is only with progress and the invention of new technology that many old products can be brought back to their old state.New technology is required for old products to stay old.‎ It is people’s attitude towards progress that causes the type of influence that technology has on society.Technology is flexible.There is no fixed way of making use of it.Everything depends on people’s attitude.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文 ‎(要点1)Though commonly expected,progress can benefit people only with their acceptance of modern technology and pursuit of efficiency.(要点2) However,to some people,advanced communication devices are to blame for the loss of personal visit despite their high efficiency.(要点3)The machine-made products also lack personal touch and uniqueness.(要点4) In fact,technological progress makes it possible for old products to survive.(要点5) Thus,it is people’s attitude that decides the use of technology.‎ ‎〚导学号29402120〛‎

