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高考英语3500单词详解(G开头) gain[gein] v. 1.得到,获得:gain wealth 获得财富 / gain the first prize 获得一等奖 2.挣得:He’s earning $800 a week at present. 他现在每周赚800美元。3.获益,增加:He gained weight after his illness. 病后他的体重增加了。4.(钟、表)走快:This clock gains five minutes a day. 这钟每天快5分钟。n. [C]收获:No gains without pains. 不劳无获。 gale[geil] n. 1.[C]强风:The old tree was blown down in a gale. 老树在强风中被吹倒了。2.[C](一)阵:a gale of wind 一阵大风 gallery[5gelErE] n. [C]画廊,美术品陈列室:We visited the art galleries in Florence. 我们参观了佛罗伦萨艺术博物馆。 gallon[5gelEn] n. [C]加仑:five gallons of wine 五加仑葡萄酒 【背景】液量单位,英加仑=4.546升,美加仑=3.785升。 game[geim] n. 1. [C]游戏,运动:Let’s play a game of cards. 我们打牌吧。2.[C]比赛,比赛得分(成绩):They lost their game. 他们比赛输了。/ The game is 7 to 6. 比赛成绩是7比6。3.(用复数)运动会,体育活动:Mary never played games at school. 玛丽在学校从不参加体育活动。 【用法】表示“运动会”的games用作主语时,谓语通常用复数(有时也用单数):The 1984 (Olympic) Games were [was] held in Los Angeles. 1984年奥运会在(美国)洛杉矶举行。 garage[5gArB:dV] n.[C]汽车库:The garage is at the back of the house. 车库在房屋后面。 garbage[5gB:bidV] n. [U]垃圾:No garbage here! 此处禁止倒垃圾! garden[5gB:dn] n. [C]花园,果园,菜园:a back garden 后院 / Let’s have lunch in the garden. 咱们在花园吃饭吧。 gardening[5gB:dEniN] n. [U]园艺(学),从事园艺:Do you know anything about gardening? 你懂园艺吗?/ Are you going to continue gardening after dinner? 吃饭后你会继续搞园艺吗? garlic[5gB:lik] n.[U]蒜:a clove of garlic 一个蒜瓣儿 garment[5gB:mEnt] n.[C]衣服,外衣:This garment must be dry-cleaned. 这件衣服只可以干洗。/ This garment should be washed carefully. 这件衣服应该小心地洗涤。 gas[gAs] n. 1.[U]煤气:Do you use electricity or gas for cooking? 你做饭用电还是用煤气?2.[C]气体,气态:Hydrogen and oxygen aregases. 氢和氧都是气体。 gate[geit] n. 1.[C]大门:2. [C]登机入口 gather[5gATE] v. 1.聚集,积累:Gather around, and I’ll tell you a story. 大家都过来,我给你们讲个故事。2.收集,搜集:He is gathering information. 他在搜集资料。3.采集,收拾,收获:Gather your toys up. 把你的玩具收拾起来。4.渐增,增长:As we came onto the openroad we gathered speed. 来到宽敞的马路时,我们渐渐加速。 gay[ gei] adj. 1.(男)同性恋的:I don’t know he was gay. 我不知道他是同性恋者。2.愉快的:We were all gay at the thought of the coming holidays. 我们一想到即将来临的假期便高兴起来。n.[C](男)同性恋者 general[5dVenErEl] adj. 1.一般的,普遍的:general knowledge 一般知识,常识 / The general feeling is that it’s wrong. 多数人认为这是错误的。2.大体的,笼统的: My general impression was that it wasquite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。3.总的,综合的:the general manager 总经理 / It is a general hospital for the district. 它是那个地区的综合医院。n.[C]将军:Here’s the report, General. 将军,这是报告。■in general 总的说来,大体上:I don’t eat much meat in general. 我一般很少吃肉。 generation[7dVenE5reiFEn] n.[C]代,一代:the second generation computers 第二代电脑 / This photo shows three generations of my family. 这张照片是我们家三代同堂的合影。 【说明】汉语说老一代和年轻一代,并无比较意味,但英语却通常说成the older generation和the younger generation。 generous[5dVenErEs] adj.1.慷慨的,大方的:It was very generous of your parents to lend us all that money. 承蒙你父母慷慨借给我们这么多钱。2.丰盛的,大量的:a generous harvest 丰收 gentle[5dVentl] adj.温柔的,轻轻的:Be gentle when you brush the baby’s hair. 给婴儿梳头时要轻轻的。 gentleman[5dVentlmEn] n. 1.[C]绅士,先生:There is a gentleman here to see you. 有位先生要见您。2.[C]有身份(教养)的人 geography[dVi:5CgrEfi] n.[U]地理(学) geometry[dVi5Cmitri] n. [U]几何学:The geometry test is easy. 几何测试很容易。 【链接】arithmetic=算术,algebra=代数,function=函数 / plane geometry=平面几何,solid geometry=立体几何,analytical geometry=解析几何 gesture[5dVestFE] n. [U,C]姿势,手势:He always uses a lot of gestures when he’s telling a joke. 他说笑话时总是做许多手势。v.做手势:He gestured angrily at me. 他气愤地对我做手势。 get[get](got, got ) v. 1.收到,获得,得到:He got a better job. 他获得一份更好的工作。 2.弄来,找来:I’ll get something to eat before I get out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。3.具有,拥有:I’ve got very little money. 我没有多少钱。4.使,使得:I can’t get the car started. 我无法发动车子。5.变得,变成:Mum got angry. 妈妈生气了。6.到达,抵达:She got there at six. 她六点钟到达那里。7.放进;取出:Get that cat out of the house! 把那猫从屋里赶出去!8.患(病):He’s got a bad cold. 他得了重感冒。9.听懂,明白:Do you get me [what I mean]? 你明白我的话吗?10.被,受:He got punished. 他受了惩罚。■ 1. get about [around] (能)到处走动,(消息等)传播,流传:He didn’t get about much after the operation. 手术后他不常外出走动。2. get along 相处,过日子,进展:How are you getting along (with her)? 你(与她)过得怎样? 3. get away 离开,逃离,逃避:I won’t be able to get away (from the office) before 7. 我七点以前离不开(办公室)。4. get back 返回,取回,拿回:He got back the watch he lost. 他丢的表找回来了。5. get down 下来,取下,放下,弄下,写下,打下,吞下:He spoke too fast and I couldn’t get down allhe said. 他说得太快,我无法记下他所说的所有东西。6. get down to (doing) 开始(做):It’s time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了。7. get in 进站,到达,回来,请来,插话,收获:The train got in late. 火车晚点了。8. get off 起飞,动身,出发,下班,下车:The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。9. get on 上车,进行,相处,进展:The bus came and we got on. 公共汽车来了,我们就上了车。10. get out 出来,出去,离开,拿出,出版:The door was locked and we couldn’t get out. 门被锁上了,我们无法出去。11. get out of 逃避,躲掉:He tried to get out of helping me. 他企图逃避给我帮助。12. get through 做完,用完,吃完,看完,通过: Did you get through your driving test? 你的驾驶测验通过了吗? 13. get together 聚会,联欢:When can we get together? 我们什么时候可以聚一聚? 14. get up 起床,起身:I get up at six everymorning. 我每天早上六点钟起床。 get-together[ge5tEgeTE] n. [C]聚会:Will you help me prepare forthe get-together of the old classmates? 你能否帮我为这次老同学聚会做好准备工作? gift[gift] n. 1.[C]赠品,礼物:New Year’s gifts 新年礼物2.[C]天赋,天才:He has many outstanding gifts. 他多才多艺。 gifted[5giftid] adj.有天赋的,有才华的:He is gifted at writing. 他有写作天资。/ He is a gifted poet. 他是一位很有才华的诗人。 giraffe[dVi5rB:f] n. [C]长颈鹿:The giraffe is the tallest land animal. 长颈鹿是陆地上最高的动物。 girl[gE:l] n. [C]女孩 give[giv](gave, given) vt. 1.给,交给:Can you give me some paper? 你能给我些纸吗?2.赠送,送给:She gave me a watch for my birthday. 我过生日时她给我一块手表。3.付给:She gave him a pound for his help. 她付给他一英镑作为帮忙的酬金。4.引起,招惹:The news gave us a shock. 这消息使我们感到震惊。5.生产,供给:Cows give milk. 奶牛产牛奶。6.传染,引起:Cows can give sickness to human beings. 牛能把疾病传染给人类。7.给予,献给:Please give me all the help you can. 请你多多帮助。8.显示,出示:That clock gives the right time. 那钟显示准确的时间。■1. give away 分发,赠送,出卖,泄漏:He gave away all his money to the poor. 他把所有的钱都给了穷人。2. give in 上交,让步,投降:Give in your examination papers now. 现在请把考卷交上来。3. give off 发出(光、热、声音、气味等):The gas gave off an unpleasant smell. 这种气体有一种难闻的气味。4. give out 分发,散发,用完,垮掉,失灵:Give the apples out to the children. 把苹果分给孩子们。/ Our money soon gave out. 我们的钱很快就用完了。4. give up 放弃,戒掉,交出,投降:He’s given up the idea. 他已放弃这个想法。/ They gave up without a fight. 他们不战而降。 glad[glAd] adj.高兴的,乐意的:Glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。/ I’m so glad you could come. 你能来我很高兴。 glance[glB:ns] vi.匆匆一看,一瞥:She glanced down the list of names. 她匆匆地看了一下名单。n. [C]一看,一瞥:One glance was enough. 看一眼就够了。 glare[glZE] vi. 1.瞪眼,怒目而视:They stood there glaring at each other. 你们站在那儿互相怒视着。2.闪耀:The sun glared out of the blue sky. 蓝天中的太阳发出耀眼的光芒。 glass[glB:s] n. 1.[C]玻璃杯,一杯(之量):Could I have a glass of water, please? 请给我倒杯水,可以吗?2.[U]玻璃:I cut my hand on some broken glass. 破碎的玻璃割伤了我的手。3.(用复数)眼镜:I have to wear glasses for reading. 看书时我得戴眼镜。 glasshouse[5glB:shaus] n. [C]温室,暖房(=greenhouse) globe[glEub] n. 1.(连用the)地球:He has traveled all over the globe. 他周游了世界。2.[C]地球仪 3.[C]球状物 glory[glC:ri] n. 1.[U](巨大的)光荣,荣誉,赞美:Win glory for our motherland! 为祖国争光! glove[glQv] n. [C]手套:a pair of gloves 一副手套 / He has gloves on. 他戴着手套。 glue[glU:] n. [U]胶水:This glue sticks fast. 这种胶水粘性强。vt.粘合,粘牢:Glue the two pieces of wood together. 把两块木头粘在一起。 go1[gEu](went, gone) vi. 1.去,走:It’s late; I must be going. 不早了,我该走了。2.(后接现在分词)去(活动),做(动作):go swimming 去游泳 / go shopping 去购物 3.运转,转动:The car won’t go. 这辆汽车不动。4.通到,到达:All roads go to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。5.变成,处于…状态:go mad (blind) 发疯(失明)/ Her hair’s going gray. 她的头发开始变白了。6.发生,进展:Everything went according to plan. 一切按照计划进行。7.(时间等)消失,过去,(距离)走过,经过:My headache has gone. 我的头已经不痛了。/ There are eight miles to go. 还有八英里。8.花费,用在:Half of our money goes on food. 我们有一半的钱花在食物上。9.变坏,衰退:His sight is going. 他的视力在衰退。■1. go down 下落,下降,降低,减低,减弱:Eggs are going down in price./The price of eggs is going down. 鸡蛋价格下跌了。2. go in for 参加(考试等),从事,爱好:I’d like to go in for a more advanced examination if I can. 如果可能的话,我想参加更高级的考试。/ I don’t go in for sports. 我不爱好体育活动。3. go into 从事,参加,调查,研究:We need to go into the question of costs. 我们有必要研究一下费用问题。4. go out出去,熄灭:The fire has gone out. 火熄了。5. go over 复习,温习,检查,核对:Let’s go over the new words again. 我们把生词再复习一遍。/ Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. 交作业前要仔细检查一下。6. go through 通过,检查,审查,经历,做完:I’ve gone through all my pockets but can’t find my keys. 我把所有的口袋都找遍了,但就是找不到我的钥匙。/ Let’s go through the exercises. 咱们把这些练习做完。7. go up 上升,上涨:Prices have gone up again. 物价又上涨了。 【用法】1.用作连系动词,表示变化,通常指不好的变化:Something has gone wrong with the radio. 这台收音机什么地方出毛病了。2.be going to 既可表示主观上的意图(=打算),也可表示根据迹象进行预测(=即将):How long is he going to stay here? 他打算在这里呆多久? / Look at these black clouds; there’s going to be a storm. 看这些乌云,要下暴雨了。 【辨析】go on to do sth与go on doing sth:前者指做完某事后接着做另一事,后者指不中断地一直做某事或中断后继续做某事:You can’t go on working all night without a rest. 你不能通宵工作而不休息。/ Go on to do the other exercises after you have finished this one. 你做完这个练习后,请接着做其他的练习。/ She nodded, smiled, and went on stitching. 她点了点头,笑了笑,又继续缝衣服。 go2[gEu] n. 1.[C]尝试(做某事):He had several goes at the examination before he passed. 他经过几次尝试,考试才及格。2.(常用单)轮到某人(做某事):Come on, it’s your go! 来吧,轮到你了。 goal[gEul] n. 1.[C](足球)球门:He kicked the ball into the goal. 他把球踢进球门。2.[C]目标,目的:I wish I could achieve my goal of writing 100 books. 我希望能达到写100本书的目标。 goat[gEut] n. [C]山羊:Men and goats have beards. 人和山羊(的下巴上)都长胡子。 god[gCd] n. 1.[C]神:the god of love 爱神2. (用单数)上帝:God only knows! 天晓得!/ Thank God you’re safe! 谢天谢地,你平安无事! gold[gEuld] n.[U]黄金:Is your ring made of gold? 你的戒指是金的吗?/ Gold is found in rock and streams. 在岩石和溪流中可找到黄金。adj. 1.金质的:a gold ring 金戒指 2.金色的:The sign was written in gold letters. 这招牌是金字写的。 golden[5gEuldEn] adj. 1.金色的:golden hair 金发 2.金质的:a golden crown 金皇冠 3.黄金般的,可贵的:The 18th century was the golden age of the novel. 18世纪是小说的黄金时期。 【辨析】gold与golden:1.表示“金质的”和“金色的”,两者均可用(见相关词条),但总的说来,表示“金质的”多用gold,表示“金色的”,多用golden。注:golden尤其用于golden hair(金黄色的头发),a golden crown(金皇冠),golden apple(金苹果[出自希腊神话]),golden egg(金蛋[出自伊索寓言])等典型搭配。2.用于比喻义,表示“黄金般的”、“可贵的”等,通常只用golden。 goldfish[5gEulfiF] n.[C]金鱼:My goldfish has died. 我的金鱼死了。 golf[gEulf] n. [U]高尔夫球(运动):My mother plays golf on Sundays. 我母亲星期日经常打高尔夫球。 good[gud](better, best) adj. 1.好的:These books are all in good condition. 这些书都完好无损。2.美好的,令人愉快的:Have a good time! 祝你过得愉快!3.有益的,有效的:Exercise is good for health. 运动有益健康。4.友好的,好心的,善良的:She’s always been very good to me. 她一向对我很好。5.大大的,充分的,十足的:These goods are in good demand. 这些货物的需求量很大。6.熟练的,精通的:She’s good at languages. 她通晓多种语言。7.新鲜的:Pork doesn’t keep good in summer. 夏天猪肉容易变坏。n. 1.[U]利益,好处:I am saying this for your good. 我说这句话就是为你好。2.[U]好事,善事:He is willing to do good for the collective. 他乐意为集体做好事。 【用法】1. good and用于形容词或副词之前,可以表示程度(=very): He was good and angry. 他非常生气。2. It’s no good (没有用)后通常接动名词:It’s no good talking to him because he never listens. 跟他谈无用,因为他从来不听。 good-bye[gud5bai] interj. 再见,再会 n. [C,U]再见,再会:They said their good-byes and left. 他们说了再见就离开了。 goodness[gudnis] n. 1.[U]善良,美德:Will you have the goodness to do so? 请您这样做好吗? 2.(表示惊讶、恼怒)天哪,哎呀:Thank goodness! 谢天谢地! goods[gudz] n.(复数)商品,货物:two pieces of goods两件货 / That shop sells electrical goods. 那个商店买电器用品。 【用法】1.只有复数形式,用作主语时,谓语要用复数:The goods are of poor quality. 这些货质量不好。2.虽为复数,但不能与数词连用。 goose[gu:s](复geese) n.[C]鹅:goose egg 鹅蛋 govern[5gQvE] v. 1.统治,管理:In Great Britain the queen does not govern. 在英国,女王不执政。2.支配,决定:The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求关系决定商品的价格。 government[5gQvEnmEnt] n. 1.[C]政府:the People’s Government 人民政府 2.[U]统治方式,统治,管辖:The country has always had fair government. 这个国家的治理方式一向公正。 gown[gEun] n.[C]礼服,长外衣,睡衣:How much is an evening gown? 买件晚礼服要多少钱? / He bought a beautiful silk gown. 他买了一件漂亮的丝绸长外衣。 grade[greid] n. 1.[C]等级:grade A milk 甲级牛奶 / Apples are sold in grades. 苹果分等级出售。2.[C](中小学的)学年:An elementaryschool in America has eight grades. 美国小学采取八年制。3.[C]成绩,分数:She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异。 gradually[5frAdVuEli] adv. 逐渐地:Gradually they became silent. 他们逐渐沉默起来。 / Things gradually improved. 情况正逐渐改善。 graduate[5grAdVueit] v.毕业:He graduated at Oxford. 他在牛津大学毕业。/ Smith (was) graduated from Harvard. 史密斯毕业于哈佛大学。 【用法】表示从某校毕业,可用介词at(英)或from(美)。 graduation[7grAdVu5eiFEn] n. 1.[U]毕业:a graduation certificate 毕业证 / He fell ill before his graduation exams. 毕业考试前夕他病倒了。2.[C]毕业典礼:graduation ceremony 大学毕业典礼 grain[grein] n. 1.[U]谷物,谷类:Bring in every single grain. 颗粒还仓。2.[C]谷粒:a few grains of rice 几颗谷物 gram[grAm] n.[C]克(重量单位) grammar[5grAmE] n. 1.[U]语法:Take more care of your grammar in your writing. 你在写作时要多留神点语法。2.[C]语法书:This is the best English grammar I’ve seen. 这是我见过的最好的英语语法书。 grand[grAnd] adj. 1.宏伟的,壮丽的:They live in a grand house in the center of London. 他们住在伦敦中部一所深宅大院里。2.愉快的,痛快的:We had a grand time at the party. 我们在晚会上玩得很开心。 grandchild[5grAnd7Faild] n. [C](外)孙或孙女,孙辈 granddaughter[5grAnd7dC:tE] n. [C](外)孙女:Her granddaughter is lovely. 她的孙女很可爱。 grandma[5grAn7mQ] / grandmother[5grAnd77mB:TE] n. [C]奶奶,外婆:Grandmother has a good memory. 奶奶的记忆力很好。 grandpa[5grAnd7pa:] / grandfather[5grAnd7fB:TE] n. [C]爷爷,外公:The naughty boy had his grandpa’s glasses on. 这淘气的男孩带上了他祖父的眼镜。 grandparent[5grAnd7pZErEnt] n. [C]祖父(母),外祖父(母):I visit my grandparents once a month. 我每月看我爷爷奶奶一次。 grandson[5grAndsQn] n. [C](外)孙子:Her grandson is kind to her. 她的外孙对她很好。granny[5grAni] n. [C]老奶奶,祖母,外婆:Granny, please sit here. 奶奶,请坐这儿。 grape [greip] n. [C]葡萄:Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿的。 graph[grB:f] n.[C]曲线图,座标图,图解:They made a graph of how hot the weather was every day for a month. 他们画了一幅表示一个月内每天天气有多热的曲线图。 grasp[5grB:sp] v. 1.抓住,紧握:He grasped at the rope but missed it. 他想抓绳子,但没抓到。2.掌握,领会:I did not grasp the main points of the speech. 我没有理解讲话的要点。 【用法】通常及物,有时可不及物,比较:grasp sth=抓住某物,grasp at sth=想抓住某物。 grass[grB:s] n. [U,C]草,草地,草场:Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。/ We sat on the grass to have our picnic. 我们坐在草地上野餐。 grateful[5greitful] adj. 感激的,感谢的:I was most grateful to John for bringing the books. 我很感激约翰把书带来了。/ I can’t express how grateful I am to you. 我无法表达我对你多么感激。 【辨析】grateful与thankful:前者含义较具体,通常用于人们在得到好处、恩惠、善待等情况下表达的感激之情;后者含义较抽象,含有感谢上帝、 运气、命运等意味,有类似于汉语的谢天谢地之意,主要用于表示人们因避开了危险或结束了不愉快的经历等的宽慰心情:I’m very grateful (to you) for all your help. 非常感谢你的一切帮助。/ I’m thankful to know that he’s safe.得知他很安全,我感到很欣慰。 gravity[5grAviti] n.1.[U]引力:the force of gravity 引力2.[U]重要性,严重性 3.[U]庄严,严肃:the gravity of his appearance 他外表的严肃 great[greit] adj. 1.伟大的:Einstein was a great scientist. 爱因斯坦是位伟大的科学家。2.巨大的,重大的:It was a great loss to us all. 那对我们大家是一大损失。3.好极了:I feel great today! 我今天觉得精神好极了。adv. (口语)很好: Things are going great. 事情进展顺利。 greedy[5gri:di] adj. 1.贪婪的:The boss is too greedy. 这个老板太贪。2.嘴馋的:He is not hungry, merely greedy. 他并不饿,只是嘴馋。 green[gri:n] adj.绿色的,青的:green plants 绿色植物n.[U]绿色:She was dressed in green. 她穿绿色衣服。 greengrocer[5gri:ngrEusE] n. (英)蔬菜水果商:I bought some oranges at the greengrocer’s. 我在蔬菜水果店买了些橙子。 greet[gri:t] vt. 问候:He greeted me with a smile. 他见到我时向我微笑致意。/ Emily greeted me warmly. 埃米莉热情地和我打招呼。 greeting[5gri:tiN] n. 1.[C,U]招呼,问候:He didn’t return my greeting. 他没有理睬我的招呼。2.(常用复)祝词,贺词:We sent her a card with birthday greetings. 我们寄给她一张生日贺卡。 grey / gray[grei] adj. 灰色的,灰白的:Her hair is going grey.她的头发在变灰白。/ The sky was grey. 天空灰暗。 grill[gril] n. [C]烤肉,(烧食物的)烤架:an electric grill 电烤架 grocer[5grEusE] n. [C]杂货店,杂货店的售货员:Go down to the grocer’s and get me some sugar. 去杂货店给我买点儿糖来。 ground[graund] n. 1.(常用the)地面:He was lying on the ground. 他躺在地上。2.[C](作某用途的)场地:a pleasure ground 娱乐场group[gru:p] n.[C]组,群:People stood about in small groups. 人们三五成群地站着。/ Our discussion group is [are] meeting this week. 我们的讨论小组本周开会。 grow[grEu](grew, grown) v.1.生长,发育,成长:Plants grow out of the earth. 植物从地上长出来。2.种植:We grow potatoes and carrots in our garden. 我们在园子里种了些土豆和胡萝卜。3.变成,变得:It’s growing dark; we must go home soon. 天就黑了,我们必须赶快回家。 【用法】其后可接不定式(主要是动词be, like, hate, believe 等):The little girl is growing to be more and more like her mother. 这个小姑娘长得越来越像她妈妈了。/ You’ll grow to like the place. 你会变喜欢这个地方的。 growth[grEuW] n. 1.[U]生长,发育:All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物生长靠太阳。2.增长:the growth of production 生产的发展 gruel[gru:l] n. [U]麦片粥,简易食品:Many people like gruel. 许多人喜欢喝麦片粥。 guarantee[7gArEn5tI:] vt.1.保修:This washing-machine is guaranteed for three years. 这台洗衣机保修三年。2.保证:They have guaranteed delivery within one week. 他们保证一个星期内送到。/ I guarantee that you’ll like this book. 我管保你会喜欢这本书。n.1.[C]担保,保证:bank guarantee 银行担保 2.[C]保证书:The new television had a guarantee with it. 这台新电视机有保修单。 guard[gB:d] n.1.[C]卫兵,哨兵:The camp guards are changed every night. 营地的哨兵每晚轮换。2.[U]防卫,警戒:The soldiers were on guard outside the airport. 士兵在机场外面警戒。3.[U]监视,看守:They are keeping guard over the house. 他们看守着房子。v. 1.保卫,防卫:A helmet guards your head against [from] injuries. 头盔可以保护你的头部免受伤害。2.监视,看守:The soldiersguarded the prisoners. 士兵看守犯人。 guess[ges] v. 1.猜,猜出,猜对:He guessed right (wrong). 他猜对(错)了。2.想,认为:I guess it’s going to rain. 我猜天要下雨了。n.[C]猜测:Have [Take] a guess at the answer. 你猜猜这答案看。 guest[gest] n. [C]客人,宾客:We’re expecting guests to dinner. 我们等客人吃饭。 【链接】guest=(被邀请的)客人,(旅馆的)客人:customer=顾客(商店的客人);caller / visitor= (来访的)客人;passenger=(交通工具上的)乘客 guidance[5gaidEns] n.[U]引导,指导:I want some guidance on how to find a job. 我想请教怎样找工作。 【用法】表示在某人的指导下,通常用介词under:We did the experiment under our teacher’s guidance. 我们在老师的指导下做实验。 guide[gaid] n. [C]向导,导游者:Experience is a good guide. 经验就是很好的导师。v.引导,引路,指导:A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog. 盲人有时靠狗来引路。 guilty[5gilti] adj. 1.有罪的,犯法的:I am sure that he is guilty. 我确信他有罪。/ He is guilty of murder. 他犯有谋杀罪。2.做错事的,内疚的:I fell guilty about visiting her so rarely. 我因极少去看望她而感到惭愧。 guitar[gei5tB:] n. [C]吉他,六弦琴:I play the guitar in a band. 我在乐队里弹吉他。 gun[gQn] n. [C]枪,炮:Look out, he’s got a gun! 当心,他拿着枪呢!/ In Britain police do not carry guns. 在英国警察不带枪。 gym[dVim] n.1.[C]体育馆,健身房(=gymnasium):Our school has a large gym. 我们学校有一个大体育馆。2.[U]体操,体育(课) (=gymnastics):I don’t like gym. 我不喜欢体操。/ We have gym at 11: 00. 我们11点上体育课。 【链接】gymnast=体操选手,体操老师,体操专家 gymnastics[dVim5nAstiks] n. [U]体操:artistic gymnastics 艺术体操 【用法】1.口语中通常略为gym。2.虽以-s结尾,但表单数意义。查看更多