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www.ks5u.com 第四模块测评 ‎(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎(语言能力)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你都有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ M:Look at those beautiful birds over there.I think you can teach them to talk.‎ W:But look at the price! I’d rather have a cat.‎ ‎1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?‎ A.In a park.   ‎ B.In a zoo.   ‎ C.In a pet store.‎ 答案C M:I suppose the reason why so many tourists come here is that everything is so cheap.‎ W:Cheap?Nothing is really cheap here.‎ ‎2.What does the woman mean?‎ A.Things here are very cheap.‎ B.Things here are not cheap. ‎ C.She doesn’t know whether things here are cheap or not.‎ 答案B W:Where are you going to plant the tree?By the front door?‎ M:No,that would be silly.It’ll grow too big.I’m going to put it at the back of the garage.‎ W:I thought it would be better at the end of the garden.‎ M:OK.‎ ‎3.Where are the two speakers going to plant the tree?‎ A.By the front door.‎ B.At the back of the garage.‎ C.At the end of the garden.‎ 答案C M:Can I take your coat,Madam?‎ W:Thank you.‎ M:And would you like something to drink before you order your meal?‎ ‎4.Where does the conversation take place?‎ A.In a shop.  B.In a hotel.  C.In a restaurant.‎ 答案C W:Where were you on Christmas,David?I called you several times and nobody was at home.‎ M:My parents and I travelled to New Zealand to visit my uncle.It was quite an experience to spend Christmas in summer.‎ ‎5.What do we learn from the conversation?‎ A.The man went to New Zealand during the Christmas.‎ B.The man stayed at home during the holiday.‎ C.The man’s parents live in New Zealand.‎ 答案A 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。‎ M:Hello! Police Station.‎ W:Hello! This is Mrs Black.‎ M:Can I help you,Madam?‎ W:Yes.I’ve just come home from work and I find someone has broken into my house and stolen all my money and jewellery.Could you please come over immediately?‎ M:Sure.Where do you live?‎ W:My house is No.14 on the 5th Avenue.‎ M:OK.Don’t worry,Madam.We’ll be there in about 10 minutes.‎ ‎6.Who is the woman speaking to?‎ A.Her husband.‎ B.A policeman.‎ C.A firefighter.‎ 答案B ‎7.Where does the woman live?‎ A.No.4 on the 5th Avenue.‎ B.No.14 on the 15th Avenue.‎ C.No.14 on the 5th Avenue.‎ 答案C ‎8.What has happened to the woman’s house?‎ A.It’s been burnt down.‎ B.It’s been broken into.‎ C.It’s been damaged.‎ 答案B 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。‎ M:Good morning,Madam.Can I help you?‎ W:Ah,yes.I want to go to New York and I’m not so sure of the best way to get there.‎ M:Well,you could get there by the long distance bus.It’s only $15.‎ W:Mm,that’s not bad.How long does it take me to get there?‎ M:It takes you about ten hours.‎ W:Ten hours?‎ M:Well,yes.But you can go at night,so you might get some sleep anyway.‎ W:Oh,no.I never sleep sitting up.‎ ‎9.What does the woman want to know?‎ A.The best way to go to New York.‎ B.The quickest way to go to New York.‎ C.The cheapest way to go to New York.‎ 答案A ‎10.How much does it cost the woman to go to New York by bus?‎ A.$5. B.$15. C.$50.‎ 答案B ‎11.How long does it take to go to New York by bus?‎ A.Four hours.‎ B.Ten hours.‎ C.Two days.‎ 答案B 听第8段材料,回答第12至15题。‎ W:May I help you?‎ M:Yes,I would like some tickets for next week’s ballet performances.‎ W:Which performance do you wish to attend?There will be three:Thursday,Friday and Sunday evenings.‎ M:Are there still seats for all the performances?‎ W:Not many,and very few together.How many tickets do you want?‎ M:Just two,preferably together.The date is less important.‎ W:I have two together in the last row for Sunday evening.‎ M:That would be fine.How much are they?‎ W:Ten dollars each.That will be 20 dollars for the two tickets.‎ M:Yes,here you are.Thank you.‎ W:You’re welcome.‎ ‎12.When will the ballet performances be on?‎ A.This week.‎ B.Next week.‎ C.Next month.‎ 答案B ‎13.When will the man attend the performance?‎ A.On Sunday evening.‎ B.On Thursday evening.‎ C.On Friday evening.‎ 答案A ‎14.How much does the man pay for the tickets?‎ A.$20. B.$10. C.$40.‎ 答案A ‎15.Where are they now?‎ A.In a bookstore.‎ B.In a clothing store.‎ C.In a theatre.‎ 答案C 听第9段材料,回答第16、17题。‎ M:Mary,have you seen the pictures I took in Wudang Mountain?‎ W:No,I haven’t.Where are they?‎ M:Here are some.‎ W:How beautiful the mountain is! And your pictures are wonderful,too.Can you tell me something about the mountain?‎ M:Of course,Wudang Mountain in Shiyan,Hubei Province is famous for its natural sights,Wudang kung fu and buildings.‎ W:Did you have a good time?‎ M:Yes,I made some new friends who are also interested in Chinese kung fu and we enjoyed the sunrise together on the top of the mountain.‎ W:It’s great.I hope I can visit it one day.‎ ‎16.What’s Wudang Mountain famous for?‎ A.Delicious food. ‎ B.Beautiful sights.‎ C.Friendly people.‎ 答案B ‎17.What do we know about the woman?‎ A.She likes taking pictures.‎ B.She doesn’t like climbing.‎ C.She hasn’t been to Wudang Mountain.‎ 答案C 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ My name is Mary Potter.You asked for people to speak out who are against knocking down the old hotel to put up a new shopping centre.And I’m one of those people.I realize that the hotel cannot make money for the town right now.I also admit that the hotel is very old and in poor condition.But if we destroy the hotel,we will be destroying an important piece of our town’s history.The hotel used to be an important social,political and cultural center of our town.And it won’t be very difficult to fix up the hotel.In fact,if we get some people from around town to volunteer some of their skills and time,we wouldn’t have to use any of the town’s money or ask the state for money.Once the hotel is rebuilt,it could start to attract people to our town again.One last reason to keep the hotel,we have already got one shopping center,and that’s enough.Well,I hope you will consider what I say.Thanks for listening.‎ ‎18.What’s the purpose of the speaker?‎ A.To move to the hotel.‎ B.To be against knocking down the hotel.‎ C.To explain the history of the hotel.‎ 答案B ‎19.What does the speaker suggest as a way to rebuild the hotel?‎ A.Using the local volunteers.‎ B.Asking the town for money.‎ C.Asking the state for money.‎ 答案A ‎20.What does the speaker think might be an advantage of rebuilding the hotel?‎ A.It would be stay open all year.‎ B.It could serve as a shopping center.‎ C.It could bring business into the town.‎ 答案C 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎(语言能力 思维品质)‎ Neighbours play an important role in our lives.Their lifestyles,friends,and social habits can have a strong influence on our lives.So it’s a good idea to get along well with neighbours and build a better relationship that will last for many years.But how should you get along with your neighbours?‎ When you hear of a special need you can meet,do it,such as sitting with a sick child while your neighbour goes to work or taking an elderly parent to a doctor’s appointment when their car won’t start.‎ If you hear that someone is ill,has had an accident,or is out of work,give him a hot meal or a fresh dessert.Your kindness will add a special feeling during a difficult time.If your neighbour is cutting down a tree or building a doghouse,offer helping hands to him/her.There’s no better way to build relationship.Besides,you never know when the favour(恩惠) might be returned.‎ Exchange holiday cards,gifts or traditions.Invite your neighbours over for a cup of coffee or lunch.A backyard barbecue(烧烤) can be a great way to share food and fun.If they’ve watched your kids grow up or been concerned about your family events,they may want to share these special events.‎ Plan a party.Invite all your neighbours to your party.Planning and carrying out the activity helps everyone to know and understand each other.‎ Your neighbours are like your family in many ways since you have to live with them,or near them,for a long time.Appreciate their strong points and ignore(忽略) weak points,and everyone will get along well.‎ ‎21.The purpose of the first paragraph is to    . ‎ A.introduce how you can get along well with your friends B.explain the importance of getting along well with your neighbours C.show how to make friends with your new neighbours D.list the advantages of building strong family relationships 答案B 解析推理判断题。根据第一段可知,本段主要是介绍与邻居和睦相处的重要性。‎ ‎22.According to the passage,to build a good relationship with your neighbours,you should    . ‎ A.try to give them a helping hand B.do housework for them when they’re sick C.give them a good job if they’re out of work D.lend them money when their parents are ill 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据第二段以及第三段中的“...offer helping hands to him/her.”可知答案为A项。‎ ‎23.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.Tips on how to form a healthy lifestyle.‎ B.The best way to form good habits.‎ C.The importance of being helpful.‎ D.Tips on how to get along with your neighbours.‎ 答案D 解析主旨大意题。本篇文章主要是针对如何与邻居和睦相处,作者给出的几点建议。‎ ‎24.This passage is most probably taken from    . ‎ A.a physical science magazine B.the travel news on the website C.the magazine about social life D.a technology news in a newspaper 答案C 解析文章出处题。全文旨在介绍如何与邻居相处,这是关于社会生活的话题,由此可知答案为C项。‎ B ‎(语言能力 思维品质)‎ When milk arrived on the doorstep When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s,we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep.His name was Mr Basille.He wore a white cap and drove a white truck.As a 5-year-old boy,I couldn’t take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt.He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.‎ Of course,he delivered more than milk.There was cheese,eggs and so on.If we needed to change our order,my mother would pen a note—“Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery”—and place it in the box along with the empty bottles.And then,the buttermilk would magically(魔术般) appear.‎ All of this was about more than convenience.There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen.Mr Basille even had a key to our house,for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors,so that the milk wouldn’t freeze.And I remember Mr Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table,having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.‎ There is sadly no home milk delivery today.Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk,thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete(竞争).Besides,milk is for sale everywhere,and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service.‎ Recently,an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories.I took it home and planted it on the back porch(门廊).Every so often my son’s friends will ask what it is.So I start telling stories of my boyhood,and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.‎ ‎25.Mr Basille gave the boy a quarter out of his coin changer    . ‎ A.to show his magical power B.to pay for the delivery C.to satisfy his curiosity D.to please his mother 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据第一段最后可以看出,当时作者只是一个5岁的孩子,对送奶人腰带上的投币器很好奇,善良的送奶人把一枚硬币送给作者,是为了满足其好奇心,所以应选C项。‎ ‎26.What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy’s house?‎ A.He wanted to have tea there.‎ B.He was a respectable person.‎ C.He was treated as a family member.‎ D.He was fully trusted by the family.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。根据第三段第二句可知,家里人与送奶人之间关系很密切,送奶人甚至有家里的钥匙,由此推断送奶人得到了充分的信任,故选D项。‎ ‎27.Why does home milk delivery no longer exist?‎ A.Nobody wants to be a milkman now.‎ B.It has been driven out of the market.‎ C.Its service is getting poor.‎ D.It is forbidden by law.‎ 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据第四段可知,激烈的竞争和购买的便利使得送奶上门退出了市场,无法存在下去,故选B项。‎ ‎28.Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?‎ A.He missed the good old days.‎ B.He wanted to tell interesting stories.‎ C.He needed it for his milk bottles.‎ D.He planted flowers in it.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由最后一段可以看出,作者有一种怀旧的心理,想念儿时的时光,感觉送奶人送来牛奶的同时也带来了友谊,故选A项。‎ C ‎(语言能力 思维品质)‎ Today,people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big,noisy cities.They are moving from the peaceful hills,mountains,fields,rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets,buildings,traffic and crowds.This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.‎ In many countries,the main reason why people come to live in towns and cities is work.After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town,people come to find work,and soon an industrial area begins to grow.There is usually a residential area nearby,where the factory workers can live in.The families of these workers need schools,hospitals and shops,so more people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows.‎ In every major city in the world,there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices.In the United States,this area is usually in the city centre.It is here that you can see the ‎ huge skyscraper office blocks.The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day.Many of them live in the suburbs of the city,far away from the industrial area and the city centre.Some suburbs are very pleasant,with nice houses and big gardens.There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.‎ But what is the future of the big cities?Will they continue to get bigger?Perhaps not.Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years,and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.‎ ‎29.Why do people move to live in cities or towns?‎ A.Because they can live more comfortably there.‎ B.Because they prefer a noisy life to a peaceful life.‎ C.Because they want to find work.‎ D.Because they are sure of having a better life there.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第二段第一句“In many countries,the main reason why people come to live in towns and cities is work.”可知答案为C项。‎ ‎30.In a residential area,you can see    . ‎ A.rows of houses,schools and shops B.many offices and factories C.a lot of factories and farms D.many houses with offices and factories 答案A 解析细节理解题。由第二段最后两句可知答案为A项。residential areas意为“居民区”。‎ ‎31.In the United States many people work in the centre of a big city    . ‎ A.but live on the faraway edge of the city B.and live there C.but live in another city D.but live far away out of the city 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据第三段第四、五句话“The people who work...the city centre.”可知A项正确。‎ D 导学号91364025‎ ‎(语言能力 思维品质)‎ Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.‎ In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be.Of course there are too many cars.The Japanese drive very fast,but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams(拥挤).Tokyo is not different from London,Paris or New York in that.It is different when one wants to walk.‎ At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London Oxford Street.But the streets near the Ginze in Tokyo are always crowded with a lot of people on foot,and sometimes it is really difficult to walk.People are very polite;there are just too many of them.‎ The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night.That is when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home.There are 35,000 nightclubs in Tokyo,and you do not often see one that is empty.‎ During the day,most people go to work by train.Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day.At most stations,trains arrive every two or three minutes,but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains.Although they are usually crowded,Japanese trains are very good.They always leave and arrive on time.On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper.In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep,whether his journey is long or short.‎ In Tokyo,I stand outside the station for five minutes.Three fire engines(消防车)race past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day.Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now.‎ ‎32.Tokyo is different from London in that    . ‎ A.it has a larger population B.there are more traffic jams C.it is more difficult to go somewhere on foot D.nightclubs are sometimes empty 答案C 解析细节理解题。从第二段中的“It is different when one wants to walk.”可知答案为C项。‎ ‎33.Where can you find everybody reading a newspaper?‎ A.At most London train stations.‎ B.At most Tokyo train stations.‎ C.On a Tokyo train.‎ D.On a London train.‎ 答案D 解析细节理解题。从第五段中的“On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper.”可知答案为D项。‎ ‎34.Fires break out    in Tokyo according to the writer. ‎ A.quite frequently(频繁)‎ B.only several times a day C.not very often D.very seldom 答案A 解析推理判断题。从第六段中的“Three fire engines(消防车)race past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day.”可推知答案为A项。‎ ‎35.Which of the following is NOT true about Tokyo?‎ A.The streets become more crowded at 11:30 at night.‎ B.There are more trains than cars.‎ C.Fire engines are very busy in the city.‎ D.Tokyo people are friendly.‎ 答案B 解析事实细节题。从第二段中的“Of course there are too many cars.”可知答案为B项。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎(语言能力)‎ I am on holiday here in Switzerland with my parents and I am having a fantastic time.36.   ‎ It is the first time I have ever been to the mountains and I love it.37.    My father isn’t very happy though.He isn’t allowed to smoke in the hotel so he has to go outside! ‎ We have been on lots of walks in the mountains but we always go with a guide.38.   ‎ You can easily get lost—it’s so remote.‎ Yesterday we went for a boat trip around the lake but we had to go back to the hotel early.‎ ‎39.    It was fun but a bit frightening. ‎ ‎40.    The worst thing is that I can’t go out at night.Not because my parents won’t let me but because there’s nowhere to go. ‎ A.It’s safe to go out alone.‎ B.You don’t have to go with a guide but it’s safer.‎ C.It started to rain heavily and we couldn’t even see the shore.‎ D.It’s also the first time I’ve ever stayed in a hotel and I really like it.‎ E.It’s the second time I’ve been to Switzerland.‎ F.We’re staying in a hotel near a lake and I can see snowy mountain peaks from my bedroom window.‎ G.The best thing of all is the beautiful scenery.‎ 答案36.F 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.G 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ 导学号91364026‎ ‎(语言能力)‎ After their business trip,John and Mary returned,eager to see their lovely children.As they drove into their hometown feeling glad to be back,they noticed  41 ,and they went off their usual route(路线) to see what it was.They found a  42  in flames.Mary said,“Oh,well,it isn’t our fire;let’s go home.” ‎ But John  43  closer and screamed,“That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant.He wouldn’t be  44  work yet;maybe there is something we could do.”“It has nothing to do with us,”Mary  45 . ‎ But John drove up and stopped and they were both horror-stricken to see the whole house in  46 .A woman on the lawn was screaming,“The children!Get the children!”John  47  her by the shoulder saying,“Get a hold of yourself and tell us where the children are!”“In the  48 ,”cried the woman,“down the hall and to the left.” ‎ In spite of Mary’s disagreement John  49  to the basement which was full of smoke and  50  hot.He found the door and two children. 51  he left he could hear some more whimpering(呜咽).He  52  the two badly frightened children into  53  arms and started back asking how many more children were down there.They told him  54  more and Mary grasped his arm and screamed,“John!Don’t go back!It’s  55 !That house will fall down any second.” ‎ ‎ 56  he ran into the smoke-filled hallway and at last he found both children.As he climbed up the  57  stairs,the thought went through his mind that there was something strangely  58 ‎ ‎ about the little bodies next to him,and at last when they came out into the  59  and fresh air,he found that he had just  60  his own children. ‎ The babysitter had left them at this home while she did some shopping.‎ ‎41.A.direction  B.mistake  C.smoke  D.danger 答案C 解析由下文的in flames可知,他们注意到的是“烟”,而不是“方向”“错误”或“危险”。‎ ‎42.A.plant B.home C.store D.kitchen 答案B 解析由第二段John所言“That home belongs to Fred Jones...”可知应选home。其他三项均不符合语境。‎ ‎43.A.ran B.drove C.walked D.rode 答案B 解析由第一段中的“他们驾车回到家乡”以及第三段中的“John drove up and stopped...”可推断此处应选B项drove。‎ ‎44.A.at B.on C.to D.off 答案D 解析由“He wouldn’t be...yet”及下文中的“只有孩子在家”可知,Jones正在工厂里上班,还没有下班,所以用not be off work“没有下班”。‎ ‎45.A.disagreed B.nodded C.whispered D.required 答案A 解析由上文Mary的反应“不是我们家着火,咱们回家吧”“这件事和我们无关”,以及下文中的“不顾Mary的反对……”这三处可知,此题答案为A项,后三项分别表示“点头”,“低语”,“需要”,意思均不恰当。‎ ‎46.A.ruins B.pieces C.silence D.flames 答案D 解析第一段中“他们发现房子熊熊燃烧”可推断此处意为“他们的房子在燃烧”。in flames“熊熊地燃烧”;in ruins“废墟的,荒芜的”;in pieces“粉碎地,破碎地”;in silence“沉默地,静静地”。‎ ‎47.A.seized B.pushed C.greeted D.stopped 答案A 解析John听到草坪上一位妇女尖叫“孩子,救孩子”,由此可推断John心急如焚。所以,此处,他抓住(seized)她的肩膀说……其他三项分别表示“推”,“问候”,“停止”,意思不恰当。‎ ‎48.A.house B.department C.basement D.hall 答案C 解析由下文的“to the basement”可知,此处应指“地下室”。‎ ‎49.A.went B.reached C.asked D.rushed 答案D 解析看到此情景,John急于营救火海中的孩子,因此,他肯定是“冲向”(rushed)地下室。‎ ‎50.A.heavily B.terribly C.partly D.slightly 答案B 解析heavily“很多地,大量地”;partly“部分地”;slightly“轻微地,稍微地”。而terribly表示“很,非常,极度”,正好体现当时的情景。‎ ‎51.A.If B.Since C.As D.Unless 答案C 解析语境为“当他离开时,他能听到更多的呜咽声”,此处as引导时间状语从句,而其他三项逻辑关系不恰当。‎ ‎52.A.delivered B.comforted C.recognized D.protected 答案A 解析deliver“送往,运送”;comfort“安慰”;recognize“辨认,认出”;protect“保护”。此处表示“他将两个极度受惊吓的孩子送出来……”。‎ ‎53.A.cheering B.freezing C.suffering D.waiting 答案D 解析由语境可知,他将两个极度受惊吓的孩子送到正在外面等候的人们的怀里。故选D项,而其他三项分别表示“正在欢呼的”,“冻结的,极冷的”,“正遭受痛苦的”,不符合语境。‎ ‎54.A.two B.three C.several D.many 答案A 解析由下一段中的both children可推出此处选A项。‎ ‎55.A.foolish B.dangerous C.practical D.painful 答案B 解析由Mary的描述“房子将可能随时倒塌”可知,此时再进去是极度危险的,所以选择B项。“愚蠢的”“实际的”“疼痛的”均不符合语境。‎ ‎56.A.Therefore B.So C.But D.Instead 答案C 解析下文中John跑进了充满浓烟的走廊而没有听从妻子的劝告,所以前后为转折关系,故选C项。A项和B项表示因果关系;D项表示“相反”。‎ ‎57.A.endless B.wide C.final D.dirty 答案A 解析上文中John在危急情况下已救出两个孩子,而此时他不顾妻子的极力反对又一次冲向火海,可知John已是极度疲惫,故此处的A项最能体现John当时身心疲惫的状态。其他选项均无法准确体现当时的情景。‎ ‎58.A.particular B.interesting C.familiar D.fortunate 答案C 解析particular“特别的”;interesting“有趣的”;familiar“熟悉的”;fortunate“幸运的”。下文中告诉读者最后John救出的却是他自己的孩子,所以作为父亲John已感觉到在孩子身上有一些熟悉的东西。‎ ‎59.A.car B.arms C.crowd D.sunlight 答案D 解析由came out和fresh air可看出他们已走出房子,来到室外,故选sunlight。‎ ‎60.A.found B.rescued C.lost D.missed 答案B 解析find“发现”;rescue“营救”;lose“失去”;miss“错过”。不难看出“营救”为最佳答案。‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ 导学号91364027‎ ‎(语言能力 学习能力)‎ That morning I was playing soccer with my friends when an earthquake took place.We ran home after the strong earthquake and after that I heard a  61 (real) loud noise,like a plane.When I looked at the sea I saw something I had never seen before and I was terrified.My family  62 (rush) into our truck but the road was full of people trying  63 (escape).The black waves hit our truck,turning us over several  64 (time) before I lost consciousness(知觉).When I regained consciousness I was in the water. 65 (hold) on to a school chair,I floated until I landed on  66  beach.I had no idea where I was and I was so hungry and  67 (thirst).There were bodies and pieces everywhere.Under a tree I saw a mattress (床垫) had been washed up  68  the beach and I started searching for packets of noodles and bottles of water,collecting them around my mattress.After five days I didn’t have any water or food left.I survived there by  69 (me) for 20 days.When people came to collect the bodies,they rescued me  70  took me to Fakinah Hospital where I found my father. ‎ ‎61.           62.        ‎ ‎63.        64.       ‎ ‎65.        66.       ‎ ‎67.        68.       ‎ ‎69.        70.       ‎ 答案61.really 62.rushed 63.to escape 64.times 65.Holding 66.a 67.thirsty 68.on 69.myself ‎70.and 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎(语言能力)‎ A few years ago,some tourists pay no attention to environmental protection.They threw waste things about,like plastic bag,fruit skins and waste paper.Sometimes they broke trees,picked up flowers and killed birds;some even made fires in the woods to cook for picnics.What dangerous it was!Fortunate,great changes have been taken place here.All the tourists have got used to put their rubbish into dustbins.But they are making great efforts to protect birds and plants as well.They bring our own meals prevent any accidental fire.All these should be appreciated.‎ 答案 A few years ago,some tourists ‎

