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话题一 保护环境 近几年中考与“保护环境”话题相关的书面表达越来越受命题者的青睐, 从命 题来看,通常有以下三种设题角度: 1.记叙你参加过的一次环保活动; 2.对环境污染的看法和感受; 3.保护环境的措施和建议。 命题探究 开头句 1.It ' s everyone ' s duty to love and protect the environment. 2.To have a healthy living environment, we must keep the air clean and fresh. 3.The environment is becoming worse and worse and we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. 4.As a middle school student, it ' s our duty to help build a green city. 亮点句型 中间句 1.We should neither throw litter onto the ground nor escape serious problems that we face today. 2.We are supposed to plant more trees, reduce the waste we produce, and recycle the waste paper and soft drink cans. 3.You ' d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance. 4.You ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room. 结尾句 1.We should do everything we can to protect the environment from now on. 2.If we try our best, the environment will be better and better. 3.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become more beautiful. 好句积累 1.Don ' t let our tears become the last drop of water on the earth.不要让我们的眼泪 成为地球上最后一滴水。 2.Care for the environment, because we have only one earth, and this is our com- mon home! 爱护环境吧,因为我们只有一个地球,这是我们共同的家园! 3.Actions speak louder than words.行胜于言。 4.Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。 5.Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.要想征服自然就必须服从自然。 习主席在十九大报告中提出要建设美丽中国、推进绿色发展、解决环境问题, 足见习主席对环保的重视!作为新时代的中学生,如何响应习主席的号召,从 “我”做起保护环境?请用英语写一篇短文,表达你的想法。 要求:1.词数:100左右。 2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。 3.要有复合句的表达。                   典例剖析 写作指导 本文写保护环境的具体做法及原因,体裁为说明文。时态为一般现在时,提出建 议可以用情态动词。写作要点:保护环境的重要性及具体做法。 谋篇布局   范文评析   ①The environmental problems are very serious these days.In order to make our country more beautiful, we students should do something to protect the environment. ②I think we should turn off the lights to save electricity when we leave the room. And when we brush our teeth, we ' d better turn off the taps. Also, we should advise our parents to take the bus to work instead of driving and use reusable bags when shopping. Only if we know what to do in our daily life can we make a difference. ③How important it is for us to protect the environment! ①指出保护环境的迫切性,提出我们应为保护环境做些事情,引出 下文。 ②具体做法。提建议的句式及情态动词用得恰当。 ③再次强调我们要保护环境。 亮点仿写 短语 1.in order to为了 2.protect the environment保护环境 3.turn off the lights/taps关灯/水龙头 4.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 5.instead of代替 6.make a difference起作用 仿写 1.为了保护环境,我建议人人都要从小事做起而不是仅仅说说而已。(in order to, protect the environment,advise sb. to do sth.)     In order to protect the environment, I advise everyone to start with something small instead of just saying.     2.只有你做出决定我们才能知道如何去处理这个问题。(only if引导的条件状 语从句)     Only if you make a decision can we know how to deal with this problem.    

